Методическая разработка урока английского языка 8 класс по теме "Турагенство"

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  • pptx
  • 19.04.2019
Публикация в СМИ для учителей

Публикация в СМИ для учителей

Бесплатное участие. Свидетельство СМИ сразу.
Мгновенные 10 документов в портфолио.

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AT A T R A V E L A G E N C Y Автор : Елена Николаевна Федосеева , учитель английского языка МБОУ СОШ №9 г. Норильск Красноярский край
 Where are the people?  What questions do you think the travel agent will ask?
 Look at this list of possible holiday destinations with lots of sunshine  interesting  with lots to do somewhere not too expensive quiet with a nice beach in Europe good for children Listen. Which of the kinds of places do the people want to visit? Make notes on the conversation Write the places in the first line of your chart. Where? 2 3 1 What other information can you remember? How long? When?
Where? Somewhere interesting Somewhere good for children Somewhere not too hot How long? For a few days A holiday Two weeks When? 17.06 The middle of August May How many people? Two Two adults Three adults Two children Transport ? Don’t mind By train or By plane by coach
car coach train (aero)plain ferry (or ship) How would you like to travel? Answer the question for each form of transport. Think of as many ways as possible for each one. Example: Plane. I’d like to: go/fly by plane/ travel by air
Look at the chart in Listening. What questions does the travel agent ask to get the information? Listen to the first conversation again and check your ideas. When do you want to go? How many people will there be? How do you wish to travel, by air or do you want to take the train? What other questions would the travel agent or the customers ask ? Make a list. Use these ideas to help you. Price Accommodation Economy/business class Things to do there Insurance Which airport/from What time of day/travel
Travel agent  What price range do you have to mind?  What kind of accommodation would you like? (or Where would you like to stay?)  Do you want to fly business or economy class?  Which airport do you want to fly from? customers  How much is…?  Which airport does the flight go from?  What time does the flight go ?  Is it a non-stop flight? Make new dialogues.
 When you travel to Great Britain, the United States of America, Canada etc ., you need to fill in a landing card. Then you give it to a customs officer. MOUNTIER LANDING CARD Please, complete in CAPITAL letter Surname(Mr,Mrs.Miss,M s) Maiden Name (if applicable) Forename Nationality Date and Place of Birth Sex Home Address _____________ JACQUES FRENCH 21,MAY,1980 PARIS MALE 63 RUE DE L’ASSOMPTION,PARIS 159 REGENT STREET ,LONDON TOURISM ,SIGHTSEENG MUSICIAN PARIS FILARMONIC ORCHESTRA 19 JUNE ,2003 Address Visiting Purpose of Visiting Occupation Employer Date
 USEFULL WORDS: capital letters печатные (прописные)буквы Surname фамилия Miss- девушка Mr - господин Mrs - госпожа Maiden Name (if applicable) девичья фамилия Forename имя Nationality национальность Date and Place of Birth дата и место рождения Sex пол female-женский male- мужской Home Address адрес проживания Address Visiting адрес места назначения визита Purpose of Visiting цель визита Occupation занятие, профессия Employer работодатель Date дата Signature подпись
 I’m sitting on a blue train  An old blue train  An old blue express train  Going down a steel track  A long steel track  A long steel railway track  Passing through green hills  Big green hills  Beautiful big green hills  On my way back home  Home sweet home
 I’m sitting on a white plane  A fast white plane  A fast passenger plane  Flying through the blue sky  The wide blue sky  The beautiful wide blue sky  High above the deep sea  The deep green see  The wonderful deep green see  On my way back home  Home sweet home  I’m on my way back home  I’ve been away too long  I’m sitting on a blue train  An old blue train  An old blue express train