Методическая разработка по английскому языку на тему "Зимние праздники. Новый год и Рождество"
Оценка 5
Разработки уроков
английский язык
5 кл
Методическая разработка рассчитана на учащихся четвёртых- пятых классов. В материале представлены различные виды работы. Дети декламируют стихи, составляют и разыгрывают диалоги, сценки, описывают слайды, разгадывают загадки, пишут письма Деду Морозу.
В разработке представлены все виды речевой деятельности. Упражнения для разминки также интересны детям, так как связаны с новогодней ёлкой.
new year 5-th form.docx
Тема: Winter Holidays. New Year and Christmas
Цели: учить учащихся общаться на основе выученного материала;
тренировать навыки и умения монологической и диалогической речи;
закрепить знания грамматических форм (the Present Simple и Present Continuous Tenses);
развивать творческое мышление, речевую активность;
воспитывать культуру общения на английском языке, трудолюбие;
эстетическое воспитание учащихся.
Тип урока: урок обобщения знаний, умений и навыков.
Оборудование: слайды, письма Деду Морозу, ёлка, аудиозапись музыки, кусочек угля, деньги,
ломтик хлеба, рисунки.
І. Оргмомент и речевая зарядка.
1. What date is it today?
2. What is the weather like today?
3. Do you like such weather?
4. What season is it now?
5. What poems about winter do you know?
(Дети декламируют стихи под музыку)
1. Winter is the season
When children ski
And Father Frost
Bring the New Year Tree.
3. Winter season
This is the season
When mornings are dark,
And birds do not sing
In the forest and park.
This is the season
When children ski,
And Santa Clause
Brings a Christmas tree.
5. The Snowman
Come to the garden
And play in the snow.
Make a nice snowman
And help him to grow.
What a nice snowman!
Children will say.
What a fine game
For a cold winter day!
2. Winter
Children are skiing,
Children are skating,
Sledging down the hills.
Winter is charming
When it is coming
With snow, and frost, and winds!
4. It is winter, it is cold.
Father Frost is very old.
But he’s always full of joy,
And glad to give me a nice toy.
6. It’s winter
It’s winter, it’s winter,
Let us skate and ski!
It’s winter, it’s winter,
It’s great fun for me.
Sing a song of winter,
Be happy and gay,
Dance around the snowman,
Come out and play. T.
What winter holidays do you know?
P. St. Nicholas Day, New Year’s Day, Christmas, St. Valentine’s Day.
II. Сообщение темы и цели урока.
T. Today we are going to speak about two winter holidays. Now you have to guess what they are.
Have a look at the blackboard. There are many pictures there. Name the first letter of each picture and you
will read the topic of our lesson.
(На доске рисунки: Nut, elephant, window, yellow, ear, apples, rabbit and Cat, hat, rose, icecream,
sweet, tomato, map, apple, sock.)
T. So, our topic of today is “New Year and Christmas.” We’ll speak about these holidays; we’ll remember
the vocabulary on this topic, you’ll remember some dialogues. We’ll revise the Present simple and Present
Continuous Tenses.
III. Основная часть.
T. Беседа режиме «учителькласс»
1. When do British people celebrate Christmas?
2. When do Russian people celebrate Christmas?
3. Is Christmas a religious holiday?
4. What do people decorate in their houses?
5. Do children like Christmas?
6. Who brings them presents?
7. Is Christmas a family holiday?
8. What do people wish to each other?
9. What do English people have for Christmas dinner? (Christmas turkey, potatoes, vegetables, Christmas
T. Christmas is a big holiday in Russia too. Now look at these slides and tell about Christmas in Russia.
(Коллективный рассказ по слайдам)
T. Now imagine, you are British children and you are interested in Christmas in Russia. This is a Russian
girl (boy). Ask her (him) some questions.
(Диалог в режиме «British pupils –a Russiаn pupil»)
When do you celebrate Christmas?
