Открытый урок английского языка в 8 классе
Урок - викторина
Тема: «Страдательный залог» (Passive Voice)
- совершенствование грамматических навыков по теме « Страдательный залог»;
- тренировка навыков диалогической и монологической речи;
- совершенствование лексических навыков.
- карточки с заданием «Разделительные вопросы»;
- картинки для составления предложений;
- карточки со словами и выражениями, для лексической зарядки;
-карточки с первой формой глаголов.
Ход урока
I. Организационный момент
Good morning, dear boys and girls!
Today we shall have a competition on the topic “The Passive Voice”. You will play games, sing songs and recite poems. If you do my task well, you will get a “stick”.
II. Лексическая зарядка
Let us revise some words and expressions from the previous lessons. Translate the words from English into Russian and from Russian into English.
( используются карточки с ЛЕ)
Translate the proverbs and sayings into Russian:
- A good beginning is half the battle.- Доброе начало полдела откачало.
- A little pot is soon hot.- Мал да удал.
- All is well that ends well. - Всё хорошо, что хорошо кончается.
- Better late than never. - Лучше поздно, чем никогда.
III. Языковая зарядка
Answer my questions:
- How are you?
- Are you happy?
- Do you like music? What music do you prefer?
- What is your spirit now?
Look at these pictures and match one of them with your spirit.
IV. Активизация образования форм неправильных глаголов.
- Let s remember three forms of the verbs. I have the cards with the first form. You will take them one by one and name the forms of these verbs. Who is ready to start?
(do, bring, give, have, say, see, be, build, write, read, swim, learn, sell, buy…)
V. Активизация образования и распознавания Страдательного залога.
- Choose the correct translation of the marked out words:
1) Много домов было построено а) built
в прошлом году. б) had built
в) were built
г) are built
2) Когда я приехал в этот город, а) was built
этот дом строился. б) had been built
в) was building
г) was being built
3) Много домов строится в а) are built
Москве. б) have been built
в) was being built
4) Этот дом был уже построен, а) was built
когда я приехал. б) had been built
в) was being built
5) Этот дом будет выстроен в а) will have been built
б) will build
- Now it is time to correct the mistakes. Will you look at the blackboard, please. Read the sentence to yourself , find the mistake and if you are ready raise your hand. This task is for one group of you ( strong pupils) :
1. The story were read three days ago.
2. The building of the museum is being reconstructing at the moment.
3. We are not never asked at the English lesson.
4. The text will be translated when he came.
5. English is speak all over the world.
6. Ice cream be made from milk.
7. The game will be played in four days?
8. The computers was bought in the shop.
9. The flowers are not watered last week.
10. The homework must be not done tomorrow.
And this task is for you, children. Will you translate the sentences from English into Russian.
1. The new school was built in 2011.
2. The book was read yesterday.
3. Dinner is being cooked at the moment.
4. The film is watched every evening.
5. The floors were being washed when the boy came home.
6. The room will be cleaned tomorrow.
7. The toy was made last week.
8. The homework is done every day.
9. The house will be repaired in two months.
10. The pencils will be bought next Friday.
VI. Развитие устной речи.
- I want you to look at the blackboard. You can see six pictures on it. You will make up the sentences using the Passive Voice and describe the pictures
( Каждая картинка сопровождается словами – обстоятельством времени.)
- yesterday
-every evening
-last week
-every day
-next Friday
-in two month
-at the moment
-in 2005
-when the boy came home
(Ученики называют номер картинки и составляют предложение для его описания. За каждое правильно составленное предложение ученик получает один жетон.)
VII. Активизация умения определять время глагола в Активном залоге и заменять его на Пассивный залог.
- Look at the blackboard again, please. Find out the sentences and use them in the Passive Voice.
(Ученики по очереди зачитывают предложения в активном залоге и изменяют их в пассивный залог. Ученик получает один жетон, если он правильно назвал время данного предложения и правильно изменил предложение.)
1.They must visit Mr. Grey in the morning .- Mr. Grey must be visited in the morning. 2. He will speak to his friend tomorrow .- His friend will be spoken tomorrow. 3. They often give her fruits from their garden .- She is often given fruits from their garden.
4. They built a new hospital last year .- A new hospital was built last year. 5. She is reading a book at the moment.- A book is being read at the moment. 6. When Jack came his sister was preparing supper. – Supper was being prepared when Jack came. 7. I have done my homework. – My homework has been done. 8. He will look after his brother next week. – His brother will be looked after next week. 9. Pupils didn’t visit the boy last week. – The boy was not visited last week. 10. We don’t translate the poem at home. – The poem is not translated at home.
-It’s time to remember the English well-known proverbs and sayings in which the Passive Voice is used. Match the two parts of the verbs and translate them.
( За каждое правильно составленное и переведённое предложение ученик получает два жетона. )
1. The devil is not so black a) cannot be undone. 2. Rome was not built b) is quickly spent. 3. What is done c) as he is painted. 4. Better untaught d) in heaven . 5. Marriages are made e) in a day. 6. Easily earned money f) than ill-taught.
Keys: 1-c; 2-e; 3-a; 4-f; 5-d; 6-b.
1. What is done cannot be undone. (Сделанного не воротишь.) 2. Rome was not built in a day. (Не сразу Москва строилась.) 3 .The devil is not so black as it is painted. (Не так страшен чёрт, как его малюют.) 4. Better untaught than ill-taught. ( Худая грамота – только пагуба.) 5. Marriages are made in heaven. (Браки совершаются на небесах.) 6. Easily earned money is quickly spent. ( Что легко наживается, легко и проживается.)
VIII. Подведение итогов
Thank you for your work. I can see you are good at grammar. You can use passive and active voices very well. Now it is time to finish our work. It is interesting to know who the best winner today is.
Raise your head!
Jump up high!
Wave your hand
And say “ Goodbye”.
every evening
last week
every day
next Friday
in two months
at the moment
in 2005
when the boy came home
Read the sentences, translate them and use them in the Passive Voice.
1. They must visit Mr. Grey in the morning.
2. He will speak to his friend tomorrow.
3. They often give her fruits from garden.
4. They built a new hospital last year.
5. She is reading a book at the moment.
6. When Jack came his sister was preparing supper.
7. I have done my homework.
8. He will look after his brother next week.
9. Pupils didn’t visit the boy last week.
10. We don’t translate the poem at home.
1. The devil is not so black
2. Rome was not built
3. What is done
4. Better untaught
5. Marriages are made
6. Easily earned money
a)can’t be undone.
b) is quickly spent.
c) as he is painted.
d) in heaven.
e) in a day.
f) than ill-taught.
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