Методическая разработка аудиторного занятия по теме: Markets, Prices and Money.
Оценка 5
Разработки уроков
английский язык
Данная методическая разработка представляет собой конспект аудиторного занятия по теме: Рынки, цены и деньги. Инфинитивный оборот Сложное дополнение. Может использоваться преподавателями английского языка для проведения аудиторных занятий на 3 курсе на специальности Экономика и бухгалтерский учет для отработки навыка чтения и перевода текстов профессиональной направленности и грамматических навыков.
markets pricesДокумент Microsoft Office Word (6).docx
Комитет образования, науки и молодежной политики Волгоградской области
государственное бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение
«Волжский политехнический техникум»
Методическая разработка аудиторного занятия
по теме: “Markets, Prices, and Money. The Complex
Учебная дисциплина: иностранный язык
Специальность: 38.02.01 Экономика и бухгалтерский учет (по отраслям)
Курс: 3
Автор: Болдырева Юлия Сергеевна, преподаватель первой квалификационной
1 Тема
Учебная дисциплина
/Профессиональный модуль
2018 г.
“Markets, Prices, and Money. The Complex
Болдырева Ю.С.
Английский язык
38.02.01 Экономика и бухгалтерский учет
(по отраслям)
закрепить лексику по теме “Markets, Prices,
and Money,
совершенствовать умения и навыки
практического владения английским
языком по данной теме, познакомить с
грамматическим явлением The Complex
Object” в английском языке, формировать
умение распознавать и употреблять его в
способствовать развитию воображения,
познавательный интерес, коммуникативные
поставленную проблему с опорой на
имеющиеся знания; память и внимание
воспитывать уважительное отношение к
иноязычной культуре,
отношение студентов друг к другу;
трудолюбие, способность к сотрудничеству,
интерес к профессии бухгалтера,
личностноориентированный подход
технология развивающего обучения
технология развития критического
мышления через чтение и письмо
гипертекстовая технология
раздаточный материал:
карточки с
2 Список литературы
Требуемое время
комплекты практических
Основные источники:
Агабекян И.П. Английский язык для ссузов,
2012. Л. А. Халилова Учебник английского
языка для студентов экономических
специальностей, 2014
Орловская И.В., Самсонова Л.С.,
Скубриева А.И. Учебник английского языка
для технических университетов и ВУЗов
2 академических часа
Организационный момент:
Ход занятия
Работа с текстом Markets, Prices, and Money.
Good afternoon everybody. I'm glad to see you. Sit down please. Let's start our work.
Just now I want we to speak about Markets, Prices and Money and then about The Complex
Let’s read the text and try to guess the main idea.
Markets, Prices, and Money
We know now that the basic coordinating mechanism of a capitalist economy is
the market system. Without a market economy, there is no capitalism. Decisions made by
buyers and sellers of products and resources become effective through a system of markets.
We already know that a market is a mechanism or arrangement which brings buyers
(demanders) and sellers (suppliers) into contact with one another. The preferences of sellers
and buyers are reflected in their choices, and the outcome of these choices is a set of prices.
These prices are guideposts on which resource owners, entrepreneurs, and consumers make
and revise their free choices as they pursue their selfinterests.
Just as competition is the controlling mechanism, so a system of markets and
prices is the basic organizing force. The market system is an elaborate communication
system through which innumerable individual free choices are recorded, summarized, and
balanced against one another. Those who obey the dictates of the market system are
rewarded; those who ignore them are penalized by the system. Through this communication
system, society decides what the economy should produce, how production can be efficiently
organized, and how the fruits of productive effort are distributed among the individual
economic units which make up capitalism.
The “interaction” between demand and supply in markets influences prices.
Marketdetermined prices – that is, prices determined by producers and consumers acting in
their own best interest – are the signals that help define the tradeoffs we face and that
ultimately lead society as a whole to allocate resources efficiently. Understanding how
changes in supply and demand affect prices is an important component of economic literacy.
3 When a prospective college student, for example, contemplates majors, she might speculate
about where demand for workers is increasing fastest, because wages and job opportunities
will probably be greatest in those occupations.
