"Musical instruments" 3-класс
Оценка 5

"Musical instruments" 3-класс

Оценка 5
Разработки уроков
английский язык
"Musical instruments" 3-класс
Musical instruments 3- класс Английский язык
LESSON 34.docx


Unit 5: Art & Music

School:  Bumakol EKS

Date: 14.01.2020

Teacher name: Mubinov Zh.Zh.

Grade: 3

Number present:

Number absent:

Theme of the lesson:

Musical instruments

Learning objectives  understand short, narratives on a limited range of general and some curricular topics;  contribute a limited range of suitable words, phrases, and sentences including giving opinions during short pair, group and whole class exchanges; recount very short, basic stories and events on a limited range of general and some curricular topics; recognise, identify and sound with support a limited range of familiar words in simple sentences;

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

practice topic-related vocabulary with visual support.

read and listen to the short story;

Most learners will be able to:

use most of the active vocabulary in the speech;

do the tasks with minimum support using visuals

Some learners will be able to:

use most of the active vocabulary in the speech with no support

complete most of tasks correctly with no support using visuals


follow the criteria in papers

participate actively in discussion;talk about art and music using given  vocabulary

Previous learning

Musical instruments


Planned timings


Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)



5 min



Game “Missing word”

Teacher writes the musical instruments from the previous lesson on the active board and allows the students some time to look at them. Then she asks students to close their eyes. Teacher erases one of the words and asks the students to open their eyes and tell which  musical instrument is missing.

Leaners try to guess the topic of the lesson

The topic and LOs are presented.






30 min


New words

Trumpet- керней

piano - пианино

kettledrum -литавра

oboe –гобой

flute -флейта

guitar - гитара

clarinet -кларнет

harmonica- аккордеон


Leaners with teacher revise musical instruments

Game “Guess the instrument”

Students listen to the melody and guess the musical instruments


Ex9. Look and say

Descriptor A learner • correctly pronouns; •  correctly complete the sentences.


Time to dance

Pupils watch the video and dance.



Topic Musical instruments

Learning objectives (3.L8) Understand short narratives on a limited range of general and some curricular topics (3.S8) Recount very short, basic stories and events on a limited range of general and some curricular topics

Assessment criteria • Identify the content of short narratives on general and some curricular topics • Retell basic story and events on general and curricular topics

Level of thinking skills Knowledge and comprehension Task. Listen to a story and answer the questions. 1. What did Nick tell his mother one day? 2. Which instrument did Nick want to play? 3. What did Nick see in the music shop? 4. Who helped Nick choose the instrument he liked?

Now retell the story. Teacher reads:

 One day a boy named Nick told his mother that he wanted to learn to play a musical instrument. His mother asked which instrument Nick wanted to play, but the boy did not know. So, they went to a music shop to find what Nick liked. Nick saw many instruments in the shop. They were of different sizes, shapes and colors. He spent a lot of time, but could not choose. The shop man decided to help. He let Nick listen and observe him playing every instrument. The boy was very excited. He said his favourite instrument was the electronic guitar.

 Descriptor: A learner • answers the questions according to the talk; • retells the story using questions as support.








Didactic material 2






5 min


  The smiley faces are on the board. (happy, sad, angry, etc)  Teacher suggests to choose any smiley face.


Home task: draw your favourite musical instrument and write about it.


Saying goodbye



LESSON 34 Unit 5: Art & Mus ic

LESSON 34 Unit 5: Art & Mus ic

Leaners with teacher revise musical instruments

Leaners with teacher revise musical instruments
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