Открытый урок по английскому во 2 классе Home cooking
Оценка 5
Разработки уроков
английский язык
2 кл
2.W3 write familiar wordsto identify people, places and objects
2.S4 respond to basicsupported questionsabout people, objects
2.L3recognise with support common names and names of places recognise the spoken form of a limited range of everyday and classroom words
2.UE9use common present simple forms [positive, negative and question] to give basic personal information
English Grade 2 Unit 6 Traditional Kazakh food LESSON PLAN 33.docx
Lesson plan Home cooking Kyrkynan shygaru
Longterm plan Unit 6:
Traditions and customs
Date: Term 3, Lesson46
Grade: 2
Theme of the lesson:
Learning objectives(s)
Lesson objectives
School: Kenaral secondary school
Teacher name: Khasenova S. R.
Number present:
Home cooking Traditional Kazakh food
2.W3 write familiar wordsto identify people, places and objects
2.S4 respond to basicsupported questionsabout people, objects
2.L3recognise with support common names and names of places
recognise the spoken form of a limited range of everyday and
classroom words
2.UE9use common present simple forms [positive, negative and
question] to give basic personal information
All learners will be able to:
develop his or her ability to express likes and dislikes:
Some learners will be able to:
complete all worksheets correctly.
name themain vocabulary words;
Most learners will be able to:
Success criteria
Value links
Cross curricular links
ICT skills
Previous learning
Learners have met this learning objective if they can:
say what kind of food he or she likes and dislikes
use structure Do you like…? And respond on a question;
do most of tasks correctly.
Ls will work together as a group showing respect and being polite with
each other, respect to the tradition food of Kazakh people and customs
Primary Science
PPT, Video, the use of whiteboard
Traditions and customs
Planned activities
Learners are introduced the success criteria of the lesson.
Warm up Children sing the song “Hello, how are you?”Thank you for your
singing, take your seats, please. Let's make a circle. Play the game " Magic ball of
thread" (передают по кругу )
1 Look at the screen. Tell us, please, what’s this? (Children see a picture on the screen
and name different food and drinks: It’s …) Can you
you guess, what is the topic of our lesson? (Ch: Today our topic is “Food”. Home
cooking and KyrkyKyrkynan shygaru…) Yes, you right.
СегоCегодня на уроке вы узнаете, чем угощают на празднике Д. Также вы научитесь говорить о
том, что вы любите и не любите есть.
What are we going to do in the lesson? We are going to speak”. We are going
to play, to sing and watch our DVD about food.
At the end of the lesson you’ll be able to
talk about the food;
talk about the time;
Let's read the rules of work in the classroom; Work together! Be active! Listen
to each other!
УмEvaluation criteria activity right answers
am yum yum loves only sweets 3человечка ням ням, которые любят
только конфеты. Ваши набранные баллы превращаются в конфеты.
Оценивание на солнышках ваши ответы лучики на солнышках
(лежат на столе) Children, let’s revise The ABC.
(Учитель показывает карточку с буквой и словом, которое начинается
с этой буквы, а ученики называют букву и слово.)
a [æ] apple, banana , sandwich
ch [tS] chocolate, cheese, chips, sandwich
[i ] milk, biscuit
[ә; burger
− Well done! Thank you!
Teacher offers students to work with PPT.
Teacher shows the PPT and asks questions Do you like beshbarmak? Students
reply Yes I like or No I don’t like
Presentation / Активизация лексики по теме «Продукты питания».
After workings with PPT students are offered to work with memory cards (will use as a
PPT or as an individual cards) to revise words or to learn them, again practice structure
Do you like? Students will work in circle or in groups.
Ph. Training: Learners listen to the song Do you like? and practice structure Do you like
Yes I do/ no I don’t
Learners are suggested to complete exercise worksheet1 (read and match) .
