The geographical situation and political system of the English
speaking countries
Научить использовать во всех видах речевой деятельности изученные
лексические единицы по теме; формировать навыки общения в рамках
заданной темы; закрепить пройденный ранее материал по теме; обобщить и
систематизировать полученные обучающимися знания; закрепить навыки
распознавания и употребления форм страдательного залога.
Развивать навыки во всех видах речевой деятельности
(произношении, чтении, аудировании, говорении); развивать
лингвистическую и социокультурную компетенции; развивать
коммуникативные умения при работе в группе; развивать умения работать с
информацией; развивать компетенцию личностного совершенствования;
развивать умения сопоставлять, анализировать и сравнивать; развивать
умения структурировать текст, связать изучение данной темы с курсами
географии и истории англоязычных стран, способствовать развитию
логического мышления, памяти и внимания.
Формировать ценностные ориентации; воспитывать уважение и
толерантность к культуре и традициям англо говорящих стран;
воспитывать интерес к познанию окружающего мира; повышать мотивацию
к изучению иностранного языка.
Форма урока: урок игра
Оборудование: компьютер, интерактивная доска, презентации,
раздаточный материал.
Ход урока.
I. Оргмомент. Рапорт дежурного.
Good morning, boys.
I'm glad to see you. Who is absent today?
OK. Let's start our work.
Вступительное слово учителя.
II. Dear friends! We are glad to see you on the board of our plane. Today
we are going to have a tour around some English speaking countries. Here
is the map. During our journey you will watch some short presentations
about these countries. We had visited Great Britain and the USA and we shall
visit Canada, Australia and New Zealand.
We have spoken a lot about English speaking countries and their
political systems. We shall try to deepen your knowledge and this will help
you to improve your English. So I want you all to take an active part in our
tour and try to acquire the information needed.
III. Фонетическая зарядка.
First, however, let’s practice pronouncing some of the terms needed in the
right way.
l) Look at the screen, listen , repeat and read after me the words. They will
help us at the lesson. Приложение № 1
Area, the total area, population, coat of arms, the anthem of the country,
capital, language, the official language, symbol, Big Ben is the symbol of
London, the government of the country, the Federal government, Congress is the
government of the USA, monarch, legislative, executive, to elect, the House of
Lords, the House of Commons, the Cabinet, the court, the Supreme Court, the
Constitutional Court, consists of, the United Kingdom consists of four parts, is
situated, continent; the native, the people, head of the state, the Queen Elizabeth
2) But now you need to make the next task. Look at the screen. All the words
are mixed here. Can you match them to each other? Приложение № 2
political system
is washed
is separated
is divided
генерал губернатор
законодательный орган
федеральная республика
governer general
занимает территорию occupies the territory
конституционная монархия
federal republic
parliamentary monarchy
constitutional monarchy
политическая система
парламентская монархия
T: OK. I see you remember these words and we continue our lesson and check
your knowledge about main English speaking countries: Great Britain and the
IV. Проверка домашнего задания. Фронтальный опрос с помощью
презентации: Приложение № 3
Great Britain
T: Now let’s remember the most interesting information about Great Britain and
the USA. I’ll show the pictures and you need to say what it is and give short
information. At first we’ll speak about Great Britain . What is the full name of
this country?
P: The United Kingdom and Northern Ireland
T: Let’s start.
1 слайд: здание Парламента
T: What is it?
P: It is The Houses of Parliament
T: What can you say about it?
P: The Houses of Parliament is the building where the British Parliament
works. The British Parliament is divided into two Houses: the House of
Lords and the House of Commons.
2 слайд: картинка Buckingham Palace
T: What is it?
P: It is Buckingham Palace
T: What do you know about Buckingham Palace?
P: It was built in the 18th century. It is the official residence of the Queen and the
British Royal family.
T: What is the name of the Queen?
P: The name of the Queen is Elizabeth the Second. 3 слайд: картинкаTrafalgar Square
T: What is this?
P: It is Trafalgar Square.
T: What can you say about it?
P: Trafalgar Square is one of the nice square, it is in the center of the West End.
You can see a statue of Lord Nelson in the middle of this square.