What do you decorate at home?
Do you have a holiday dinner on Christmas Day?
Who cooks the holiday dinner?
Do you have many presents at Christmas?
Do you go to church on Christmas morning?
With whom do you go there?
What do you do there? (We bless water and food).
T. Thank you. Now we are going to listen about Christmas in Great Britain.
Christmas Day is a happy holiday for a lot of people in different countries. Every year there is a very big
Christmas Tree in the centre of London, in Trafalgar Square. This Tree is a present to Great Britain from
Norway. People of Norway send it to Londoners every year. Before Christmas people buy presents and
a lot of food and drink for their parties. On Christmas morning people open their presents and say 'thanks' to
their members of family and friends. The Queen's speech is on TV at 3.00 p.m. On Christmas people wish a
merry Christmas to each other. They eat Christmas turkey, potatoes and green vegetables for Christmas
Dinner. And they have the Christmas pudding for the dessert. They like to have a Christmas cake for tea at
five o'clock.
After Christmas comes Boxing Day. On this day people usually visit their relatives and friends. Проверка понимания – тестами.
Tests. True or false.
1 There is the Christmas present from Norway in the center of London every year.
2 On Christmas morning people go to the shops to buy presents.
3 People buy food and drinks for their parties before Christmas.
4 On Christmas Day there is the Queen's speech on TV.
5 People open their Christmas presents after the Queen's speech.
6 For Christmas dinner people eat pizza and cheeseburgers.
7 People usually visit their relatives and friends on Boxing Day.
T. You have listened to the text about Christmas in Britain. Now you are Russian children and you want to
know more about Christmas in Britain. This is a British pupil.
Dialogue в режимі «Russiаn pupils – an English pupil»
When do British people celebrate Christmas?
What do British buy before Christmas?
Do they decorate a Christmas tree?
Whom can they watch on TV at Christmas?
Who brings presents to children?
Is Christmas a very big holiday?
What do you have for Christmas dinner?
T. At the last lesson you made up some dialogues. Now act them out, please.
1) I’d like to have a mobile phone.
2) Let your parents buy it.
1) They say, Santa has to bring it for me.
2) Do you believe in Santa Claus?
1) Yes, sure. On Christmas morning there are many presents under the Tree.
2) Do you like to get presents?
1) And you don’t? What present do you want to have?
2) I want to have a laptop.
1) Be sure, you will have it!
1) Yesterday I got a letter from my English penfriend. He lives in London.
2) What is the letter about?
1) He writes about Christmas. It is a very important holiday in Britain.
2) Do they have a big Christmas tree?
1) Yes, there is a very big Christmas tree in the centre of London in Trafalgar Square.
2) Is it bigger than we have in Lugansk?
1) I think, yes. People of Norway send it to Londoners every year.
2) Oh, I’d like to go and to see this Tree!
1) What holiday do you like better: Christmas or the New Year Eve?
2) I like Christmas. On Christmas morning I go to church with my granny.
1) Do you have many presents at Christmas?
2) Yes, of course. I have a lot of presents. And what about you, what is your favourite holiday?
1) My favourite holiday is the New Year Eve. 2) Where do you celebrate it?
1) We are usually at home. We have many guests.
2) What do you do at home on this holiday?
1) We have a big dinner; we eat, play games, dance and sing a lot of songs.
2) It’s cool!
T. I know, you have written letters to the Father Frost. Read some of them now. (Несколько детей
зачитывают письма Деду Морозу)
Примеры писем.
1. Dear Father Frost,
My name is… I am from Alchevsk. I live with my family. I always help my parents about the house. I love
animals but I haven’t got any pet. Can I have a cat for the New Year?
Thank you!
2. Dear Father Frost,
I am… from Alchevsk. I love my father and mother. I have many friends. I am a good pupil.
I am interested in sport. My hobby is playing football. I would like to have a good ball. Please, bring me it!
