Открытый урок: Travelling - Tallest Buildings in the World
Оценка 4.9

Открытый урок: Travelling - Tallest Buildings in the World

Оценка 4.9
Разработки уроков
английский язык
6 кл
Открытый урок: Travelling - Tallest Buildings in the World
Unit 6 Travelling LESSON: Travelling - Tallest Buildings in the World CLIL “ICT” Date: 28.02.2020 CLASS: 6 “A”
Открытый урок по англ яз-Travelling - Tallest Buildings in the World .docx




Unit 6 Travelling

LESSON:    Travelling - Tallest Buildings in the World       


School: # 7

Date: 28.02.2020

Teacher name: Belaya O. G.

CLASS: 6 “A”

Number present:


Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to deduce meaning from context on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics, including some extended texts - understand independently specific information and detail in short, simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics; use speaking and listening skills to provide sensitive feedback to peers respect differing points of view; 6.S5 interact with peers to negotiate, agree and organize priorities and plans for completing classroom tasks in groups; organise and present information clearly to others; use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings; ask simple questions to get information about a growing range of general topics use independently familiar paper and digital reference resources to check meaning and extend understanding

Language objectives

All learners will be able to: use subject-specific vocabulary to brainstorm pupils to speak on the topic Travelling; learn some information about skyscrapers; watch the video extracts & explore facts about the world’s tallest buildings & their height, measurement;

Most learners will be able to: explore facts about the world’s tallest buildings, their countries, flags & destiny of each one; do the quiz; to listen &  read for cohesion and coherence (missing words) -to put the missing words in the right place in the text;

Some learners will be able to:

use some language from the module to express views and answer  some relevant questions accurately spontaneously –can role play as a guide/or tourists;

Assessment criteria

·         Read short texts & deduce meaning from context, remember  some necessary information about the Tallest Buildings in the World (identify the main  facts are given in short-texts-do the quiz time);

·         Watch the video, identify some details in video & complete the cards in groups, with little support;

·         role play in each group;

·         can create the travelling broachers & present them to the class;

Level of thinking

Knowledge and comprehension;  to improve pupils’ listening and speaking skills; - to enlarge pupils’ knowledge on travelling and teach them to respect the culture and traditions of other countries; - to teach pupils to work in groups; - to develop their imagination and creativity.

Value links

civil responsibility, respect, cooperation

Cross curricular


English & Geography, Science & self-knowledge



Planned timings

Planned activities


Beginning the lesson


Teacher greets with the pupils and checks their attendance.

Brainstorming:  I’m glad to see you. Let’s begin our lesson.

Ice- breaking: St-s make a relaxing exercise …in a circle before a teacher. T-r shows the ball with the different countries on it and passes the ball around class. –T-r asks the St-s to tell her some information about their past travelling experience around the world…( Using  Past simple tense).  


T-r stimulates a discussion to prompt Ss’ interest in the module.   Today we’ll go through the pages of our book, Unit 6. Open, please, the S/B p.76 –(ex.1-) there is some quotation. Read it & say: What does it mean? Do you agree or disagree? Why? Discuss. St-s – express their own ideas



Teacher suggests students continue travelling around & visiting abroad. T-r asks St-s to identify the flags & guess what countries are they from? T-r presents the in PPT slide –there are  3-coutries (THE USA,   MALAYSIA,   FRANCE).

Teacher gives the prompt to Ss & shows the pictures with the tallest buildings (towers) –Ss try to guess & identify the topic of the lesson according the pictures.

T-r sets the aims of the lesson:               

use subject-specific vocabulary  to speak on the topic: Travelling; read & learn some information about the tallest skyscrapers- their height, measurement by completing the sentences in groups, then they st-s should  watch the video extracts & explore some facts about the world’s tallest buildings….

ü  Ask Ss to use the Word List to look up the meanings of

unknown words in the box (glossary) (I)                 



Personal computer











St-s’ book







slide ICT















Personal computer

Main Activities















T-er presents the Tower of personal Progress to the st-s, explains the scale of scores- for their self-assessment, group- assessment with given descriptors.

T-er divides St-s into 3 groups:  

I group Travelling;  II group Holidays; III group Sights

Task 1

For this stage, teacher asks students to work in groups, read, and discuss in English- to do the quiz time. T-r  presents them cards – the short texts with missing words, st-s should read them thoroughly & complete them logically (self- assessment)

 (17 scores) (G)

Task 2

St-s should watch three video-extracts & complete the cards with given appropriate answers –choosing variants (a, b, c). They read for cohesion and coherence (completing the missing words in the right places according to the context of  the text)

Descriptor: read the sentences and complete the missing words in the right places according to the context (16 scores) (G)

Feedback: smiles

Task 3 “Hot chair” method

One leader from each group can come to the blackboard and sits on the chair. The student should choose  only one card with place, city & its sight like the tallest Tower, the S-t should imagine himself in the role of guide & answer the following questions, the other S-s should be in the role of  Tourists ask as many questions as they can:

Student # 1

the following questions:

1.        Where is the Empire State building situated? Name the country & its city, please.

……………..Descriptor: 3 scores       

             Task 4   T-er explains the task: ask Ss to work in small groups and give them time to create a travelling brochure persuading people to travel & visit their country with the most famous & Tallest Tower of each one. To write about a tourist destination, country & its capital.

ü  T-er gives Ss for a couple of minutes to generate ideas for places they can write about, to use their own ideas, knowledge, they have to remember some facts which they have learnt today can create their own brochures.

ü  Ask each group to present their brochures to the whole class.

Descriptor: (5 scores) for the best group presentation of the content & decoration of brochure


Each st-t creates & makes a presentation on their own model of Travelling  brochure, choosing one of the given Tower.


1.             What I have learnt …

2.             What place are interested in…& they would like to visit…





























pictures cards






Assessment criteria




Ending the lesson


T-er gives & explains to their homework:

S-s should do home project & create their personal travel brochures about Burj Khahlifa (829 m) is located in the emirate of Dubai or the Jeddah Tower (1km)- Kingdom tower -it is in Saudi Arabia (2020) 


Additional information

Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning?


check pronunciation of new language through group and individual drilling

check comprehension of st-s’ speech through follow-up questions & completing the sentences through listening

Cross-curricular links
Health and safety check
ICT links
Values links

Challenge more able learners and less able learners by letting them complete together pair work tasks

Value links: Health importance


Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic? Did I stick to timings?

What changes did I make from my plan and why?






Unit 6 Travelling LESSON:

Unit 6 Travelling LESSON:

Beginning the lesson

Beginning the lesson

Main Activities

Main Activities

Assessment criteria

Assessment criteria
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