4 слайд: картинка Big Ben
T: What is it?
P: It is Big Ben.
T: What do you know about it?
P: It is the biggest clock bell in Britain and it came into service in 1859. The
weight of Big Ben is 13,5 tons.
5 слайд: картинка Westminster Abbey
T: What is it?
P: It is Westminster Abbey.
T: What can you say about it?
P: Westminster Abbey was founded in 1050 and it is situated in the center
of London. Many great Englishmen were buried in the Abbey: Newton,
Darvin, Dickens, Kipling and others.
T: But now we’ll speak about the USA.
1 слайд: здание Белого Дома the White House
T: What is it?
P: It is the White House.
T: What can you say about it?
P: It is the official residence of the President.
T: What is the name of the President?
P: The name of the President is Barack Obama.
2 слайд: здание Капитолия – the US Capitol
T: What is it?
P: It is the US Capitol.
T: What do you know about it?
P: It is the tallest building in Washington, District Columbia, and the most
famous building in the USA. The laws are made in it. It is also an artistic
treasure house. 3 слайд: картинкаThe Statue of Liberty
T: What is it?
P: It is The Statue of Liberty.
T: What can you say about it?
P: It symbolizes the friendship of the USA and France and freedom. This statue
stands on a small Island at New York’s harbor.
4 слайд: картинка Niagara Falls
T: What is it?
P: It is Niagara Falls.
T: What do you know about it?
P: Niagara Falls is located on the Niagara River. It consists of two cataracts: the
Horseshoe, or Canadian, Falls (57 meters high), on the Canadian side of the
river, and the American Falls (55 meters high), on the United States side.
Niagara Falls was formed about 12,000 years ago and it is a great tourist
5 слайд: картинка Disneyland
T: What is it?
P: It is Disneyland Park .
T: What can you say about it?
P: It was opened on July 17, 1955 by Walt Disney, the man who
invented Mickey Mouse. It is one of the most popular theme parks in the world.
Новый материал.
T: OK, you saw some places of Great Britain and the USA and remembered the
facts about these countries. Let’s continue our journey. We are flying above
Canada. Our guides prepared interesting information for you.
1. Презентации о Канаде (географическое положение, политическая
система, юридическая система)
T: Now let’s go to Australia. I give the word to our guides.
Презентации об Австралии (географическое положение,
политическая система, юридическая система)
T: Let’s go to New Zealand.
3. Презентации о Новой Зеландии (географическое положение,
политическая система, юридическая система)
Закрепление изученного. T: You’ve got the information about English speaking countries. Now I
would like to check what you understand and what you remember. Please,
answer my question.
1. Ответы на вопросы
So, how many English speaking countries do you know? (5)
Which of them did we speak about at our lesson? ( Great Britain, the
USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.)
Are they situated near or far from each other? (They are situated far from
each other.)
Then why do people speak English in these countries?
(They all were former British colonies, and the British brought their
language with them. And now they all belong to the British
Commonwealth of Nations.)
2. The next task is to compose the dialogues. You have cards with
phrases. You need to connect them. Приложение №4
Card 1.
1.Hello! I’m a pressman of Russian
magazine for teenagers “Around
the World”. Could you tell me
some interesting information about
your country?
2.But what is the official language
in Australia, English or French?
3.I’ve heard Australia is the biggest
island. Is it true?
4.But I know there are some
interesting animals in Australia.
5.They say twothirds of Australia
is a desert. Is it true?
6.Is Australia a federal republic or
a constitutional monarchy?
7.How many states does Australia
consist of?
Of course! What would you like to
English, of course.
Oh, yes! It’s really so! Australia is the
6th large country in the world and it is
the smallest continent.
You are right. Australia’s bestknown
animals are the kangaroo, koala and the
Yes, the center of the continent is
covered by the deserts: the Great Sandy
Desert, the Great Victoria Desert and
the Simpson Desert.
Australia is a constitutional monarchy
with the Queen of Great Britain at its
It consists of six states and two
territories. 8.What is the main legislative body
in Australia?
9.Thank you very much. Good –
The Federal Parliament is the main
legislative body.
