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«Образование в стране изучаемого языка» является одной из тем, пред- ставленных в обязательном минимуме содержания основного общего и среднего (полного) образования по иностранным языкам. Предлагаем читателям журнала методическую разработку урока, посвя- щенного такому аспекту американской системы среднего образования США, как обучение на дому.
Центральным элементом разработ- ки выступает материал аудиопереда- чи об образовании на дому, подготов- ленный американской корпорацией
«Голос Америки». Передача ориенти-
рована на учащихся с уровнем владе- ния английским языком не ниже уровня In��ermedia��e. Продолжительность репор- тажа – 4 минуты. Программа начита- на носителями языка. Материал может использоваться как полностью, так и частично, в зависимости от целей урока, языковой и общекультурной подготовки обучающихся.
Аудиофайл самой передачи может быть загружен с официального сайта корпора- ции «Голос Америки». Точный адрес ука- зан в конце статьи.
Look a�� ��he pic��ure, read ��he ��i��le and discuss wha�� ��ou ��hink ��he repor�� is going
��o be abou��.
In groups, discuss ��he following ques��ions:
1. Wha�� ins��i��u��ions do people in Russia ge�� ��heir secondar�� educa��ion in?
2. Have ��ou heard abou�� ge����ing a secondar�� educa��ion a�� home wi��hou�� a����ending a par��icular secondar�� school? Do ��ou know an�� people who have done
3. When do ��ou ��hink s��uden��s are home- schooled? When ��he�� are ill and canno�� a����end school on a regular basis? An�� o��her reasons?
4. Wha�� are some advan��ages and disadvan��ages of home-schooling?
The words in i��alics will help ��ou unders��and ��he repor��. Read ��he sen��ences and ��r�� ��o guess ��he meaning of ��he words from ��he con��ex��. Then wri��e ei��her s��non��ms or ��heir Russian equivalen��s in
��he space provided.
1. Paren��s did no�� like ��he quali���� of educa��ion a�� ��he local school and educa��ed
��heir daugh��er a�� home-school. The couple did no�� like ��he quali���� of educa��ion a�� ��he local school, so ��he�� decided ��o home-school
��heir daugh��er.
2. The solution ��o ��he las�� week’s ��es�� is a��
��he end of ��he book on page 289.
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3. One of ��he ma��h problems in ��he ��es�� was ver�� difficul�� ��o solve.
![]() |
4. There is now in��ense competition
be��ween schools ��o a����rac�� s��uden��s.
![]() |
5. Unlike mos�� of his friends who come from rich families and a����end private schools, John comes from a low income famil�� and a����ends a local public school.
![]() |
6. In some sou��hern s��a��es in ��he U.S. where man�� immigran��s are from Mexico, instruction in schools is given in ��wo languages: English and Spanish.
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Lis��en ��o ��he news repor�� and find ��he answer ��o ��he following ques��ion:
Wha�� is home-schooling in ��he U.S.?
Lis��en ��o ��he repor�� again. Answer ��he ques��ions in comple��e sen��ences. Limi�� ��our answers ��o 1-3 sen��ences. Make a summar�� of ��he repor�� using ��our answers. Compare
��our summaries wi��h ��our classma��es.
Q 1: Wha�� made Californian ��eenager Michael ��iscardi special among o��her American s��uden��s?
7. The child had poorl�� developed social
skills because he was brough�� up b�� his
grandparen��s in an isola��ed area and did no�� have much con��ac�� wi��h o��her children.
Q 2: Wha�� does i�� mean ��o be home- schooled?
Now ��r��
��o ma��ch each word wi��h i��s
explana��ion in
English. If ��ou experience difficul��ies, ask
��our ��eacher ��o assis��
Q 3: Wha�� are ��he reasons paren��s home- school ��heir children?
![]() |
Q 4: Wh�� do some home-school cri��ics believe children need ��o a����end school?
![]() |
Read ��he s��a��emen��s and ��hen lis��en ��o
��he repor�� again. While lis��ening decide whe��her each s��a��emen�� is ��rue or false. Wri��e a T (��rue) or F (false) nex�� ��o each s��a��emen��. Compare ��our answers wi��h
��our classma��es.
# |
Statement |
T/F |
1. |
Six��een-��ear-old Michael ��iscardi of San Diego won firs�� prize in ��he Siemens Wes��inghouse Compe��i��ion in Ma��h, Science and Technolog��. |
![]() |
# |
Statement |
T/F |
14. |
… children who a����end regular schools ge�� a be��- ��er educa��ion ��han home- schooled s��uden��s. |
15. |
… home-school does no�� prepare s��uden��s for s��andardized ��es��ing. |
In groups
of 3–4 s��uden��s discuss ��he
following ques��ions:
1. Imagine ��ha�� ��he
American model of home-schooling is ��o be applied in Russia, which
defini��el�� has a differen�� cul��ural
and educa��ional con��ex��. Wha��
are ��he advan��ages and disadvan��ages
of home- schooling in Russia? Wha�� US problems connec��ed
wi��h home-schooling will be ��he same and which will be differen�� in ��our
ci���� in Russia?
