Выбранные мной методы соответствовали задачам праздника, характеру и содержанию учебного материала, уровню знаний, умений и навыков учащихся. Так, были использованы словесные методы: объяснение, вопросы, инсценировка; наглядные методы: изобразительная наглядность, практические; частично-поисковый, методы стимулирования мотивов интереса к учению: познавательные задания. Урок достиг целейДомашнее задание было закрепляющего, развивающего характера. На мой взгляд, оно было посильно для всех детей.Учащиеся на уроке были активными. Они показали умение продуктивно работать, делать выводы по увиденному, умение анализировать и обобщать свои знания. Также дети показали наличие навыков самоконтроля.
LESSON :Talking about time
School: BNazym Chek up:
Teacher name: Ilakhunova M.P.
Learning objectives(s) that this
lesson is contributing to
Lesson objectives
Number present:
Educational to teach speaking the time and asking the
time; to form grammatical skills for making sentences;
Developmental to develop the pupils’ memory and
Pedagogical to form their interest for learning the
culture of English countries;
All learners will be able to:
say the time correctly
produce some approval/disapproval sounds
Most learners will be able to:
understand some factual questions about yourself
respond appropriately to some yes/no questions
use some short form answers correctly
respond to some information questions about time
Some learners will be able to:
produce a simple question about time
use present simple forms correctly in narration
with teacher’s support
Previous learning
About time
Planned activities (replace the notes below with your
planned activities)
Resources810 minutes
I. Warming
2. Speech
of the new
15 20 minutes
5 New theme
Board with
Pictures A
set of 10
questions to
read out
1. Greeting
Hello, dear boys and girls. I`m very glad to see you again.
Sit down please.
Today at the lesson we are going to speak and ask about
the time.
Answer the questions.
How are you? What date is it today?
What is your name? What day of the week/
How old are you? What the weather like today?
Where are you from? What season is it now?
Count from 1 to 12 What month?
Count from 12 to 1
Divide class into the group: first ,second,third
Pupils take own sets
said tongue twister:Betty Bottle….each group
a clock [klok]часы
8 o’clock – 8 часов
past [pa:st] – после
to – [tu:] до, без
half – [ha:f] половина
a quarter – [ kwotә] – четверть
Excuse me [iks ‘kju:z mi:] извините, простите меня
anyway [‘eniwei] – во всяком случае, так или иначе
There are several clocks. What numbers do you see?
They are one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight,
nine, ten, eleven, twelve (12 numbers).
And we see two hands: minute hand (it shows the
minutes) and hour hand (it shows an hour). Please pay
attention to minute hand.
From 130 we can use the preposition “past”, from 31
60 we can use the preposition “to”.
It’s a quarter past twelve.
It’s a quarter to twelve.
It’s a quarter to ten.
It’s ten past eleven.
picturesIt’s ten to seven.
It’s half past two.
Tasks for group;
Learn the poem
a)Say the time on a clock
b)Read and translate the texts
c)Doing exercises True or False
Physical training
Stand up! Sit down!
Hands up! Hands down
d) Daily routines –write a time
Protect the posters each group
810 minutes
5 minutes
Additional information
Differentiation – how do you plan to
give more support? How do you plan
to challenge the more able learners?
more support can be given during
elicitation, instruction and
questioning phases of the lesson by
nominating learners to answer
items relating to more high
frequency vocabulary to build
confidence through participation.
more able learners will be
challenged by prompting their
groups to develop speaking
Assessment – how are you
planning to check learners’
through questioning and the
redirecting of questioning in
feedback activities
through observation in group
and end performance activities
Health and
Were the lesson
objectives realistic?
What did the learners learn
Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the
most relevant questions from the box on the left about your
Objectives were realistic ... the pupils have learned to
recognize colors and letters of the alphabet and to answer
the question what is your name ... the atmosphere was
friendly and the game time was maintained ... ...What was the learning
atmosphere like?
Did my planned
differentiation work well?
Summary evaluation
What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?
2:Physical training and poem
What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?
What have I learned from this lesson about the class or individuals that will inform my nextLESSON : Past Simple
School: BNazym Chek up:
Date: 6 a 18.02
Teacher name: Ilakhunova M.P.
Learning objectives(s) that this
lesson is contributing to
Lesson objectives
Number present:
Educational to teach speaking the time and asking the
time; to form grammatical skills for making sentences;
Developmental to develop the pupils’ memory and
Pedagogical to form their interest for learning the
culture of English countries;
All learners will be able to:
say the time correctly
produce some approval/disapproval sounds
Most learners will be able to:
understand some factual questions about yourself
respond appropriately to some yes/no questions
use some short form answers correctly
respond to some information questions about time
Some learners will be able to:
produce a simple question about time
use present simple forms correctly in narration
with teacher’s support
Previous learning
About time
Planned activities (replace the notes below with your
planned activities)810 minutes
I. Warming
2. Speech
of the new
1. Greeting
Hello, dear boys and girls. I`m very glad to see you again.
