для студентов медицинских специальностей
высшей квалификационной
Краськова И.Р.
81.2 Англ.яз 723
С 23
для студентов медицинских специальностей/Сост.: Краськова И.Р./2015.- 161 с.
В пособии собран и систематизирован фонетический, грамматический, лексический материал про английскому языку, необходимый студентам медицинских специальностей для чтения и письма. Кроме того, пособие содержит большое количество текстов для чтения по английскому языку имеющих медицинскую направленность. Все тексты аутентичны, содержат дополнительные упражнения для развития основных видов речевой деятельности: чтения, письма, говорения.
Пособие предназначено для преподавателей и студентов медицинских специальностей. Пособие также может быть использовано на подготовительных курсах и факультетах дополнительного образования, а также для самостоятельного обучения. Главная цель пособия — развить у студентов навыки чтения и перевода, извлечения, обработки и передачи информации на английском языке, а также — подготовить к зачетам и экзаменам по английскому языку.
Перед Вами учебное пособие, рассчитанное на работу в колледжах и средних специальных учебных заведениях. Пособие также может быть использовано на подготовительных курсах и факультетах дополнительного образования, а также для самостоятельного обучения. Главная цель пособия — развить у студентов навыки чтения и перевода, извлечения, обработки и передачи информации на английском языке, а также — подготовить к зачетам и экзаменам по английскому языку.
Пособие состоит из вводного курса, содержащего коррективный курс фонетики (с правилами чтения букв и буквосочетаний) – раздел 1. Основного повторительного курса грамматики (в соответствии с требованиями программы по английскому языку для колледжей и средних специальных учебных заведений) – раздел 2. Текстов для чтения по английскому языку имеющих медицинскую направленность – раздел 3 и приложений.
Пособие может быть использовано для аудиторных и внеаудиторных занятий по английскому языку, для дополнительного и самостоятельного чтения.
Пособие завершают Приложения, содержащее таблицу основных правил чтения, список наиболее употребительных наречий, таблицу видо - временных форм глагола и таблицу неправильных глаголов.
Good luck!
В результате сложного исторического развития английского языка и системы его письменности возникло значительное расхождение между написанием слова и его произношением. Это привело к системе специальной записи звукового образа слова — фонетической транскрипции. Знание знаков транскрипции — это ключ к правильному чтению и произношению слова.
Транскрипционные значки звуков заключаются в квадратные скобки:
а) гласные
[i:] — долгий и
[I] — краткий, открытый и
[е] — э в словах этот, экий
[x] — более открытый, чем э
[а:] — долгий, глубокий a
[O] — краткий, открытый о
[L] — долгий о
[Q] — закрытый, близкий к звуку о
[u] — краткий у со слабым округлением губ
[H] — долгий у без сильного округления губ
[A] — краткий гласный, приближающийся к русскому а в словах варить, бранить
[q] — безударный гласный, напоминающий русский безударный гласный в словах: нужен, молоток
[W] — в русском отсутствует, средний между о и э.
б) двугласные (дифтонги)
[ei] — эй
[Ou] — оу
[ai] — ай
[аu] —- ау
[Oi] — ой
[iq] — иэ
[Fq] — эа
[uq] — уэ
в) согласные
[р] - п
[b] - б
[m] - м
[f] - ф
[v] – в
[l] - л
[w] - звук, образующийся с положением губ, как при б, но с маленьким отверстием между губами, как при свисте
[T] (без голоса)
[D] (с голосом) - оба звука образуются при помощи языка, кончик которого помещается между передними зубами как в шепелявом русском з
[t] - т, произнесенное не у зубов, а у десен
[d] - д, произнесенное не у зубов, а у десен
[n] - н, произнесенное не у зубов, а у десен
[г] - звук произносится без вибрации кончика языка в отличие от русского р
[S] - мягкий русский ш
[Z] - мягкий русский ж в слове вожжи
[C] - озвонченный ч
[k] -к
[g] - г
[N] - заднеязычный н, произнесенный задней частью спинки языка
[h] - простой выдох
[j] - й
[z] - з
[G] - дж
Некоторые английские согласные имеют двойное чтение, сочетания двух согласных могут передавать один согласный звук, а 6 гласных букв передают 20 гласных звуков в зависимости от положения гласной в слове (ударное или неударное) и от типа слога (открытый или закрытый).
Рекомендуется выучить три основных правила произношения английских слов:
1. Краткость или долгота гласных звуков в русском языке не влияет на смысл слова. В английском же языке долгота или краткость произнесенного гласного звука меняет смысл слова. Так, [Sip] — корабль, а [Si:p] — овца.
2. В отличие от русского языка в английском языке согласные звуки не оглушаются в конце слова. Оглушение согласных отражается на смысле слова. Например: [Ьǽg] — сумка, [Ьǽk] — спина.
3. Гласная буква е в конце слова не читается. Чтение гласной буквы в английском языке зависит от ее положения в слове (ударное или неударное) и от типа слога (открытый или закрытый).
Правила чтения букв а, е, i, о, и, у и их сочетаний:
Чтение гласных букв а, е, i, о, u, у зависит от:
1. типа слога, в котором они стоят
2. ударные они или безударные
3. от того, какие буквы стоят впереди или позади них
I I |
II |
Открытый |
Условно-открытый |
Закрытый |
Слог оканчивается на гласную |
Слог оканчивается на согласную, за которой следует непроизносимая буква е |
Слог оканчивается на одну или несколько согласных |
he, she, me |
make, note, time |
sit, but, test |
Правила чтения гласных а, е, i, о, и, у в ударных и безударных слогах
Типы слога |
I |
II |
IV |
Гласные |
открытый ударный тип слога |
закрытый ударный тип слога |
гласная+г ударный тип слога |
гласная+г+е ударный тип слога |
безударный слог |
Аа |
[ei] plate |
[ǽ] lamp |
[a:] car |
[Fq] share |
[q] ago |
Ее |
[i:] we |
[е] ten |
[W] her |
[iq] here |
[q] absent [i] forest |
Ii, Yy
[ai] fine byte |
[I] bit mystic |
[W] girl |
[aiq] fire tyre |
[i] music copy |
Uu |
[jH] tube |
[A] cut |
[W] turn |
[juq] cure |
[q] success [ju:] unite |
Оо |
[Ou] bone |
[O] not |
[O:] short |
[O:] more |
[q] confer [Ou] retro |
Правила чтения некоторых буквосочетаний
Сочетания согласных
Пример |
ch |
[C] |
chair |
sh |
[S] |
she |
th |
[T] |
thin |
th |
[D] |
this |
wh |
[w] [h] |
what who |
ng |
[N] |
long |
ck |
[k] |
lock |
Непроизносимые согласные |
Буквосочетание |
Звук |
Пример |
igh |
[ai] |
high light |
kn |
[n] |
know |
wr |
[r] |
write |
gn |
[n] |
sign |
Звуки [i], [i:]
Гласный звук [i]
При произнесении краткого гласного звука [i] кончик языка находится у основания нижних зубов: оттенок русского звука и в словах шить, шило практически совпадает с английским [i]: it, sit, in
Гласный звук [i:]
При произнесении долгого гласного [i:] язык продвинут вперед, кончик языка касается нижних зубов, губы несколько растянуты и слегка обнажают зубы. Оттенок русского звука [и] в словах ива, иго, игры, избы практически совпадает с английским звуком [i:].
Сочетания ее, еа читаются [i:]. Например, meet, peat.
Долгота звука влияет на лексическое значение слова.
Например: feet (ноги) — fit (вмещаться), steel (сталь) — still (все еще)
Задание: Прочитайте слова, пользуясь правилами чтения:
Exercise A
lead — lid if — it — tip — kit
did — bill mill — meal
pill — peel keel — kill
sit — seat
Exercise В
did — deed pit — peat
fit — feet it — eat
lid — lead
Exercise С
bin — bean beat — bin
sit — seat steel — still
feel — fill — feet — fit — eat — bean
simple — Pete — feel — peel
meet — meat— ill — bill — steel — feel
Exercise D
be — been — bean me — meet — meat
see — seat — seed meal — seal — mean
pea — Pete — peat sea — see — meet
bee — been — feet mean — lean — keen
Exercise E
I see a sea. I see lean meat. I eat meat. I like meat.
I like tea. I make tea. I take tea. I like fine tea. I like fine meals.
Звуки [е], [ae]
Гласный звук [е]
При произнесении гласного [е] масса языка находится в передней части ротовой полости. Кончик языка находится у нижних зубов. Губы слегка растянуты. Звук близок к русскому звуку [э] в словах эти, жесть.
Гласный звук [ǽ]
При произнесении звука [ǽ] губы несколько растянуты, нижняя челюсть сильно опущена, кончик языка касается нижних зубов, а средняя спинка языка немного выгибается вперед и кверху.
Задание: Прочитайте слова, пользуясь правилами чтения:
Exercise A
am — Ann — lamp man — can — cat
sat — hat — bat Pat — rat — cam
Exercise В
tan — ten pan — pen
bad — bed land — lend
tanned — tent fan — fen
man — men pat — pet
Exercise С
bat — bet pet—net—red
let — met ten — pen — men — hen
Звуки [а:], [Q], [Fq], [ei]
Гласный звук [a:]
При произнесении английского гласного [а:] рот отрыт почти как для русского звука, но язык отодвигается дальше назад и книзу и лежит плоско. Кончик языка оттянут от нижних зубов. Губы не растянуты и не выдвинуты вперед.
Гласный звук [Q]
При произнесении звука язык несколько отодвинут назад, задняя спинка языка приподнята к передней части мягкого неба, губы слегка растянуты. Звук похож на русский предударный звук [а] в словах: какой, посты, басы.
Гласный звук [Fq]
Ядро звука — гласный похожий на русский звук в слове это. Скольжение происходит в направлении нейтрального гласного [э] с оттенком звука а.
Гласный звук [ei]
Дифтонг, ядром которого является гласный, а скольжение происходит в направлении гласного. Произнося дифтонг необходимо следить затем, чтобы ядро не было таким широким, как русский гласный [э], а второй элемент не превращался в русский звук [й].
Задание: Прочитайте слова, пользуясь правилами чтения:
Exercise A
саr — far — bar half — calf — bath
part — park — fart cart — barter — shark
spark — bath — mark park — raft — plant
Exercise В
Mary — air — pair
care — dare — rare
fare — fair — hair
Exercise С
tape — hate — bate mate — plate — Kate
late — fate — rate brave — maple — main
pain — name — day date — may — pay
lay — hay — Ray
Звуки [u:], [u], [A]
Гласный звук [u:]
При произнесении долгого гласного звука [u:] губы напряжены и сильно округлены, но гораздо меньше выдвинуты вперед, чем при русском звуке у: moon.
На письме передается буквосочетанием двойное oo, за исключением случаев перед буквой k.
Например: soon — скоро, вскоре, moon — луна
Исключение: book — книга, краткое [u:].
Гласный звук [u]
При произнесении краткого гласного звука [u] губы заметно округлены, но не выдвинуты вперед, язык оттянут назад, но несколько меньше, чем для [u:] (долгого). Звук напоминает безударный русский звук [у] в словах пустой, тупой, произнесенный без выдвижения губ вперед:
hook — крюк look — взгляд
Запомните слова, в которых в качестве исключения произносится [u]:
Put - класть, pull - тянуть, push – толкать, full - полный
Гласный звук [A]
При произведении краткого гласного [A] губы немножко растянуты, язык отодвинут назад, несколько глубже, чем для русского звука [а]. Кончик языка находится у нижних зубов, напоминает русский звук [а] в словах камыш, сады, валы.
Задание: Прочитайте слова, пользуясь правилами чтения:
Exercise A
too — tooth — food boot — fool — foot
soon — spoon — tooth boot — mood — shook
Exercise В
took — shook — nook
hook — look — cook
Exercise С
fool — pool — hook fool — too — book
cook — boot — loop foot — cool— mood
shook — soon — spoon — moon
Exercise D
pull (тянуть) — pool (бассейн)
tool (инструмент) — full (полный)
soon (вскоре)— sun (солнце) [sAn]!
Exercise E
us — bus tub — mud
must — sum humble — tumble
sun — hunt trust — lust
Звуки [O:], [O], [Ou]
Гласный звук [O:]
Для того, чтобы правильно произнести звук, следует придать органам речи положение, как при произнесении звука [а:], затем значительно округлить губы и несколько выдвинуть их вперед.
Гласный звук [O]
Для того, чтобы произнести, следует исходить из положения органов речи при произнесении звука [а:], затем слегка округлить губы и произнести краткий звук [э].
Гласный звук [Ou]
Звук представляет собой нечто среднее между русскими звуками [о] и [э]. Губы при произнесении начала этого дифтонга слегка растянуты и округлены. Скольжение происходит в направлении гласного [u].
Задание: Прочитайте слова, пользуясь правилами чтения:
Exercise A or - for-fork more – store bore |
Exercise B
not — top — hot
dot — mop — mob
Exercise С
tone — note — smoke
cone — loan — moan
code — hope — cope
lobe — mould — gold
boat — soap — coat
Звуки [iq], [ai], [h]
Ядро звука — гласный [i], а скольжение происходит в направлении нейтрального гласного, имеющего оттенок звука [э].
Дифтонг [ai]
Ядро дифтонга — гласный звук, похожий на русский звук [а] в слове чай. Скольжение происходит в направлении звука [i], однако его образование полностью не достигается, в результате чего слышится лишь начало звука [i].
Согласный звук [h]
Этого звука в русском языке нет. В английском языке он встречается только перед гласным и на слух представляет собой легкий, едва слышный выдох. В отличие от русского [х] английский [h] образуется без всякого участия языка, поэтому необходимо следить за тем, чтобы задняя спинка языка не поднималась близко к мягкому нёбу.
Задание: Прочитайте слова, пользуясь правилами чтения:
Exercise A
year — hear — ear
here — near — fear
tear — peer — beer
rear — leer — mere
Exercise В
mile — pile — kite
site — side — rid.
height — light — fight
might — right — tight
pike — hike — hide
Exercise С
hope — heap — hat
heal — heel — heal
health — height — hear
hood — his — ham
her — here — hate
Exercise D
hit — heat — head
hall — hollow — hammer
hand — happy — hard
Звуки [T], [D]
Согласный звук [T]
В русском языке подобного звука нет. Звук [T] — глухой. При его произнесении язык распластан и ненапряжен, кончик языка образует узкую плоскую щель, неплотно прижимаясь к нему. В эту щель с силой проходит струя воздуха. Кончик языка не должен сильно выступать за верхние зубы или слишком плотно прижиматься к губам. Зубы должны быть обнажены, особенно нижние, так, чтобы нижняя губа не касалась верхних зубов и не приближалась к ним.
Согласный звук [D]
При произнесении звука [D] органы речи занимают такое же положение, как и при произнесении звука [T]. Звук [D] отличается от звука [T] только звонкостью.
Задание: Прочитайте слова, пользуясь правилами чтения:
Exercise A
through — fifth — myth
thief — booth — tooth
thank — think — thought
theatre — theory — theft
Exercise В
thermometer — thick — thin
thirst — thirty — thorough
threat — three — thunder
threw — throat — thumb
faith — hearth — path
bath — booth — broth
Exercise С
this — that — those
there — though — these
them — they — the
Звуки [w], [N]
Согласный звук [w]
При произнесении губы округлены и значительно выдвинуты вперед, а задняя часть языка занимает примерно такое же положение, как при произнесении русского [у]. Струя выдыхаемого воздуха с силой проходит через образованную между губами круглую щель. Губы энергично раздвигаются.
Согласный звук [N]
При произнесении согласного задняя спинка языка смыкается с опущенным мягким небом, и воздух проходит через носовую полость. Для того, чтобы добиться нужного положения органов речи, можно сделать вдох через нос с широко открытым ртом, затем следить за тем, чтобы ни кончик языка, ни его передняя и средняя часть не касались нёба.
Задание: Прочитайте слова, пользуясь правилами чтения:
Exercise A
what — why — where
whip — wheat — while
Exercise В
war — wharf — water
wedding — wage — wait
waitress — waist — waist
weather — woman — wind
Exercise С
wall — wallet — walk
walnut — waltz — won
Exercise D
wing — king — ping
sing — nothing — something
nothing — anything — ring
Звуки [аu], [dr], [br], [gr], [tr], [fr], [Tr]
Задание: Прочитайте слова, пользуясь правилами чтения:
Exercise A
now — how — brown
out — now — house
louse — mouse — cows
out — loud — without
Exercise В
draw — dribble — draft
drag — drab — drank
drain — dragon — drama
drape — dreadful — drugs
Dresden — dress — dry
drill — drop — drink
drive — drown — drum
drift — drier — droopy
Exercise С
brown — bread — brace
brain — brakes — bran
brunch — branch — brave
Brazil — breach — breast
breath — broth —breathe
Exercise D
treasure — trainer — trench
track — trade — traffic
troops — trend — trail
translate — transmit — trance
Exercise E
France — French — fruit
fry — frame — free
three — thread — throat
threat — through — thrill
thirty — throne — threaten
ENGLISH ALPHABET (Английский алфавит) |
Буква |
Название |
Буква |
Название |
Аа |
Nn |
[en] |
Bb |
[bi:] |
Oo |
Сс |
[si:] |
Pp |
[pi:] |
Dd |
[di:] |
[kju:] |
Ее |
[i:] |
Rr |
Ff |
[ef ] |
Ss |
[es] |
Gg |
[Gi:] |
Tt |
[ti:] |
Hh |
[eitS] |
Uu |
[ju: ] |
Ii |
[ai] |
Vv |
[vi:] |
Jj |
[Gei] |
Ww |
['dAblju:] |
Kk |
[kei] |
Xx |
[eks] |
LI |
[el] |
Yy |
[wai] |
Mm |
[em] |
Zz |
[zed] |
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Everybody must know how to give the first aid. The first aid saves many lives. The first aid is the help which you give to an injured person. You must know different methods of helping in accidents. When you give the first aid you must be calm and act without panic.
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Daily exercises are very important. Physically inactive people feel refreshed and look well. A weak man tires quickly. Do your daily exercises and you will have poor posture. Poor posture lifts spirits. Exercises do not strengthen nervous system. Go in for sports and you will be healthy.
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Vitamins play a very important role in human health. Overdosage of some vitamins may be harmful, so people must take normal doses of vitamins.
When the winter months come your food becomes poor of vitamins.
Winter is the time for virus infections, colds and flu and your resistance is especially low. Take vitamins A, D,C every day. They are often called winter vitamins.
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Fever is the rise of the body temperature above normal. The symptoms of high temperature are headache, aches all over the body, red face, hot dry skin, loss of appetite, quick pulse and breathing.
If the person has fever he must stay in bed and drink plenty of water. The nurse must keep the patient warm. The nurse must give him more blankets and hot drinks. When the patient is sweating replace the damp bed clothes as quickly as possible and dress the patient in a clean warm bed gown or pyjamas. When the temperature is normal the patient may sit in the bed and then have a shot walk
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The word “fracture” means a break in a bone. There are two kinds of fractures: closed and open. In a closed fracture there is no wound on the skin.In an open fracture there is a wound. Open fractures are more serious than closed ones.
If a person breaks his arm or leg he complains of pain in the place of the break. The pain becomes more severe if he presses the place or tries to move. Swelling appears quickly. Do not let the person move. Use a splint for the broken limb. Bind the splints to the limb but not at the place of the fracture.
Doctors use X- rays to see the break and put plaster casts on the broken limbs.
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Pneumonia begins suddenly. In most cases the temperature rises quickly. The pulse and breathing are fast. Cough begins early and at first is dry and painful. The patient feels ill, has a flushed face and dry tongue.
In severe cases there may be delirium. A patient in delirium is very restless and the nurse must pay special attention to such patients.
Patients with pneumonia need rest and sleep. The best position for a patient is half – sitting. Fresh air is very important. Give such patients much drink. The diet must be light.
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Measles is a very infectious disease. The disease passes from one child to another. The first symptoms are: sneezing and coughing. The disease begins with sings of a heavy cold, a running nose and a dry cough. The temperature is high and the child has a dislike of the light.
The rash appears on the third or fourth day behind the ears and around the mouth and then covers the body.
The nurse must be very careful to prevent the spread of infection. The nurse must take care of the hygiene of the mouth. The patient's mouth and lips must be clean and moist.
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A nurse looks after her patients in the daytime or at night and can see any changes in the patient’s condition. Many of the changes are very important. The nurse must be careful when she takes the patient’s pulse. It is not difficult to take the pulse. Put three fingers of the left hand over the radial artery. Many patients are nervous when they see a nurse or a doctor and the patient’s pulse is faster.
That’s why the nurse must wait a few seconds before she begins to count the pulse. If the nurse sees any changes in the beating of the pulse she must immediately tell the doctor.
Changes in the pulse are very important.
REMEMBER: When you take the pulse you must note;
1. If it is deep or shallow
2. The rate
3. The strength of the beating
4. The rhythm.
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Since civilization spread from China to Korea and later to Japan, both China and Korea exercised a marked influence on the development of the healing arts of their neighbor to the east. In the sixth century came a development in the medical arts in Japan.