2. If ��ou had a chance ��o choose, would
prefer ��o a����end
a regular public school or be home-schooled? Wh��?
1. If ��ou
wan��ed ��o do a web search on home-schooling in ��he
U.S., wha�� ke��words would ��ou en��er in a search
engine? Wha�� ke��words
ma�� be misleading in ��our search and wh��?
![]() |
![]() |
If ��ou wan��, ��ou can ��r�� ��hese words in ��our search and see wha�� resul��s ��ou ge��.
2. S��ud�� ��he
summaries of
websi��es abou�� homeschooling. You can ge��
such summaries once ��ou ����pe “homeschooling�� as a ke�� word in ��our web search.
Wha�� issues connec��ed
wi��h home-schooling are brough�� up on each si��e? Can ��ou group ��he
issues? Wha�� are ��he mos�� common issues addressed? Wha�� are ��he leas�� frequen�� issues
addressed? The ��able below will help
��ou comple��e ��he ��ask.
Abou�� Homeschool – Homeschooling Informa��ion and Homeschool Resources Homeschool communi���� wi��h forums, prin��ables, free ecourses, curriculum reviews, uni�� s��udies, homeschool clubs and ac��ivi��ies for ��he kids! homeschooling.abou��.com/ - 33k - 6 Jan 2007 - Cached - Similar pages |
Homeschool World: “The World’s Mos�� Visi��ed Homeschool Si��e�� Home of Mar�� Pride’s Prac��ical Homeschooling magazine and homeschooling communi����. Large number of ar��icles, news, online exper��s, up-��o-da��e even��s lis��, ... www.home-school.com/ - 23k - Cached - Similar pages |
Homeschool.com - The #1 Homeschooling Si��e! Resources and informa��ion including ar��icles and message boards. www.homeschool.com/ - 45k - Cached - Similar pages |
Homeschooling - Wikipedia, ��he free enc��clopedia Home educa��ion, also called homeschooling or home school, ... The ��erms homeschooling or home educa��ion ma�� refer ��o ins��ruc��ion in ��he home under ��he ... en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homeschooling - 95k - Cached - Similar pages |
A ��o Z Home’s Cool (Homeschool) - Homeschooling Informa��ion Homeschooling communi���� and por��al si��e: cha��, boards, even��s, ar��icles, kids’ si��es, links ��o learning ma��erials, suppor�� groups, ideas for educa��ing ��eens ... homeschooling.gomilpi��as.com/ - 46k - 6 Jan 2007 - Cached - Similar pages |
Welcome - Jon’s Homeschool Resources Neu��ral, non-commercial homeschooling informa��ion, for over nine ��ears. Jon’s Homeschool Resources is perhaps ��he oldes�� and larges�� collec��ion of ... www.midnigh��beach.com/hs/ - 11k - Cached - Similar pages |
Homeschooling Toda��® Magazine! Homeschooling Toda�� magazine can help. Here is a lis�� of colleges who welcome homeschool gradua��es, plus links ��o ��heir home pages so ��ou can fur��her ... www.homeschool��oda��.com/ - 18k - Cached - Similar pages |
Home Educa��ion Magazine: The oldes�� and mos�� informa��ive ... Home Educa��ion Magazine presen��s a unique homeschool perspec��ive based on ��ears of experience. On ��his si��e ��ou will find free online newsle����ers, ... www.homeedmag.com/ - 23k - 6 Jan 2007 - Cached - Similar pages |
Homeschool: HSLDA-Home School Legal Defense Associa��ion: �e����ing S��ar��ed : In Your S��a��e (Laws, Legisla��ion, News, �roups) : Homeschool News : Legal Represen��a��ion : Research : Speakers : Much much more... www.hslda.org/ - 64k - 6 Jan 2007 - Cached - Similar pages |
Homeschool Zone Comprehensive si��e for home educa��ors, paren��s and kids wi��h informa��ion on s��ar��ing homeschooling, resources ��o suppor�� ��our program, online suppor�� groups ... www.homeschoolzone.com/ - 4k - Cached - Similar pages |
Most commonly raised issues con- nected with home- schooling |
Least frequently raised issues con- nected with home- schooling |
3. Spli�� in��o groups of ��hree. Each s��uden�� in a small group will have one ��opic for
individual web search and s��ud��: S��uden�� A – ��opic A, S��uden�� B – Topic B, S��uden�� C – Topic C.
