Публикация является частью публикации:
1.Организационный момент. (1 мин.)
-Good morning, children! - Good morning, teacher!
-Sit down, please. Let's start our lesson.
2.Актуализацня учебного процесса: постановка темы и цели урока. (5 мин)
-What date is it today? - Today is the 10th of February.
-Good. (на доске)
-Let’s play a game. Please, look at the alphabet and tell me what is:
The second letter of the English alphabet? (B)
-Please. Take the letter and hang up on the board.
The ninth letter? (I)
The eighteenth? (R)
The twentieth? (T)
The eighth? (H)
The fourth? (D)
The first? (A)
The twenty fifth? (Y)
Итак, какое слово у нас получилось?
Учащиеся: - Birthday, (слайд l) This is our topic.
2. Активизация навыков чтения.(4 мин)
Children, we have a letter, (слайд 2). Let’s read this letter, (слайд 3) (один ученик читает письмо)
Dear friends,
Today I have got a birthday.
Would you like to visit me?
Please come and see me.
Your friend, Willy
Children, we have a photo of Willy, look, but he is sad. (слайд 4 ) Let’s ask him questions, why is he sad.
3. актуализация фонетических навыков (4 мин)
So, let's start our trip. We'll go to Willy by a fairytale train, (слайд 5) (сначала я проговариваю всю речевку, потом дети 1 раз все хором)
Listen and repeat after me. (слайд 6)
Why do you cry, Willy?
Why do you cry?
Why, Willy?
Why, Willy?
Why, Willy?
Учитель: - Children, would you like to go to Willy’s birthday? (можно З-их спросить) Учащиеся: - Yes, I would!
5.Station l. Choosing gifts. Актуализация лексики по теме «Подарки». (7 мин повторяем за мной движение)
- What would Willy like for his birthday? (слайд 7) Let's remember presents, (слайд 8) Look at the board, find the words and take the presents. Take please, pen and choose the word, and hang up the picture and say - What would Willy like for his birthday?
- Willy would like to have ...
- Great!
(Слова по теме игрушки: a scooter, a teddy-bear, a bike, a computer, roller skates, a doll, puzzles, a ball )
Дети выходят к доске, выбирают на столе картинку и вешают на доску)
6. Составление специальных вопросов (10 мин)
Children, let’s ask Willy questions to prepare for his birthday. But first of all let’s remember how to do it. Now, open your books at page 88, look at the example in a small table. Let’s read the examples, (дети читают вопросы) Look at the plan- the first place - the question word, the second place - the person, the third - the verb in the 1st form, (на доске и показываю)
-Children, please, look at the board and complete the questions for Willy and who gets the teddy bear, answer the question. (слайд 8-2 штуки) (дети по одному составляют вопросы на интерактивной доске) Read the first question.
Live, you, Where, do?
You, like, do, What, to, do?
Summer, you, Why, like, do?
Do, walk, you, Where?
Favorite, your, is, holiday, What?
Birthday, When, your, is?
Have, many, got, you, How, friends?
Pets, What, you, got, have?
-Well done!
Where do you live?
What do you like to do?
Why do you like summer?
Where do you walk?
What is your favorite holiday?
When is your birthday?
How many friends have you got?
What pets have you got?
7. Station 2. Физ-минутка. (1 мин повторяем за мной движения)
-Now I see, you are tired! Stand up! Let's have a rest! (Слайд 12) (я говорю, дети просто повторяют) (слайд 13)
Hands up, hands down,
Hands on hips,
Please, sit down.
Hands up, to the side,
Bent left, bent right.
One, two, three hop,
One, two, three stop!
8. Station 3. Birthday card. Изготовление поздравительных открыток. (10 мин повторяем за мной движения) (Слайд 14)
- Children, but we forgot about birthday cards, (слайд 15) Let's do it! We have 3 groups, the first group come here and take the greeting. The second and the third groups take the birthday cards and greeting. Children, read by yourself and choose the address, greeting and sigh it. (Из заготовок на столе дети берут открытку и напечатанные поздравления, 2-группы делают на месте открытки - пишут поздравление, 1 группа пишет на доске поздравление, первая группа читает открытку, вторая и третья.) Now, please, the first group sit down, please, the second and the third groups take your birthday cards and hang up and read. It is very good and beautiful! So, Willy is happy and we are too! (слайд 16) (Учащиеся вешают на магниты свои открытки, картинка веселого Willy)
9. Подведение итогов урока. (3 мин.) (слайд 17)
-Let’s sum up the results. Please, answer mu questions.
So, children to whom we went today? We went to ... (To Jim)
How did we go to Jim? We went by ... (By fantastic train)
Why did we come? We came to ... (To celebrate him happy birthday)
And when is his birthday? His birthday is on the... of... (on February 10)
What did we bring for a holiday? We brought ... (Gifts, cards).
10.Рефлексия (4 мин ) (слайд 18)
How do you think, how did you work today? Please, come here one by one and take the smile and tell me how are you. (каждый ученик со своей подгруппой подходит по очереди к доске, выбирает смайлик и говорит)
-Thank you for your working.
11. H/t (слайд 19)
Now, please, look at the board, choose and write down your home task. To create the birthday card for your classmate is excellent, to do some exercises is good.
(«5» - ... «4» - ...)
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