2 My ideal school is near the city center.
3 Its a day school for boys and girls.
4 There isnt a uniform und there arent any rules. The school has got a computer room, music room, recording studio, language laboratory, dance studio and football pitch. There is an olympic swimming pool with an aquapark too.
5 Computer room
6 Music roomMy ideal school
Date: 07.12.17
Grade: 9 «а,ә,б,в»
The theme: My ideal school
The aim: to teach pupils to speak about the schools of their dream
The tasks:
1. To develop pupils’ skills of communication
2. To increase pupils’ vocabulary
3. To evoke interest to learn English
Type of the lesson: Combined
Equipment: computer, active board, projector, cards
Procedure of the lesson
I. Org.moment
Good morning guys and guests of our lesson. How are you today? What is the day today? What
is the date?
The theme of our lesson today is “My ideal school”
The aim of our lesson today is to learn how to speak and describe your ideal schools.
We are going to sing a song about the school. Do you remember the words?
Phonetic drill
This is an important matter,
How we should behave at school,
We will get along when we obey the rules
Put your hand up, don’t call out,
Sit up straight and please, don’t shout
We’re learning, we’re learning
Please stop talking all the time,
Don’t go pushing in the line
We’re learning, we’re learning
This is an important matter
How we should behave at school
We will get along much better,
When we can obey the rules.
Checking the homework
Your home task was to make a project about your ideal school. Of course, we can’t listen to
everyone today, but you can show us them.
Class work
1. Answer my questions
a. What kind of school do you go to? Describe it, please.
b. What is an ideal school for you?
c. Will it be a single school or a mixed one?
d. Where will it be situated?
e. What kind of teachers will you have?
f. What subjects would you like to study at your ideal school?
2. Watching the video “Schools in Great Britain”* Are there any differences between British schools and our schools?
* What school do you like more?
3. Reading
There is a file with the text on your desk. This text is divided into several parts. Your task is to
put all parts together into one text. Then you have to choose a speaker from your group who will
retell us the text in short. The first speaker will tell the first part. The second one will retell the
second part and the third group will tell us the last part of the text.
My ideal school
My ideal school won’t be situated in the center of the city because air pollution is bad and it is
too noisy. It would be in the park so pupils can walk after lunch to relax.
There would be a large coffee bar where we could have a cup of tea or coffee during the breaks.
My school would also have computers in all classrooms. There would be a music studio where
we could play and record music.
Nowadays we have to study a lot of subjects at school. In my school we will have compulsory
and optional subjects. English will be compulsory, of course. We need English for our future
Information technology is another important subject. It should be taught because everyone will
need to use computers in the future.
Also we would study driving lessons, cookery or selfdefense. There would be afterschool
clubs, such as chess, drama, photography and sports.
To sum up, I think my school would have a good variety of activities – something for everyone.
It’s certainly a place I would like to go to!
4. Project work
In front of you there is a big sheet of paper. You’ve heard a lot today about the schools. Your
task is to sum up the information and to draw a school where you would like to study. Then you
should present it.
V. Reflection
There is a vase on the board. But there are no flowers in it. You have flowers on your table.
Draw your smile. It can be happy or unhappy. If you liked the lesson draw a happy smile, if the
lesson was not interesting or very difficult to you draw a sad smile.
VI. Home work: to learn by heart all vocabulary words.