When prices change then tradeoffs change, and people’s decisions change. Our
college student might discover, for example, that the demand for software engineers has
increased and, subsequently, that wages for those jobs have also risen. Also, many public
policy decisions, such as changes in the tax code, involve changing incentives with the hope
of changing behavior.
Many times people are unhappy with the prices that markets produce, but an
economically literate person realizes that prices are important signals that reflect underlying
changes in supply and demand. Consumers and producers respond to these signals in ways
that make society better off. When governments interfere with these market adjustments,
society is usually worse off.
When people hear the word “price” they usually associate it with the word
“money”. Virtually all economies, advanced or primitive, use money. Money performs
several functions, but first and foremost it is a medium of exchange: it makes trade easier.
The use of money facilitates the exchange of goods and services which specialization
requires. Exchange can, and sometimes does, occur on the basis of barter, that is, swapping
goods for goods. But barter can pose serious problems for the economy because it requires a
coincidence of wants between the two transactors. If this coincidence of wants does not exist,
trade is blocked.
What is each paragraph about? Answer to my questions please.
1) What is the basic coordinating mechanism of a capitalist economy?
2) What decisions become effective through a system of markets?
3) Why is a system of markets and prices the basic organizing force?
4) What are marketdetermined prices?
Is understanding of how changes in supply and demand affect prices an
important component of economic literacy?
Do you agree that prices are important signals that reflect underlying changes in
supply and demand?
7) What is the main function of money?
8) Why can barter pose serious problems for the economy?
Объяснение грамматического материала по теме The Complex Object.
Инфинитивный оборот Сложное дополнение (Complex Object)
Инфинитив в сочетании с существительным или местоимением в объектном
падеже образует инфинитивный оборот сложное дополнение. Сложное дополнение
состоит из существительного в именительном падеже или местоимения в объектном
падеже, за которыми следует инфинитив:
His mother wants Peter to help her in the garden. – Мама хочет, чтобы Питер
помог ей в саду. (Сложное дополнение состоит из существительного Peter и инфинитива
to help.)
4 His mother wants him to help her in the garden. Мама хочет, чтобы он помог ей в
саду. (Сложное дополнение состоит из местоимения him и инфинитива to help.)
На русский язык сложное дополнение переводится придаточными
изъяснительными предложениями, которые вводятся союзами что, чтобы, как. При
этом местоимение в объектном падеже переводится на русский язык местоимением в
именительном падеже:
Jack didn’t want them to know the truth. – Джек не хотел, чтобы они узнали
I would like him to translate this text by himself. – Я хотел бы, чтобы он перевёл
этот текст сам.
после глаголов, выражающих желание:
Сложное дополнение (The Complex Object) употребляется:
to want: I want you to learn English. – Я хочу, чтобы ты изучал английский.
to expect: I expect her to come on time. – Я ожидаю (надеюсь), что она придет
to like в сочетании с would: He would like us to read this book. – Он хотел бы,
чтобы мы прочитали эту книгу.
после глаголов чувства и восприятия:
to hear: Mother heard her son get up. – Мама услышала, как ее сын встал с
to see: We all saw you leave. – Мы все видели, что ты уехала.
to watch: Friends watched their train arrive at the station. – Друзья наблюдали, как
их поезд прибывает на станцию.
to feel: Ann felt something touch her leg. – Анна почувствовала, что чтото
коснулось её ноги.
Стоит обратить внимание на то, что после этих глаголов инфинитив
употребляется без частицы to. Инфинитив также употребляется без частицы to после
глаголов to make (заставлять) и to let (позволять):
She makes her son clean his room every day. – Она заставляет сына убирать
комнату каждый день.
Don’t let your daughter come home late. – Не позволяйте Вашей дочери приходить
домой поздно.
Однако если глагол make стоит в страдательном залоге, то инфинитив
употребляется с частицей to:
её заставили вернуться.
Helen was crying because she was made to come back. – Хелен плакала, потому что
Выполнение упражнений
Translate the sentences from English into Russian.
2) Mrs Thatcher once said she wanted Britain to make a return to Victorian
I want my broker to buy 2,000 shares of that oil company.
