Богомолова Татьяна Анатольевна, учитель английского языка высшей квалификационной категории
Открытый урок по английскому языку в 11 классе.
МБОУ «Гимназия» г. Гая Оренбургской области
Тема урока: «Understanding Art»
Цель урока: обобщение и систематизация умений и навыков разговорной речи на основе
монологических высказываний по теме.
Задачи урока: формировать навыки устной речи,
активизировать лексику в речи учащихся,
развивать критическое мышление путём раскрытия замысла
художника, способность ценить и понимать искусство
познакомиться с разными стилями искусства,
воспитывать чувство прекрасного, умение понимать искусство.
Оборудование: учебник английского языка нового тысячелетия «New Millennium English» для
11класса О.Л.Гроза, О.Б.Дворецкая, интернет, энциклопедия Кирилла и Мефодия.
I. Оргмомент.
Today we are going to speak about art, about pictures of different artists, different janrs of art. I’d like you to
learn how to interpret pictures. There are some rules to interpret them. (слайд 3)
Ex.6, p.111
artist’s name
name of the picture
background information
what can you see in the picture
colours, shades, techniques
Impressions and emotions
the viewer’s impressions, thoughts and ideas
the viewer’s feelings and emotions
the interpretation of the artist’s message
II. Речевая зарядка.
a). Let’s start with the four elements of art. What are they? Now look at the picture and say what you see
Listen to the lecture of the artist Paul Klee. (tape recorder)
answer the questions. (слайд 4)
1. What are four elements of art?
2. What do they symbolize?
3. What elements can you see in this picture?
4. What can you see in this picture?
b). Now we are going to speak about pointillism. What is it?
Pointillism is using many small spots of pure colour rather than longer lines made with a brush.
What artist created in such manner? (слайд 5)
Seurat is a French artist who developed the method of painting known as pointillism. Seurat was a mere
25 (with only seven more years to live), a young man with a scientific theory to prove; this is hardly the
recipe for success. His theory was optical: the conviction that painting in dots, known as pointillism or
division, would produce a brighter colour than painting in strokes. Seurat spent two years painting this picture, concentrating painstakingly on the landscape of the park before focusing on the people; always their
shapes, never their personalities. Individuals did not interest him, only their formal elegance.
Describe the picture of Seurat “Sunday Afternoon on the Grande Jatte” (слайд 6)
c). Next page is devoted to modern art.
Carl Andre the presentation of a pupil and the story. (слайд 7)
Carl Andre was one of the founders of the art movement known as Minimal, Systemic, or ABC Art. It
is an art that seeks to eliminate everything decorative, extraneous and additive, reducing all components to
art's purest elements; it is precise, cerebral and austere rather than accessible. Andre once said that what was
beautiful in art was "not that someone is original but that he can find a way of creating in the world the
instance of his temperament." His own temperament is close to the tranquil philosophy of Taoism, and many
critics refer to his work as "pacific." (Wikipedia http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C0%ED%E4%F0%E5,_%CA
your impressions of his sculptures.
d). There are very many myths about the art. One of them is the legend about the Babel Tower. Do you know
about it? Who wants to speak about? (слайд 8)
The biblical tale of the Tower of Babel describes how, in early days of the world, all mankind spoke the
same language. They wish to build a tower so high that its top could reach heavens. This god made angry and
one day they found themselves all speaking different languages. People sometimes mention the Tower of
Babel when describing a scene of confusion, disorder and the noise of many voices.
We have the pictures by two famous artists:
P. Brueghal and M. Escher
Speak about these two artists: their biographies, their works and creations.
Which picture do like and why? How did each artist see his own Tower of Babel?
Compare two pictures. (слайд 9, 10)
Imagine about other Tower of Babel. (слайд11,12)
e). One of the famous artists is Rembrandt.
What do you know about him? Tell about Rembrandt. (слайд 13)
Today we are going to speak about his picture “The Return of the Prodigal Son”
Ex.4a, p.110
What is your impression about this picture? Use the words from the text. (слайд 14)
f). At the end of the lesson we shall make a conclusion. Make up a sinkway. (слайд 15,16)
1. the main word Art
2. 2 adjectives Wonderful, beautiful
3. 3 verbs To depict, to decorate, to paint
4. main phrase Art demands knowledge.
5. a noun – conclusion Super!
III. The lesson is over. I’m satisfied with your work. Thank you.
Открытый урок по английскому языку по теме "Понимая искусство" (11 класс, английский язык)
Открытый урок по английскому языку по теме "Понимая искусство" (11 класс, английский язык)
Открытый урок по английскому языку по теме "Понимая искусство" (11 класс, английский язык)
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