The development supervised all medical education, and students were trained at government expense. The course of study was divided into areas that reflected the four recognized medical specialties: internal medicine, surgery, pediatric and oto – ophthalmo – stomatology.
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The practice of medicine in Egypt was clearly established as long as 4600 years ago. Soon doctors began to specialize in healing certain parts of the body and certain organ systems. More than 2000 years later Herodotus, a Greek historian of the fifth century B.C., described this same specialization from his own observation: “ The practice of medicine is so divided among them that each physician is a healer of one disease and more. All the country is full of physicians, some of the eyes, some of the teeth, some of what pertains to the belly and some of the hidden diseases.”
One of the principal causes of disease among the early Egyptians was the coarse diet consumed by the rich and poor alike. Grain for bread, a principal staple, was ground on rough stones, and during the process numerous small particles of grit became incorporated into the flour. In addition, since the early Egyptian diet was principally vegetarian, and since the soil was very sandy, much grit was consumed in the main dishes as well.
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Also a highly developed people, the Incas dominated the Peruvian highlands and spread out along the coast in the early 1400s. They conquered other peoples and like the Aztecs, absorbed the lore adopted the practices of those they dominated. They themselves were brutally conquered by Francisco Pizarro in 1533, and much of their culture was destroyed.
Their treatment of disease was closely linked to their religious beliefs, and magic was intermingled with their attempts at rational therapeutics. Thus, though illness was looked upon as a sin that could be expiated only upon confession to priests, numerous herbal remedies were resorted to.
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A very important development during the Middle Ages was the hospital. Hospitals appeared in Ceylon early in the fifth century B.C.and in India in 260 B.C. hospitals were founded during the Middle Ages in Italy, England, France, and other European countries.
The number of hospital beds was not always an indication of hospital size, usually great beds were used and four – six patients were put on the bed.
Hospitals were founded to treat the sick people. Another development during the Middle Ages was foundation of Universities. Many of the great European Universities were founded during the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries. Biological sciences were taught in the universities. Students also studied the human body and some diseases.
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Robert Koch was a prominent German bacteriologist, the founder of modern microbiology. He was born in 1843, died in 1910. Koch carried on many experiments on mice in a small laboratory.
In 1882 Koch discovered tuberculosis bacilli. In his report made in the Berlin Physiological Society Koch described the morphology of tuberculosis bacilli and the ways to reveal them. His discovery made him known all over the world. In 1884 Koch published his look on cholera. He included all the investigations during the cholera epidemic in Egypt and India into his book. Koch isolated a small comma – shaped bacterium. He determined that these bacteria spread through drinking water. In 1905 Koch got the Nobel Prize for this important scientific discoveries.
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Protein is a component of every body cell and important for building the material blood supply. Protein also is necessary for fetal hair, skin, muscle, nerve tissue and brain development. Women need approximately 10 more grams of protein daily – a total of 60 grams a day – during the pregnancy.
Minerals. Calcium and phosphorus are important minerals in fetal – bone development, a pregnant woman requires 1.200 mg of calcium and phosphorus daily. This is a 50 increase over what a woman needed before she became pregnant. Dairy products are excellent sources of both calcium and phosphorus, as well as of vitamin D which is necessary for calcium absorption.
Zinc is another mineral needed for fetal growth and development. Good food sources of zinc include meat, liver, eggs, seafood.
Iron builds maternal blood volume and fetal blood and muscle.
Many women enter pregnancy with low iron stores, resulting in anemia. Foods rich in iron include red meat, especially liver, raisins and fortified breads and cereals.
Vitamins. Folic acid is a vitamin important in protein metabolism, particularly in periods of rapid growth. Pregnant women should start the day with a good breakfast. Fortified ready – to eat cereal with milk and a glass of orange juice will provide at least half needs. Green leafy vegetables, liver and lentils are other good sources of folic acid.
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If medicine is taken incorrectly, it may actually cause harm. As a rule, the prescription contains information about dosage, doses, time for taking it and the way of taking. But some patients do not always follow the prescribed instructions. Here some rules for drug taking:
1. Some medicines taken after meal can lose their affect. Hence pharmacological therapy follows this general rule: medicines having an organic structure should be taken one – half hour to one hour before meal – time.
2. Non – acid – resisting antibiotics (ampicillin, penicillin) and other medicines should be taken with acidic juices or drinks containing alcohol.
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The first teeth erupt between 6 to 9 months. These are the lower central incisors. The gums look a bit swollen for a few days, and then tiny white spot appears, which is the tooth.
Over the next 3 – 4 month the teeth erupt with great rapidly the lower central pair, the upper central pair and then two more on either side in the lower and upper haws – making a total of 8 incisors. The rest of the teeth erupt in the manner shown in the table bellow, till the baby has 20 teeth.
Central incisors - 6 to 8 months
Lateral incisors - 8 to 12 months
First moral - 12 to 18 months
Cuspids - 16 to 20 months
Second moral - 20 to 30 months
The entire set of 20 teeth erupt by the age of 2.5 years. These are primary teeth.
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In the USA there are three levels of organization of medical service: the private doctor, the medical institution or hospital and the United State Public Health Service.
The average American has a doctor of his own, whom he calls his “family doctor”. This doctor gives the patient regular examinations, vaccinations and medical advice. This doctor receives pay directly from the patient.
But some Americans with low income have no family doctor. They come directly to the hospital for all their medical needs.
Here they are cared for interns, residents and the doctors who work there.
The considerable cost of medical care has led to the development of two new programs by the Federal Government – Medicare and Medicaid. Medicare provides free medical care for all the Americans over 65. Medicaid provides free medical care for all those whose income is below a certain level.
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The National Service in England was inaugurated on July 5, 1948 by the Minister for Health under the National Health Service Act of 1946.
The number of doctors in England is not quite enough to serve millions of patients treated at the National Health Service. Nurses are also in short supply.
All doctors may take part in the family Doctor System. They may have private practice receiving the pay directly from the patients for their medical advice. Health Service doctors are paid by the government. The pay depends on the number of patients they have served every month. The hospital service includes general and special hospitals, tuberculosis sanatoria, infections disease units and all form of specialized treatment together with the provision of the most surgical and medical needs.
In the main this part of the service is organized by 15 Regional Hospital Boards. In each hospital area there is a University having a teaching hospital or a medical school.
(The pronouns)
Местоимения употребляются в предложении вместо имени существительного или имени прилагательного. Местоимение называет людей, предметы или признаки уже упомянутые ранее.
Например: Peter gave Kate a book. She took it.
Петя дал Кате книгу. Она ее взяла.
You have a good dictionary. I want to buy such a dictionary.
У вас хороший словарь. Я хочу купить такой словарь.
Boy, woman, this, what, car, they и др. — все это слова.
Слова, обозначающие людей: boy, woman, teacher, baby и др.
Вопросительное слово who относится к словам, обозначающим людей.
Вопросительное слово what относится к словам, обозначающим вещи.
Однако, обратите внимание:
Who is he? Кто он? (как его зовут) Не is Mr Johnson..
What is he? Кто он?(по профессии) Не is a teacher.Слова, обозначающие мужчин (man, boy, son, husband, king), относятся к мужскому роду и заменяются местоимением he (он), относящимся к муж. р. (ед. ч.):
Не is a boy. He is a son. He is a king.
Слова, обозначающие женщин (girl, woman, daughter, queen) относятся к женскому роду и заменяются местоимением she (она), относящимся к женск. р. (ед. ч.):
She is a girl. She is a daughter. She is a queen.
. Слова, обозначающие вещи (table, chair, book, clock) относятся к среднему роду, и заменяются местоимением it относящимся к ср.р. (ед.ч.): It is a book. It is a picture. It is an apple.
Местоимение they (они) относится ко всем трем родам (мн.ч.):
They are boys. They are daughters. They are apples.
(Personal pronouns)
Единственное число Множественное число
I (я) we (мы)
you (ты) you (вы),
he (он)
she (она)
it (оно) they (они)
Личные местоимения в английском имеют два падежа:
именительный падеж (the nominative case)
объектный падеж (the objective case), заменяющий собой все падежи русского.
Склонение личных местоимений
Число |
Лицо |
Именительный падеж |
Объектный падеж |
Ед. |
1 2 3 |
I(я) you (ты) he (он) she(она) it(оно) неодуш.+животные
mе (мне) you (тебе) him (ему) her (ей) it (ему) неодуш.+животные |
Мн. |
1 2 3 |
we(мы) you(вы) they (они) |
us(нам) you (вам) them (им) |
Примечание. После местоимения you глагол-сказуемое всегда стоит во множественном числе. You are a student. Ты студент.
(Possessive pronouns)
Единственное число Множественное число
mу (мой, моя, мое, мои) our (наш, наша, наше, наши)
уоur (твой, твоя, твое, твои) your (ваш, ваша, ваше, ваши)
his (его), her (ее), its (его) their (их)
Притяжательные местоимения имеют две формы: основную и абсолютную.
Формы притяжательных местоимений
Число |
Лицо |
Основная форма (перед существительным) |
Абсолютная форма (без существительного) |
Ед. |
1 2 3 |
mу your his her its |
mine yours his hers its |
Мн. |
1 2 3 |
our Your their |
ours yours theirs |
Основная форма употребляется в тех случаях, когда за притяжательным местоимением стоит существительное.
This is my book and that is your book.
Это моя книга, а то твоя книга.
Абсолютная форма употребляется в тех случаях, когда за притяжательным местоимением не стоит существительное.
This is my book and that is yours. It is not mine.
Это моя книга, а тa твоя. Она не моя.
(Demonstrative pronouns)
This (этот, эта, это), that (тот, та, то), such (такой, такая, такое, такие).
Указательные местоимения this и that имеют единственное и множественное число.
Единственное число Множественное число
this(этот, эта, это) these(эти)
that(тот,та,то) those (те)
this is— these are
that is — those are.
there is — there are
it is— they are
This is my house and that is yours.
Это мой дом, а то — твой.
These are my books. Take those books.
Эти книги мои. Возьми те книги.
Указательное местоимение such имеет одну неизменяемую форму.
I like such books. Мне нравятся такие книги.
Задание 1.1. Напишите по-английски.
Моя книга, ее ручка, наша комната, его собака, ваш портфель, их комната, твоя машина.
Задание 1.2. Переведите на английский язык:
l.Ta книга — не моя. 2. Эта книга — моя. 3. Это — моя книга, а то — его. 4. Это ее карандаши, а те — мои. 5. Возьми те карандаши. 6. Я люблю такие ручки, они хорошие. 7. Ваша ручка плохая, возьмите мою.
Задание 1.3. Замените выделенные слова личными местоимениями.
1. Peter helped the pupils to translate the text. 2. Mother asked Mary to wash the plates. 3. My friend writes a letter to his sister. 4. Jane took 3 books from the library (there). 5. His cousins live in Moscow. 6. Our grandfather and grandmother will come tomorrow. 7. Mary works in a shop.
Задание 1.4. Переведите на русский язык.
This is a pen and that is a pencil. These are tables and those are chairs.
This is a plate and that is a lamp. This is a bed and that is a sofa.
This is a cap and that is a hat. This is my book and that is your copybook.
This is my house and that is yours. That house is mine.
В английском предложении каждый член предложения, как правило, имеет свое определенное место. Так, в простом распространенном повествовательном предложении на первом месте стоит подлежащее, за ним следует сказуемое, далее идет дополнение (беспредложное, прямое, предложное) и затем обстоятельства (образа действия, места, времени).
1) I 2) gave 3) my brother 3) a book 4) yesterday.
Задание 1.5. Составьте и напишите предложения, обращая внимание на порядок слов:
1. Is, best, she, friend, my.
2. Learn, different, students, our, subjects.
3. The, is, Russia, of, the, in, country, the, largest, world.
4. In, the, we, city, live, a, flat, in, of, center, the.
5. Reading, is, my, of, best, son's, fond, friend.
Эти местоимения употребляются для построения вопросительного предложения.
Who (кто)
Who is this man? Кто этот человек?
What (что, какой, какая, какое, какие)
What is it? Что это такое?
What book is it? Какая это книга?
Whose (чей)
Whose pencil is it? Чей это карандаш?
Which (который)
'Which of these books is yours? Которая из этих книг твоя?
Местоимение who имеет два падежа: именительный падеж who и объектный падеж whom (кому, кого).
Who is here? Кто здесь? Местоимение who стоит в именительном падеже, является подлежащим.
Whom do you see there? Кого ты там видишь? Whom did you give my book? Кому ты дал мою книгу? Местоимение whom стоит в объектном падеже, является дополнением.
Задание 2.5. Переведите на русский язык.
Whose pencil is it? — This (it) is my pencil.
Who is this man? — This man is our teacher.
What books are these? — These are good books.
Whose pencil is it? — It is hers.
Which of these books is ours? — They are all yours.
Who is here? — All pupils are here.
В английском языке возвратные местоимения образуются от личных:
Единственное число Множественное число
I — myself we — ourselves
you — yourself you — yourselves
she — herself they — themselves
he —himself
it — itself
Возвратное местоимение oneself образуется от неопределенного местоимения one.
Возвратные местоимения употребляются в предложении для того, чтобы сказать, что предмет, названный подлежащим предложения, сам совершает действие или сам совершает действие и испытывает его на себе.
Как правило, они переводятся глаголом с частицей -сь (-ся), которая присоединяется к глаголам. Например:
They washed and dressed themselves.
Они умылись и оделись. Do it yourself.
Сделайте это сами. Do not cut yourself!
He порежьтесь!
Задание 2.6. Употребите нужное возвратное местоимение:
1. I shall ask him.... 2. Не wants to do it.... 3. She washed.... 4.You will answer the letter.... 5.1 looked at... in the mirror. 6. We shall tell her.... 7. They have done the task.... 8. She doesn't like to speak about.... 9. The story... is very good, but not the translation. 10. Children, doit....
Задание 2.7. Переведите на английский язык:
1. Утром я умываюсь и одеваюсь. 2. Идите домой сами. 3. Читайте книгу сами. 4. Не пораньтесь!. 5. Они ходят в школу сами. 6. Причешитесь! (comb).
Повелительное наклонение выражает приказ, просьбу или запрет на совершение действия. Предложение обычно начинается глаголом-сказуемым в форме инфинитива без частицы to.
Например: Take this book. Возьмите эту книгу.
Don't take this book. He берите эту книгу.
Задание 2.8. Попросите (прикажите) по-английски:
1. идти домой 2. дать вам ваш карандаш; 3. дать ей ручку 4. не давать ей эту книгу 5. не брать вашу ручку 6. говорить по-английски
Задание 2.9. Прочтите, переведите и выполните действия.
1. Take the book. 2. Open it. 3. Give me the book. 4. Bring (принеси) him the book. 5. Look (посмотри) at the book. 6. Open these books and do not close them.
Задание 2.10. Попросите (прикажите) по-английски:
1. Дайте мне эту книгу. 2. Принесите нам ту ручку. 3. Дайте ему эти карандаши. 4. Откройте эту книгу и читайте текст. 5. Говорите по-английски, пожалуйста. 6. Не говорите по-русски, пожалуйста (do not). 7. Закройте книгу и принесите ее мне. 8. Не открывайте это окно, пожалуйста.
Число |
Утвердительная форма |
Вопросительная форма |
Отрицательная форма |
Настоящее время (Present Indefinite) |
Ед. |
I am. You are. He (she, it) is. |
Ami? Are you? Is he (she, it)? |
I am not. You are not. He (she, it) is not. |
Мн. |
We (you, they) are. |
Are we (you, they)? |
We (you, they) are not. |
Прошедшее время (Past Indefinite) |
Ед. |
I (he, she, it) was. You were. |
Was I (he, she, it)? Were you? |
I (he, she, it) was not. You were not. |
Мн. |
We (you, they) were. |
Were we (you, they)? |
We (you, they) were not. |
Будущее время (Future Indefinite) |
Ед. |
I shall be. You (he, she, it) will be. |
Shall I be? Will you (he, she, it) be? |
I shall not be. You (he, she, it) will not be. |
Мн. |
We shall be. You (they) will be. |
Shall we be? Will you (they) be? |
We shall not be. You (they) will not be. |
I am—I'm
we are — we're
we are not — we aren't
you are — you're
they are — they're
you are not — you aren't
they are not — they aren't
he is — he's
he is not — he isn't
she is — she's
she is not — she isn't
it is — it's
it is not — it isn't
Задание 2.11. Прочтите, переведите и перепишите, используя, где возможно, сокращения.
I am a student. Am I a student? Yes, you are.
We are students. Are we students? Yes, we are.
He is a doctor. Is he a doctor? No, he is not. He is not a doctor.
Are you doctors? Yes, you are. You are doctors.
She is a teacher. They are teachers. He is a teacher.
It is a dog. Is it a dog? Yes, it is.
Ann is a first-year student. She has a book. She has an English book. Her book is good. It is interesting.
I am a first-year student, too. But I have no English book.
Has Pete an English book? No, he has not.
Have you an English book? No, I have not. I have not a good English book. My English book is old.
Задание 2.12. Письменно поставьте предложения в вопросительную форму и дайте краткие утвердительные или отрицательные ответы.
Образец: She is his sister. Is she his sister? Yes, she is. No, she isn't.
1. My father is a worker. 2. He is an engineer now. 3. These children are little. 4. You are my best friend .5. Your daughter is a pupil. 6. I am a student. 7. They are good boys. 8. Our mother is a teacher.
Задание 2.13. Составьте предложения из данных слов.
1. Have, no, book, I. 2. They, no, good, have, room. 3. Have, yes, I. 4. Room, Ann, a, has. 5. Pen, has, a, she? 6.Little, dog, our, is. 7. Is, pencil, his, old. 8. Lamp, is, good, her? 9. Book, give, please, me, your. 10. Bag, good, is, my.
Задание 2.14. Заполните пропуски нужной формой глагола to be и переведите.
1. Не... born in 1985. 2. We... students now. 3. We... good friends at the college. 4. It... an interesting book. 5. Who... absent today? 6. He... a student. 7. What... he? 8.... he a doctor? 9. These... my pencils. 10. Where... this book? It... on the table. 11. What... their names? 12. Mary... a girl. 13. Who... he? 14. What... you? 15. This man... in the room. 16. How... she? 17. How... you? I... fine. 18. How... your friend? 19.... he your son? 20. Tomorrow we... at home. 21.... you a sportsman? 22. There... no book on the table. 23. It... my parents' car. 24. There... 15 students in our group now.
Задание 2.15. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык:
1. Она — учитель? — Да. 2. Вы — не дети. Вы — студенты. 3. Они сейчас в классе? — Нет. 4. Кто вы? — Я — студент. 5. Она — мой друг. 6. Он — не доктор. 7. Это мои дети. 8. Что это? Это — новая книга. 9. Где он был на прошлой неделе? 10. Мы — друзья.
Задание 2.16. Вставьте глагол to be в нужной форме:
1. Where ... you from?
2. How old ... you? How old ... your brother?
3. What... your name?
4.1... glad to see you. How ... you?
5. The dog ... in the garden.
6. My parents ...workers.
7. ... your father a teacher? — No, he... a doctor.
8. He ... (not) a student, he ... a doctor
9. That book ... (not) very interesting.
10. The book ... on the table.
11. Moscow ... the capital of Russia.
12. ... you students?
13. What... the weather like today?
14. What... on the table?
15. ... Boris a good football player?
Задание 2.17. Прочтите и переведите.
I am in the college. I have many books. My books are interesting. Peter and Boris are in the room, too. Look at them. They are near the table. They have a dog. It is their dog. It is good. You are in the room. You have a book in your hand. I am a student. I have many friends. Nick and Pete are students. They have many friends, too. Ann has ten English books. Have you English books? Yes, I have. How many English books have you? I have only ten English books. How many pencils have you got? I have got only five pencils. How many red pencils has Ann? She has one red pencil. Where is your pencil? It is on the table. Where is Ann? She is at home. Where is Pete? Pete is at the lesson.
(The Numerals)
Числительные обозначают количество предметов или порядок предметов при счете.
Числительные делятся на количественные, отвечающие на вопрос «сколько?» и порядковые, отвечающие на вопрос «который?».
Количественные числительные от 13 до 19 образуются прибавлением суффикса -teen к основе.
Числительные, обозначающие десятки, имеют суффикс -ty.
Порядковые числительные кроме первых трех (first, second, third) образуются прибавлением суффикса -th или -eth к соответствующим количественным числительным. Они всегда употребляются с определенным артиклем.