(красивая открытка с приглашением Лили на 40 дней ее братика)
T: What is this? this is an invitation. Dear friends ! I invite you to a holiday
called Kyrkanan Shygaru . Lilly
T: What is this holiday? Repeat the words
Ата салтым асыл мұрам ардағым
Бабалардың жалғастырар арманым
Сол ғасырда қалпын бұзбас кәдірім
Өткенімді бүгінменен жалғадым
Before the rite begins, you need to prepare the water (boil it and cool it to a
temperature acceptable for swimming), coin and beans with boiling water.
At the bottom of the bowl put coins a symbol of wealth and / or silver jewelry
(silver in the Kazakhs symbolizes purity and protects from evil spirits), as well as
beans to a full and long life.
III.Формирование знаний и умений
1 Практика аудирования
We continue studying our main theme: “Home cooking”. And our
2 special topic is Kazakh food Presentation Kazakh food/ Vocabulary
2. Чтение текста с заданиями (приложение 5)
Read the texts and match
Прочитайте тексты и соотнесите с картинками
(раздаточный материал на столах учащихся)
Let' s read "Kazakh traditional food"
In Kazakhstan people eat a lot of meat. Their traditional food is the
Kazakh meat. Kazakh people are very hospitable. When they invite
guest they also cook pilaf, kazy, kuyrdak. They have some traditional
milk products. They are kurt, irimshik. Their traditional drinks are
kymys, shubat. These drinks are very useful for our health.
Talk to your partner:
1. What's the popular food in your family?
2. What's your favourite drink?
3. Do you like beshbarmak?
2 Практика письменной речи
Please find the words from the table among letters and write a list what
you have in a lunchbox.
Пожалуйста, найдите слова из таблички, затерявшиеся среди книг и
составьте лист, что есть в корзине. Приложение 2
1 Письменная деятельность
Разгадывание кроссворда (приложение 4)
Do the crossword (раздаточный материал на столах учащихся)
Постановка домашнего задания.
− Now open your diaries and write down your home task. You are to do
− A теперь составим меню! And now, please make your own menus for
today's lunch from the words in the table. And then let's write the names
of the drinks, which letters are in a mess. Дети выбирают слова из
списка и составляют меню, а затем восстанавливают название
напитков, чьи буквы перепутались. Приложение 3
(Ученики записывают домашнее задание.Учитель проводит инструктаж по
выполнению упражнений.)
Подведение итогов урока. Reflection This is a beautiful vase, let' s
put apples Green apples O.K Red apples no understand;
−Итак, ребята, что нового мы узнали сегодня на уроке?
− Excellent! Thank you! You were great today! .
So, our lesson is over. You may go outTeacher gives feedback for learners. This
might be done in oral form.Learners reflect on their learning:
What has been learned
What remained unclear
What is necessary to work on
What was interesting
H/T: to learn the words
Additional information
3 Differentiation – how
do you plan to give
more support? How
do you plan to
challenge the more
able learners?
Support for weaker
students: working in
pairs/groups, phrases
Challenges for
moreable students:
Encouraged to do
Differentiation can
be by task, by
outcome, by
individual support, by
selection of teaching
materials and
resources taking into
account individual
abilities of learners
(Theory of Multiple
Intelligences by
Differentiation can
be used at any stage
of the lesson keeping
time management in
Pair work, group work
Were the lesson
objectives realistic?
Did all learners
achieve the LO?
If not, why?
Assessment – how
are you planning
to check learners’
Health and safety check
ICT links
Video, PPT
Checking the task
Feedback on the
Health promoting techniques
Breaks and physical activities used.
Points from Safety rules used at this lesson.
Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant
questions from the box on the left about your lesson.
4 Did my planned
differentiation work
Did I stick to
What changes did I
make from my plan
and why?
Summary evaluation
What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?
What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?
What have I learned from this lesson about the class orachievements/difficulties of individuals
that will inform my next lesson?
Открытый урок по английскому во 2 классе Home cooking
Открытый урок по английскому во 2 классе Home cooking
Открытый урок по английскому во 2 классе Home cooking
Открытый урок по английскому во 2 классе Home cooking
Открытый урок по английскому во 2 классе Home cooking
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