Topic A: His��or�� of home-schooling in
��he U.S.
Topic B: The legal procedures paren��s need ��o go ��hrough ��o be able ��o home- school ��heir children.
Topic C: How school s��uden��s ��ake exams and advance ��o ��he nex�� grade.
Then share ��our findings wi��hin ��our group.
In ��his uni�� ��ou have learned abou��
��he advan��ages and disadvan��ages of home- schooling in ��he Uni��ed S��a��es. Wha�� needs
��o be changed or modified in ��he American experience ��o crea��e an ideal model (��o a possible ex��en��) of home-schools, which can po��en��iall�� be applied in Russia? Wri��e an essa�� in which ��ou s��a��e ��our opinion and define ��he op��imal wa�� ��o appl�� bes�� American experience in ��he Russian con��ex��.
1-E, 2-H, 3-D, 4-�, 5-A, 6-F, 7-B, 8-C
1-T, 2-F, 3-T, 4-F, 5-T, 6-T, 7-F, 8-F, 9-T,
10-T, 11-F, 12-T, 13-F, 14-T, 15-F
Written by Nancy Steinbach
I’m S��eve Ember wi��h ��he VOA Special English Educa��ion Repor��.
Las�� week, we ��old ��ou abou�� a big honor for a California ��eenager who is home- schooled. Six��een-��ear-old Michael Viscardi of San Diego won firs�� prize in ��he Siemens Wes��inghouse Compe��i��ion in Ma��h, Science and Technolog��. He showed solu��ions ��o a nine��een��h-cen��ur�� ma��h problem.
Michael has been schooled b�� his mo��her, who has a doc��ora��e in neuroscience. He also worked on his projec�� wi��h a professor a�� a universi����.
Home-schoolers have won o��her honors including na��ional compe��i��ions in geograph�� and spelling.
The Na��ional Cen��er for Educa��ion S��a��is��ics did i��s la��es�� research on home-schooling in ��wo ��housand ��hree. Researchers found ��ha�� more ��han one million American s��uden��s learned a�� home. Tha�� was more ��han ��wo percen�� of ��he school-age popula��ion.
The repor�� said ��he number of home- schooled s��uden��s had increased. In nine-
��een nine����-nine, abou�� eigh�� hundred fif����
��housand s��uden��s were considered home- schooled. This mean�� ��he�� were ��augh�� a�� home ins��ead of a school for a�� leas�� par�� of
��heir educa��ion. The s��uden��s’ ��ime spen�� in public or priva��e schools could no�� be more ��han ��wen����-five hours a week.
Michael Viscardi, for example, has been
��augh�� mos��l�� a�� home, bu�� wi��h advanced ma��h classes a�� a local universi����.
The researchers asked paren��s wh�� ��he�� home-schooled ��heir children. Thir����-one percen�� said ��he mos�� impor��an�� reason was concern abou�� ��he environmen�� of ��he local schools. Thir���� percen�� said i�� was ��o provide religious ins��ruc��ion. Six��een percen�� said
��he�� were no�� sa��isfied wi��h ��he quali���� of
��he ins��ruc��ion in ��he local schools.
The Associa��ed Press recen��l�� repor��ed abou�� an increase in ��he number of black Americans home-schooling ��heir children. An educa��ion exper�� said much of ��his increase was in ci��ies wi��h his��ories of racial
��ension. Also, some families were concerned
��ha�� local schools were no�� ��eaching abou�� African-American his��or�� and cul��ure.
Cri��ics of home-schooling sa�� children need ��o a����end school ��o help ��hem learn social skills. The�� also sa�� ��ha�� some home- schooled children do no�� ge�� a ver�� good educa��ion. S��ill, all fif���� s��a��es and ��he Dis��ric�� of Columbia permi�� home-schooling. Bu�� some require more paren�� prepara��ion or s��uden�� ��es��ing ��han o��her s��a��es do.
This VOA Special English Educa��ion Repor�� was wri����en b�� Nanc�� S��einbach. In��erne�� users can read and lis��en ��o our repor��s a�� voaspecialenglish.com. I’m S��eve Ember.
Аудиозапись программы можно бесплатно скачать из сети Интернет с официального сайта «Голос Америки»
h �� �� p:// www.voanews.com/specialeng- lish/2005-12-21-voa2.cfm
П.В. Сысоев
доктор пед. наук, профессор,
зам. директора Института иностранных языков ТГУ имени Г.Р. Державина
Л.И. Сысоева
Заслуженный учитель РФ, МОУ «Гимназия № 12»
( Тамбов)
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