Количественные числительные |
Порядковые числительные |
1 one — один |
the first первый |
2 two — два |
the second второй |
3 three — три |
the third третий |
4 four |
the fourth |
5 five |
the fifth |
6 six |
the sixth |
7 seven |
the seventh |
Количественные числительные |
Порядковые числительные |
8 eight |
the |
eighth |
9 nine |
the |
ninth |
10 ten |
the |
tenth |
11 eleven |
the |
eleventh |
12 twelve |
the |
twelfth |
13 thirteen |
the |
thirteenth |
14 fourteen |
the |
fourteenth |
15 fifteen |
the |
fifteenth |
16 sixteen |
the |
sixteenth |
17 seventeen |
the |
seventeenth |
18 eighteen |
the |
eighteenth |
19 nineteen |
the |
nineteenth |
20 twenty |
the |
twentieth |
Десятки: |
Составные числительные: |
20 |
twenty—the twentieth |
twenty-two—the twenty-second |
30 |
thirty — the thirtieth |
thirty-three — |
- the thirty-third |
40 |
forty — the fortieth |
forty-four — |
the forty-fourth |
50 |
fifty — the fiftieth |
fifty-five — the fifty-fifth |
60 |
sixty — the sixtieth |
sixty-six — the sixty-sixth |
70 |
seventy—the seventieth |
80 |
eighty — the eightieth |
90 |
ninety — the ninetieth |
Числительные от 100 и больше:
100th — the hundredth
101st — the one hundred and first
200th — the two hundredth
1000th — the thousandth
100— a (one) hundred
101— a (one) hundred and one
200 — two hundred
1000 — (one) thousand
1001 — a (one) thousand and one
5,550 — five thousand five hundred and fifty
5,000,000 — five million
1500 — fifteen hundred
Заметьте, что числительные hundred, thousand, million не имеют окончания -s, когда перед ними стоит другое числительное. Когда числительные обозначают неопределенное количество, они употребляются во множественном числе с окончанием -s, за которым следует предлог of. Сравните:
hundreds of books - two hundred books
thousands of books - five thousand books
millions of people - 2 million people
Номера страниц, домов, квартир, транспорта, обозначаются не порядковыми, а количественными числительными. В этих случаях существительные употребляются без артикля: page 15, house 40, flat 13, bus 72.
Задание 3.1. Прочтите по-английски:
1. Количественные числительные:
3, 5,11,12,13, 24, 69, 325,1005, 530425,1.745.033.
2. Порядковые числительные:
1, 2, 15, 23, 84, 149, 150, 208, 1000, 2.000.000.
Как читать даты?
Числительное, обозначающее год, делится на две части — число сотен, а затем— число десятков и единиц.
1900 — nineteen hundred, in (the year) nineteen hundred
2000 — two thousand, in (the year) two thousand
1905 — nineteen five, in (theyear) nineteen five
Даты читаются следующим образом:
April 12, 2001
1) on the twelfth of April, two thousand one
2) on April the twelfth, two thousand one
Задание З.2. Напишите цифрами следующие даты:
a) The first of March nineteen seventy-six.
b) The fifth of December two thousand.
c) The sixteenth of May nineteen five.
d) The third of July nineteen hundred, in (the year) nineteen ninety-seven in (the year) nineteen hundred eighty-one in (the year) two thousand five.
Задание 3.3. Напишите по-английски:
1) 7 марта 1999 года; 2) 1 сентября 1974 года; 3) 22 апреля 1911 года; 4) 11 марта 1951 года; 5) 12 декабря 2024 года.
Как читаются дробные числительные?
Простые Десятичные
1/2 — a (one) half; 0.1— O[ou] point one 1/4 — a (one) quarter 2.45 — two point four five 2/3 — two thirds 35.25 — three five (или: thirty-five) point two five 1.5 — one and a half
Задание З.4. Напишите цифрами дробные числа:
1) A (one) half 2) two thirds 3) a (one) quarter 4) three fourths 5) two and a (one) half 6) five and one sixth 7) a (one) fifth.
1) Zero (nought/ou) point two 2) two point four five 3) four point five 4) three four (thirty four) point one zero two 5) nought point nought one 6) six point three five 7) fifty eight point three nought five.
Для обозначения времени:
Если минутная стрелка (the long hand) находится в правой части циферблата (a face) — используется предлог past.
It' ten past eleven. 10 минут двенадцатого.
It' a quarter past eleven. Четверть двенадцатого.
It's half past eleven. Половина двенадцатого.
Если минутная стрелка находится в левой части циферблата, то используется предлог to.
It's ten to twelve. Без десяти двенадцать.
It's a quarter to twelve. Без четверти двенадцать.
It's twenty minutes to twelve. Без двадцати минут двенадцать.
It is eleven sharp. Ровно одиннадцать.
Время до полудня обозначается a.m. (от лат. ante meridiem), а после полудня p.m. (от лат. post meridiem).
Например: 10 a.m. — Десять часов утра. 6 p.m — Шесть часов вечера.
Задание 3.5. Скажите по-английски время:
А) 8.05, 8.10, 8.15, 8.20, 8.25, 8.30
8.35, 8.45, 8.50, 8.55, 9.00
1. Без двадцати двенадцать.
2. Без четверти три.
3. Половина пятого.
4. Четверть седьмого.
5. Десять минут второго.
6. Ровно двенадцать часов.
Задание 3.6. Скажите, который час?
1. It is eleven sharp. 2. It is five minutes past three. 3. It is ten past two. 4. It is a quarter past twelve. 5. It is three o'clock. 6. It is half past eight. 7. It is twenty five minutes to four. 8. It is three fifteen. 9. It is two thirthy. 10. It is a quarter to nine.
Отрезки времени
second — секунда
minute — минута
hour — час
week — неделя
month — месяц
year — год
century — век (столетие)
Дни недели (употребляются с предлогом on)
Monday — понедельник
Tuesday — вторник
Wednesday — среда
Thursday ] — четверг
Friday — пятница
Saturday — суббота
Sunday — воскресенье
Месяцы, (употребляются с предлогом in)
January - январь
February - февраль
March - март
April - апрель
May - май
June - июнь
July - июль
August - август
September - сентябрь
October - октябрь
November - ноябрь
December - декабрь
Времена года (употребляются с предлогом in):
spring — весна
summer — лето
autumn — осень
winter — зима
Запомните следующие слова и выражения:
a watch — часы (наручные, карманные) a clock — часы (стенные, настольные) an alarm-clock — будильник
My watch is five minutes fast. — Мои часы спешат на 5 минут.
My watch is five minutes slow. — Мои часы отстают на 5 минут.
What day is it today? — Какой сегодня день (недели)?
What date is it today? — Какое сегодня число?
What time is it now? — Который час?
What is the time? — Который час?
Запомните выражения, связанные со временем:
Yesterday — вчера
The day before yesterday — позавчера
Today — сегодня
Tonight — сегодня вечером
Tomorrow — завтра
The day after tomorrow — послезавтра
A fortnight — две недели
from 10 till 12 — с 10 до 12
half an hour — полчаса
10 days ago — 10 дней назад
It's time to... — пора (делать что-либо)
in an hour's time — в течение часа
in time — вовремя (не слишком поздно; так, чтобы успеть)
on time — вовремя (точно по плану)
in the middle of... — в середине
this week (month, year) — на этой неделе (в этом ме сяце, году)
next week — на следующей неделе
last week — на прошлой неделе
Задание 3.7. Скажите время по-английски.
It is... 11.30; 20.00; 12.00; 9.10; 8.30; 17.40; 10/15? 10.45; 18.30.
Задание 3.8. Скажите по-английски:
· Который сейчас час? Сейчас ...
· Какое сегодня число? Сегодня...
· Мои часы спешат на 10 минут.
· Зимой, летом, весной, осенью.
· В октябре, в ноябре, в мае, в августе.
· Какой сегодня день (недели)?
· На этой неделе (в этом месяце, году)
· 10 дней назад.
· на прошлой неделе
· с 12 до 14
· две недели назад
Задание 3.9. Переведите на английский язык.
A. 1) 220 дней; 2) 1500 человек; 3) 20545 книг; 4) около 100 страниц; 5) почти 300 тетрадей.
B. 1) первый автобус; 2) вторая страница; 3) миллионный посетитель; 4) часть первая; 5) номер десятый.
C. 1. Два миллиарда человек. 2. Миллионы книг. 3. Триста восемьдесят пять страниц. 4. Двадцать первое декабря 1997 года. 5. Двенадцатое марта 2000 года. 6. Одна четвертая. 7. Три пятых. 8. Ноль целых, двадцать пять сотых. 9. Четыре целых и пять шестых. 10. Две целых, сто пять тысячных.
Задание 3.10. Напишите цифрами:
Fifteen twenty one; 2) the eleventh of March; 3) two fifths; 4) seventeen point four two; 5) eighteen hundred five; 6) a (one) sixth; 7) one tenth; 8) the first of January; 9) sixteen thirty three; 10) nought point two four.
Множественное число существительных = единственное число + s (es)
Множественное число существительных образуется путем прибавления к основе окончания -s:
a boy — boys
a book — books
a pen — pens
a girl — girls
Множественное число существительных, основа которых оканчивается на -ch, -s, -ss, -sh, -x, а также существительных, имеющих окончание -о, образуется путем прибавления окончания -es:
a bench скамейка — benches
a bus автобус — buses
a glass стакан — glasses
a box коробка — boxes
a potato картошка — potatoes
Существительные, оканчивающиеся на -у (после согласной) во множественном числе имеют окончание -ies:
a baby младенец — babies
a fly муха — flies
a lady леди — ladies
Если слово оканчивается на f/ (-fe), то во множественном числе f/fe меняется на v и добавляется -(es):
a life жизнь — lives
a knife нож — knives
a shelf полка — shelves
a wife жена — wives
(но: roof крыша — roofs)
Как читаются окончания во множественном числе?
-s читается как [s] после глухих согласных: books, cats
-s читается как [z] после звонких согласных и гласных: pens, boys
-es читается как [iz] после s, ss, sh, ch, x, z: boxes
-у после согласных переходит в i+es: city — cities, lady — ladies
Ряд существительных образует множественное число не по общим правилам:
а) изменяется корневая гласная:
a man мужчина — men
a woman женщина — women
a foot нога — feet
a tooth зуб — teeth
a goose гусь — geese
a mouse мышь — mice
б) добавляется окончание -еп:
an ох бык — oxen
a child ребенок — children
в) заимствуются формы единственного и множественного числа из латинского и греческого языков:
a formula — formulae (formulas)
a crisis — crises
a criterion — criteria
an index — indices
a bacterium — bacteria
В английском языке есть существительные, которые имеют одну (общую) форму для единственного и множественного числа:
a deer (олень) — deer (олени)
a sheep (овца) — sheep (овцы)
a fish (рыба) — fish (рыбы)
swine ('свинья) — swine (свиньи)
Некоторые существительные могут употребляться в форме только единственного либо множественного числа.
В единственном числе употребляются неисчисляемые существительные, такие как:
Money — деньги
Sugar — сахар
Hair — волосы
Business — дело
Information — информация, сведения
Fruit — фрукты
Progress — прогресс, успехи
News — новость, новости
Peace — мир
Love — любовь
Knowledge — знание, знания
Advice — советы
Furniture — мебель
Luggage — багаж
Только во множественном числе употребляются обозначения предметов, состоящих из двух и более частей:
Trousers — брюки
Glasses — очки
Scissors — ножницы
Shorts — шорты
Только во множественном числе употребляются слова:
Clothes — одежда
Goods — товары
Riches — богатства
Thanks — благодарности
Manners — манеры
Looks — взгляды
Задание 4.1. Перепишите исчисляемые и неисчисляемые существительные в 2 столбика и переведите их.
Time, water, machine, music, snow, word, coffee, money, idea, family, knowledge, sea, hour, tree, silver, meat, happiness, information, speed, book, news, house, friend, milk, student, pen, paper, clothes, picture, air.
Задание 4.2. Напишите следующие существительные во множественном числе.
Box, sheep, place, library, photo, mouse, lady, glasses, bush, dress, country, bus, party, wife, day,jknife, knowledge, month, pen,3iero, goose, company, life, deer, tomato, city, man, play, news, child, fruit, shelf, leaf, foot, fish, woman, money, information.
Задание 4.З. Поставьте следующие существительные во множественное число (обратите внимание на артикли: неопределенный артикль во множественном числе опускается, определенный артикль сохраняется).
the star, a mountain, a tree, a waiter, the queen, a man, the woman, an eye, a shelf, a box, the city, the boy, a, goose, a watch, a mouse, a dress, a toy, a sheep, a tooth, a child, an ox, a deer, the life, a tomato.
Задание 4.4. Поставьте следующие словосочетания во множественное число (обратите внимание на изменения в указательных местоимениях).
this man, that match, this tea-cup, this egg, that wall, that picture, this foot, that mountain, this lady, that window, this knife
Задание 4.5. Поставьте существительные в следующих предложениях во множественное число.
1. A new house is in our street. 2. This story is very interesting. 3. A woman, a man, a boy and a girl are the room. 4. In the farm-yard we see an ox, a sheep, a cow and a goose. 5. Put this knife on that table. 6. Is this worker an Englishman or a German? — He is a Frenchman. 7. What is your name? 8. He keeps his toy in a box. 9. This man works at our office.
Задание 4.6. Поставьте следующие предложения во множественное число произведя нужные изменения.
1. This is my stocking. 2. He has a new suit. 3. The plate was on the table. 4. This town is very large. 5. Is that girl your sister? 6.1 shall give you my book. 7. This story is a good. 8. Is this a good match? 9. The boy put his book on the desk. 10. That house is new. 11. The pupil put his book into the bag. 12. Is this a good student?
The child's toys — The children's toys
The boy's books — The boys' books
Задание 4.7. Употребите притяжательный падеж существительных.
Образец: The poems of Lermontov. (Lermontov's poems).
1. The toy of their children. 2. The questions of my son. 3. The wife of my brother. 4. The table of our teacher. 5. The life of animals. 6. The voice of this girl. 7. The new book of the pupils. 8. The letter of Peter. 9. The car of my parents. 10 The room of my friend. 11. The handbags of these women. 12. The flat of my sister is large. 13. The children of my brother are at home. 14. The room of the boys is large.
Задание 4.8. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя притяжательный падеж существительных.
1. Это семья моего друга. Отец моего друга инженер. Мать моего друга учитель. 2. Она взяла книги своего брата. 3. Дайте мне тетради ваших учеников. 4. Это книга нашего учителя? 5. Чья это сумка? — Это сумка Петра. 6. Чьи это словари? — Это словари студентов. 7. Возьмите игрушки детей.
Безличные и неопределенно-личные предложения
Английские предложения отличаются от русских тем, что в них всегда есть подлежащее и сказуемое. Поэтому в безличных предложениях, когда нет подлежащего, используется в качестве формального подлежащего местоимение it.
It is cold today. Сегодня холодно.
It rains. Идет дождь
Как видим, безличные предложения такого типа состоят из местоимения it, которое не переводится, глагола-связки в нужном по смыслу времени'и именной части сказуемого, выраженного чаше всего именем прилагательным. Именная часть может быть также выражена именем существительным или именем числительным.
It's nice to meet you. Приятно познакомиться.
It is nine o'clock now. Сейчас девять часов.
Очень часто безличные предложения описывают явление природы, состояние погоды, обозначают время, расстояние.
Вопросительная и отрицательная формы безличных предложений образуются по тем же правилам, что и вопросительные и отрицательные формы предложений с именным составным сказуемым.
Is it cold? — Холодно?
Wasn't it interesting? — Разве это не было интересно?
Isn't it funny? — Разве это не смешно?
Частица not ставится после первого вспомогательного глагола.
Задание 4.9. Переведите на английский язык:
Сегодня холодно. 2. Идет снег целый день. 3. Сейчас утро. 4. Было приятно познакомиться с вашим другом. 5. Поздно. Пора спать. 6. Сейчас уже 10 часов утра. 7. На улице холодно? 8. Сейчас ранняя весна, но уже тепло. 9. Это далеко отсюда?
Неопределенный артикль a (an) происходит от числительного one (один), определенный — от указательного местоимения that (тот).
Артикль употребляется:
— перед каждым нарицательным существительным.
Артикль не употребляется если перед существительным стоит:
· указательное или притяжательное местоимение — This is my book.
· другое существительное в притяжательном падеже — It's teacher's book.
· количественное числительное — She has one pen.
· отрицание по — He has no book.
Упоминая предмет впервые, мы употребляем перед ним неопределенный артикль a(an). Упоминая этот же предмет вторично, мы ставим перед ним определенный артикль the. Например: This is a book. The book is interesting.
Неопределенный артикль a (an)
употребляется перед единичным, отдельным предметом, который мы не выделяем из класса ему подобных. Неопределенный артикль an обычно стоит передсуществительным, которое начинается с гласного звука: an apple, an egg.
Например: I bought a book yesterday. Я купил вчера книгу (одну из многих ей подобных). I have an apple. У меня есть яблоко (одно, какое-то).
Неопределенный артикль a (an) может употребляться только с исчисляемыми существительными, стоящими в единственном числе. Перед неисчисляемыми существительными он опускается.
Неопределенный артикль не употребляется:
а) с неисчисляемыми и «абстрактными» существительными:
J like coffee and tea. Friendship is very important in our life.
б) с существительными во множественном числе:
The books are on the table.
в) с именами собственными:
I told Jane about that.
г) с существительными, перед которыми стоят притяжательные или указательные местоимения:
This car is better than that. That bike is old.
д) с существительными, за которыми следует количественное числительное, обозначающее номер:
Read the text on page eight.
Неопределенный артикль a необходим в конструкциях
I have a... This is a... I am a... What a fine day! I see a... There is a... He is a... What a good boy!
Определенный артикль the
Определенный артикль the выделяет предмет или предметы из класса им подобных:
The book I bought yesterday was interesting — Книга, которую я купил вчера, была интересной. (это — конкретная книга, которую говорящий выделяет из класса ей подобных).
Определенный артикль the употребляется как с исчисляемыми, так и с неисчисляемыми существительными, как с единственным, так и с множественным числом.
Например: This is a hook. The book is interesting (исчисляемое в единственном числе).
This is meat. The meat is fresh, (неисчисляемое)
These are books. The books are good, (множественное число).
Определенный артикль употребляется:
а) когда известно (из контекста, из окружающей обстановки) о каком предмете (предметах, явлениях) идет речь: Open the door, please. I am going to the college.
б) когда речь идет о единственном в своем роде предмете или явлении: The moon is bright this night.
в) когда существительное имеет ограничивающее определение, чаще всего с предлогом of.
I don't know the name of this pupil.
г) в словосочетаниях типа in the north, to the west, at the cinema, the same, in the country, the rest of the...
д) если перед существительным стоит прилагательное в превосходной степени
This is the most interesting book.
Географические названия и артикль
С географическими названиями и с именами собственными, артикль, как правило, не употребляется, кроме следующих случаев:
а) с названиями морей, рек, океанов, горных хребтов, групп островов используется определенный артикль: the Pacific Ocean, the Black Sea, the Thames the British Isles.
б) определенный артикль используется с несколькими названиями стран, областей и городов, (хотя обычно с этими типами названий артикль не используется):
the Ukraine, the Crimea, the Caucasus, the Netherlands, the Hague, the Riviera, the Congo, the West Indies
в) определенный артикль используется с названиями стран типа:
the Russian Federation, the United States of America, the United Kingdom.
г) перед собирательным именем семьи: The Petrovs — Петровы
Запомните: артикль не нужен в сочетаниях со словами next и last типа:
next week, next year, last month, last Tuesday
Задание 5.1. Объясните наличие или отсутствие артикля перед существительными.
1. Last week I met my friend. He was with a young girl. The girl was a student of our Academy. 2. This is a pencil. The pencil is red. 3. She is a teacher. She is our teacher of English. 4. It is a lake. The lake is deep. It's one of the deepest lakes in the world. 5. There are many flowers in your garden. The flowers are beautiful. 6. Did you write a plan? Give me your plan, please. 7. The Black Sea is in the South of Russia. 8. This is Nick. He works as an engineer. He is a good engineer. 9. There are some schools in our street. The schools are new. 10. Yury Gagarin was the first cosmonaut of the world. 11. In summer the sky is blue and the sun shines brightly. 12. The Petrovs are very friendly. 13.This is Ann's book. I don't like such books. 14. Winter begins in December.
Задание 5.2. Вставьте артикли a, an, thе, где необходимо:
1. This... pencil is broken. Give me that... pencil, please. 2. I have ... ten programmes on my TV. 3. My friend has... car.... car is broken now. 4. I got... letter from my friend yesterday.... letterwas very long. 5. She has two... daughters and one... son. Her... son is... student. 6. My... brother's... friend has no... dog. 7. This is... house.... house is white. 8. They have... party.... party is... a birthday party. 9. Iread ... good book yesterday.... book was interesting and funny.
Задание 5.3. Вставьте артикли a, an, thе,где необходимо:
1. Yesterday I saw... new film, but... film wasn't very interesting.*2. Moscow is sitiated on ... Moskva river and London is situated on... Thames. 3. Yuri Gagarin was... first man to fly over... Earth in spaceship.'4. My sister will go to school... next year. 5. In... summer we went to ...Black Sea.'6. ... New York is one of the biggest business centers in the world.*7. ... Lomonosov was... great Russian scientist. He was born in... small village on...shore of... White Sea. 8 Peter's brother is... worker and we are... students. 9. What... strange man he is! 10. In... summer we live in... country. 11....Russia is one of... largest countries of the world. 12. Is your dress made of... wool or... cotton? — It's made of silk.
