План урока по английскому языку на тему "exploring the world".
Let's begin our lesson.
- Let's learn new words together. I will pronounce and you repeat after me.
English Transcription Translate
gondola [ ˌɡɑːn.da] гондола
set off [ set ] [ ɔːf ] жөнелту
gondolier [ ˌɡɑːn.dəˈlɪr ] гондольер
canal [ kəˈnæl ] ағын
pass [ pæs ] өту
longtail boat [ˈlɒŋteɪl] [ boʊt ] ұзын қайық
banana-shaped boat [ bəˈnɑː.nə ]- [ ʃeɪpt ] [ boʊt ] банан түріндегі қайық
convenient [kənˈviːniənt ] ыңғайлы
have the chance [ həv ] [ ðə ] [ tʃæns ] мүмкіндік бар
rickshaw [ ˈrɪk.ʃɔː ] рикша
price [ praɪs ] бағасы
Words definition
1. Gondola - a long narrow flat-bottomed boat with a high prow used on the canals of Venice.
2. Gondolier - one who propels a Venetian gondola.
3. Canal - an artificial waterway.
4. Longtail boat - type of boat, common in Malaysia. this narrow boat is made of smoothly polished wood, its length is usually 14-18 meters, but can reach 30 meters. the name of the long-tailed boat was due to a kind of "tail", located behind and having a length of 2-4 meters.
5. Banana-shaped boat - the type of boat resembles a banana shape, which is accelerated by a boat or jet ski and towed for fun at sea and lake resorts.
6. Rickshaw - a type of transport, especially common in China that transports people. Rickshaw is usually designed for two or one person.
II. Work with book.
-Ok good, let`s start read the text and translated “Exploring the world”
1. Hi Anna,
I am in Venice, Italy with my family. Today we went on a ride in a gondola! It is an excellent way to see this beautiful city. The tour sets off from Campo Santa Maria del Giglio and heads through San Marco and Castello. The friendly gondolies sing traditional Italian songs as you travel up and down the canals and pass byh old buildings. It is an expensive of a lifetime!
Talk to you soon.
2. Hi Gail,
Greetings from Ko Ngai ,Thailand! It`s quiet warm here. Today we`re going sighseeing in a longtail boat. The locals use these banana-shaped boats to travel around the Island. It`s more conveniet than taking a bus and you have the chance to see more things. I can`t wait!
Bye for now!
3. Hi Adam,
I arrived in China two days ago and I`m having a brilliant time. I got in a rickshaw and went on a tour of Beijing`s streets. You can actually ask the driver to stop anywhere you like if you want to take a look around. Prices are not too high as well. You should try it if you ever go to China.
See you soon.
Unit 9. Transport.
School: №3 ЖООБМ
Date: 30.04.2019
Theme: Exploring the world
Grade 6
Learning objectives(s)
that this lesson is
contributing to
Student’s names: Kenesova Erkezhan
Number present:
absent: use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and
feelings read independently a limited range of short simple fiction and
nonfiction texts deduce meaning from context on a limited range of familiar
general and curricular topics, including some extended
Lesson objectives
All learners will be able to:
Read and complete the table with the correct words
Include new vocabulary into the discussion (45)
Analyse your performance for the improvement
Most learners will be able to:
Read and complete the table with the correct words
Include new vocabulary into the discussion (56)
Analyse your performance for the improvement
Some learners will be able to:
Read and complete the table with the correct words
Include new vocabulary into the discussion (67)
Assessment Criteria
Value links
Analyse your own and your peers performance for the improvement
Learners follow the instructions and mark thetransport correctly
Learners use most of new vocabulary correctly
The lesson is aimed at developing learners’ respect to each other,
cooperationand intercultural awareness
Previous learning
travelling around the city Planned timings
Planned activities
010 minutes
Lesson Part
I. Organization moment:
Good afternoon? Glad to see you! How are you?
2.Conversation with on duty:
Check up the educational accessories.
What date is it?
Who is absent today?
Are you ready for the lesson? Let’s start!
3.Creation the language atmosphere
What is the weather like today?
What season is it now?
1020 minutes
Let's begin our lesson.
Let's learn new words together. I will pronounce and you
repeat after me.
set off
longtail boat
have the chance
f ]ɔː
əˈ ɪ
n.d l r ]
[ set ] [
[ k næl ]
[ pæs ]
ˈ ɒ ɪ
[ l ŋte l] [ bo t ]
[ b n .n ]
ʃ ɪ
[ e pt ] [ bo t ]
əˈ ɑː ə
ː ə
ə ˈ
[k n vi ni nt ]
[ h v ] [ ð ]
[ t æns ]
ˈ ɪ
[ r k.
[ pra s ]ɪ
ұзын қайық
мүмкіндік бар
бағасы Words definition
1. Gondola a long narrow flatbottomed boat with a
high prow used on the canals of Venice.