5 He wished those papers to be returned tonight.
I would like your company to be listed at the stock exchange.
She expects them to sign the agreement.
I consider Peter to be a good economist.
The boss ordered the required documents to be ready in the morning.
She saw him enter the door of the rival financial institution.
Ann watched him lose his temper.
Joel was eager to let the world know that he had created a new blend of coffee.
11) My mother made me fill in the application form.
6 Open the brackets, make all necessary changes. Keep in mind that the infinitive in
the brackets can be either in the Active or in the Passive form.
He expected (his firm’s shares; to sell) at the stock market the next
robber barons.
Even before the Civil War, Americans wished (Wall Street, to
recognize) as the financial capital of the nation.
Let (the President of the Exchange, to call off) the name of that
stock and we will make our bid.
Americans didn’t want (Wall Street, to be) a symbol of the rapacious
The Exchange makes (different companies, to list their stock).
6) We are in Broadway. I expect (Wall Street, to be) a few blocks from
7) We consider (the chief financial institutions of the United States,
to locate) here.
5) Выступление студентов с докладом по теме Функции денег.
Трое студентов выходят к доске и освещают одну из функций денег в
своем сообщении на английском языке.
Money and its functions
What is money? There is an appropriate saying that money is what
money does. Anything which performs the functions of money is money. So
what are these functions?
1. Medium of exchange. Money is a medium of exchange, it is usable for
buying and selling goods and services. Money is readily acceptable as
payment. It is a social invention with which resource suppliers and
producers can be paid and that can be used to buy any of the full range of
items available in the marketplace. As such a medium of exchange,
money allows society to escape the complications of barter. And because
it provides a convenient way of exchanging goods, money allows society
to gain the advantages of geographic and human specialization.
2. Unit of account. Money is also a unit of account. Society uses the
monetary unit as a yardstick for measuring the relative worth of a wide
variety of goods, services, resources. Just as we measure distance in
miles or kilometers, we gauge the value of goods in dollars. With a
money system, we need not state the price of each product in terms of all
other products for which it can be exchanged; we need not specify the
price of cows in terms of corn, crayons or cigars. This use of money as a
common denominator means that the price of each product should be
stated only in terms of the monetary unit. It permits buyers and sellers to
readily compare the prices of various commodities and resources. Such
comparisons aid rational decisionmaking. Money is used as a unit of
account in calculating the size of the GDP. Money is also used as a unit
7 of account for transactions involving future payments.
3. Store of value. Finally, money serves as a store of value. Because money
is the most liquid – meaning the most spendable – of all assets, it is a
very convenient way to store wealth. The money you place in a safe or
checking account will still be available to you months or years later when
you wish to use it. Most methods of holding money do not yield
monetary returns such as one gets by storing wealth in the form of real
assets (property) or paper assets (stocks, bonds, and so forth). However,
money does have the advantage of being immediately usable by a firm or
a household in meeting all financial obligations.
Студенты прослушивают сообщение и отвечают на вопросы на
понимание содержания прослушанного.
1) What are the main functions of money?
2) Why does money allow society to gain the advantages of geographic and
human specialization?
3) When is money used as a unit of account?
4) Does money serve as a store of value?
6) Подведение итогов занятия, объявление домашнего задания.
So, what were we speaking about? What new information have you learnt?
What was difficult for you? Your homework will be to learn grammar
material about The Complex Object. I think your work was good, thank you
and goodbye.
Методическая разработка аудиторного занятия по теме: Markets, Prices and Money.
Методическая разработка аудиторного занятия по теме: Markets, Prices and Money.
Методическая разработка аудиторного занятия по теме: Markets, Prices and Money.
Методическая разработка аудиторного занятия по теме: Markets, Prices and Money.
Методическая разработка аудиторного занятия по теме: Markets, Prices and Money.
Методическая разработка аудиторного занятия по теме: Markets, Prices and Money.
Методическая разработка аудиторного занятия по теме: Markets, Prices and Money.
Методическая разработка аудиторного занятия по теме: Markets, Prices and Money.
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