Задание 5.4. Вставьте артикли a, an, the, где необходимо:
1. What... fine day it is today! 2.... History and ... Computer Science were ... my favourite subjects at... school. 3. I don't know ... way to... station. 4. He is... engineer by... profession. 5. Usually I get up at ... 7 o'clock in... morning. 6.... Rostov is on ...right bank of... Don. 7. Will you have... cup of... tea? 8. ... Warsaw is ... capital of Poland. 9. We shall go to...cinema together with... our friends. 10. This is... book,... book is very interesting. 11. Do you see... sun in... sky today? 12. He is... engineer by... profession. 13.1 went to... Smirnovs, but they were not at... home.
Задание 5.5. Употребите, где требуется, артикли:
1.... Volga is... longest river in... Europe. 2. What is...nearest way to... Drama Theatre? 3…butter and...cheese are made of... milk. 4. Usually I get up at... 7 o'clock in... morning. 5... .Rostov is situated on... Don. 6. Will you have... cup of... tea? 7.
Задание 5.6. Переведите на английский язык, обращая внимание на употребление артикля.
1. Какой прекрасный цветок! 2. Какой хороший друг! 3. Вчера Ивановы уехали в Киев. 4. Вечером наша семья дома. 5. Москва — столица России. 6. Это — мой дом. Дом — новый 7. Летом мы жили в деревне на реке Дон. 8. Он учитель или инженер по профессии? 9. Мы — студенты колледжа. 10. Посмотрите на картинку на странице десять.
Задание 5.7. Прочитайте и переведите текст.
My name is Marina Suvorova. I am 15. I was born on the 5th of March, 1985 in Rostov-on-Don. Now I live in Rostov with my parents and my grandmother.
My family is not very large. We have five people in our family. My father's name is Igor Petrovich He is forty years old. He is a doctor and he works at a hospital. My mother's name is Lyudmila Leonidovna. She is thirty nine years old. She is a housewife. My younger sister is a pupil. She is in the seventh form. My grandmother lives with us. She doesn't work. She is a pensioner. I love my family. We are all friends and we love each other.
I have one aunt and two uncles. Their children are my cousins.
We live in a big flat in a new house. There are four rooms in our flat: a living room, a study, a kitchen, a bathroom and two bedrooms. We have all modern conveniences: gas, hot water, running water, electricity and telephone. I have my duties about the house. I must go shopping. I help my Mother to clean the rooms. It's not difficult for me. I like our home to be clean and tidy.
I am a student of the college now. We have many good teachers at our college. I try to be a good pupil and I do well in all subjects. But my favourite subject is English. I spend much time on it. I like reading. I like detective stories but I prefer to read historical novels or modern writers.
I have many friends. Many of them are my classmates. We spend much time together, go for a walk, talk about lessons, music and discuss our problems. I like to listen to modern music, but sometimes I like to listen to some classical music. My favourite composer is Tchaikovsky. I haven't much time to watch TV but sometimes I spend an hour or two watching an interesting film or a news programme. In the evening I often read newspapers or an interesting book. I like fresh air and exercises, but I have not much time to go in for sports.
parents — родители
a housewife — домохозяйка
younger — младшая
a pensioner — пенсионер
an aunt — тетя
an uncle — дядя
a cousin — кузен, кузина
living room — жилая комната _
a study — кабинет
a bathroom — ванная, туалет
a bedroom— спальня
modern — современный
conveniences — удобства
running water — холодная вода
duties — обязанности
to go shopping — ходить за покупками
tidy — опрятный
to try — стараться, пытаться
favourite — любимый
to do well — зд. успевать
favourite — любимый
to prefer — предпочитать
to spend — проводить, тратить
sometimes — иногда
an hour — час
fresh — свежий
go in for sports — заниматься спортом
Задание 5.8. Ответьте на вопросы.
1. What is your name?
2. Where and when were you born?
3. How old are you?
4. Where do you live?
5. Have you got a family?
6. How large is your family?
7. Do you have brothers, sisters, grandparents in your family?
8. What are your father and mother?
9. How many rooms are there in your flat?
10. What modern conveniences have you got in your flat?
11. What are your duties about the house?
12. What is your favourite subject at the college?
13. What books do you like to read?
14. What music do you like to listen to?
15. Do you go in for sports?
16. What sport do you go in for?
Задание 5.9. Найдите эквиваленты интернациональных слов (найдите соотношение).
hospital медицина
profession любимое занятие
medicine ветеран
hobby героизм
guitar медицинский
veteran инженер
patriotic технический
heroism лига, союз
pensioner больница
medical радио
engineer техник
student результат
technical кузина
league патриотический
radio пенсионер
result студент
cousin профессия
technician гитара
Задание 5.10. Образуйте сложные существительные и переведите их.
Образец: English, a man — an Englishman — англичанин
1) A school, a girl
2) a week, an end;
3) abed, a room;
4) a birth, a day;
5) news, paper;
6) a class, a room;
7) a tape, a recorder;
8) a chair, a man;
9) an air, a craft;
10)a text, a book;
11)a house, a wife;
12)rain, a coat;
13)a rail, a way;
14)a sea, a man;
15)a post, a man;
16)a class, a mate.
Оборот there is / there are служит для выражения наличия (отсутствия) какого-либо предмета в определенном месте или в определенное время.
Present Indefinite
There is a picture on the wall. На стене картина.
Is there a picture on the wall! На стене есть картина?
There are pictures on the wall. На стене картины.
Are there pictures on the wall1! На стене есть картины?
Past Indefinite
There was a picture on the wall. На стене была картина.
Was there a picture on the walli На стене была картина?
There were pictures on the wall. На стене были картины.
Were there pictures on the walli На стене были картины?
Future Indefinite
There will be pictures on the wall. На стене будут картины.
Will there be pictures on the walli На стене будут
Выбор формы глагола to be зависит от числа существительного, следующего сразу за ним:
There is a chair and two armchairs in the room-There are two armchairs and a chair in the room.
Вопросительные предложения с оборотом there is / there are строятся следующим образом:
Общий вопрос: Is there anything in the bag? Will there be lessons tomorrow?
Специальный вопрос: What is there in the bag? Разделительный вопрос. There are some pupils in the classroom, aren't there?
Задание 6.1. Вставьте to be в нужной форме:
1.There... a telegram on the table. 2.... there any telegrams fromMoscow? Yes, there... some. 3.... there ... a flight for Moscow tomorrow? Yes, there 4. There...
much snow last winter. 5. There... a lot of stars and planets in space. 6.... there... a lift in your future house? Yes, there 7. Some years ago there... many old houses in our street. 8.... there any lectures yesterday? No, there... 9.... there a lamp over the table? Yes, there.... 10.... there any interesting stories in this book? 11.... there a test last lesson? No, there.... 12. Soon there a new film on.
Задание 6.2. Поставьте вопросы к следующим предложениям:
1. There are some new pupils in our group. 2. There is no book on the table. 3. There were many old houses in our street. 4. There are 4 seasons in a year. 5. There will be a conference next week. 6. There are many large cities in our country. 7. There was nobody in the room. 8. There are 7 days in a week. 9. There is something on the shelf. 10. There are many places of interest in London. 11. There are many beautiful flowers in our garden. 12. There was much work last week.
Задание 6.3. Напишите следующие предложения в прошедшем и будущем временах:
1. There is much snow in winter. 2. There are 5 theatres in our city. 3. There is no lift in our house. 4. There are many new books in our library. 5. There is little milk in the bottle. 6. There are 3 rooms in our flat. 7. There is a map on the wall.
Задание 6.4. Прочитайте и переведите текст.
Usually I get up at 7 o'clock on week-days. I do my bed and open the window. Sometimes I do my morning exercises, but not always. Then I go to the bathroom. There I wash myself and clean my teeth. Sometimes I take a shower. After that I go back to my bedroom, dress/myself and brush my hair. In five minutes I am ready for breakfast. I usually have a cup of tea or coffee and a sandwich. After breakfast I take my bag, put on my coat and go to the college.
I live not far from my college and it takes me only ten minutes}to walk there. I am never late for the first lesson because I come to the college a few minutes before the bell. I leave my coat in the cloakroom and go to the classroom. The lessons begin at eight o'clock and at half past one they are over. Sometimes after the lessons I go to the library to take some books. I usually do my hometask at home. As a rule, I have no free time on my week-days.
Sometimes I have dinner at my college canteen. For dinner I usually have soup for the first course, meat or fish with some salad for the second. I drink milk or a cup of tea.
Twice a week I go to the swimming pool. I play volleyball in the college team and we have our training at our big gymnasium.
In the evening all the members of our family get together. We have supper together, watch TV or read books. Reading is my hobby. I like to read detective stories or books of modern writers. At about eleven o'clock I go to b
usually — обычно
sometimes — иногда
enough — достаточно
shower — душ
always — всегда
only — только
never — никогда
cloakroom — раздевалка
as a rule — как правило
canteen — столовая
twice — дважды
eam — команда
gymnasium — спортзал
Задание 6.5. Ответьте на вопросы.
1.When do you usually get up on your working day?
2.What do you do in the morning when you get up?
3. What do you have for breakfast?
4. How much time does it take you to get to your school?
5. Do you have dinner at home or at school canteen?
6. What do you usually have for dinner?
7. Do you often go to the library?
8. When does your family have supper?
9. Do you go in for sports?
10. When do you usually go to bed?
Задание 6.6. Напишите рассказ о своем рабочем дне.
Задание 6.7. Прочитайте и переведите текст.
The last two days of the week are Saturday and Sunday. They are called the weekend. People don't go to work on weekends. But students and pupils have only one day off. It is Sunday.
Weekend is my favourite time of the week because I don't go to the college. I think Sunday is the best day of the week. On this day I wake up later than usual. And sometimes I don't get up till nine or ten o'clock. As soon as I get up I air the room, do my bed and do morning exercises. Then I have breakfast and help my Mother to clear away the dishes and wash them.
After breakfast I get ready with my homework and then I am free. I meet my friends and we discuss our plans together. Last Sunday we went to the Zoo. There were many funny animals there. It was very interesting to spend time there.
On Sundays I usually do shopping. My Mother tells me what to buy, I take a shopping bag and go shopping. As a rule I go to the shop near my house. There are many departments in this shop and I can buy different goods there. Then I go to the baker's and buy bread and rolls. I also buy milk at the dairy department. In the evening our family gets together. We have supper, watch TV or read books. Reading is my hobby. I like to read detective stories or books of modern writers. At about eleven o'clock I go to bed.
till —до
as soon as —- как только
to air — проветривать
morning exercises — зарядка
Zoo — зоопарк
funny — смешной
animals — животные
to spend — проводить
to do shopping — делать покупки
to buy — покупать
department — отдел
goods — товары
baker's — булочная
rolls — булочки
bread — хлеб
also — также
dairy department —- молочный отдел
1. What days of the week do you like and why?
2. What time do you get up on Sunday?
3. What do you do in the morning?
4. How do you usually spend your days off?
5. Do you often go to the country on your days off?
6. How did you spend your last Sunday?
7. Do you go shopping?
8.Do you go in for sports on Sunday?
9. Do you often go to see your friends?
10. Do you like to spend your days off with your friends or with your parents?
12. What is your hobby?
13. What books do you like to read?
14. Do your guests often come to you on Sunday?
Местоимения little и few и местоименные
выражения a little и a few
Местоимение little и местоименное выражение а little употребляются с неисчисляемыми существительными, местоимение few и местоименное выражение а few — с исчисляемыми:
Give me а little water, please.
There is little milk in the bottle.
I have a few friends in Minsk.
I've got only few pencils in the box.
Местоимения few и little означают «мало», а местоименные выражения a few и a little — «немного».
Much (много) употребляется с неисчисляемыми существительными, many (много)- с исчисляемыми.
Задание 6.8. Вставьте much, many, little, few, a little, a few.
1. Have you got... time before the lesson? 2. She gave him... water to wash his hands and face. 3. He had... English books at home, so he went to the library. 4. After the lesson everybody felt... tired. 5.1 like it here. Let's stay here... longer. 6. There were... new words in the text and Peter spent... time learning them. 7. There was... sugar in the bowl, and we put ... sugar there. 8. I know French... and I can help you with the translation of this text. 10. When we walked ... farther down the road we met another group of pupils. 11. I want to say... words about my travelling.
Задание 6.9. Переведите на английский язык следующие пары слов.
Много тетрадей, много молока, много воды, много дней, много газет, много мела, много снега, много лет, много картин, много музыки, много сахара, много чая, много лимонов, много мяса, много комнат, много учителей, много работы, много воздуха, много птиц, много машин.
Задание 6.10. Вставьте much или many.
1. Please don't ask me... questions. 2. How ... money have you got? 3. I never eat... bread with soup. 4. Why did you eat so... ice-cream? 5. She wrote us... letters from the country. 6.... of these students don't like to look up words in the dictionary. 7.... in this work was too difficult for me. 8. He spent... time writing his composition in Literature. 9. There were... plates on the table. 10-Thank you very ...! 11. ... of my friends are preparing for their examinations now. 12.1 don't like ... sugar in my tea.
Задание 6.11. Переведите на английский язык.
1. В стакане есть немного молока. 2. В тетради осталось мало чистых страниц. 3. У тебя много кофе? — Нет, очень мало. 4. Немногие из англичан говорят по-русски. 5. У них здесь очень мало друзей. 6. У него очень мало времени для чтения. 7. У Петра много русских книг и мало английских книг. 8. У меня есть немного времени вечером, чтобы закончить эту работу. 9. Я провожу много времени в библиотеке, потому что я готовлюсь к экзаменам.
Задание 6.12. Прочитайте и запомните слова по теме Meals. Еда.
restaurant — ресторан
cafeteria — кафетерий
canteen — столовая (студенческая, школьная)
cafe — кафе
breakfast — завтрак
lunch — второй завтрак
dinner — обед
supper — ужин
to have breakfast — завтракать
to have dinner — обедать
to have supper — ужинать
Названия продуктов и блюд:
bread — хлеб
butter — сливочное масло
jam — джем, варенье
cheese ] — сыр
cornflakes — кукурузные хлопья
sugar — сахар
meat — мясо
fish — рыба
eggs — яйца
eggs and bakon — яичница с ветчиной
boiled eggs — вареные яйца
omelette — омлет
sausage —колбаса
frankfurters — сосиски
ham — окорок, ветчина
porridge — каша
cream — сливки, сметана
soup — суп
steak — бифштекс
mutton chops — котлеты из баранины
chicken — курица
chips — чипсы
pudding — пудинг
rice [rais] — рис
salad — салат
pie — пирог
cake — торт, кекс, пирожное
ice-cream — мороженое
sweets — конфеты
salt — соль
pepper — перец
mustard — горчица
vinegar — уксус
sauce — coyc
Drinks — напитки
soft drinks — безалкогольные напитки
strong drinks — спиртные напитки
mineral water — минеральная вода
fruit juice — фруктовый сок
cocoa — какао
coffee — кофе
tea — чай
wine — вино
beer — пиво
Vegetables — овощи
cabbage — капуста
carrot — морковь
onion — лук
cucumber — огурец
tomato — помидор
beans — фасоль
Fruit — фрукты
apples — яблоки
pears — груши
plums — сливы
oranges — апельсины
grapes — виноград
strawberries — клубника
cherries — вишня
Названия предметов сервировки стола:
plate — тарелка
spoon — ложка
tea spoon — чайная ложка
fork — вилка
knife — нож
glass — стакан
cup — чашка
saucer ] — блюдце
bottle — бутылка
teapot — чайник (заварной)
ash-tray — пепельница
napkin — салфетка
Задание 6.13. Прочитайте и переведите текст.
The usual meals in England are breakfast, lunch, tea and dinner or, in simpler houses, breakfast, dinner, tea and supper. For breakfast Englishmen often have porridge or cornflakes with milk or cream and sugar, bacon and eggs, jam with buttered toasts and tea or coffee. For a change they can have a boiled egg, cold ham, or fish.
English people usually have lunch about one o'clock. At lunch time in a London restaurant you can have a mutton chop, or steak and chips, or cold meat or fish with potatoes and salad, then a pudding or fruit.
Afternoon tea can hardly be called a meal. It is a substantial meal only in well-to-do families. It is between five and six o'clock. It is rather a sociable sort of thing, as friends often come for a chat (поболтать) while they have their cup of tea, cake or biscuit.
In some houses dinner is the biggest meal of the day. But in great many English homes, the midday meal is the chief one of the day, and in the evening there is usually a much simpler supper — an omelet, or sausages, sometimes bacon and eggs and sometimes just bread and cheese, a cup of coffee or cocoa and fruit.
Задание 6.14. Составьте примерное меню вашего завтрака, обеда и ужина.
Начните так: For breakfast I usually have...
Задание 6.15. Вставьте артикли и переведите на русский язык со словарем
At... beginning of... 19th century... little boy was born in... family of John Dickens,... clerk at... office in... Portsmouth, and was named Charles. He had... sister who was older than he, and there were several other children in... family. When Charles was seven, he was sent to... school. He was not... strong child. He did not like to play... cricket or... football and spent all his free time reading. In 1821... family went to... London, and little Charles left behind him... happiest years of his childhood. His father was in... money difficulties, and... family became poorer and poorer.... boy had to give up his studies. Mr. Dickens was put into... debtors'prison. Little Charles learned to know all... horrors and cruelty of... large capitalist city. He had to go to work at... blacking factory. He worked there from... morning till... night. When his father came out of prison, Charles was sent to... school for some time. Soon he got work as... clerk. Then he learned... stenography and became... reporter in Parliament. In 1836 at... age of 24 Charles Dickens published his first book. It was... collection of... stories.... title of... book was «Sketches by Boz». These were followed by «Pickwick Papers» and «Oliver Twist» and many other famous novels. Charles Dickens is one of... greatest writers of... 19th century. His novels are now translated into most languages of... world.
Прилагательные обозначают признаки предметов и отвечают на вопрос какой?
A wide road. Широкая дорога.
A tall tree. Высокое дерево.
An.interesting book. Интересная книга.
Наречия отвечают на вопрос как?
Не speaks English well. Он говорит по-английски хорошо.
Прилагательные и наречия имеют три формы степеней сравнения:
положительную (positive degree), сравнительную (comparative degree), превосходную (superlative degree).
Формы сравнительной и превосходной степеней образуются двумя способами:
Способ 1. Если прилагательное односложное, форма его сравнительной степени образуется при помощи суффикса -ег, а форма превосходной степени — при помощи суффикса -est.
Полож. степень |
Сравн. степень |
Превосх. степень |
strong (сильный) |
stronger (сильнее) |
the strongest (сильнейший) |
cold (холодный) |
colder (холоднее) |
the coldest (самый холодный) |
Некоторые двусложные прилагательные оканчивающиеся на -у, -ег, -ow образуют степени сравнения так же, как и односложные, с помощью суффиксов -ег и -est.
easy (легкий) - easier (более легкий, легче) - the easiest (самый легкий, легчайший)
clever (умный) - cleverer (более умный, умнее) - the cleverest (самый умный, умнейший)
narrow (узкий) - narrower (более узкий, уже) - the narrowest (самый узкий)
Способ 2. От двусложных прилагательных и прилагательных состоящих из трех или более слогов, сравнительная степень образуется при помощи слова more (less), а превосходная степень — при помощи слова most (least)
famous — знаменитый - more (less) famous — более(менее) знаменитый - the most famous — самый знаменитый, знаменитейший
interesting — интересный - more interesting — более интересный, интереснее - the most interesting — самый интересный, интереснейший
Запомните исключения при образовании степеней сравнения прилагательных:
Положительная степень |
Сравнительная степень |
Превосходная степень |
good (хороший) |
better (более хороший, лучше) |
the best (самый хороший, лучший) |
bad (плохой) |
worse (более плохой, хуже) |
the worst (самый плохой, худший) |
little (маленький) |
less (меньше, меньший) |
the least (самый маленький) |
Much, many (много) |
more (больше) |
most (больше всего, самый большой) |
far (далекий), far (далеко) |
farther (более далекий) further (дальше) |
the farthest (самый далекий) the furthest (дальше всего) |
Существительное, определяемое прилагательным в превосходной степени, всегда имеет определенный артикль.
В предложениях со степенями сравнения прилагательных и наречий используются следующие союзы:
as ... as - такой же ... как
not so ... as - не такой ... как
Запомните выражение:
The more we learn the more we know. Чем больше мы учим, тем больше мы знаем.
Задание 7.1. Образуйте сравнительную и превосходную степень от следующих прилагательных и наречий.
1. large, tall, long, easy, hot, big, cold, nice, bad, _.strong, short, wide, good, happy, high, low, busy, well, little, many, far.
2. wonderful, necessary, quickly, interesting, comfortable, popular, active, famous, pleasant, beautiful, slowly, clearly,
Задание 7.2. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. This book is not
so interesting as that one. 2. The Baltic Sea is not so warm as the Black Sea.
3. The more you read,.the more you know. 4. My brother is not as tall as you
are. 5. The earlier you get up, the more you can do. 6. Today the wind is as
strong as it was yesterday. 7. Your room is as light as mine. 8. John knows Russian
as well as English. 9. Mary is not so lazy as her brother.
10. The longer the night is, the shorter the day. 11. The
less people think, the more they talk.
Задание 7.3. Раскройте скобки, употребив нужную степень прилагательного/наречия.
