Контрольно-измерительные материалы по предмету «Английский язык» к УМК О.В. Афанасьевой, И.В. Михеевой

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Публикация в СМИ для учителей

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Мгновенные 10 документов в портфолио.

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Контрольно-измерительные материалы по предмету

«Английский язык»

к УМК О.В. Афанасьевой, И.В. Михеевой

Учебник для общеобразовательных учреждений и школ с углубленным изучением английского языка (10 класс).


Unit 1. Man - the Creator.


1. Read the text and answer the questions.


The crossword (puzzle) first appeared on December 21, 1913. Arthur Wynne created it for the New York World newspaper. Wynne gave 35 clues and called it a word-cross. The puzzle was a great success. The cross-word, as it called today, is the world’s most popular game. Nearly 90 percent of the world’s newspapers publish them. In the United States there are nearly thirty million fans of this game.

Most forms of games require a partner. Crosswords do not. This is, perhaps, the reason why they attract so much attention.

Why do people do crosswords? Maybe for educational value. Most fans say that they play crosswords to check their abilities and their speed in doing the puzzle. The more they play, the more they become to solve the most difficult crosswords.

But most experts doubt that puzzles teach anything. They say the most evident reason why the crosswords are played is that they are done just for fun.

        I.            What was the first crossword created by?

1.      for children of New York

2.      for the New York World magazine

3.      for the New York World newspaper

     II.            Is the crossword puzzle game popular today?

1.      it’s one of the most popular games

2.      it’s the most popular game

3.      it’s not very popular

  III.            Are the world’s newspapers interested in publishing them?

1.      few newspapers publish them

2.      all the newspapers publish them

3.      nearly all the newspapers publish them

  IV.            Why are crosswords popular?

1.      they are cheap

2.      they are very interesting

3.      they can be done by one person

    V.            What do experts think of crosswords?

1.      they are very useful

2.      they teach people a lot

3.      they don’t teach anything


2.  Make  the questions.

1.      Birds flew away in autumn.(General)

2.      He usually has a smoke after dinner.(Disjunctive)

3.      We’ll arrive in Moscow early in the morning.(Special)

4.      The pupils have been taken to the playground.(Special)

5.      Mother has cleaned the sitting-room.(Alternative)



3.Complete the sentences with the right prepositions where it is necessary and translate them.

1.      Can you arrange our meetings___next week?

2.      He gasped___pain.

3.      He won ___sheer luck.

4.      Her words did not affect ___me.

5.      They lived ___extreme poverty.

6.      We were ___the shadow___the building.

7.      They have finally come ___an arrangement..


4.Give the plural of the following nouns.

A tomato, a party, a wife, a church, a woman, a tooth, a sheep, a mouse, a play, a child, a species, an exercise book.


5.Make the right sentences.

1.      /his/name/remembered/after/a few/minutes/I/.

2.      /going/to London/I’m/for/next week/a few days/.

3.      mustn’t/do/they/the work/must/they/?

4.      /door/couldn’t/tried/he/to/but/the/he/open/.


Unit 2. Man - the Believer.


 I.                        Read the text and answer the questions.



A pleasant Sunday day off almost turned to tragedy for two families at Ladram beach last week-end.

The children in party had asked their parents to let them explore a bay situated at a distance. The parents hesitated but the children promised to be back within an hour. Soon they were climbing up the rocks and shortly afterwards were out of sight. They failed to notice the time passing, until the tide[1] was coming in quickly. Already the water was too deep for them to pass. The eldest of them was a good swimmer. Hi left the children sitting on the rock and swam back to raise the alarm. He struggled bravely in water and rushed to his parents at high speed.

The waves were already round the children’s feet when the parents saved them. Fortunately the alarm came in time.

1.      Where was the bay situated?

А.very close

b. rather far

c. near the place, where the party was

     2. When did the children promise to return?

a. in an hour

b. very soon

c. less then in an hour

     3. Did the parents want the children to go there?

a. yes, they were eager

b. no, they were against it

c. no, they were not sure

     4. When did they notice they were late?

a. when the sun began to set

b. when the children became hungry

c. when the sea became stormy

      5. What did the elder brother do?

a. he swam back with his brothers

b. he sat on  high rock until his parents came

c. he swam back to raise the alarm


II.                        Write the word to the definition.

1.      to allow a secret to be known; give away or sell to the enemy;

2.      to make a search, inquire;

3.      to put to death according to the law;

4.      a trouble or an annoyance;

5.      to show the truth of what has been said.


III.                        Choose the right variant.

1.      (In spite/ Despite) his victory he didn’t feel happy.

2.      The (pupils/ disciples) studied that Jesus Christ had twelve (pupils/ disciples).

3.      The king invited them to a (feast/ meal) in the palace on a national (feast/ holiday).

4.      All passengers are (required/ demanded) to produce their tickets on first request.


IV.                        Ask 5 questions

1.                         We were the first to see the accident. (General)

2.                    He always insists on doing the job correctly.(Special)

3.                        A strong wind blew yesterday. (Special)

4.                        I borrowed my brother's car. (Alternative)

5.                   Tom should try again. (Disjunctive)


Unit 3. Man – the child of Nature.


