Mr. Wilson wants to travel. ( 4th grades, English)
Оценка 4.7

Mr. Wilson wants to travel. ( 4th grades, English)

Оценка 4.7
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4 кл
Mr. Wilson wants to  travel. ( 4th grades, English)
Fiona goes into her uncle's shop. Her uncle, Mr Wilson, tells her that he is planning to selI his shop because he wants to travel. Aims: To revise language from Primary Colours 3. To introduce the characters: Fiona, Mr Wilson, David and Greg.Children know about Mr. Wilson’s friend
2 (3)Mr. Wilson wants to travel.docx
Date Subject Class The teacher Theme Aim Purpose Result Materials Stages І. Administration  moment (5 min) ІІ. Check­up the  homework(5 min) ІІІ. New Theme: Mr.  Wilson wants to  travel. (20min) 04.09.17 English 4grades Kumusbayeva G.O. Mr. Wilson wants to  travel To revise language from Primary Colours 3. To introduce the characters. To  introduce pupils with new section Children know  about  Mr. Wilson’s friend Cassette/CD and  player Lesson plan Teacher’s activities Wish Good Morning. Sing a song “Hello” Pupil’s activities Greeting   Sing a song. “Hello” Revision. Today is… Names of months Names of days of the  week New vocabulary Basketball, clock,  friendly, near, secret, sell, skateboard, smile, swim,  the future, the past,  travel, uncle. 1. Ex1. Meet some people from Primary Colours 4.  What can you say about  each person? 2. Present  Simple 3. ex2b 4. ex 3a,b Pupils  revise  the  previous material Write down Take some times to read  the text and to meet. To  talk about each person. To practice the present  Simple third person. IV. Conclusion (5 min) Sing a song. I want to   travel  the world Sing a song V. Assessment (3 min) Giving marks VI. Homework (2 min) WB ex­1.2.3  Giving marks to  each   other Write down  the  homework VII . Reflection:  Children, you must write your opinion about lesson.  Advantages or  disadvantages

Mr. Wilson wants to travel. ( 4th grades, English)

Mr. Wilson wants to  travel. ( 4th grades, English)

Mr. Wilson wants to travel. ( 4th grades, English)

Mr. Wilson wants to  travel. ( 4th grades, English)
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