1. Winter is (cold) season of the year. 2. Moscow is (large) than St.Petersburg. 3. Which is (long) day of the year? 4. The Alps are (high) mountains in Europe. 5. Even (long) day has an end. 6. It is one of (important) questions of our conference. 7. Your English is (good) now. 8. Who knows him (well) than you? 9. We have (little) interest in this work than you. 10. Health is (good) than wealth. 11. Your son worked (well) of all. 12. Today you worked (slowly) than usually.
Задание 7.4. Переведите предложения.
1. Чарльз Диккенс — один из самых известных писателей в мире.
2. Этот рассказ интереснее, чем тот.
3. Ваш дом выше нашего? Нет, он такой же высокий, как и ваш.
4. Это — самая прекрасная картина во всей коллекции.
5. Российская Федерации больше Великобритании.
6. Он сделал работу быстрее, чем вы.
7. Чем больше вы работаете, тем легче сдавать экзамены.
8. Его работа лучше вашей, но работа Анны — самая лучшая.
9. Россия — самая большая страна в мире.
10.Я живу не так далеко от института, как мой друг.
11.В июле столько же дней, сколько и в августе.
12.Самолет быстрее, чем поезд.
Задание 7.5. Прочитайте и переведите текст.
Travelling became a part of our life. Thousands of people travel every day either on business or for pleasure. They travel by road, by train, by air or by sea.
Of course, travelling by air is the fastest and the most convenient way, but it is the most expensive, too. Travelling by train is slower than travelling by plane, but it is less expensive. You can see many interesting places of the country through the window. Modern trains have more comfortable seats. There are also sleeping cars and dining cars that make even the longest journey more pleasant. Speed, comfort and safety are the main advantages of trains and planes. That is why many people prefer them to all other kinds of travelling.
Travelling by sea is popular mostly for pleasure trips. Tourists can make voyages on large ships to foreign countries. The trips on the Volga, the Don and the Black Sea are very popular today.
As for me I prefer travelling by car. I think it's more convenient because you don't buy tickets, you can stop any place and spend as much time as you like at any place.
either ... or — или ... или
business travel — деловая поездка, командировка
advantages — преимущества
train — поезд
fast — быстрый
slow — медленный
convenient — удобный
way — путь, способ
sleeping car — спальный вагон
dining car — вагон ресторан
expensive — дорогой (о стоимости)
sleeping car — спальный вагон
dining car — вагон-ресторан
journey — путешествие, поездка
mostly — главным образом
voyage — путешествие (по воде)
trip — путешествие
to prefer — предпочитать
pleasant — приятный
plane (airplane) — самолет
kind — вид, род, сорт
1) Do you think modern life is impossible without travelling?
2) Why do people travel?
3) What are the means of travelling?
4) How do you prefer to travel and why?
5) What is the fastest kind of travelling?
Предлоги, обозначающие место:
At — у, в, возле, рядом
местонахождение у чего-либо
местонахождение там, где протекает определенный процесс:
I am sitting at the table. — Я сижу у стола.
I study at school. — Я учусь в школе.
The pupils are at the lesson. —Ученики на уроке.
In — в
местонахождение внутри чего-либо:
Не is in the office. — Он в офисе.
The books are in the bag. — Книги в портфеле.
On — на
местонахождение на поверхности:
The book is on the desk. — Книга на столе.
Under — под
местонахождение под другим предметом:
The book is under the table. — Книга под столом.
Across —через
I live across the street. — Я живу через дорогу.
Above — над
Местонахождение над другим предметом:
There is a lamp above the table. — Над столом висит лампа.
Between — между
Between us. — Между нами.
In front of — впереди, перед
местонахождение предмета (лица) впереди другого предмета (лица)
There is a telephone in front of him. — Перед ним стоит телефон.
Behind — за, позади,сзади
местонахождение предмета (лица) позади другого предмета (лица),
There is a sport ground behind our school. — За нашей школой спортплощадка.
Around — вокруг
местонахождение одного предмета вокруг другого предмета:
We are sitting around the table. — Мы сидим вокругстола.
Over — над, через, сверх
There is a bridge over the river. — Над рекой мост.
Near — вблизи, около, рядом с, возле, за
She is sitting near the table. — Она сидит за столом.
Up — вверх
Up the river. — Вверх по реке.
Down — вниз
Down the river. — Вниз по реке.
Задание 7.6. Заполните пропуски предлогами.
1. The book is... the table. 2. The lamp is... the table. 3. The girl is... the table. 4. The man is... the chair. 5. The book is... the bag. 6. The pencil is... the desk. 7. My house is ... the street. 8. The blackboard is ... the classroom. 9. The chair is ... the table. 10. We sit ... the table. 11. There is a lamp ...the desk. 12. Please, sit down ...the table. 13. A sport ground is ...our school. 14. Pushkin street is ... Lenin street and Sadovaya street. 15. We have lunch ... 11 o'clockand 12 o'clock. 16. The bridge is ... the Don River.
Задание 7.7. Употребите соответствующий предлог, где необходимо.
1. There is a picture... the wall. 2. What street do you live..? 3.... Sunday we of ten swim... the river. 4. Last week he went... Moscow. 5.They will go... the college tomorrow. 6. She goes... work... bus. 7. My brother stayed... home... the evening. 8. Many people travel... train. 9.1 see many books... the table and ...the bookcase. 10.1 was born... the first... October. 11. Our lessons begin... nine o'clock... the morning. 12. He took some books... the table and put them... his bag. 13.We went... home... foot. 14. They often go... a walk... the park. 15. My father ' works... the plant. 16. I don't like to sit... the window. 17. She stood... and went... the room. 18. Usually I get up... 7 o'clock, put... my dress and go... the kitchen. 19. My friend goes sports and I am fond... music. 15.... summer we spend much time... the open.
Предлоги, обозначающие движение
To — к
движение по направлению к предмету (лицу), протекающему процессу:
Come to me. — Подойдите ко мне.
From — от, из, со
движение от предмета (лица), удаление от протекающего процесса:
Take this book from the table.— Убери книгу со стола. I come from Russia. — Я из России.
Into — в, внутрь
движение внутрь ограниченного пространства:
Put the book into the bag. — Положи книгу в портфель.
Out of — из
движение из ограниченного пространства:
Take the book out of the table. — Возьми книгу из стола.
Оn(to) /onto — на
движение на поверхность:
Snow fell onto the ground. — Снег падал на землю.
Through — через, сквозь
Не went in through the door. — Он вошел через дверь.
Задание 7.8. Заполните пропуски предлогами.
Go ... the table. Take the book ... the table. Open it ... page six. Look ... the book. Put it... the bag. Take the pen and the pencil... the table. Put them ... the bag. Take the bag ... the table and go ... your desk.
Задание 7.9. Употребите соответствующий предлог (движения, места, направления). (Above, acfoss, around, at, behind, from, in front of, in, into, on, out of, over, through, to, under)
1. There is a garden... our house. 2. The bridge is... the river. 3. All students are... the lesson now. 4. Where are the boys? They are... the park. 5. Our flat is... the centre. 6. There was a lamp... the table. 7. He will sit... you. 8. Usually we go... the college together. 9. He came... the house. 10. I come home... school very late. 11. Take my book... him, please. 12. Come... the room. 13. He took us... the forest. 14. Children, take your books... your bags and put them... the tables. 15. The box was... the bed. 16. He looks ... the window.
Предлоги времени
In — в
внутри временного отрезка:
In April, in 2000. — В апреле, в 2000 году.
In — через
через некоторое время:
in an hour, in two days — через час, через два дня
At — в
(точка во времени):
at 5 o'clock, at midnight — в 5 часов, в полночь
Оn — в
в (с названием дней недели, датами): on Monday, on the 10th of February — в понедельник, 10 февраля
Bу — к
к определенному моменту:
by 8 o'clock tomorrow — к 8 часам завтра
From... till / from... to... — от... до
from 5 till 6 o'clock — с 5-ти до 6-ти
For — в течение
в течение (отрезок времени):
for an how— в течение часа
During — во время (чего-либо)
during the lesson— во время урока
After — после (чего-либо)
after work — после работы
Before — перед (чем-либо)
before the lesson — перед уроком
Within — внутри, в рамках
within a month — в течение месяца
Прочие предлоги:
by— при, около, посредством:
by the window, by plane—около окна, самолетом
With — вместе с:
with a friend — с другом
For — для:
I'll do it for you. — Я сделаю это для тебя.
Задание 7.10. Переведите предложения на английский язык.
1. В воскресенье у нас нет уроков. 2. Мы живем в Самаре, на улице Чехова. 3. Переведите этот текст с английского на русский. 4. Уроки начинаются в 9 часов. 5. Возьмите эту книгу у него. 6. Дайте эту книгу ему. 7. На столе была книга. 8. Мы работаем с 8 утра до 6 вечера. 9. Учитель вошел, взял книгу со стола и вышел из класса. 11. Мы работали а течение урока.
Задание 7.11. Вставьте артикли и переведите на русский язык со словарем:
William Shakespeare, ... greatest English playwright, was born in 1564 in... Stratford-on-Avon in... England. ... Stratford is... small country town in... farming district near ... centre of... England .... Avon, which is... pretty river with... grass and... trees all along its banks, runs through ... Stratford. Not much is known of... Shakespeare's father. He was... farmer who, at... different times of his life, sold ... meat and bought and sold... wool. He was poor and was often in... money difficulties. Very little is known about... life of his only son William also little house in which... great writer was born still stands. It is now... museum. William went to... school in... Stratford. In 1586 he went to... London. Probably... first work he did there was at one of the two theatres that there were in... London at that time. Then he became... actor and soon began to write... plays for... company of actors to which he belonged. Shakespeare bought... largest house in his home town in 1597, but he did not spend much time there till 1610. He spent... last years of his life in it.
1. Общий вопрос (Genera! Question)
Общий вопрос относится ко всему предложению в целом, и ответом на него будут слова yes или по:
Do you like ice-cream? — Yes, I do.
Can you speak English? — Yes, I can.
Are you a schoolboy? — No, I am not.
Have you bought a text book? — Yes, I have.
Порядок слов в общем вопросе:
1)вспомогательный (модальный, глагол-связка) глагол,
2)подлежащее (существительное или местоимение),
3)смысловой глагол (или дополнение).
2. Специальный вопрос
Специальный вопрос относится к какому-нибудь члену предложения или их группе и требует конкретного ответа:
What is your name? — My name is Peter.
Where do you live? — / live in Rostov.
Специальный вопрос всегда начинается со специального вопросительного слова:
who (кто) where (где)
whom (кого) why (почему)
what (что) how long (как долго)
which (который) how many (сколько)
whose (чей) how much (сколько)
when (когда) how (как)
Порядок слов в специальном вопросе:
1)вопросительное слово (what, where, who, when, how и т. д.),
2)вспомогательный (модальный, глагол-связка) глагол.
4)смысловой глагол,
6)обстоятельства (места, времени, образа действия и т. д.)
В специальных вопросах, обращенных к подлежащему в формах Present и Past Indefinite, не употребляется вспомогательный глагол to do (did) и сохраняется прямой порядок слов:
Who wants to go to the cinema?
Whose pen is it?
Who lives here?
3. Альтернативный вопрос
Альтернативный вопрос предполагает выбор из двух возможностей:
Do you like coffee or tea? — Вы любите кофе или чай?
Альтернативный вопрос начинается как общий вопрос, затем следует разделительный союз or и вторая часть вопроса.
4. Разделительный вопрос (Tail Question)
Разделительный вопрос состоит из двух частей. Первая часть —это повествовательное предложение (утвердительное или отрицательное), вторая, отделенная запятой от первой — краткий вопрос (tail — «хвост»), который на русский переводится не правда ли? не так ли?
You are a pupil, aren't you? — Вы ученик, не правда ли?
You aren't a pupil, are you? — Вы не ученик, не правда ли?
В кратком вопросе повторяется вспомогательный, модальный или связочный глагол предложения, содержащего заявление. Если сказуемое предложения выражено глаголами to be или to have, то повторяются эти глаголы.
Не is reading, isn't he? Он читает, не так ли? (Повторяется вспомогательный глагол.)
Не can read, can't he? Он умеет читать, не так ли? (Повторяется модальный глагол сап.)
Не is a good pupil, isn't he? Он хороший ученик, не так ли? (Повторяется связочный глагол to be.)
Не has a book, hasn't he? У него есть книга, не так ли? (Повторяется глагол to have, употребляемый как смысловой глагол.)
Если в повествовательной части разделительного вопроса содержится утверждение, то во второй — отрицание.
Если в повествовательной части — отрицание, то во второй части, как правило, — утверждение:
Не is there, isn't he? Он там, не так ли?
Не isn't there, is he? Он не там, не так ли?
Задание 8.1. Прочтите и переведите на русский язык. Поставьте к каждому предложению разделительный вопрос.
1. She is a student.
— Is she a student?
— Yes, she is. / No, she isn't.
2. He speaks English well.
— Does he speak English well?
— Yes, he does. / No, he doesn't.
3. They have many books.
— Have they many books?
— Yes, they have. / No, they haven't.
4. The weather was fine yesterday.
— Was the weather fine yesterday?
— Yes, it was./No, it wasn't.
5. We saw a new film yesterday.
— Did we see a new film yesterday?
— Yes, we did. / No, we didn't.
6. You can read well.
¾ Can you read well?
¾ Yes, you can. / No, you can't.
7. There will be five lessons tomorrow.
— Will there be five lessons tomorrow?
—Yes, there will. / No, there will not (won't).
Задание 8.2. Переведите предложения с альтернативными вопросами на русский язык.
1. Our family lives in a three-room flat.
¾ Does your family live in a three-room flat or in a house?
¾ It lives in a three-room flat.
2. They went to the same school.
— Did they go to the same school or to different schools?
— They went to the same school.
3. He will read this book tomorrow.
¾ Will he read this book tomorrow or next week?
¾ He will read it tomorrow.
4. They are playing football now.
¾ Are they playing football or tennis now?
¾ They are playing tennis.
5. Our teacher has told us to write.
— Has our teacher told us to write or to read? He has told us to write.
Задание 8.З. Поставьте к следующим предложениям вопросы:
1. общие
2. специальные
3. разделительные
1. There is a book on the table. 2. He must work hard today. 3. We are leaving for Moscow next week. 4. We were reading the whole evening. 5. They don't go to work on Sunday. 6. It is not cold today. 7. Ann has already begun to read a new book. 8. We learn English at school. 9. They will show you how to get there.
Задание 8.4. Переведите предложения на английский язык.
1.Вам нравится больше английский язык или французский?
2. Он живет в Ростове или в Москве?
3. Она его младшая или старшая сестра?
4. Студенты уже сдали экзамены или нет?
5. Петровы поедут летом на юг или на север?
6. Ваш друг учится в колледже или в университете?
7. Он знает ее лучше или вы?
Задание 8.5. Составьте письменно общие вопросы к следующим предложениям.
1. Our teacher knows several foreign languages. 2. He has graduated from our University last year. 3. We shall go to Samara next week. 4. They are working in our garden .5.1 have j ust read this book. 6.1 took this book from my friend. 7. He likes reading books. 8. She has many rel atives abroad. 9. They were in many countries. 10. Russia is the largest country in the world.
Задание 8.6. Прочитайте и переведите текст.
I have many friends. Most of them are my former classmates but my best friend is Peter. He is fifteen. Now he is a student of a college. He is a good student because he studies hard and is very diligent. He wants to become a good specialist and he is especially interested in computers. He often helps me with my English lessons and I'm grateful to him for that.
Now I want to tell you about his appearance. He is rather tall and strong. He has an oval face, straight nose, dark-brown hair, blue eyes and a nice smile. People find him good-looking.
Peter goes in for sports. He plays football and basketball well. His basketball team is very popular at the college.
We made friends with Peter when he and his family moved to our house. We have very much in common: we like the same music, we both like reading. In general my friend is a very interesting person: he is intelligent and well-read.
But the most important thing is that Peter is honest and kind. I can fully rely on him and trust everything to him. Peter has a great sense of humour and I like to spend my free time with him.
I have another friend. Her name is Natasha. She is a schoolgirl and she lives next door. I like her very much. She is a blonde with blue eyes, she is slim and pretty. Her hair is long and she has a nice complexion. I like all my friends very much. I think they are all my faithful friends.
former — бывший
strong — сильный
classmates — одноклассники
dark-brown — темно-коричневый
to study hard — усердно учиться
diligent — прилежный
especially — особенно
grateful — благодарный
appearance — внешний вид
rather — довольно
tall — высокий
straight — прямой
team — команда
to move — зд. переехать
in common — общего
same — тот же
both — оба
intelligent — умный
well-read — начитанный
honest — честный
kind — добрый
fully — полностью
to rely — полагаться
to trust — доверять sense — чувство
blonde — блондин(ка)
faithful — верный
slim — стройный
pretty — красивая
hair — волосы
complexion — цвет лица
1. Who is your best friend?
2. Where does your friend study?
3. How does your friend look like?
4. What kind of sport does your friend like?
5. How did you make friends?
6. What do you have much in common?
Do you like
to spend your free time with your
8. Can you call all your friends faithful?
9. Is the sense of humour important in friendship?
10. What are the hobbies of your friends?
Пополните свой активный словарь:
tall — высокий
short —маленького роста
stout — приземистый, коренастый
fat — толстый
plumpy — полный
fair hair — светлые волосы
gray hair — седые волосы
bold headed — лысый
short sighted — близорукий
smart, clever, bright — умный (ая)
stupid — тупой, глупый
boring — скучный(ая)
quiet — спокойный
impulsive — порывистый, импульсивный
aggressive — агрессивный
rude — невежливый, грубый
shy — застенчивый
active — активный
talkative — разговорчивый
Задание 8.7. Составьте короткий рассказ о внешности и характере какого-нибудь человека (вашего друга, соседа по парте, студента из вашей группы).
Употребление some и any, а также их производных определяется типом предложения.
В утвердительном предложении употребляются, как правило, местоимение some и его производные:
Give me something to read, please. Дайте мне что-нибудь почитать, пожалуйста.
I met him somewhere before. Я встречал его где-то раньше.
В вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях обычно используются местоимение any и его производные:
Have you seen him anywhere? Вы видели его где-нибудь?
Is there anything I can do for you? Могу ли я что-нибудь для вас сделать?
В отрицательных предложениях используется либо местоимение any и его производные,
I cannot find this book anywhere. Я не могу нигде найти эту книгу.
либо отрицательное местоимение по
There is nobody in that room. В той комнате никого нет.
There isn't anybody in that room. В той комнате никого нет.
Различия между местоимениями any и some — г степени неопределенности, поэтому иногда местоиме ние any можно встретить и в утвердительных предло жениях:
You can find this book anywhere. — Эту книгу вы можете найти где угодно.
Задание 9.1. Образуйте 16 производных местоимений и переведите их.
Образец: some + body = somebody — кто-то, кто-нибудь
some body
any one
no thing
every where
Задание 9.2. Вставьте somebody, anybody, nobody или everybody.
1. The question is so difficult that... can answer it. 2.... left his bag in our classroom yesterday. 3. Has... in this group got a dictionary? 4. It is too late. I think there is... in the office now. 5. ... knows that plants like water. 6. Is there... here who knows English? 7. You must find... who can help you. 8.... knew anything about our home task. 9. The question is very easy can answer this question. 10. There is... in the next room. I don't know him. 11. Please, tell us the story. ... knows it. 12. Is there... you want to tell me? 13. Has... here got a red pencil?
Задание 9.З. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя неопределенные (или отрицательные) местоимения и их производные.
1. Есть кто-нибудь здесь? 2. В саду никого нет. 3. В нашей комнате есть кто-нибудь? 4. В классе есть кто-то. 5. В саду есть кто-нибудь? — Там никого нет. 6. На столе есть что-нибудь? — Нет, там ничего нет. 7. В сумке что-то есть. 8. В этой книге.есть что-нибудь интересное? 9. На стене есть какие-нибудь картины? — Да, там есть несколько. 10. В комнате есть кто-нибудь? — Нет, там никого нет. 11. В нашей библиотеке есть какие-то книги на английском языке. 12. В вашей библиотеке есть какие-нибудь книги на английском языке? 13. Мой друг не хочет мне ничего сказать. 14. Возьмите что-нибудь почитать для меня в библиотеке. 15. Если вы голодны (to be hungry), поищите (look for) что-нибудь в холодильнике (fridge). 16. Расскажите нам всё о вашем путешествии. 17. Никто нигде не помог ему.
Задание 9.4. Прочитайте и переведите текст.
There are four seasons in a year: winter, spring, summer and autumn. Each of them lasts three months.
Summer is my favourite season. June, July and August are summer months. When summer comes, the weather gets warmer and sometimes it can be very hot. In summer people spend much time in the open» They find time to go to the forest or to swim in the river. Schoolchildren like their summer holidays.
Autumn comes in September with the beginning of the school year. It is the time when fruit and vegetables become ripe. It is a very beautiful time of the year when the weather is still warm and the leaves change their colour from green to yellow and red. But then it gets colder. The leaves fall from the trees and cover the ground. Birds fly away to warm countries. Then winter comes.
Winter is usually a cold season. It of ten,snows, rivers and lakes are frozen. The sun sets early and rises late —especially in December and January. The days are short, the sky is often grey. Every New Year begins in winter on the first of January. It's a holiday and people decorate their flats with New Year trees.