Good –bye!
Card 2.
1.Hello! I’m a pressman of Russian
magazine for teenagers “Around
the World”. Could you tell me
some interesting information about
your country?
2.Is Canada a large country?
Of course! What would you like to
Yes, it is the world’s second largest
3.Where is the parliament situated? The parliament is in Ottawa.
4.I’ve heard Canada stretches in
several time zones. Is it really so?
5.I know Queen Elizabeth II was
recognize as Queen of Canada. But
6.It is interesting to know about the
state language.
7.What about legal system in
Yes, the Canadians live within four time
This symbolizes the country’s strong
ties to Britain.
The main languages are English and
Legal system is based on the English
common law, except in Quebec, where
civil law system based on the French
law prevails.
8.Thank you very much. Good –
Good –bye!
Card 3.
1.Hello! I’m a pressman of Russian
magazine for teenagers “Around
the World”. Could you tell me
some interesting information about
your country?
Of course! What would you like to
know? 2.I know New Zealand is the island
3.What languages do people in
New Zealand speak besides
4.Is New Zealand a federal republic
or a constitutional monarchy?
5.Was New Zealand a British
6.I know Government type is
parliamentary democracy. Am I
7.What can you say about legal
system of New Zealand?
8.Who is considered to be the chief
of the state?
8.Thank you very much. Good –
Oh, yes! It is situated on two main
islands the North Island and the South
Island and several dozen smaller
English is the official language, but
many native people speak their own
This country is a constitutional
monarchy. The British Monarch, Queen
Elizabeth II, is the monarch of New
Yes, but it became an independent
dominion in 1907.
Yes, you are right.
Legal system of this country is based on
the English law, with special land
legislation and land courts for Maoris.
Since February 1952 the chief of the
state is Queen Elizabeth II represented
by GovernorGeneral since April 2001.
Good –bye!
3. Проверка составленных диалогов.
4. Чтение диалогов по ролям.
VII. Подведение итогов урока. Рефлексия освоенного:
T: Our trip comes to the end, and it's the time to sum it up. Tell me
What have we done at the lesson? (We saw the presentation,
remembered our knowledge about Great Britain and the USA, knоw some
information about Canada, New Zealand and Australia, answered the
Why do we study the English language?
P 1: Because it is the language of millions of people and all over the
world they use it as a native language or study it. P 2: Because English is an international language, it is the language of
politics, business, science and tourism.
T: I hope that the knowledge of English and the information about the
English speaking countries will be helpful in your future life. For your work at
the lesson I give you the following marks...
VIII. Домашнее задание: выучить диалоги наизусть.
Дополнительный материал
Презентация о различии в английском британском и
You know there is difference between the British and the American English.
Look at the screen and say how do the British or the American people call these
Say what do the American people do.
The British live in flats, but the Americans....
The British look at their timetable, but the Americans...
The British take a taxi, but the Americans...
The British call the rainy season autumn, but the Americans...
When travelling the British take the luggage, but the Americans...
The British buy the tickets at the booking office, but the Americans...
The British work in companies, but the Americans...
In the morning the British receive post, but the Americans...
When the British go to work by underground, but the Americans... Sometimes the British travel by railway, but the Americans...
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Открытый урок по английскому языку "Англоязычные страны: географическое положение, политическая и юридическая системы"
Открытый урок по английскому языку "Англоязычные страны: географическое положение, политическая и юридическая системы"
Открытый урок по английскому языку "Англоязычные страны: географическое положение, политическая и юридическая системы"
Открытый урок по английскому языку "Англоязычные страны: географическое положение, политическая и юридическая системы"
Открытый урок по английскому языку "Англоязычные страны: географическое положение, политическая и юридическая системы"
Открытый урок по английскому языку "Англоязычные страны: географическое положение, политическая и юридическая системы"
Открытый урок по английскому языку "Англоязычные страны: географическое положение, политическая и юридическая системы"
Открытый урок по английскому языку "Англоязычные страны: географическое положение, политическая и юридическая системы"
Открытый урок по английскому языку "Англоязычные страны: географическое положение, политическая и юридическая системы"
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