Конспект открытого урока по теме "American Festivals''
Оценка 5

Конспект открытого урока по теме "American Festivals''

Оценка 5
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английский язык
8 кл
Конспект открытого урока по теме "American Festivals''
Конспект открытого занятия по английскому языку для учащихся 8 классов средних общеобразовательных школ по теме "Американские фестивали". В ходе данного урока ученики знакомятся с фестивалями, празднуемыми в Соединенных Штатах Америки, а также проводят аналогию с традициями и обычаями Соединенного Королевства.

IlJ1aH- R0Hcnewr yporca no awJIHiiCKOMY' ¶3b1RY yqaruuxcq 8 RJ1acca no AMERICAN FESTIVALS yqumeaq 1-1ePHb1X Jl.ll.

I_leJ1b: pa3BMTHe HOb1KOB ayAHPOBaHH51 H roBopeHH51

3aAaqw. pa3BHTMe YMeHH51 OTBeqaTb Ha Borrpocbl, CpaBHHBaTb, BblCKa3b1BaTb CBOYO

TOHKY' 3peHH51

Discuss in

What festivals do you have in your country? Which is your favourite?

Do you dress up or wear special clothes?

Do you give or get presents?

Do you have a party or eat special food? During what holidays do you have time off school?

Look at the slides and find the odd one. Explain your choice. Listening tasks

Listen to the people talking about the festivals. Are they English festivals or American ones?

Match each person and the festival he/she is talking about:

Vicky                   New Year

Jeanette                Independence Day

Alex                    Halloween

Adam                   Thanksgiving Day

Match the festivals below with each sentence.

1.  Children really like this festival.

2.  People make promises.

3.  This holiday is in November.

4.  Children dress up.

5.  People try to give up bad habits.

6.  People go to Church.

7.  Children are given nice things to eat.

8.  People see relatives they haven't seen for a while.

9.People have barbecues and picnics with their families.

10. People put a vegetable outside their houses.

11. People eat turkey.

12. People watch firework displays in the evening.

13. Americans feel pleased to be American.

Listen one more time and check your answers.

12 American Festivals

Z.) Discuss in pairs.

What festivals do you have in your country? Which is your favourite?

Do you dress up or wear special clothes? Do you give presents?

Do you eat special food? Do you have a party? Do you get time Off school?

Z) Listen to the people talking about American festivals. Match each person with the festival they are talking about.


Speaker 2

              Speaker 3       Alex




               Speaker 4        Adam

Listen again. Match the festivals with each sentence. Write N (New Year's Day), ID (Independence Day), H (Halloween) or T (Thanksgiving).

a)  Children really like this festival. .

b)  People make promises. .

c)  This is in November,

d)  Children dress up..

e)  People try to give up bad habits.

f)   People go to church. .

g)  Children are given nice things to eat.

h)  People see relatives they haven't seen for a while.

i)   People have barbecues and picnics with their families.

j)   People put a vegetable outside their house.

k)  People eat turkey.

I) People watch firework displays in the evening. .

m) Americans feel pleased to be

t) Choose the correct words and find another day which Americans celebrate.

a)  This day is always@/always is 6) the first Monday in September.

b)  People have usually have@ a day off work.

c)  People go sometlnteg@/sometimes go@to a country fair.

d)  There are often @Toften are O) parades in towns.

e)  The President speakè always I always speaks@to the people.

The celebration is Day.

12 American Festivals

Exercises 2 and 3

Vicky: This is my favourite festival. Children love it. They dress up as monsters or ghosts, then they go to visit their neighbours. Their neighbours have to give them sweets or chocolates. If they don't, the children give them a nasty surprise. This game is called trick or treat. For this festival lots of people have pumpkins outside their houses or in their windows. Jeanette: This is a very special day because it is the first day of the year. On this day, lots of people make promises to themselves, called resolutions. People usually try to give up their bad habits.

Alex: This is a day in November. It isa religious festival, so lots of families go to church. They want to say tha nk you for their food. People often celebrate by meeting up with their brothers or sisters they haven't seen for a long time. They usually have a big family meal. The traditional food to eat is turkey. Adam: This is the.day that Americans celebrate their freedom. It's a day for the whole family to be together, They often go for picnics or have barbecues during the day and see fireworks in the evening. This day makes all American people feel proud to be American.

IlJ1aH- R0Hcnewr yporca no awJIHiiCKOMY' ¶3b1RY yqaruuxcq 8

IlJ1aH- R0Hcnewr yporca no awJIHiiCKOMY' ¶3b1RY yqaruuxcq 8

What festivals do you have in your country?

What festivals do you have in your country?




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