Lesson plan is for the 7th form of public schools in Uzbekistan. Time management is for 45 minutes. The plan introduces "dreamworld" park in Australia. pupils learn about Australia, and its entertainment. It includes listening, reading, writing and speaking aspects.lesson plan for 7th grade on theme "Welcome to Dreamworld". pupils will know more about Australia.
Maktab direktori:______
Tashkent region Yukori Chirchik district school №7
English teacher
Djurabayeva Kamola Shuxratillayevna
Lesson plan
The aim of the lesson:
Welcome to Dreamworld!
1) Training the development beside schoolboy of the communication competency in the
aggregate its forming: speech, language, socioculture, scholasticcognitive;2) Developing education quality person and patriot, development of the national
consciousness, longing to rapport between people of the miscellaneous community,
tolerance relations to manifestations of other culture;
3) Bring up – development of the understanding to importance of the study of the foreign
language in modern world and need to use him as facility of the contact, cognitions,
самореализации and social adaptation
Equipment, distributing material – English book, different picture, cards, computer
The Problems:
1. use of specifics of the subject for shaping beside pupils holistic belief about the world, as
well as about way of activity on reception of the necessary knowledge about him;
2. acquisition beside pupils experience to varied activity in different forms of the
interpersonal interaction, directed on cognition and selfknowledge;
3. preparation pupils to realized choice to individual educational path, realized choice to
The beginning of the lesson:
1. The Organizing moment: Greeting.
Duty’s report.
2. Phonetic and speech charging:
Labourrent in speech pupil’s pronunciations sound at study given subject, as well as
improvement of hearing skill
The main part of the lesson:
to introduce some cultural information about Australia
to practise talking and writing about places of interest in Australia
to practise reading for detail
• to practise listening for specific information and for detail
• Activity 1
Objectives: • to raise interest in the topic; to bring pupils' background knowledge into play
In pairs PP write what they know and remember about Australia.
Handout 1
Activity 2a
Objective: • to prepare for the next activity
PP find the words in the Wordlist and write them and their meaning in their
eucalyptus rollercoaster entertainment cuddle
Activity 2b
Objective: • to read for detail
PP read silently. When they finish, ask as many of them as possible to say which piece of
information they find to be the most interesting. Ask PP to explain why they think it to be
interesting. 126most interesting.
Do you know that ...
... kangaroos can jump more than four metres and travel at seventy kilometres an hour?
... koalas eat one kilo of eucalyptus leaves each day and drink almost nothing?
... the emu is two metres tall and is the second largest bird in the world? It cannot fly,
but it can run at fifty kilometres an hour.
... in the seas and rivers of northern Australia you can find crocodiles that are five or
six metres long ? They eat fish, animals, kangaroos and, sometimes, people.
Activity 3a
Objective: • to practise listening for specific information PP should listen to the tape and
number the pictures in their Ex.Bks.
Key: 1b 2e 3d 4f 5c 6a
Announcer:Hello and welcome to our listeners. I'm John Williams and in today's programme
I'm talking to Philip Mell from Australia. Philip is the manager of the Pacific
Touring Company. Philip, what kind of trips do you organise for those who want to
see Australia?
Philip: As you know, Australia today is a country which attracts a lot of visitors.
Holidaymakers are fond of visiting Dreamworld. It is a park on the Gold Coast just
40 minutes from Brisbane. We organise groups of about 25 people who travel to the
Gold Coast in comfortable buses.
Announc.: The Gold Coast? Is that the place where Captain James Cook landed in 1770?
Philip: Er ... yes, he landed on the east coast and raised the British flag there. Anyway ...
Dreamworld has a lot of attractions, like rollercoasters, and lots more. There is a
special place in Dreamworld Koala Country, with a full day's entertainment.
Announc.: What about wellknown Australian animals? Can visitors see them in
Dreamworld? You know, typical Australian animals: kangaroos, emus, ...
Philip: Yes, and koalas too. You can even cuddle a koala and take a photo with it.
Announc.: Oh, I know a lot of children would love to do that.
Philip: (laughing) And grownups too! Well, I could tell you a lot more about Dreamworld,
but why not come and see everything with your own eyes? You know, once seen
never forgotten.
Announc.: Thank you, Philip. Well, listeners, why not travel to the Gold Coast with the
Pacific Touring Company for a holiday to remember.
Activity 3b
Objective: • to practise listening for detailPlay the tape again. In their Ex.Bks. PP write captions for the pictures. Here are some possible
a Cuddling a koala; b Visit the Gold Coast! c Typical Australian animals; d Riding a roller
coaster; e Captain James Cook.
Activity 3c
Objective: • to practise talking about visiting Dreamworld Ask as many PP as time allows to
answer the question.
Activity 4
Objective: • To give PP further practice in talking about visiting Australia In pairs PP talk about
an imaginary visit to Australia. Hopefully at least three questions will be asked and answered.
Walk round the classroom, listening in and giving help when needed
Would you like to travel to the Gold Coast and visit Dreamworld? Why?/Why not?
Activity 4
Pupils fill in the text in handout 1.
The end of the lesson:
home work: Ex.3 p.85
Handout 1