2. Gondolier one who propels a Venetian gondola.
4. Longtail boat type of boat, common in Malaysia.
Canal an artificial waterway.
this narrow boat is made of smoothly polished
wood, its length is usually 1418 meters, but can
reach 30 meters. the name of the longtailed boat
was due to a kind of "tail", located behind and
having a length of 24 meters.
5. Bananashaped boat the type of boat resembles a
banana shape, which is accelerated by a boat or jet
ski and towed for fun at sea and lake resorts.
6. Rickshaw a type of transport, especially common
in China that transports people. Rickshaw is usually
designed for two or one person.
II. Work with book.
Ok good, let`s start read the text and translated
“Exploring the world”
1. Hi Anna,
I am in Venice, Italy with my family. Today we went on a
ride in a gondola! It is an excellent way to see this
beautiful city. The tour sets off from Campo Santa Maria
del Giglio and heads through San Marco and Castello. The
friendly gondolies sing traditional Italian songs as you
travel up and down the canals and pass byh old buildings.
It is an expensive of a lifetime!
Talk to you soon.
2. Hi Gail,
Greetings from Ko Ngai ,Thailand! It`s quiet warm here.
Today we`re going sighseeing in a longtail boat. The
locals use these bananashaped boats to travel around the
Island. It`s more conveniet than taking a bus and you have
the chance to see more things. I can`t wait!
SB p.100 Bye for now!
3. Hi Adam,
I arrived in China two days ago and I`m having a brilliant
time. I got in a rickshaw and went on a tour of Beijing`s
streets. You can actually ask the driver to stop anywhere
you like if you want to take a look around. Prices are not
too high as well. You should try it if you ever go to China.
See you soon.
1.Сәлем, Анна,
Мен отбасыммен Венециядамын. Бүгін біз гондоларда
сапарға аттандық! Бұл әдемі қаланы көруге керемет
мүмкіндік. Туры СанМарко мен Кастелло арқылы
өтетін Кампо СантаМариядельГиглиодан шығады.
Мейірімді гондолары дәстүрлі итальяндық әндерді
айтып, арналар арқылы жоғары және төмен саяхаттап.
Ескі ғимараттарды көрдім.
Жақында сізбен хабарласам.
2.Сәлем, Гейл!
Ко Нгайдан жалынды сәлем! Мұнда тыныш және
жылы. Бүгін біз ұзын қайықпен Тайландтын көрікті
жерлерін көруге барамыз. Жергілікті тұрғындар бұл
банан пішініндегі қайықтарды аралды саяхаттау үшін
пайдаланады. Автобусқа қарағанда қарағанда ыңғайлы
көп нәрселерді көруге мүмкіндік бар.
Тағатсыздана күтіп отырмын!
Әзірше сау бол!
3.Сәлем, Адам!,
Мен Қытайға екі күн бұрын келдім және уақыты өте жақсы өткізіп жатырмын. Мен Рикшаға отырып, Пекин
көшелерімен экскурсияға бардым. Сіз жүргізушіні кез
келген жерде тоқтауды сұрай аласыз. Бағалар тым
жоғары емес. Қытайға барсаңыз, оны сынап көріңіз.
Жақында көресеміз.
Task 1. Answer the question.
1. What`s the best way see Venice?
2. What do the gondoliers do as you travel the
3. What streets does the tour go through in Venice?
4. What does a longtail boat look like?
5. How do the locals use a longtail boats?
6. What can asks a rickshaw driver In China?
7. Is a rickshaw tour expensive?
SB p.100
Task 2. True or false.
1. The tour sets off from Per Rialto and heads through
San Marco and Castello.
2. The friendly gondolies sing traditional Italian songs.
3. The locals use these bananashaped boats to travel
around the Island.
4. The price of the rickshaw is high.
1. False
2. True
3. True
4. False
Task 3.
Let's consolidate the knowledge of new words. The
method of Munsterberg among letter text includes
words. Your task is as quickly as possible reading the
text to emphasize these words.
Handout Ok let`s start!
SB p.100
Grammar material.
Preposition of time: by, on, in.
When talking about time you can use: on, in, by
ON: this is used when talking about days of the week
Let’s meet on Tuesday.
IN: this is used when talking about long periods of time,
like weeks, months, and years
In 2015 we went to China.
BY: this is used when talking about the end of a specific
time (hours, weeks, months, years)
I need to finish my report by the end of the week.
Exercise 4. Fill in: by, in, on.
1. I like travelling … train.
2. Mirgul usually goes to school … foot.
3. My sister used to walk to school but now she goes
… bike.
4. You can get around the city … a taxi or use the
1. by
2. on
3. by
4. on
That ends our lesson today. You all did a great job. Let's discuss our lesson. To evaluate today's lesson I will ask
you a few questions.
Did you like today's lesson?
What difficulties did today's lesson have for you?
What did you like today's lesson?
Learn new words. p.101 ex.5
Ex.5 Chose the correct item.
1. I promise I will to try a green curry in Thailand.
Methodologist: _____________ Mametekova G.S
School teacher: _____________ Shianova K.Z
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