Предмет: английский язык
Учитель анг языка высш квал-и: Белая О.Г.
Тема: “Do you live a healthy lifestyle?”
Цель: Обобщить и систематизировать знания обучающихся по теме: “Do you live a healthy lifestyle?”
Образовательные: развитие навыков говорения по теме "Food and health"; отработка произносительных навыков.
Развивающие: развитие мотивации к изучению иностранного языка, навыка языковой догадки, интеллекта, памяти, совершенствование внимания.
Воспитательные: ссоздание условий для формирования ясных представлений о здоровом питание; воспитание умений работать в группах.
Оборудование: интерактивная доска, презентация в программе SMART
Ход урока.
I. Оргмомент.
Hello, EVERYONE!!!Nice to meet you! I hope you are feeling well today. The subject of our discussion today is a healthy way of life. Our health depends on many things: our good or poor health habits, our physical activity, the food we eat. Today we’ll speak about HEALTH. - Our topic IS: “Do you live a healthy lifestyle?”
Әр адамға өз денсаулығын сақтау керек. Оны сақтау үшін адам салауатты өмір сүрү керек. Салауатты өмірге дене шынықтыру, жақсы тамақтану, спортпен шұғылдану деген нәрселер кіреді. (Каждому человеку необходимо сохранить свое здоровье. Чтобы его сохранить, человек должен Жить здорово. В здоровую жизнь входят такие вещи, как физическая культура, хорошее питание, занятие спортом.)
And we shall speak about tasty, healthy and useless food. We’ll discuss how sports and balanced diet help us to be fit, healthy and strong. We shall speak about sports. You will know something interesting and new for you. You see that your health is in your own hands. And now let’s start our work. First of all you will be divided into two groups:
Group #1 & Group #2
1) Now, remember the words according to our topic. Listen to me and try to complete some sentences using necessary words. (игра со зрителями)
Вкуснотища – Very good! Пищу называют – food.
Это вовсе не каприз, сыр мы называем – cheese.
Мясо жарится, шкварчит, мясо по-английски – meat.
Арбуз предпочитаю сливам, арбуз иначе – water-melon.
Узнали все впервые, что груша – это pear.
Масло нужно всем ребятам. Масло по-английски – butter.
Без соли борщ не лезет в рот. Соль по-английски – просто salt.
Ведро воды не принесете? Вода, водичка будет – water.
Слива тут и слива – там. Слива по-английски – plum.
Виноград мы съели весь. Виноград – иначе grape.
На каз яз- сейчас наши ученицы из 6 «г» класса прочитают нам стихотворения: OUR HEALTH! (Ангелина и Алина)
Choose the right translation and refer them to
the words on the left (найти правильный перевод слов)
1 personal hygiene a выздоравливать
2 rich in vitamins b полезно для зрения
3 regular exercises c молочные продукты
4 dairy products d придерживаться диеты
5 to keep to a diet e регулярные упражнения
6 soft drinks f богатый витаминами
7 good for eyesight g измерять температуру
8 take temperature h личная гигиена
Now our pupils’ role plays the dialogue: Panda’s family! Let’s have a look!
Come on everyone, Keep healthy, Keep healthy YOU NEED to drink water You need to eat well, too. You need to play and do exercise It’s good for you! Come on everyone, Keep healthy, Keep healthy. You need to wash your body, You need to sleep well, too. You need to play and do exercise It’s good for you! Come on everyone, Keep healthy, Keep healthy. |
4) Answer the questions:
1. People use it when they wash they hair. (7 letters) shampoo
2. When we are ill or catch a cold we have it. (5 letters) cough
3. They are very useful for your health. (8 letters) vitamins
4. You use it when you clean your teeth. (10 letters) toothpaste
5. You should reduce it to be healthy. (6 letters) weight
5) Dear children! I'll call healthy and unhealthy habits on the topic “Do you live a healthy lifestyle?” and you, , please,
you should show your cards and say “Yes” or “No” to the habits.
The task is: show the cards with the words where it is necessary: (учитель называет хорошие и плохие привычки, по теме: «Здоровый образ жизни», а учащиеся показывают и озвучивают хором “Yes” или “No).
ЖЕТОНЫ зарабатывают в течение мероприятия, чтобы получить - сладкий приз
1. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
2. Eat too much.
3. Skip your breakfast.
4. Smoking
5. Drinking alcohol
6. Exercising
7. Dieting
8. Eating breakfast.
9. Sleeping too much.
10. Physical activity.
11. Eating sweets.
12. Visit doctors once a year
5. let’s listen them!-What healthy advice do pupils can name &
can keep them?
6. Read and say which word is odd one?
7. Подведение итогов
Now, do you know what food is healthy and unhealthy for you?
Let’s try to value your impressions after our lesson. What healthy advice do pupils can name & can keep them?
Dear children, eat healthy food and be healthy and happy! Аман денеде аман рух!
Thanks for your work. The lesson is over. Goodbye! You work hard today: You spoke English, wrote, read and did different tasks and you have good results! Our lesson is over!
Come on everyone, Keep healthy, Keep healthy YOU NEED to drink water You need to eat well, too. You need to play and do exercise It’s good for you! Come on everyone, Keep healthy, Keep healthy. You need to wash your body, You need to sleep well, too. You need to play and do exercise It’s good for you! Come on everyone, Keep healthy, Keep healthy. |
Come on everyone, Keep healthy, Keep healthy YOU NEED to drink water You need to eat well, too. You need to play and do exercise It’s good for you! Come on everyone, Keep healthy, Keep healthy. You need to wash your body, You need to sleep well, too. You need to play and do exercise It’s good for you! Come on everyone, Keep healthy, Keep healthy. |
Come on everyone, Keep healthy, Keep healthy YOU NEED to drink water You need to eat well, too. You need to play and do exercise It’s good for you! Come on everyone, Keep healthy, Keep healthy. You need to wash your body, You need to sleep well, too. You need to play and do exercise It’s good for you! Come on everyone, Keep healthy, Keep healthy. |
Come on everyone, Keep healthy, Keep healthy YOU NEED to drink water You need to eat well, too. You need to play and do exercise It’s good for you! Come on everyone, Keep healthy, Keep healthy. You need to wash your body, You need to sleep well, too. You need to play and do exercise It’s good for you! Come on everyone, Keep healthy, Keep healthy. |
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