Spring begins in March. The weather gets better and the sun shines more brightly. The days become longer. The birds return from the South and make their nests. It sometimes rains but the sky is usually bright-blue and it is warm.
season — время года
each — каждый
to last — длиться
in the open — на воздухе
fruit — фрукты
vegetables — овощи
ripe — спелый
still — все еще
warm — теплый
cold — холодный
to fall — падать
to cover — покрывать
to set — садиться
to rise — вставать
to decorate — украшать
New Year tree — елка
frozen — замерзший
to return — возвращаться
nest — гнездо
Ответьте на вопросы:
1. How many seasons are there in a year?
2. Do people try to spend more time in the open air in summer?
3. Why do we like spring so much?
4. Is summer the best season for tourism?
5. Where did you go last summer?
6. What is the weather like in winter?
7. Do you like winter? Why?
8. Do you go in for skating or skiing in winter?
9. What do you usually do when the weather is bad in autumn and winter?
10. What is good and what is bad in each season?
11. Why do most people prefer summer to any other season of the year?
12. What is your favourite season?
13. What are the hottest and the coldest seasons in our country?
Таблица временных форм глагола
Время |
Простое Indefinite (Simple) |
Длительное Continuous |
Завершенное Perfect |
Настоящее |
I write Я пишу (вообще, обычно) |
I am writing Я пишу (сейчас) |
I have written Я (уже) написал |
Прошедшее Past |
I wrote Я (на) писал (вчера) |
I was writing Я писал (в тот момент) |
I had written Я написал (уже к тому моменту) |
Будущее Future |
I shall/will write Я напишу, буду писать (завтра) |
I shall/will be writing Я буду писать (в тот момент) |
I shall/will have written Я напишу (уже к тому моменту) |
Группа временных форм Indefinite (Simple)
Формы глагола в Present Indefinite
Число |
Утвердительная форма, |
Вопросительная форма |
Отрицательная форма |
Ед. |
I (you) ask. Не (she, it) asks. |
Do I (you) ask? Does he (she, it) ask? |
I (you) do not ask. He (she, it) does not ask. |
Мн. |
We (you, they) ask. |
Do we (you, they) ask? |
We (you, they) do not ask. |
Глаголы в формах Indefinite (Simple) описывают обычные, повторяющиеся действия как факт — безотносительно к их длительности или к результату действия:
I go to school every day. — Я хожу в школу каждый день.
В этом высказывании интересует не время, потраченное на дорогу, не процесс движения, не результат походов, а сам факт: я хожу в школу, а не на работу. То же самое относится к прошедшему времени и к будущему:
I went to school when I was a boy. — Я ходил в школу, когда был мальчиком.
I shall go to school when I grow up. — Я буду ходить в школу, когда вырасту.
Для указания на повторный характер действия часто употребляются слова
every day / week, month, year (каждый день / каждую неделю, месяц, год),
often (часто), seldom (редко), always (всегда), usually (обычно), never (никогда).
Наречия often, seldom, always, never, usually обычно ставятся перед глаголом.
В предложениях с глаголом to be эти наречия обычно ставятся после глагола.
Не is never late for the lessons. — Он никогда не опаздывает на уроки.
Формы глагола в Past Indefinite
Число |
Утвердительная форма |
Вопросительная форма |
Отрицательная форма |
Ед. и мн. |
I (you, he, she, it, we, they) asked. |
Did I (you, he, she, it, we, they) ask? |
I (you, he, she, it, we, they) did not ask. |
Отрицательная и вопросительная формы в Indefinite образуются при помощи вспомогательных глаголов do, does, did с частицей not, краткая форма: don't, doesn't, didn't. Порядок слов прямой.
Вопросительные предложения образуются, как правило, простой перестановкой подлежащего и вспомогательного глагола. Вопросительные местоимения при этом стоят всегда впереди.
Не is a student. — Is he a student?
We do not write much. — Do we write much?
You have a computer. — Have you a computer? — What do you have?
She does not live in Moscow. — Does she live in Moscow?
He didn't like the film. — Did he like the film? — What film he didn't like?
Особую группу составляют разъединительные вопросы, которые переводятся как утверждения плюс «не так ли?» Они применимы к любому времени.
You speak English, don't you? Вы говорите по-английски, не так ли?
Но: Let us speak English, shall we? Давайте говорить по-английски, хорошо?
Правильные и неправильные глаголы
(regular and irregular verbs)
По способу образования прошедшего времени все глаголы в английском языке можно разделить на две группы: правильные и неправильные. У правильных глаголов вторая и третья формы (Past Indefinite Tense и Past Participle Tense — простое прошедшее время и причастие прошедшего времени) совпадают между собой и образуются путем прибавления к основе глагола окончания -ed (-d):
to ask — asked
to change — changed
to receive — received
to work— worked
При этом существует ряд особенностей:
а) если глагол оканчивается на -у с предшествующей согласной, то буква у меняется на i и добавляется окончание -ed
to supply — supplied
to apply — applied
если глагол оканчивается на -у с предшествующей гласной, то буква у не меняется и добавляется окончание -ed
to stay — stayed
to play — played
б) если глагол оканчивается на согласную с предшествующим кратким гласным звуком, то согласная на конце удваивается:
to stop — stopped
После звонких согласных и гласных звуков окончание -ed или -d произносится как [d] loved, said, а после глухих согласных как [t] looked.
После звуков [d] и [t] на конце слова окончание -ed (-d) произносится как [id] landed, started.
Неправильные глаголы образуют вторую и третью формы различными способами, без четких правил. Это наиболее часто употребляемые глаголы. В приложении 4 приведен список часто встречающихся неправильных глаголав.
Формы глагола в Future Indefinite
Число |
Утвердительная форма |
Вопросительная форма |
Отрицательная форма |
Ед. |
I shall ask. You (he, she, it) will ask. |
Shall I ask? Will you (he, she, it) ask? |
I shall not ask. You (he, she, it) will not ask. |
Мн. |
We shall ask. You (they) will ask. |
Shall we ask? Will you (they) ask? |
We shall not ask. You (they) will not ask. |
Группа временных форм Continuous
Формы глагола в Present Continuous
Число |
Утвердительная форма |
Вопросительная форма |
Отрицательная форма |
Ед. |
I arn asking. You are asking. He (she, it) is asking. |
Am I asking? Are you asking? Is he (she, it) asking? |
I am not asking. You are not asking. He (she, it) is not asking. |
Мн. |
We (you, they) are asking. |
Are we (you, they) asking? |
We (you, they) are not asking. |
Present continuous употребляется для выражения действия, длящегося в настоящий момент или период. Указание на время типа now (сейчас), at the moment (в данный момент) может быть либо выражено, либо подразумеваться.
С глаголами, которые обозначают не действие, а состояние, Present Continuous обычно не употребляется:
to feel(чувствовать)
to be (быть, находиться)
to live (жить)
to stay (оставаться)
to hear (слышать)
to see (видеть)
Формы глагола в Past Continuous
Число |
Утвердительная форма |
Вопросительная форма |
Отрицательная форма |
Ед. |
I (he, she, it) was asking. You were asking. |
Was I (he, she, it) asking? Were you asking? |
I (he, she, it) was not asking. You were not asking. |
Мн. |
We (you, they) were asking. |
Were we (you, they) asking? |
We (you, they) were not asking. |
Past continuous обычно употребляется для выражения конкретного действия, длившегося в точно указанный момент или период в прошлом.
Формы глагола в Future Continuous
Число |
Утвердительная форма |
Вопросительная форма |
Отрицательная форма |
Ед. |
I shall be asking. You (he, she, it) will be asking. |
Shall I be asking? Will you (he, she, it) be asking? |
I shall not be asking. You (he, she, it) will not be asking. |
Мн. |
We shall be asking. You (they) will be asking. |
Shall we be asking? Will you (they) be asking? |
We shall not be asking. You (they) will not be asking. |
Future Continuous употребляется для выражения действия, которое будет длиться в точно указанный момент или период в будущем.
Глаголы в формах Continuous описывают действие как процесс, как длительность — в определенный момент в прошлом, настоящем или будущем:
I am going to school (now). — Я иду в школу (сейчас, в настоящий момент).
I was reading a book yesterday at 5 o'clock. — Я читал книгу вчера в 5 часов.
I will be watching TV tomorrow at 7 o'clock. — Я буду смотреть телевизор завтра в семь часов.
Помимо этой функции, глаголы в Present Continuous выражают действие, отнесенное в ближайшее будущее:
We are leaving for Moscow in July. — Мы уезжаем в Москву в июле.
Группа временных форм Perfect
Present Perfect
Present Perfect образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола to have в настоящем времени (have, has) и третьей формы смыслового глагола. В вопросительном предложении вспомогательный глагол ставится перед подлежащим. В отрицательном предложении после вспомогательного глагола ставится отрицание not.
Формы глагола в Present Perfect
Число |
Утвердительная форма |
Вопросительная форма |
Отрицательная форма |
Ед. |
I (you) have asked. Не (she, it) has asked. |
Have I (you) asked? Has he (she, it). asked? |
I (you) have not asked. He (she, it) has not asked. |
Мн. |
We (you, they) have asked. |
Have we (you, they) asked? |
We (you, they) have not asked. |
Past Perfect Формы глагола в past perfect
Число |
Утвердительная форма |
Вопросительная форма |
Отрицательная форма |
Ед. и мн. |
I (you, he, she, it, we, they) had asked. |
Had I (you, he, she, it, we, they) asked? |
I (you, he, she, it, we, they) had not asked. |
Past Perfect употребляется:
а) для выражения действия, завершившегося до какого-либо момента или другого действия в прошлом:
Не had read the book by 10 o'clock yesterday.
Он прочел книгу до десяти часов (к десяти часам) вечера.
When we came to the airport the plane had already landed.
Когда мы приехали в аэропорт, самолет уже приземлился.
б) в предложениях, в которых одно действие завершилось до другого действия, длящегося в прошлом:
Не had read the book and was watching TV when I came.
Когда я пришел, он уже прочитал книгу и смотрел телевизор.
Формы глагола в Future Perfect
Число |
Утвердительная форма |
Вопросительная форма |
Отрицательная форма |
Ед. |
I shall have asked. You (he, she, it) will have asked. |
Shall I have asked? Will you (he, she, it) have asked? |
I shall not have asked. You (he, she, it) will not have asked. |
Мн. |
We shall have asked. You (they) will have asked. |
Shall we have asked? Will you (they) have asked? |
We shall not have asked. You (they) will not have asked. |
Future Perfect употребляется для выражения действия, которое будет происходить до определенного момента или другого действия в будущем и завершится или прекратится до него.
Глаголы в формах Perfect выражают действие завершенное, приведшее к определенному результату (или к отсутствию результата).
Можно сказать, что с помощью форм Perfect мы подводим итоги определенному периоду времени, определенных действий. Время подведения итогов — либо настоящий момент Present Perfect, либо момент в прошлом Past Perfect, либо — в будущем Future Perfect.
I have written, the letter. (Present Perfect) — Я (только что) написал письмо (передо мной письмо как результат).
I had written the letter when he came. (Past Perfect) — Я написал письмо, когда он пришел. (2 действия, одно завершилось раньше другого)
I will have written the letter by 10 o'clock tomorrow. (Future Perfect) — Я напишу письмо к 10 часам завтра, (действие завершится к определенному моменту времени в будущем).
Задание 10.1. Вставьте глагол to write в нужной форме.
I.We often... letters to our parents.
2. What... you... now?
3. Yesterday they ...... tests from 10 till 12 o'clock.
4. Who...... this letter?
5. I …some letters last week.
6. What... you... tomorrow at 10?
7. When I came to her, she … a letter.
8. ... you... letters tomorrow?
9. ...not... this letter now. I... ...it in some days.
10. ... he... his hometask now?
11. What... she... in the evening yesterday?
12. As a rule, he... tests well.
Задание 10.2. Раскройте скобки, укажите время глагола.
1. Не (know) several foreign languages.
2.I (learn) English at school.
3. Usually the lessons (begin) at 9 o'clock.
4. Our grandparents (live) now in Moscow.
5. He often (visit) them last year.
6. As a rule I (go) to my school by bus.
7. She (work) abroad next year.
8. She (not like) loud music.
9. Your children usually (ask) many questions.
10. At present he (work) at school.
11. My brother (like) music.
12. What you (do) yesterday?
13. His sister (go) to the seaside next July.
14. Soon we (leave) the school.
15. Who (take) his book yesterday?
Задание 10.3. Определите время сказуемого в следующих предложениях.
1)Present Indefinite
2)Past Indefinite
3)Future Indefinite
1. His sister studies at school. 2. You will see him tomorrow. 3.I went to the college at 7 o'clock. 4. Who took my book? 5. They work every day. 6.1 shall read this book next week. 7. We translated this text last lesson. 8. What books does he usually read? 9. She will visit you soon.10. We shall be good specialists in some years. 11. My father went to Moscow yesterday. 12. Who knows him? 13. At last she opened the window. 14. You'll take this book in the library. 15. Do you often visit your parents? • 16. He knew these words well. 17. Shall I read this text? 18. His children like music. 19. Did they go to the village? 20. Tomorrow we'll go to the cinema.
Задание 10.4. Поставьте предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную формы.
1. Hе studies at the college. 2. They play football well. 3. He usually watched TV in the evening. 4. Our teacher asks many questions. 5. Nick worked at school last year. 6. We shall go to St Petersburg in summer. 7. They went to Moscow. 8. He will visit us some day. 9. They study English. 10. My sister finished her workr
Задание 10.5. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в нужную форму.
1. Peter and Ann (go) away five minutes ago. 2.I (write) the letter but I (not send) it. 3. He just (go) away. 4. She already (answer) the letter. 5. She (answer) it on Tuesday. 6.I just (tell) you the answer. 7.I (read) that book in my summer holidays. 8.I (not see) him for three years. I (be) glad to see him again some time. 11. What you (do)? — I (copy) the text from the text-book now. 12. He (go) to Moscow next week? 13. He (not smoke) for a month. He is trying to give it up. 14. When he (arrive)? — He (arrive) at 2.00. 15. You (switch off) the light before you left the house? 16. I (read) these books when I was at school. I (like) them very much. 17.I can't go out because I (not finish) my work. 18.I already (tell) you the answer yesterday. 19. What you (do) tomorrow in the morning? 20.I (not meet) him last week. 21.I usually (leave) home at seven and (get) here at twelve. 22. Here is your watch. I just (find) it. 23. You (not have) your breakfast yet?
Задание 10.6. Переведите предложения на английский язык, обращая внимание на форму глагола сказуемого.
1. Я никогда об этом не слышал. 2. Я только что прочитал ваше письмо. 3. Вы уже купили новую квартиру? 4. Вы сделали много ошибок в диктанте. 5. Вы когда-нибудь видели этого человека? 6. В этом месяце я прочитал две новых книги. 7. Мой друг уехал в Москву неделю назад и еще не писал мне. 8. Я не видел новых фильмов за последнее время (lately). 9. Вы читали сегодня в газете о нашем новом театре? 10. Вы были когда-нибудь в Лондоне? — Нет, я поеду туда в этом году. 11. Вы уже прочитали эту книгу? — Как она вам понравилась? 12. Я хотел посмотреть этот фильм на прошлой неделе, но смог посмотреть его только вчера. 13. В будущем году я собираюсь поступать в институт. 14. Ваш сын уже окончил институт? 15. Его дочь окончила школу в прошлом году.
Задание 10.7. Переделайте следующие предложения в вопросительно-отрицательные и дайте краткие ответы.
They are at home. — Aren't they at home? — Yes, they are. — No, they aren't.
Они дома. — Разве они не дома? — Да, дома. — Нет, не дома.
1. They left for Moscow.
2. He has finished his work.
3. She will visit us on Sunday.
4. She has many relatives.
5. His father works here.
6. You know his address.
7. We shall go home together.
8. He can play chess.
9. I am listening to you.
10. His friends were playing football.
11. You have done the task.
Задание 10.8. Переведите на английский язык.
1. Он писал письмо, когда я пришел к нему. 2. Он делал свою работу, пока его братья играли в футбол. 3. Я упал, когда играл в футбол. 4. Мы делали уроки, когда пошел дождь. 5. Когда учитель писал на доске, новая ученица вошла в класс. 6. Когда зазвонил телефон, я работал в саду. 7. Я увидел своих одноклассников, когда я шел по улице. 8. Начался дождь, когда мы наблюдали за игрой.
Задание 10.9. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в одно из прошедших времен.
1. When I (came) the lecture already (start). 2 They (go) to Moscow some days ago. 3. When I came he (leave), so we only had time for a few words. 4. When we (come) to the airport, the plane already (land). 5. He suddenly (understand) that he (travel) in the wrong direction. 6. Our teacher (speak) many foreign languages. 7. Who (speak) with уои? 8. Не (play) tennis. 9.1 (go) home when we met.10. My son (play) the piano.11. They already (translate) this text last lesson. 12. You (do) this exercise last week. 13. We (discuss) your plan yesterday at 10o'clock. 14. It (rain) when I went for a walk. 15. What you (do) there. 16. I (not, write) at the lesson. 17. Students (translate) this text the whole lesson yesterday. 18. He already (come)? 19. She said that she (not like) this book and (try) to find a more interesting one. 20. The train (leave) at 10. 21. When I (see) him he (cross) the street. 22. While he (water) the garden it (begin) to rain. 23. When Ann (finish) her homework she (turn) on TV.
Задание 10.10. Определите временную форму глаголов и переведите на английский язык.
1. Вчера в 9 часов вечера я смотрел телевизор. 2. Она сказала, что еще не выполнила домашнее задание. 3. Когда пришел мой друг, я еще завтракал. 4. Когда я встретил ее впервые, она работала в школе. 5. Все студенты выполнили задание после того, как преподаватель рассказал им, как его делать. 6. Когда мы вышли на улицу, ярко светило солнце. 7. Мой друг сказал, что его брат уже приехал. 8. Я читал книгу, когда услышал телефонный звонок. 9. После того, как врач осмотрел (to examine) больного, он поговорил с его родственниками, 10. Когда мы пришли на остановку (bus stop), автобус уже ушел. 11. Он смотрел телевизор, когда пришел его друг. 12. Почтальон обычно приходит в девять часов утра. Сейчас уже половина десятого, а он все еще не пришел. 13. Каждый вечер я смотрю телевизор. 14. Служащие (the clerks) заканчивают работу в шесть часов вечера. 15. Разве она не знала об этом? 16. Разве вы не видели этот фильм? 17. Она еще не брала своего маленького сына в театр. 18. Он обычно очень внимательно слушает учителя, но сейчас он не слушает, у него болит голова. 19. Я не играл в футбол с прошлого года. 20. Маленькая девочка час-то помогает своей матери. 21. Автор (author) еще (still) молодой человек. Он написал свою первую книгу в 1989 году. 22. Сейчас 8 часов утра и ребенок уже проснулся. Вчера утром он проснулся раньше. 23. В школе он играл в футбол.
Задание 10.11. Вставьте подходящие по смыслу слова (before the college, by Tuesday, often, during October, every day, just, last week, now, recently, usually, when we met, when he comes home, already)
1.... I go to the college by bus.
2. I do my morning exercises...
3. We shall have invited you...
4. Who has seen him...?
5. He was working here...
6. We have... done our work.
7. What are you doing... ?
8. He was going home...
9. Will you have read the book...?
10. We translated this text....
11. Did you... see them?
Задание 10.12. Приведены способы образования утвердительных и отрицательных форм кратких ответов типа «Я тоже». Переведите предложения.
1.Не doesn't understand anything. — Neither do I.
2. She can swim well. — So, can I.
3. I didn't see this film. — Neither did he.
4. You like to read. — So do I.
5. They haven't had breakfast. — Neither have I.
6. He is lucky. — So am I.
6. I don't work at the office. — Neither does he.
Задание 10.13. Прочитайте и переведите текст.
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated on the British Isles. It consists of four parts: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.
England, Wales and Scotland occupy the territory of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated in the northern part of Ireland. The territory of the United Kingdom is about 244000 square kilometres. The population is over 56 million people. The capital of the United Kingdom is London.
The surface of the United Kingdom varies greatly. The northern and the western parts of the country are mountainous and are called the Highlands. All the rest is a vast plain which is called the Lowlands. The mountains are not very high. The rivers are not very long. The most important of them are the Severn and the Thames. There are many beautiful lakes in the mountainous part of the country.
The mountains, the Atlantic Ocean and the warm waters of the Gulf Stream influence the climate of Great Britain. It is mild the whole year round. Winters are not cold and summers are not hot.
Great Britain is a highly developed industrial country. It is known as one of the world's largest producers and exporters of iron and steel products, machinery and electronics, chemicals and textile. One of the industries is shipbuilding.
Great Britain is a country with old cultural traditions and customs. The most famous educational centres are Oxford and Cambridge universities. They are considered to be the intellectual centres of Europe. The education is not free, it is very expensive.
The United Kingdom is a monarchy and the Queen is the head of the state. But in practice it is ruled by the government with the Prime Minister at the head. The British Parliament consists of two chambers: the House of Lords and the House of Commons.
