Данный конспект урока составлен для урока английского языка в 9 классе по линии УМК " Счастливый Английский . ру " под редакцией авторов учебника - М. Ю. Кауфман и К. И. Кауфман . Тема представленного здесь плана урока - Нью - Йорк.
7 и 9 сен.doc
Английский язык
Учитель: Трофимова Е.А.
Дата: 7.09.17; 9.09.17
(К.И.Кауфман, М.Ю. Кауфман Английский язык 9 класс
“ Happy
урока: “ New York, New York…”
:9 (2 часа)
” (“Счастливый английский.ру”))
. RU
Коммуникативные задачи: обучение монологическим и диалогическим
Языковые задачи: формирование навыков монологических
овладение методикой group talk;
овладение новыми лексическими единицами
Социо-культурные задачи
: обратить внимание на различие British English
и American English
Лингво-страноведческие задачи: рассказать о символике США, ознакомиться
Психолого-педагогические задачи: научить уважительно относиться к
традициям страны изучаемого языка
Оснащение урока
с национальными особенностями истории
: 1) карта
2) символы США
3) карт очки
4) фотографии
5) флаг США
6) презентации
7) рекламные проспекты Ход учебного занятия:
I. Introduction.
Students are listening to a melody (“Once upon a time in America”).(Звучит музыка из
кинофильма «Однажды в Америке»
T.: Do you know what melody it is?
P1: If I am not mistaken, it’s “Once upon a time in America” from the famous old
American film with the same title.
T.: You’re right. By the way, do you guess why we’re listening to the melody.
P2: To my mind, we’re going on our talk about the USA.
T.: Well, it’s right in some way.
II. When people think of a foreign country they picture in their minds different things.
What do you usually think of when you think of a country?
Когда люди думают о другой стране, они представляют разные вещи. Что обычно
приходит тебе на ум, когда ты думаешь о стране?
Make a list of things. Compare your list with your partner’s.
Составь список. Сравни его со списком своего партнера.
Capital, government, president, education, culture, ways, symbols…
(столица, правительство, президент, культура, обычаи, символы)
Complete the Word Web. Заверши сетку слов.
and cities
You’ll learn a lot about life in this country, its history and its traditions. Dear friends, can
you say: what the USA is?
Before we start, let’s see how much you already know about America.
III.Choose the right answers and complete the sentences.
1. Who discovered America ?
• a. John Kennedy
• b. Christopher Columbus 4. What river is the capital of the USA situated ?
5. How many stars and stripes are there on the US flag?
c. Jimmy Carter
2.Who was the first president of the USA ?
3. What is the federal capital of the USA?
c. the Mississippi
c. Washington (DC)
• a. Franklin Roosevelt
• b. Abraham Lincoln
c. John Washington
• a. New York
• b. Chicago
• a. the Potomac
• b. the Hudson
• a. 45 and 12
• b. 50 and 13
c. 55 and 15
• a. in the Capital
• b. in the Lincoln Memorial
• a. the Empire State Building
• b. the Bald Eagle
• a. Alaska
• b. Texas
c. Florida
• a. Washington Monument
• b. the White House
• a. Boston
• b. New York
c. Chicago
c. the Statue of Liberty
6. Where do American Presidents live?
c. in the White House
7.What is America’s symbol of freedom ?
8.What is the largest American state?
9.What monument in Washington D.C. is nicknamed “The pencil”?
c. the Capitol
10. What is the largest city in the USA?
So, let’s go…First of all, look at the map.
(Появляется карта мира, затем карта Америки) IV. The U.S.A. is one of the richest and one of the largest countries in the world. It is
situated in the central part of the North American Continent. It occupies the territory of
over 9 million square kilometers. There are 50 states in the United States of America.
Two of these states – Alaska and Hawaii – are not connected to the other states. You can
see it on this map.
The population of the United States is nearly 250 million people. Most of the people live
in towns and cities. Nearly 3 million people live in Washington, D.C., the capitol of the
The U.S.A. is a federal republic consisting of fifty states, each of which has its own
The American flag is the main symbol of the United States. It is often called “The Stars
and Stripes”. Its colors are red, white and blue. In the upper left-hand corner there is a
field of blue with 50 stars on it – one for each of the 50 states.
The rest of the flag consists of 13 horizontal red and white stripes, alternating, but
beginning and ending in red. These stripes represent each of the original thirteen
American colonies.