Sit down please.
Today at the lesson we are going to speak and ask about
the time.
Answer the questions.
How are you? What date is it today?
What is your name? What day of the week/
How old are you? What the weather like today?
Where are you from? What season is it now?
Count from 1 to 12 What month?
Count from 12 to 1
Divide class into the group: gnomes Ted,Jack,Tim
Pupils take own sets
Today we are going to visit the town of the Past Simple.
It’s a very beautiful town. Who lives in this town? Look!
These are funny gnomes. What are their names? Their
names are Ted, Jack, Tim and Ben. They are nice, kind and
friendly. They will show us the town. We shall learn some
grammar rules, do exercises, sing songs and play games at
the lesson.
: Look! These are the names of the streets. Listen and
repeat. (Читает. Ученики повторяют хором, затем по
Board with
Pictures A
set of 10
questions to
read out
The day before yesterday
Last week
Last month
Last year
15 20 minutes
5 Grammar
810 minutes
7 Reading
А живут в этом городе большие труженики –
правильные глаголы. Посмотрите как они образуются.
А теперь послушайте как звучит окончание –ed у этих
А еще в этом городе живут непослушные ленивые
неправильные глаголы. Их не так уж и много, но их
формы нужно запоминать.
Now listen to me and repeat after me: (Ученики
повторяют хором)
be – was/were been
begin – began begun
bring – brought brought
buy – bought bought
build – built built
come – came come
do – did – done
Read and translate the texts
Каждая группа получает небольшой текст, в котором8 Doing
9 Work with
11 Home task
5 minutes
нужно найти и подчеркнуть неправильные глаголы.
1. Mary got up at 7 o’clock yesterday. She washed her
face and cleaned her teeth. Then she had breakfast.
She took her bag and went to school.
2. Jane came home at 2 o’clock yesterday. She had
dinner. Then she cleaned her room. She did her
homework. Then she played games.
3. My mother came home from work at 6 o’clock
yesterday. She cooked supper. Then she watched
TV. She read a book. She went to bed at 10 o’clock.
Please draw me what do you understand today at the
Protect the posters
to make sentences
. Как образуется утвердительная форма правильных
глаголов в Past Simple?
2. Когда мы читаем окончание правильных глаголов t, d,
3. Что происходит с конечной буквой “e” перед
окончанием “ed”?
Additional information
Differentiation – how do you plan to
give more support? How do you plan
to challenge the more able learners?
Assessment – how are you
planning to check learners’
more support can be given during
elicitation, instruction and
questioning phases of the lesson by
nominating learners to answer
items relating to more high
frequency vocabulary to build
confidence through participation.
more able learners will be
challenged by prompting their
groups to develop speaking
through questioning and the
redirecting of questioning in
feedback activities
through observation in group
and end performance activities
Health and
Were the lesson
objectives realistic?
What did the learners learn
Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the
most relevant questions from the box on the left about your
Objectives were realistic ... the pupils have learned to
recognize colors and letters of the alphabet and to answer the
question what is your name ... the atmosphere was friendly and
the game time was maintained ... ..
In the next lesson, I would have taken more g
What was the learning
atmosphere like?
Did my planned
differentiation work well?
Did I stick to timings?
What changes did I make
from my plan and why?
Summary evaluation
What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?
2:Physical training and poem
What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?
What have I learned from this lesson about the class or individuals that will inform my next
1.I ……tennis last Saturday (play).
2.He……two minutes ago (left).
3.My…..brother in London in 1998 (work).
4.We…..at the seaside 2 years ago (rest).
5.Mary…..of her coat (take).6.He…..up and …..across the room(stand,walk).
7.They…..at school yesterday (be).
8.The girl…..somebody in the window (notice).
The teacher….the classroom (enter).
{t} гл согл {d} согл и гл {id} после d,
Watched Played Scated
Walked Learned
WantedTalked Tried
Finished Cried
Looked Smiled
be – was/were been
begin – began begunbring – brought brought
buy – bought bought
build – built built
come – came come
do – did – done
drink – drank drunk
eat – ate eaten
get – got got
give – gave given
go – went gone
have – had had
know – knew known
let – let let
make – made – made
meet – met – metput – put put
read – read read
see – saw seen1. Mary got up at 7 o’clock
yesterday. She washed her
face and cleaned her teeth.
Then she had breakfast. She
took her bag and went to
2. Jane came home at 2
o’clock yesterday. She had
dinner. Then she cleaned
her room. She did her
homework. Then she played
games.3. My mother came home
from work at 6 o’clock
yesterday. She cooked
supper. Then she watched
TV. She read a book. She
went to bed at 10 o’clock.