There are three main political parties in Great Britain: the Labour party, the Conservative party and the Liberal party.
to be situated — быть расположенным
British Isles — Британские острова
to occupy — занимать
surface — поверхность
to vary — меняться
high — высокий
low — низкий
land — земля, страна
plain — равнина
vast — огромный
lake — озеро
mountainous — гористый
shipbuilding — кораблестроение
education — образование
free —- бесплатный
expensive — дорогой
to influence — влиять
climate — климат
mild — мягкий
industry — промышленность
population — население
develop — развиЁать
to produce — производить
to export — экспортировать
chemicals -— продукты химической промышленности
textile — текстиль
government — правительство
chamber — палата
to rule — править
1. What is the official name of Great Britain?
2. Where is it situated?
3. What parts does it consist of?
4. What is the territory and the population of Great Britain?
5. What city is the capital of Great Britain?
6. What is the surface of the country?
7. Are there any big rivers and lakes in Great Britain?
8. What is the climate on the British Isles?
9. Is Great Britain a highly developed industrial country?
10. What goods does the British industry produce?
11. Are there any big educational establishments in Great Britain?
12. Is Great Britain is a constitutional monarchy?
13. What is the name of the Queen of Great Britain?
14. How many chambers does the British Parliament consist of? What are they?
15. What are the main political parties in Great Britain?
Задание 10.14. Прочитайте и переведите текст:
London is the capital of Great Britain, its political, economic and commercial centre. It is one of the largest cities in the world and the largest city in Europe. Its population is about 8 million.
London is situated on the river Thames. The city is very old. It has more than 20 centuries old history. Traditionally it is divided into several parts, the City, Westminster, the West End and the East, End. They are very different from each other.
The City is the oldest part of London, its financial and business centre. Numerous banks, offices and firms are concentrated here. Few people live in the City but over a million come to work here. There are two places of interest in the City: St. Paul's Cathedral and the Tower of London. St. Paul's Cathedral was built in the 17th century by the architect Christopher Wren. The Tower of London was built in the 15th century. It was used as a fortress, a palace and a prison. Now it's a museum.
Westminster is the aristocratic official part of London. There are Buckingham Palace where the Queen lives and the Houses of Parliament along the north bank of the Thames.
The clock tower of the Houses of Parliament is famous for its big hour bell known as «Big Ben». Westminster Abbey is the place where the coronation of nearly all kings and queens has taken place. Many of them are buried here as well as some other famous people of the country.
The West End is the richest and most beautiful part of London. The best hotels, restaurants, shops, clubs, parks and houses are situated there. There are many tourists there from different countries of the world.
Trafalgar Square is the geographical centre of London, it was named in the memory of Admiral Nelson's victory in the battle of Trafalgar in 1805. The tall Nelson's Column stands in the middle of the square.
The East End is an industrial district of London. There are many factories there. The region is densely populated by working class families.
capital — столица
centre — центр
numerous — многочисленный
palace — дворец
fortress — крепость
cathedral — собор
hotel— гостиница
prison — тюрьма - _
clock tower — колокольня
monument — памятник
memory — память
museum — музей
residence — резиденция
official — официальный
densely — плотно
populated — населено
1. What is the capital of Great Britain?
2. Is London a big city?
3. What is London's population?
4. On what river does London stand?
5. Into what parts is London divided?
6. Why is the City called the business centre of London?
7. What places of interest does Westminster include?
8. Who was buried in Westminster Abbey?
9. What is the West End famous for?
10. Why is the central square in London named Trafalgar Square?
11. Who lives in the East End?
Задание 10.15. Прочитайте и переведите текст.
The weather in England is very changeable A fine morning can change into a wet afternoon and evening. And a nasty morning can change to a fine afternoon. That is why it is natural for the English to use the comparison «as changeable as the weather» of a person who often changes his mood or opinion about something. «Other countries have a climate, in England we have weather». This statement is often made by the English to describe meteorological conditions of their country.
The English also say that they have three variants of weather: when it rains in the morning, when it rains in the afternoon or when it rains all day long.
The weather is the favourite conversational topic in England. When two Englishmen meet, their first words will be «How do you do?» or «How are you?» And after the reply «Very well, thank you; how are you? » the next remark is almost certain to be about the weather. When they go abroad the English often surprise people of other nationalities by this tendency to talk about the weather, a topic of conversation that other people do not find so interesting.
The best time of the year in England is spring (of course, it rains in spring, too). The two worst months in Britain are January and February. They are cold, damp and unpleasant. The best place in the world then is at home by the big fire in the fireplace.
Summer months are rather cold and there can be a lot of rainy days. So most people who look forward to summer holidays, plan to go abroad in summer to France or somewhere on the Continent.
The most unpleasant aspect of English weather is fog J and smog. This is extremely bad in big cities and espe-' cially in London. The fog spreads everywhere, it is in the streets and it creeps into the houses. Cars move along slowly, but still street accidents are frequent in the fog. People cannot see each other. They creep along the houses touching them with their hands not to lose their way or not to be run over by a car.
changeable — изменчивый, неустойчивый
wet — сырой, мокрый
nasty — мерзкий, противный
comparison — сравнение
mood — настроение
opinion — мнение
statement — утверждение
meteorologica — метеорологический
remark — замечание
to go abroad — поехать за границу
damp — сырой, мокрый
nationality — национальность
fireplace — камин
to look forward to — с нетерпением ждать
the Continent — континент (Европа)
aspect — аспект, сторона
fog — туман
smog (smoke + fog) — с мог
extremely — чрезвычайно
to spread (spread, spread) — расстилать(ся)
to creep (crept, crept) — ползти, красться
accident — несчастный случай
frequent — частый
to lose way — заблудиться
to be run over by a car — попасть под машину
¾ Is the weather in England very changeable?
¾ How often does it rain in England?
¾ What do Englishmen often say to describe the weather of their country?
¾ Englishmen often talk about weather. Do you find this topic of conversation interesting?
¾ What is the worst time of the year in England?
¾ When do Englishmen prefer to stay at home by the big fire?
¾ How do the English spend their short English summer?
¾ What are London smogs?
¾ What kind of weather do you like best of all?
¾ Which do you like better: when it's cold or hot?
¾ What is the weather like today?
¾ What is the weather forecast for tomorrow?
¾ What is the weather like in your town in winter (summer, autumn, spring)?
Модальные глаголы показывают отношение говорящего к действию, выраженному инфинитивом. Например, сравните:
You can speak English. Вы можете (умеете) говорить по-английски.
You must speak English. Вы должны говорить по-английски.
You may speak English. Вы можете говорить по-английски. (Вас поймут.)
Как видим, в одном и том же предложении изменение модального глагола меняет смысл всего предложения, т. е. меняется отношение к действию, выраженному инфинитивом.
Модальные глаголы не имеют форм во всех временах, для этого употребляются их эквиваленты (заменители).
Вопросительные и отрицательные предложения с модальными глаголами строятся без вспомогательных глаголов:
Can you help me? — Yes, I can. — No, I can't.
Вы можете помочь мне? — Да. — Нет.
К основным модальным относятся глаголы:
Модальный глагол сап
Can — мочь, быть в состоянии, could — прошедшее время предполагает наличие физической, умственной и прочих возможностей, позволяющих сделать что-либо:
I can swim. — Я могу (я умею) плавать.
I could translate this text. — (Я мог, был в состоянии) перевести этот текст.
Вежливую просьбу можно начинать с модального глагола could:
Could you help me, please! — He могли бы вы помочь мне, пожалуйста!
В будущем времени у глагола can есть заменитель — конструкция to be able to (быть в состоянии что-либо сделать): J shall be able to help you when I am free. — Я смогу помочь тебе, когда освобожусь.
Модальный глагол may
May — иметь возможность, получить разрешение (делать что-либо), прошедшее время —might
May I help you? — Можно вам помочь?
Yes, you may. — Да, можно.
В будущем времени у модального глагола may есть заменитель — конструкция to be allowed to (получить разрешение сделать что-либо).
Не will be allowed to take the book.
Ему разрешат взять книгу.
Модальный глагол must
Must — должен, обязан.
You must write it down now.
Вы должны написать это сейчас.
Заменителями глагола must являются глаголы to have to и to be to, которые имеют некоторые дополнительные оттенками значения. Глагол to have to означает долженствование, вызванное обстоятельствами, вынужденную необходимость, в то время как глагол
to be to — долженствование, связанное с расписанием, планом или заранее сделанной договоренностью.
She had to stay at home. — Она вынуждена была (ей пришлось) остаться дома.
The train was to arrive at 8 in the evening— Поезд должен был прибыть в 8 вечера. (По расписанию).
После модальных глаголов и некоторых их эквивалентов инфинитив употребляется без частицы to.
Заменителями модального глагола must являются также модальные глаголы ought to, should (в значении совета, рекомендации, упрека) и shall (испрашивается разрешение на совершение действия).
Children ought to obey their parents. — Дети должны слушать своих родителей.
You should enter the Institute. Вам следует поступить в институт (рекомендация, совет).
В сочетании с перфектным инфинитивом глагол should выражает сожаление о невыполненном действии и переводится «следовало бы».
You should have helped them. Вам следовало бы помочь им. (Но вы не сделали этого).
Shall I read? Мне следует читать?
Модальный глагол would
Модальный глагол would может иметь следующие значения:
1) Вежливая просьба. Would you help me? He поможете ли вы мне?
2) Повторяемость действия в прошлом.
Не would often help me. Он, бывало, часто помогал мне.
3) Стойкое нежелание совершать какие-либо действия.
Не wouldn't listen to me. Он никак не хотел слушать меня.
4) Модальный глагол need — «нужно, надо» употребляется, в основном, в отрицательных предложениях.
You needn't do it now. Вам не нужно делать это сейчас.
Задание 11.1. Переведите предложения. Проанализируйте употребление модальных глаголов в следующих предложениях.
1. Who can answer my question?
2. Nobody could translate this text.
3. He ought to do this task at once.
4. Must I attend this meeting? — No, you needn't.
5. You should have shown your notes to the teacher.
6. I asked him, but he wouldn't listen to me.
7. They should visit her, she is in the hospital.
8. Last summer we would often go to the country.
9. Your son can do this work himself.
10. Would you tell me the way to the station?
11. Your friend might have informed us.
12. May I leave for a while? — Yes, you may.
13. She should be more attentive at the lessons.
14. You needn't come so early.
Задание 11.2. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. We have to stay at home. 2. He was allowed to take this book. 3. Who is able to do this work? 4. He had to leave for Moscow earlier. 5. We are to take exams in June. 6. Am I allowed to visit you? 7. They were able to do this work in time. 8.1 shall be able to pass my examinations. 9. She will be allowed to watch TV. 10.1 have to come in time. 11. The train is to come soon. 12. Are you able to drive a car?
Задание 11.3. Замените модальные глаголы соответствующими эквивалентами.
1. Не couldn't explain anything. 2. You must not stay here. 3. Can you swim? 4. You may take these books. 5. They can run quickly. 6. She might work in our room. 7. Who can read this text? 8. They must go there tomorrow. 9. May I go to the cinema? 10. We must meet at 7 o'clock.
Задание 11.4. Вставьте необходимые модальные глаголы.
1.I... not go to the theatre with them last night, I... revise the grammar rules and the words for the test. 2. My friend lives a long way from his office and... get up early. 3. All of us... be in time for classes. 4. When my friend has his English, he... stay at the office after work. He (not)... stay at the office on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday and... get home early. 5.... you... work hard to do well in your English? 6. «... we discuss this question now?» «No, we.... We... do it tomorrow afternoon». 7. I'm glad you... come. 8. «... you... come and have dinner with us tomorrow?» «I'd love to». 9. «Please send them this article ». 10. « Oh,... I do it now? »
Задание 11.5. Переведите на английский язык, используя модальные глаголы.
1. Мы обязательно должны писать диктант сегодня? — Да, завтра мы будем учить новые слова. 2. Вчера мне пришлось ответить на все эти письма. 3. Виктора тоже пригласить на обед? — Да, сделайте это, пожалуйста. 4. Вам пришлось остаться дома, потому что была плохая погода? 5. Вы обязательно должны прийти и посмотреть нашу новую квартиру.— С удовольствием. 6. Я рад, что мне не пришлось заканчивать эту работу вчера. 7. Я не люблю поздно ложиться спать, но иногда мне приходится. 8. Можно мне пойти погулять сейчас? — Нет, нельзя. Ты должен скоро ложиться спать. 9. Вам следует навестить вашего друга. Он вчера не пришел на урок. 10. Почему ты не пришла? — Я не могла, я должна была помочь маме по дому. 11. Вам не нужно идти в библиотеку, у нас много книг дома, и вы можете взять любую, какую хотите.
Задание 11.6. Заполните пропуски соответствующими модальными глаголами (must, should, would, ought to, needn't, can, could, may, might)
1. They... not do this work themselves 2. You... take my dictionary. 3. You don't look well, you... consult the doctor. 4. Why... I give you my money? 5. She... not speak any foreign language. 6. He... to help them, they need his help. 7.... you tell me the time? 8.... I go with you? No, you.... 9. Your daughter ... have told about it. 10. In winter we... often skate. 11. You... not miss your classes. 12.... you play the piano before?
Задание 11.7. Прочитайте и переведите текст.
The problem of learning foreign languages is very important today. Students should learn foreign languages. They became important especially at the present time. Foreign languages are needed as the main and most efficient means of information exchange between the people of our planet.
Today English is the language of the world. Over 350 (three hundred and fifty) million people speak it as a mother tongue. The native speakers of English live in Great Britain, in the United States of America, Australia and New Zealand. English is one of the official languages in the Irish Republic, Canada and South African Republic. As a second language it is used in the former British and US colonies.
It is the major international language for communication in such areas as science, technology, business and mass media. English ought to be used as one of the official languages of the United Nations Organisation and other political organisations. It is the language of computer software, literature, education, modern music, international tourism.
Learning a foreign language is not an easy thing. It is a long and slow process that takes a lot of time and patience. But every educated person, every good specialist has to know English, because it is absolutely necessary nowadays.
It is well known that reading books in the original, talking with the English speaking people will help a lot. When learning a foreign language you are to learn the culture and history of the native speakers. You may learn any foreign language. They are all important.
especially — особенно
efficient — эффективный
major — главный
means — средство
exchange — обмен
area — область
software — компьютерные программы
patience — терпение necessary — необходимый
native speakers — носители языка (те, для кого язык родной)
1. Why do we need to learn foreign languages now?
2. How many people in the world speak English?
3. What are English-speaking countries?
4. In what areas is English mostly used?
5. What are the difficulties in learning foreign languages?
6. Is the knowledge of English necessary nowadays and why?
I. Определите, к какой части речи относится выделенное слово:
1. Usually he sits near the window.
2. Our college has a big building.
3. Newton was an outstanding scientist.
4. This method is widely used.
5. Where do you work?
6. Do you like your work?
7. Our students do a lot of their work in the laboratories.
8. There are some departments at the Institute.
1) существительное
II. Найдите а) подлежащее и б) сказуемое в данном предложении:
In the nearest future the pupils are to be tested in all subjects.
III. Вставьте нужный предлог:
1. I go... the college... bus.
2. Many students... our college study well.
3. ... leaving the college I can try to enter the University.
4. Our college trains specialists... work... different spheres.
IV. Употребите нужную форму глаголов to be и to have:
1. Prof. Ivanov... our lecturer.
2. I... a first-year student now.
3. He...bornin l985.
4. The students... t the laboratory yesterday.
5. My brother... two children.
6. They... a lot of work to do this week.
V. Употребите нужный модальный глагол или его эквивалент:
1. You... consult your director.
2. ...I go with you? — Please, do.
3. The train...come at 7 o'clock yesterday.
4. The students... come to all their lectures.
5. They... speak English and don't know French.
1. I have read the … which is called…
a) text
b) story
c) article
d) novel
2. The text is written in…
3. The article deals with …
The text touches upon the problem of…
The main discussing thing is…
4. In conclusion I can say that this text is very interesting and instructive.
5. In conclusion I must say that this article is very useful because it is very informative.
Read and learn the following words and word combinations:
1. skeletal скелетный
2. muscular мышечный
3. digestive пищеварительный
4. respiratory дыхательный
5. urinary мочевой
6. endocrine эндокринный
7. reproductive репродуктивный, половой
8. bone кость
9. ligament связка
10.cartilage хрящ
11.join соединять
12.structural структурный
13.spinal спинной, позвоночный
14.cord столб
15.vessel сосуд
16.pump насос
17.stream ток, поток
18.alimentary пищеварительный
19.gland железа
20.convey передавать, переносить
21. carbon dioxide двуокись углерода
22. kidney почка
23.urine моча
24.ureter мочеточник
25.urinary bladder мочевой пузырь
26.to be stored сохраняться, храниться, скапливаться
27.discharge удалять, выводить из организма
28.hormone гормон
There are several main systems of the body: the skeletal, the muscular, the nervous, the digestive, the respiratory, the urinary, the endocrine and the reproductive systems.
The skeletal system consists of the bones of the body and ligaments and cartilages, which join them. The chief function of the skeletal system is structural.
The muscular system consists of the skeletal muscles and their associated structures. The main function of this system is to move us about.
The nervous system consists of the brain and spinal cord, nerves, ganglia and receptors. It is a complex information system with all the necessary means for receiving, processing and communicating information.
The circulatory system consists of the heart and blood vessels and the blood, which is pumped through the blood vessels by the heart. Its function is mainly that of transportation system: the nutrients, oxygen, special substances which are required by cells are carried by the blood stream; and the cellular wastes and sometimes other materials produced by the cells are carried away by the blood stream.
The digestive system consists of the alimentary canal and a number of associated glands.
The respiratory system consists of the lungs, the air passages leading to them and associated structures. Its main function is to convey oxygen to the lungs, where it can enter the blood stream and to remove carbon dioxide, which escapes from the blood into the lung spaces.
The urinary system consists of the kidneys which produce urine by removing nitrogenous and other wastes from the blood: the two ureters, which convey the urine away from the kidneys; the urinary bladder, where the urine is stored until it is discharged; and the urethra through which the urine is discharged.
The endocrine system consists of a number of glands throughout the body, which produce regulatory substances called hormones. The endocrine system serves to regulate a large number of activities
1. To move us about – осуществлять наше движение
2. For receiving, processing and communicating information – для
получения обработки и передачи информации
3. Which are required by cells – которые необходимы клеткам
4 .by removing nitrogenous and other wastes – путем выведения
азотосодержащих и других продуктов отхода
5 where urine is stored – где накапливается моча
EXERCISE 1. Найдите в тексте эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний:
1. которые их соединяют
2. основная функция
3. со всеми необходимыми средствами
4. несколько основных систем
5. переносится кровотоком
6. ведущих к ним воздухоносных путей
7. где он поступает в кровоток
8. выводить мочу из почек
9. до тех пор, пока она не выведена
10. вырабатываются вещества – регуляторы
EXERCISE 2. Найдите в тексте предложения, которые содержат следующие слова и словосочетания:
1. main systems of the body
2. the skeletal system
3. to move about
4. a complex information system
5. to be pumped through the blood vessels
6. transportation system
7. a number of associated glands
8. to convey oxigen
9. until it is discharged
10. a large number of activities
EXERCISE 3. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:
1. What are the functions of the skeletal and muscular system?
2. What is carried by the blood stream?
3. What is the chief function of the blood?
4. What does the nervous system consist of?
5. What is the main function of the respiratory system?
6. What does the urinary system consist of?
7. How do the kidneys produce urine?
8. How is the urine discharged from the body?
EXERCISE 4. Составьте предложения из разбросанных слов:
1. The, system, begins, digestive, mouth, the, with.
2. Function, to remove, major, the, of, urinary, the, system, urine, is.
3. Is, the, system, of, complex, one, the, nervous, most, systems, all, of, body, human
4. Lymph, are, blood, and, the, tissues, body, of, liquid, the.
5. Includes, muscles, the, and, musculoskeletal, system, bones, joints.
EXERCISE 5.Вставьте пропущенные слова:
1. Another important function of the kidney is to maintain the … balance of water, salt and acid in the body fluids.
2. The brain is the … center for regulating and coordinating body activities.
3. Respiration is the … process of breathing.
4. The blood and lymphatic systems have many … .
5. Joints are the places where … come together.
6. The endocrine system is composed of … located in different regions of the body.
EXERCISE 6. Вставьте артикль там, где необходимо.
1. … main systems of … body have groups of organs working together to perform complex functions.
2. … mouth, esophagus, stomach, small and large intestines are organs which compose … digestive system.
3. There are some organs within … each system.
4. … circulatory system is also called … cardiovascular system.
5. The main function of … respiratory system is to convey … oxygen and to remove … carbon dioxide
EXERCISE 7. Переведите на английский язык следующие предложения:
1. Организм человека насчитывает несколько систем. Это группы органов, совместно функционирующие для выполнения сложных функций организма человека.
2. Пищеварительная система начинается в полости рта.
3. Нервная система – это самая сложная информационная система.
4. Главная функция мышечной системы – это осуществление движения.
5. Суставы – это места соединения костей.
6. Эндокринная система состоит из желез, расположенных в различных частях организма человека.
7. Скелетная система состоит из костей, а также связок и хрящей, соединяющих их.