The bald eagle became the official national symbol in 1782. The national anthem of
America is “The Star-Spangled Banner”. It was written by Francis Scott Key during the
War of 1812.
One of the most famous symbols of the United States is the Statue of Liberty. France
gave the statue to America in 1884 as a symbol of friendship. The Statue is in New York
harbor on Liberty Island. It is one of the first things people see when they arrive in New
York by sea.
The U.S.A. is washed by the Pacific Ocean in the west; by the Atlantic Ocean in the east,
by the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico in the South. In the north are 5 Great Lakes.
The U.S.A. borders on Canada in the north and Mexico in the south. Many rivers cross the United States, but the greatest is the mighty Mississippi River. On
the northern border between the U.S.A. and Canada there are five Great Lakes: Lake
Superior, Lake Huron, Lake Michigan, Lake Erie and Lake Ontario.
The Great Salt Lake is in northern Utah.
The bald eagle, America’s national bird, lives in many of the forest areas of the U.S.A.,
but it is now becoming rare.
Washington D. C. is the capitol city of the U.S.A. It is not in any of the 50 states but has
its own private land, the District of Columbia (hence D.C.). It was founded in 1791 and
was named in honor of the first President of the United States, George Washington. It lies
on the left bank of the Potomac River. Washington D.C. is the political, cultural and
scientific center of America. The heart of Washington D.C. is the national Capitol
V.Now we are going to visit the largest city of the USA. It is the industrial and cultural
centre of the country. What city is it?
P:It is New York.
T:For many people New York is the symbol of the USA. First it was inhabited by the
Dutch, then by the English but people from all over the world live here now.
Descendants of people from all over the world live iv the USA. Now they have a common
history, culture and language. What language do the Americans speak?
Yes, English. But it is not the same language as the English people speak. There is a
difference in the spelling of some words. Here are the words written the American way.
Please, can two tourists come up to the blackboard and give the British spellings of the
American British
Some things have different names in America to Great Britain. Please, take the cards
with the British words and give their American equivalents. American British
bank note
There is also a difference in pronunciation. I'll read you some of the words the American
way and you will say them as the English do.
VIT: Now we’ll watch a film about New York
Choose the right answer
1.The United Nation Building located in
1. Washington
2. New York
3. Los Angeles
2. What is the tallest building in the world?
1. The Empire State Building
2. The Sears Tower
3. The Washington monument
3. The Statue of Liberty was a gift from
1. Italy
2. England
3. France
4. New York is
1. State
2. Country 3. The largest city in the USA
5. New York is called
1. “Small State”
2. “Large Island ”
3. “ Big Apple”
6. New York was the American capital
1. In 1789
2. In 1867
3. In 1900
VII.Look through the fliers.
Use the information from the fliers, fill in the gaps and complete the notes. Be
careful with the articles.
New York is on the …River. Another name for the New York is… . It consists of five
boroughs: …. .The heart of New York is…. It has a lot of … .
One of them is the Empire State Building. It is the tallest … in New York but only since
… .One of the New York’s most famous museums is … .It’s famous for its building, which
was designed by ….Those who are interested in theatre will be able to enjoy different
musicals and shows on …. . The faster way to see New York is by …. You need to buy a …
and it will take you all over the city.
Используемая литература:
1. К.И. Кауфман, М.Ю.Кауфман Английский язык -9 “Happy English.Ru”
2. Л.Халилова США: история и современность. М. 2000
3. США. Лингвострановедческий словарь. М.
4. Г. Д. Томахин. Америка через американизмы. М., 1982
5. В. В. Ощепкова. The USA: geography, history, art…М., 1997
6. А. П. Миньяр-Белоручева и др. The USA. М., 1996
7. Р. Спиерс. Так каждый день говорят американцы. М., 2002
8. Ю. В. Босин. Америка и американцы. New York, 2002
9. В. В. Сафонова и др. Английский язык. . М., 2001
10. New York Guide. 2002
1.Библиотека электронных наглядных пособий «Английский язык»
(основная школа)
2.Encyclopedia Britannica 2006. Детская энциклопедия.
3 Интернет ресурсы
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Конспект урока по английскому языку
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Конспект урока по английскому языку
Конспект урока по английскому языку
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Конспект урока по английскому языку
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