План-конспект урока-проекта по английскому языку на тему "Экологические проблемы Ростовской области" (7 класс, английский язык)
Оценка 4.8

План-конспект урока-проекта по английскому языку на тему "Экологические проблемы Ростовской области" (7 класс, английский язык)

Оценка 4.8
Разработки уроков
английский язык
7 кл
План-конспект урока-проекта по английскому языку на тему "Экологические проблемы Ростовской области" (7 класс, английский язык)
презентация к уроку.pptx

“Science and Fiction”

“Science and Fiction”

“Science and Fiction”

We are different!

We are different!

We are different!

We have some in common!

We have some in common!

We have some in common!

Firstly, we live on the Earth!

Firstly, we live on the Earth!

we live on
the Earth!

Secondly, we are from the Russian

Secondly, we are from the Russian

Secondly, we are from
the Russian Federation!

Thirdly, our motherland is Rostov region!

Thirdly, our motherland is Rostov region!

our motherland
Rostov region!

We must save it from ecological problems!

We must save it from ecological problems!

We must
save it from

The 22nd of April is the Earth Day!

Let’s start to protect the environment of

Let’s start to protect the environment of

Let’s start to protect the environment of Rostov region!

of, region, Rostov, problems, Ecological

of, region, Rostov, problems, Ecological

of, region, Rostov, problems, Ecological

Ecological problems of Rostov region

Ecological problems of Rostov region

Ecological problems
of Rostov region.

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