     1. Find the  following English equivalents in the text.

выкопали семь колодезей, глава деревни, проливалась на землю, самая драгоценная вещь на земле, он тотчас же осуществил своё желание, не позволил ему попить, умолял, всё это было напрасно, вода исчезла из колодца

Long-long ago in the Crimean village there were problems with water. So, the men dug seven wells that started to give some water to the local people.
   Once, a German man was chosen as the head of the village. He was a wise man and he offered the people to take water free. So everybody was happy to get as much water as they needed.
That man had seven sons. The youngest, whose name was Fritz was the healthiest and strongest in the family. In his childhood he noticed that when some water was taken from the wells, it splashed on the ground. So he didn’t like that and once said to his father, “When I grow up, I’ll ask the village dwellers to pay for the water from the wells. They splash too much water on the ground”. “On, no!” said his father, “water is the most precious thing in this land. It should be free.”
      A few years passed. The old German died. Then his six sons died of some disease one by one, and Fritz was made head of the village. He immediately made his wish come true. He said to the villagers that from that day they should pay for the water from the wells. All the wells were locked and Fritz kept the keys to the wells.
     One day the village dwellers decided to rebel against Fritz because he told them they wouldn’t have any water for one day.
     An old soldier came to the village. He was tired and thirsty and asked for some pure water. Fritz didn’t let him drink because the soldier had no money to pay for it. The soldier begged Fritz to help him. But it was all in vain. When the soldier was dying, he cursed Fritz.
    After his death one of the wells was open but the water disappeared from it. When Fritz’s servant opened the other six wells and found no water there, he told it to his master. Fritz was furious. Thus he was punished for his cruelty.

2. Answer the questions:

1) Why did the men dig seven wells?
2) Who was chosen the head of the village?
3) How many sons did the German have?
4) What did Fritz dislike in childhood?
5) When did Fritz make his wish come true?
6) What did Fritz do with the wells?
7) Why couldn’t the old soldier drink any water from the well?
8) What happened to the wells after the soldier’s death?

3. Choose the suitable tense-form:

1.       Let’s make a fire. It (get) cold.

a) is getting                 b) gets             c) got                          d) had been getting

2.       She (not, receive) any letters from home since she (come) here .

           a) hasn`t received,  has come  b) received, had come       c) hasn`t received, came    d) hasn`t received,  comes

3.       Nobody knew what (happen) to the dog.

a) has happened          b) happened    c) had happened                       d) was happened

4.       He had started doing this exercise until he (learn) the rule.

a) learnt                                    b) learn                     c) had learnt               d) will have learnt

5.             He said I would be safe if I (take) his advice.

a) take                          b) took                       c) will take                  d) would take

6.             Andrew and Nora are happy. They (plan) to get married next month.

a) plan                         b) are planning           c) will plan                  d) had planned

7.             It (snow) since early morning.

a) snowed                   b) will snow    c) snows                      d) has been snowing


4. Fill in the gaps with an appropriate word:

treats(2), decent, disturb, hesitates, oppressive, spin, shrewd, shivering, scratched, fading, distress, board (2).


1.      I don’t know why she ……. him so coldly.

2.      The tree branch has ……… my leg and it’s bleeding.

3.      He has always been a serious and …… person.

4.      The editorial ……… will examine your article thoroughly before publishing it.

5.      His dream to become famous is ………..

6.      It’s a real chance for his career I can’t understand why he ………….

7.      My Granny showed me how to ……….. wool, and it’s not so easy.

8.      The doctor …….. her for stomachache with different pills.

9.      The citizens didn’t know how they could resist those ……… forces.

10.  I didn’t tell Philip your secret I think he is just a ……… boy.

11.   Alex, cut the bread on the chopping …….!

12.  Although it was rather warm outside the little girl was ……. with cold.

13.  Don’t be so angry with her, she didn’t want to …….. you.

14.  John is sad but he doesn’t want to talk about the things which …… him.

Unit 4. Man – the seeker of happiness.


I.                     Fill in the gaps with the right words: reflecting, fees, beggars, shabby, precise, risk, remained, twinkling, embarrassed, fancy.


  1. Ann’s question made him feel really …..
  2. She was absolutely alone, she sat in the armchair ….. on her future.
  3. The old man’s clothes were too …….. to wear.
  4. “I am so glad to see you,” he said, his eyes ………
  5.  Just …… that you are a popular singer. What will you feel?
  6. There’s no …. that we’ll miss the train, there’s still plenty of time.
  7. Mary is ……. the woman to solve this difficult problem.
  8. The weather ………. cold for another couple of weeks.
  9. I could have only a cheap dress and a coat, but I guess …… can’t be choosers.
  10. The entrance …… to this organization have become very expensive.  


II.                Fill in the gaps with the right preposition where necessary.


1) The girl saw Henry taking that money ….. mere accident.

2) If you take the risk …… going there alone, you will be in great trouble.

3) He said nothing but gave a cursory glance … his reflection in the mirror.

            4) Reflecting … the past is bound to help.

5) Describe me everything ……precise detail.

6) I don’t fancy …… going out in such nasty weather.

7) I don’t understand why he is so embarrassed ….. this fact.

8) He hadn’t managed to cope with it, that was why he was begging …. another opportunity.

9) Try to reflect …. your future in a more positive way.

10) He just caught a sight ….. Mr Black’s new car and then entered the house.


III.             Оpen the brackets and use the verbs in the right form to complete the sentences.


1.      I (to buy) this dress three years ago. But it looks perfect.

2.      He (to learn) French since his childhood.

3.      My father (to read) a newspaper when I (to enter) the room.

4.      My friend (to phone) me tomorrow.

5.      He said that he (to be ) late for the meeting tomorrow.

6.      Mary (to send) letters every Sunday.

7.      When Mary came home her elder brother (to read) the article which she (to bring) him two days before.

8.      Sam usually (to drink) milk in the morning.

9.      What (to read) you now? – I (to read) “Gone with the wind” because I (to finish) already reading “Jane Eyre”.

10.  When they (to come) to the theatre the performance (to begin).


IV.             Make questions.


1.      Stevenson died aged forty-five. (General question)

2.      She always wears dark glasses.(Alternative)

3.      The students will have to pass five exams next term.(Special)

4.      My brother knows no one in this town. (Disjunctive)

5.      I am very grateful to her for her help. (Who question)


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