Поурочная разработка по английскому языку в 4 классе УМК Биболетова предназначена для тренировки произносительных навыков и повторения и активизации лексического материала по теме «Квартира»; применение ранее изученного грамматического материала (конструкция There is/are); развитие монологической и диалогической речи, навыков аудирования и чтения.
L e s s o n 3
Ц е л и : тренировка произносительных навыков; повторение и активизация лексического
материала по теме «Квартира»; применение ранее изученного грамматического материала
(конструкция There is/are); развитие монологической и диалогической речи, навыков
аудирования и чтения.
S t a g e s
I. Introduction.
II. Warmingup.
Pupils answer the questions looking at the picture on p. 25.
1) Is Simon’s room small?
2) Is there a bed, a table and two armchairs in his room?
3) Are there any pictures on the wall?
4) Are the walls yellow or white?
5) Is there a blue carpet on the floor?
III. Phonetic activities.
T e a c h e r . Repeat these words after me.
in the middle of
in the left corner
on the left
on the right
Hall (холл)
cupboard (стенной шкаф, буфет)
light switch (выключатель)
mirror (зеркало)
rug (коврик)
T e a c h e r . Repeat these words after me.
House (дом)
attic (чердак)
cellar (подвал)
roof (крыша)
study (кабинет)
toilet (туалет)
balcony (балкон)
Living room (гостиная)
armchair (кресло)
candle (свеча)
curtains (занавески)
fireplace (камин)
shelf (полка)
stereo (стереосистема)
television (телевизор)
computer (компьютер)
Kitchen (кухня)
bread bin (хлебница)
broom (веник)
cutting board (разделочная доска)
fridge (холодильник)
iron (утюг)
sink (раковина)
saucepan (кастрюля)
stove (кухонная плита)
microwave oven (микроволновая печь)
Bedroom (спальня)
blanket (одеяло)
chest of drawers (комод)
clock (часы)
pillow (подушка)
sheet (простыня)
These words are given in transcription. Pupils pronounce them correctly and write down in
their exercise books.
IV. Reading (ex. 19, p. 25). 1. Prereading activities.
T e a c h e r . Read Tiny’s story (Part 2). Answer the question: “Who is Simon’s new friend?”.
2. Reading activities.
Pupils read the text and try to find the answer to the question given before reading.
K e y : Simon’s new friend is a kitten.
3. Postreading activities.
Ex. 20, p. 26.
T e a c h e r . Find and read the sentences in the text about Simon looking for the kitten.
E x a m p l e : P1. Now he is looking for the sound: under the table, behind the armchair, between
the sofa and the armchair. Etc.
Ex. 21, p. 26.
T e a c h e r . The kitten likes to play hideandseek with Simon. Say where the kitten is looking
for Simon.
E x a m p l e :
P1. The kitten thinks that Simon is in the box.
P2. The kitten thinks that Simon is under the sofa.
P3. The kitten thinks that Simon is behind the armchair.
P4. The kitten thinks that Simon is in the middle of the room.
VI. Speaking.
1. Dialogic speech (ex. 22, p. 27).
T e a c h e r . And now let’s play “HideandSeek”. You should do the following preparations for
this game.
1) Отвернитесь друг от друга. Возьмите по листку бумаги, нарисуйте одинаковые
квадраты, которые будут вашими комнатами.
2) Расположите в «комнате»: стол, диван, кресло, коврик, кровать, книжную полку.
Обведите кружком то место (предположим, за креслом), где вы спрятались.
3) Повернитесь друг к другу. Постарайтесь выяснить, где спрятался ваш друг.
E x a m p l e :
P1. Are you under the armchair?
P2. No, I am not.
P1. Are you behind the sofa?
P2. No, I’m not. Etc.
2. The game “At the shop”.
T e a c h e r . Let’s go to the shop. Make up your dialogues between a shop assistant and a
customer. You should buy a present for your new flat.
E x a m p l e :
P1 (shop assistant). Can I help you?
P2 (customer). Yes, please, I would like to buy a table.
P1. We have many round tables.
P2. May I look at that one, please?
P1. Of course. Here you are.
P2. Thank you. I’ll buy it.
3. Monologue speech (ex. 23, p. 27).
T e a c h e r . Tell Simon about your room. Use this plan for your story.
1) My room is __________.
2) I share it with __________. / I don’t share it.
3) There is/are __________ in my room.
4) I like to __________ in my room.
5) I like/don’t like my room.
4. Roleplaying.
T e a c h e r . Imagine, that you are Cinderella or WinniethePooh. Tell us about your houses.
Pupils think a little and begin telling their stories. P1 (Cinderella). My name is Cinderella. I’m a little girl. I live with my stepmother and her
daughters. There is a living room, two bedrooms and a kitchen in my house. I have no room of my
own. I live in the kitchen. There is a sofa, two armchairs and a fireplace in the living room…
P2 (WinniethePooh). I’m a little fat bear. My name is WinniethePooh. I have in a little nice
house in the forest. There is a bedroom and a kitchen in my house. I like to eat honey very much. I
have a sweet tooth.
VII. The conclusion of the lesson.
Homework: ex. 5, 6, p. 30–31; learn the words on p. 25; make up the story about Miss Chatter’s
living room.
Конспект урока Большой секрет 4 класс Биболетова
Конспект урока Большой секрет 4 класс Биболетова
Конспект урока Большой секрет 4 класс Биболетова
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