Развернутый конспект урока
Класс: 7А
Тема: Looking at teenage problems
Цель урока: развитие навыков монологической речи по теме “Teenage problems”
Ход урока
I.Организационный момент
1)-Good morning children, sit down please. Look at the blackboard and try to guess the topic of today’s lesson.(на слайде выведен подросток,кричащие родители,сверху написано misunderstanding)
-As we know,some teenagers think that adults can’t understand them and their problems.What kind of problems do teenagers usually have?(обсуждение)
Look at the blackboard please.Let’s fill in the table.What problems do teens usually have?
Good job! We continue discussing teenage problems and now we are going to work in two teams.First team, your task is to speak about problems with your family or friends. The second team Your task will be to express your disagreement.
-For ex: (1T)My parents don’t understand me.
-(2T) No, they try to understand and to help you all the time
(1T) I think that I have a misunderstanding amoung classmates
-(2T) No, you are wrong. Everybody has different interests. Try to find out the similarities.
-We’ve discussed our problems, right? And now let’s see what problems have American and British teens. Look on the blackboard.Our task is to explain what kind of problems do children have.For ex: I think Clauda is angry because she has problems with her mum. Phrases below will help you to do this task.
4)We continue speaking about problems among teenagers. Open your books at page 63 ex 2.Your task will be to look at the text and say what kind of problems do these people have?
5)And now we are going to work with workbook. Open your workbooks at page 46 ex 4.Your task is to read the situations and say how people felt them.
-Подведение итогов, Рефлексия
All your answers were right, thank you.Today we’ve discussed teenage problems. Who can tell us about them?
Your hometask will be to do ex 7,page… (объяснение домашнего задания)
The lesson is over, you may be free.
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