Your Dima
3. Dear Father Frost,
My name is… I live in Alchevsk. My favourite lesson is English. We usually have English lessons on
Tuesday and Friday.
I help my parents about the house: I clean my room, water flowers, do shopping.
My hobby is playing computer games. I want to have a new game for the New Year.
Thank you!
Your …….
T. You want to have presents. But you know English and American children often make New Year’s
resolutions. For example, this year I am going to help Mum about the house.
This year I am going to be nice to my little sister.
This year I am going to do exercises every morning.
This year I am going not to be late for school.
Our children make New Year Resolutions too. What are they?
P. New Year's Resolutions
to be very, very good.
to do the things I should.
to make my bed each day. I
to put my things away.
promise not to throw my socks on the floor.
to put my socks in the drawer.
to do my homework right.
promise not to stay up late at night.
to listen to my mom and dad.
promise not to do anything bad.
T. Your resolutions are very good. As for me, my favourite holiday is New Year too. What do our people
decorate in their flats and houses before the New Year’s Eve? (A New Year Tree)
We have the New Year Tree in our classroom too. (The Tree is painted on the board.) But there are no toys
on it. Now we have to decorate our tree with these balls. They are unusual ones. There is a riddle on each of
them. If you guess the riddle, you may hang the balloon on our Tree. If you don’t, the New Year Tree will
be without any toys.
1) They are small and white.
Children play with them in winter. (Snowballs)
2) It is the coldest season of the year. (Winter)
3) A winter game for boys. (Hockey)
4) Children like to make it out of snow. (Snowman)
5) It is cold and sweet,
Children like eating it. (Icecream)
6) When do we celebrate the New Year Day? (On the 1st of January)
7) Who usually brings presents to you on the New Year Eve? (Father Frost)
T. We have decorated our New Year Tree. It is very nice now. Let’s sing a song about it.
(На мотив «В лесу родилась ёлочка»)
We have a firtree in the hall.
It’s very nice and tall!
Around it we dance and play
Because it’s New Year Day!
T. And now let’s show what our tree is.
New Year Tree is very tall. I can’t reach its top at all.
It’s green, lush and very wide.
Look at it from every side.
You can dance around it,
Sing a song and take your gift.
New Year Tree is standing straight,
It salutes all the classmates.
Письменная работа
T. Now look at our board. There is a text about the New Year Eve on the board. Your task is to change the
Present Simple Tense into the Present Continuous.
1) Every year my father buys a New Year tree.
2) My sister and I decorate it.
3) My mum cooks a holiday dinner.
4) On the New Year’s Eve we dance, sing songs and have fun.
T. So, the New Year’s Day has come. This is morning. The family is at the table. (Сценка)
Father: Merry holiday to you!
Mother: Happy New Year!
Daughter: Happy New Year, mother!
Son: Happy New Year, father!
First Footer: Good morning, everybody. Happy New Year to you!
Son: Oh, this is the First Footer.
Mother: Sit down at the table, please.
First Footer: Here is a lump of coal – to be warm in your house.
Here is a piece of bread – not to be hungry in this house.
Here is money – to be wealthy all the year round.
Father: Thank you very much. Happy New Year to you.
I wish my wishes come true!
T. I wish everybody a Happy New Year! We have very hard so your marks are very good.
IV. Подведение итогов урока.
V. Домашнее задание: Составить рассказ о зимних праздниках
Методическая разработка по английскому языку на тему "Зимние праздники. Новый год и Рождество"
Методическая разработка по английскому языку на тему "Зимние праздники. Новый год и Рождество"
Методическая разработка по английскому языку на тему "Зимние праздники. Новый год и Рождество"
Методическая разработка по английскому языку на тему "Зимние праздники. Новый год и Рождество"
Методическая разработка по английскому языку на тему "Зимние праздники. Новый год и Рождество"
Методическая разработка по английскому языку на тему "Зимние праздники. Новый год и Рождество"
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