Оценка 4.7


Оценка 4.7
Разработки уроков
английский язык
10 кл
Сабақтың тақырыбы/Тема/Theme: Memory Мақсат/Цели/Aim: Objectives: Білімдік/Образовательная/Educational: -to improve skills of reading and speaking on material of the offered texts -to stir up cogitative activity of pupils Дамытышылық/Развивающая/Developing: - to develop students’ abilities in listening for information; -to discover for themselves from the context sometimes confusing rules connected with countable and uncountable nouns. Тәрбиелік/Воспитательная/Bringing-up: - to get children interested in studying English;Урок английского языка предназначен для 10 класса на тему "Memory"
memory 1 ур.docx

Сабақтың жоспары/

Поурочный план/

The plan of the lesson



Сабақтың тақырыбы/Тема/Theme: Memory


Objectives: Білімдік/Образовательная/Educational:

-to improve skills of reading and speaking on material of the offered texts

-to stir up cogitative activity of pupils


- to develop students’ abilities in listening for information;

-to discover for themselves from the context sometimes confusing rules connected

 with countable and uncountable nouns.


- to get children interested in studying English;

Көрнекі құралдар/Оборудование/Resources: book, visual aids.

The plan of the lesson:

1.      Greeting

2.     Checking home task  

3.      Introduction of the theme

4.      Fixing of knowledge

5.      Summary of the lesson





Beginning of the lesson.

Greeting of the pupils.

Presentation of the theme and aims of the lesson.


Checking home task  

Open your copy- book and revise the rules.


Introduction of the theme

P 45, ex: 1. Look at these numbers and objectives for 30 seconds and try to memorize them.







P 45, ex: Now close your book and write down the numbers and objectives you can remember. Compare your list with your partner.

Who has the best memory?

Which is more difficult memorizing numbers or words?

P 45, ex: 3. Answer the following questions.

-          How many phone numbers and dates of birth can you remember?

-          Where were the Olympic Games in 2004?

-          Do you remember your first teachers name?

-          What was your first birthday present?

-          Where you last Sunday and what you did that day?

Task: Match the words and their definitions.

Memory                                                         – be good at remembering things

Have a good memory                                    – do something such as say a poem or

                                                                           play  a piece of music by                 

Have a bad memory                                          remembering it

Have a short memory                                   – remember something for a long time

Have a long memory                                    – the ability to remember things, places,

                                                                          experiences etc.

Do something from                                      – be bad at remembering something

Memorize                                                     – to change into a more advanced stage

Train                                                             – to learn words, music etc.

Develop                                                       – to teach someone or to be taught the

                                                                       skills of a particular job or activity

                                                                     – remember something for a short time


Fixing of knowledge

P 45, ex: 4. You are going to read an article. Before reading the text study the words.


Cerebral cortex-кора больших полушарий головного мозга

Pack of cards-колода карт


Mental performance-умственная способность

Decrease-уменьшаться, снижаться


P 46, 5. Read the first part and complete the sentences.

a.       The statement that we use only __________ of our brain may be wrong.

b.      The cerebral cortex is the most __________ part of the brain.

c.       Its from your cerebral cortex that you ______,______, _______,_____ .

d.      If you solve puzzles, crosswords you can________ your brain.


P 46, ex: 6. Read the seconds part. Are the statements true (T) or false (F)? Correct the false ones.

a.       He became a world champion memory man when he remembered the scores of every football match.

b.      He was a very clever pupil.

c.       He started to improve his memory when he was a programme on television.

d.      He says children can improve their memory at the age of fifteen.

P 47, ex: 7. Read the third part. Match the brain age and professions.

1.      fiction                                 a. 35-39

2.      poets                                   b. 30-45

3.      philosophers                       c. 30-34

P 47, ex: 9. Change the words in italics with similar words from the text.

a.       The territory of Kazakhstan is great.

b.      Ive been learning English for three years. It has become better.

c.       What s the result of yesterdays football match?

d.      The number of unemployed people is becoming smaller.

e.       We are short of money.



Summary of the lesson

Home task. Read the rules countable and uncountable nouns.

Marks for the lesson.



Сабақтың жоспары / Поурочный план /

Сабақтың жоспары / Поурочный план /

How many phone numbers and dates of birth can you remember? -

How many phone numbers and dates of birth can you remember? -

P 47, ex: 9. Change the words in italics with similar words from the text

P 47, ex: 9. Change the words in italics with similar words from the text
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