8. Сердечно – сосудистая система выполняет транспортную функцию в организме
EXERCISE 8. Перескажите текст, пользуясь планом.
Read and learn the following words and word combinations:
1. immunity иммунитет
2. resistance сопротивляемость
3. provide обеспечивать
4. antibody антитело
5. antitoxin антитоксин
6. causative причинный
7. stimulate стимулировать
8. foreign body чужеродное тело
9. transplant трансплантант
10. transfusion переливание (крови)
11. incompatible несоответствующий, несовместимый
12. antigen антиген
13. involve вовлекать
14. overcome подавлять
15. concerned имеющий отношение, связанный
16. remain оставаться
17. acquired immunity приобретенный иммунитет
18. reproduce воспроизводить
19. artificially искусственно
20. vaccination вакцинация
21. host хозяин
22. thus таким образом
23. subsequent последующий
24. immediately сразу же
25. exposure проявление
26. inherit наследовать
Immunity means resistance to disease. It is provided by certain white blood cells, which release antibodies and antitoxins into the blood plasma. Many causative factors can stimulate white cells to produce antibodies antitoxins; for example, microorganisms; bacterial, plant and animals toxins; foreign bodies; transplants; transfusion of incompatible blood cells. All such factors are called antigens.
When infection occurs, inflammation results, and part of this defensive reaction involves antibodies and antitoxins. They are present in the blood and help overcome the microorganisms concerned. Some of these antibodies and antitoxins can remain in the blood for life and prevent any repetition of the same infection. Such life-long protection is called acquired immunity; but unfortunately it does not occur for every type of microorganism.
However, where immunity is possible it can be reproduced artificially in people who have never been infected by a particular microorganism. It may be done by giving a non-immune person a dose of dead microorganisms. This is called vaccination. Dead microorganisms cannot produce disease but they do stimulate the host’s body to produce antibodies and antitoxins against the particular microorganisms concerned. Thus any subsequent infection with these organisms is immediately overcome by the antibodies and antitoxins already present. If there has been no vaccination or prior exposure to disease, acquired immunity is not present. However, all individuals inherit some degree of natural immunity and this helps explain why some people are more resistant to disease than others.
1. inflammation results – наступает воспаление
2. such life – long protection – Такая защита, имеющая место на протяжении всей жизни
3. dead microorganisms – ослабленные микроорганизмы
EXERCISE 1.Найдите в тексте эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний:
1. Невосприимчивость к заболеванию
2. Вырабатывать антитела
3. Все факторы
4. Они присутствуют в крови
5. Предупреждать повторное инфицирование
6. Приобретенный иммунитет
7. искусственно
8. Вакцинация
9. Они действительно стимулируют
10. Таким образом
11. Наследовать
12. Врожденный иммунитет
13. Это помогает объяснить
EXERCISE 2. Процитируйте предложения из текста со следующими словами и словосочетаниями:
1. to be provided
2. Causative factors
3. Antigents
4. to involve
5. to help overcome
6. to remain for life
7. to occur
8. to be reproduced artificially
9. a non- immune person
10. dead microorgamisms
11. a subsequent infection
12. prior exposure
13. more resistant to disease
EXERCISE 3. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:
1. What is immunity?
2. What is it provided by?
3. What factors can stimulate white cells to produce antibodies and antitoxins?
4. What happens when infection occurs?
5. How long can antibodies and antitoxins remain in the blood?
6. Does acquired immunity occur for every type of microorganism?
7. Can it be reproduced artificially?
8. How may it be done?
9. What do dead microorganisms stimulate?
10. Is acquired immunity always present?
11. What is natural immunity?
EXERCISE 4. Поставьте артикли, где это необходимо:
Where immunity to … particular disease is not present, it can be provided by … vaccination to prevent that disease; but it can also be introduced by injecting … antibodies or antitoxins to treat or temporarily prevent … disease concerned. Such protection is called passive immunity and is commonly used against tetanus. During pregnancy … mother passes on her own antibodies and antitoxins to her unborn baby and this provides … passive immunity for … first few months after birth.
EXERCISE 5. Поставьте предлоги, где это необходимо:
Some people have a defective immune system and are accordingly much more susceptible … infection. Such individuals are said to be immune – compromised and one … the most important examples is the destruction … the body’s defense mechanism by the AIDS virus, resulting … death from an inability to resist infection.
Other immune – compromised patients may be those suffering … leukemia, kidney failure and diabetes; and those taking drugs which suppress immunity; for example, cytotoxics, used … the treatment of cancer, and drugs used to prevent rejection … transplants.
EXERCISE 6. Составьте предложения, используя следующие слова:
1. Is, immunity, by, provided, cells, white.
2. Can, many, factors, white, stimulate, to produce, cells, antibodies, antitoxins, and.
3. Antibodies, antitoxins, and, some, remain, of, for, can, in, remain, the, for, blood, life.
4. Inherit, natural, individuals, all, degree, immunity, some, of.
EXERCISE 7. Переведите на английский язык:
1. Иммунитет – это невосприимчивость к заболеванию.
2. В теле человека лейкоциты выполняют функцию пожирателей болезнетворных бактерий.
3. Воспаление – это защитная реакция организма в борьбе с болезнью.
4. Существуют два вида иммунитета: врожденный и приобретенный.
5. И.И.Мечников первым открыл явление иммунитета и назвал свою теорию фагоцитарной теорией иммунитета.
6. Английский врач Эдвард Дженнер открыл способ искусственно создавать иммунитет к опасной болезни – натуральной оспе.
7. Ослабленные микроорганизмы не могут вызвать заболевание, но они стимулируют выработку организмом антител и антитоксинов против микроорганизмов, вызывающих данное заболевание.
EXERCISE 8. Составьте 10 вопросов к тексту “Immunity”.
УПРАЖНЕНИЕ 9 Приготовьте пересказ текста “Immunity”.
If an infection is too virulent, or the body resistance too weak, the white cells are unable to contain the infection and it can spread throughout the body. Before the discovery of antibiotics, such spread was usually fatal. If the balance between infection and body resistance us equal, a condition of stalemate may supervene, often leading to a persistent state of chronic infection.
During the battle between invading bacteria and white cells in the inflamed area, many casualties occur. These dead white cells and bacteria form the creamy liquid known as pus. A localized collection of pus is called an abscess. Abscess of the skin are called boils. Sometimes pus formation spreads diffusely instead of forming an abscess. This is called cellulites.
In the absence of infection, pus formation does not occur and any damage done by the causal irritant is repaired.
Following inflammation the damage is repaired by white cells which rebuild the area by filling the breach with a temporary repair tissue called granulation tissue. This consists of rapidly growing white cells and new capillaries which form fibrous scaffolding in which damaged parts are removed and reconstruction take place. But repair cannot take place in the presence of pus.
Read and learn the following words
1. contain содержать
2. plasma плазма
3. microscopical микроскопический
4. element элемент
5. erythrocyte эритроцит
6. leucocyte лейкоцит
7. thrombocyte тромбоцит
8. bone marrow костный мозг
9. transport транспортировать, переносить
10. convert преобразовывать,превращать
11. carry переносить
12. arrive прибывать
13. expel вытеснять, выводить
14. catabolism катаболизм
15. hemoglobin (haemoglobin) гемоглобин
16. agranulocyte агранулоцит
17. cytoplasm цитоплазма
18. granulocyte гранулоцит
19. eosinophil эозинофил
20. basophil базофил
21. neutrophil нейтрофил
22. node узел
23. spleen селезенка
24. lymphocyte лимфоцит
25. monocyte моноцит
26. platelet тромбоцит
27. tiny крошечный
28. blood clotting свертываемость крови
29. occur происходить, случаться
30. remain оставаться
31. coagulation коагуляция
32. complete заканчивать
Blood contains a fluid called plasma plus microscopical cellular elements: erythrocytes, leucocytes, and thrombocytes.
Erythrocytes are red blood cells of which 4.5 – 5 million are found in each cubic millimeter. These cells are made in the bone marrow and are important in transporting oxygen from the lungs through the blood stream to the cells all over the body. The oxygen is then used up by body cells in the process of converting food to energy (catabolism). Hemoglobin, containing iron, is an important protein in erythrocytes, which helps in carrying the oxygen as it travels through the blood stream. Erythrocytes also carry away carbon dioxide (CO2), a waste product of catabolism of food in cells, from the body cells to the lungs. On arriving there it is expelled in the process of breathing.
Leucocytes are white blood cells from 4.000 to 10.000 per cubic millimeter exiting in several types: granulocytes and agranulocytes, which are also subdivided into different types.
Granulocytes are cells with granules in their cytoplasm formed in the bone marrow. There are three types of granulocytes: eosinophils, basophils, neutrophils.
Agranulocytes are produced in lymph nodes and spleen. There are two types of agranulocytes: lymphocytes and monocytes.
Thrombocytes or platelets are tiny cells formed in the bone marrow. They are necessary for blood clotting. Their number is 400.000 per cubic millimeter. The plasma is the fluid portion before clotting has occurred. The serum is the fluid portion of blood remaining after the coagulation process is completed.
The body contains about five liters of blood kept at a constant temperature of 37*C. Blood consists of three different types of cell floating in a liquid called plasma. The blood cells are known as red cells, white cells and platelets. Red cells and platelets are unique among body cells in having no nucleus. Blood cells are so small that one cubic millimeter of blood (the size of a pin head) contains about five million red cells, 7.000 white cells and 250.000 platelets.
The red blood cells contain a pigment called hemoglobin, which gives the blood its red color. The main function of red cells is to carry oxygen to the body cells.
For its journey from the lungs to the body cells, oxygen combines with hemoglobin of the red cells. It is then released from the hemoglobin when the body cells are reached. Some people do not have enough hemoglobin in their red cells and are consequently short of oxygen. This condition is called anemia and such people tire easily, become breathless on exertion and have a pale complexion. They need special care during general anesthesia.
The white blood cells defend the body against disease. They do this by attacking germs and repairing damage.
The function of platelets is to stop bleeding. They do this in two ways: by blocking the cut blood vessels; and by producing substances, which help the blood to clot.
EXERCISE 1 Найдите в тексте эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний:
1. микроскопические клеточные элементы
2. в каждом кубическом миллиметре
3. через кровоток
4. по всему организму
5. процесс превращения пищи в энергию
6. выводить
7. продукт отхода
8. выталкивать, выбрасывать
9. несколько видов
10. лимфатические узлы
11. крошечные клетки
12. свертываемость крови
13. завершаться
EXERCISE 2. Процитируйте предложения со следующими словами и словосочетаниями из текста:
1. to call
2. to be found
3. bone marrow
4. to be used
5. to convert
6. iron
7. to be expelled
8. spleen
9. a fluid portion
10. coagulation process
EXERCISE 3 Переведите следующие словосочетания:
1. the habit of smocking
2. the way of producing it
3. the hope of seeing you
4. the chance of getting the prize
5. the method of transporting
6. the necessity of knowing
7. the importance of carrying away waste products
8. the time of arriving
9. the fact of existing
EXERCISE4. Составьте предложения, используя следующие модели, переведите на русский язык:
MODEL: You can learn English.(to work hard)
You can learn English by working hard.
1. You can improve your health (to walk in the evening, to have a proper diet, to follow your doctor’s advice).
2. You will help me (to take part in the conference, to deliver a lecture on Monday, to organize a seminar).
3. You can keep up your English (to read books in the original, to learn grammar, to work with a tape- recorder).
EXERCISE 5. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:
1. What does blood contain?
2. How many erythrocytes can be found in each cubic millimeter/
3. Where are these cells made?
4. What is their function?
5. What role does hemoglobin play?
6. What are the types of leucocytes?
7. 7.Where are agranulocytes produced?
8. 8.What types of granulocytes do you know?
9. 9.What organ forms thrombocytes?
10. How many platelets are there in one cubic millimeter?
11. 11.What is the difference between the plasma and serum?
EXERCISE 6. Вставьте артикли, где это необходимо:
1. Blood contains … fluid called plasma and cellular elements.
2. Erythrocytes (red blood cells) are important in … gas exchange taking place in … lungs.
3. Leucocytes (white blood cells) are subdivided into … different types.
4. Granulocytes are formed in … bone marrow.
5. Agranulocytes are produced in … lymph nodes and … spleen.
6. Platelets are … tiny cells formed in the bone remaining after … coagulation process is the serum.
EXERCISE7. Вставьте предлоги или наречия:
1. Thrombocytes are necessary … blood clotting.
2. The plasma is the fluid portion … clotting has occurred.
3. There are two types … agranulocytes.
4. Granulocytes are cells … granules in their cytoplasm.
5. The number of leucocytes is … 4.000 … 10.000 per cubic millimeter.
6. The oxygen is used … body cells in the process …converting food … energy.
7. Carbon dioxide is expelled … the process … breathing.
8. Erythrocytes transport oxygen … the lungs … the blood stream … the cells of the body.
9. They also carry … a waste product … catabolism.
EXERCISE 8. Составьте 10 вопросов к тексту “Blood”.
EXERCISE 9. Приготовьте пересказ текста “Blood”.
Read learn the following words and word combinations:
1. mean означать
2. invasion инвазия, вторжение
3. saliva слюна
4. contaminated зараженный
5. skin cuts порезы
6. abrasion абразия
7. staff персонал
8. defence оборона
9. intact неповрежденный
10. surface поверхность
11. liquid жидкость
12. produce производить
13. poison яд
14. kill убивать
15. tears слезы
16. sweat пот
17. similar подобный, схожий
Infection means invasion of the body by microorganisms, which are harmful. T he most common sources of infection in medical practice are direct contact with a patient’s blood and saliva, consequently instruments and equipment used in the treatment become contaminated. If no action were taken infection may enter the body through skin cuts or abrasions or the eyes, it may also be swallowed. Infection from the contamination would be passed on from patient to patient, from patient to staff and from staff to patient. This involvement is called cross – infection.
Even ancient people taught that body’s first of defense against infection was an intact surface, e.g. the outer layer of skin and the protective outer layer of mucous membrane. If infection had passed it the second line of defense started its action. It was the liquid secretion produced by the protective surfaces. The mucous membrane and the salivary glands had produced saliva, which neutralized some bacterial poisons and could kill some microorganisms. Tears and sweat had a similar effect. The acidity of gastric juice killed many bacteria in food. The third line of defense is discovered now. It is immunity.
And we also know that if these defense mechanisms fail to prevent infection, the last line of defense is a response by the body called inflammation.
EXERCISE 1. Найдите в тексте эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний:
1. Означать
2. Кровь и слюна пациента
3. Через порезы на коже
4. Глотать
5. Наружный слой слизистой оболочки
6. Продуцируемая защитной поверхностью
7. Яды, вырабатываемые бактериями
8. Желудочный сок
9. Пища
10. Ответная реакция
EXERCISE 2. Процитируйте предложения из текста со следующими словами и словосочетаниями:
1. Direct
2. Abrasion
3. To teach
4. To start
5. To produce
6. To kill
7. To discover
8. Mechanism
9. Effect
EXERCISE 3. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:
1. What are the most common sources of infection?
2. How may infection enter the body?
3. What did ancient people teach?
4. When does the second line of defense start its action?
5. What is it produced by?
6. What can saliva do?
7. What effect do tears and sweat have?
8. When was the third line discovered?
9. What is the last line of defense?
EXERCISE4. Измените предложения в прошедшее совершенное время:
MODEL: They have finished the work (by 5 o’clock yesterday).
They had finished the work by 5 o’clock yesterday.
1. My friend has prepared the report (by last Monday).
2. The students have done the exercises (by the end of the lesson).
3. Mother has cooked supper (by the time I came home).
4. We have not seen our teacher (before the bell rang).
5. Have you done the work (before I called you up)?
6. He has translated the article (by this time yesterday).
7. She has not bought a present for him (when we came to her place).
EXERCISE 5. Составьте 12 вопросов к тексту “Infection”.
EXERCISE 6. Приготовьте пересказ текста “Infection”.
In order to prevent cross – infection it is essential to kill all the microorganisms on infected instruments. This process is known as sterilization and means the killing of all microorganisms: bacteria, spores, fungi, and viruses. It is carried out immediately after completion of treatment so that all instruments are sterile again before use on the next patient.
Countless number of microorganisms lives on the skin and in the mouth, nose and throat. Normally they do no harm to their host as they living on an external surface and not among delicate internal cells. However, they may become harmful if they are introduced inside the body tissues, or are transferred from one person to another. This can occur when the tissues penetrated by contaminated forceps blade, scalper or syringe needle, and may give rise to harmful reaction. After each patient has left the surgery, it is the nurse`s duty to see that all instruments are properly sterilized before being used again for another patient.
As already mentioned, sterilization means killing not only bacteria and fungi, but all other microorganisms, including viruses and bacterial spores. Any method which kills bacteria and fungi but allows some spores or viruses to survive cannot be sterilization. The term used for this restricted range of action is disinfection.
Read and learn the following words:
1. crown коронка
2. neck шейка
3. root корень
4. visible видимый
5. hidden спрятанный
6. junction место соединения
7. to be called называться
8. cover покрывать
9. hard твердый
10. sensitive чувствительный
11. unlike в отличие от
12. purely чисто
13. insert вставлять
14. alveolar альвеолярный
15. gum десна
Every tooth consists of a crown, a neck and one or more roots. The crown is the part visible in the mouth and the root is the part hidden inside the jaw. The junction of crown and root is called the neck and end of the root is called the apex. Every tooth is composed of enamel, dentine, cementum and pulp.
Enamel is the outer covering of the crown and is the hardest substance in the body.
Cementum is the outer covering of the root and is similar in structure to bone. Cementum meets enamel at the neck of the tooth.
Dentine occupies the interior of the crown and root, and is very sensitive to pain.
Pulp. Unlike enamel, dentine and cementum, the pulp is purely soft tissue. It contains blood vessels and nerves, and occupies the centre of the dentine.
Supporting Structures. Every tooth is insert into the jaw by its root. The part of the jaw containing the teeth is known as the alveolar process and is covered with a soft tissue called gum. The jaw bones consist of a dense outer layer known as compact bone and a softer interior called spongy bone.
A tooth is attached to its socket in the jaw by a soft fibrous tissue called the periodontal membrane.
1. Alveolar process – альвеолярный отросток
2. Compact bone – компактное вещество
3. Spongy bone – губчатое вещество
EXERCISE 1 Найдите в тексте эквиваленты слов и словосочетаний:
1. Состоять из
2. Быть скрытым
3. Называться
4. Быть нечувствительным к боли
5. Содержит кровеносные сосуды и нервные окончания
6. Быть покрытым чем – либо
7. Наружный слой
8. Мягкая фиброзная ткань
EXERCISE 2 Процитируйте предложения со следующими словами и словосочетаниями:
1. Visible
2. The function
3. To be composed of
4. The hardest substance in the body
5. Very sensitive to pain
6. Soft tissue
7. Alveolar process
8. To be attached
EXERCISE 3. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:
1. What does a tooth consist of?
2. How is the junction of crown and root called?
3. What is every tooth composed of?
4. What do you know about enamel?
5. Where does cementum meet enamel?
6. What is cementum?
7. Is dentine sensitive to pain?
8. What does pulp contain?
9. What supporting structures can you name?
EXERCISE 4 Вставьте артикли, где это необходимо:
1. … tooth consists of a crown and one or more roots. … crown is …visible part, … root is … hidden part.
2. … tooth is composed of enamel, dentine, cementum and pulp.
3. Enamel is … hardest substance in the body.
4. Cementum is … outer covering of …root.
5. Dentine occupies … interior of the crown and root.
6. … vessels and … nerves of the pulp enter … root apex through the apical foramen.
7. … space occupied by the pulp is called … pulp chamber.
8. Every tooth is inserted into … jaw by its roots.
9. … part of the jaw containing the teeth is known as the alveolar process.
10. It is covered with … soft tissue called gum.
11. … tooth is attached to its socket in the jaw by … soft tissue called the periodontal membrane.
EXERCISE 5. Вставьте предлоги или наречия:
1. Every tooth consists…a crown and one or more roots.
2. It is insensitive … pain.
3. Any damage caused … decay or injury is permanent.
4. Cementum is similar … structure to bone.
5. Dentine occupies the interior … the crown and root.
6. Vessels and nerves of the pulp pass … the root canal … the crown dentine.
7. A tooth is inserted … the jaw … its root.
8. Any tooth is attached … its socket … the jaw … a soft fibrous tissue called the periodontal membrane.
EXERCISE 6. Задайте вопросы к выделенным словам в ответах:
1. The root is the part hidden inside the jaw.
2. The microscope shows that it consists of long solid rods.
3. Cementum is similar in structure to bone.
4. Cementum meets enamel at the neck of the tooth.
5. Dentine is very sensitive to pain.
6. The pulp is purely soft tissue.
7. The alveolar process is covered with gum.
8. Periodontal membrane acts as a shock absorber.
EXERCISE 7. Переведите на английский следующие предложения:
1. Коронка, шейка и корни составляют зуб.
2. Место перехода коронки в корень называется шейкой.
3. Эмаль – самая твердая часть человеческого тела.
4. Цемент соединяется с эмалью у шейки зуба.
5. Дентин очень чувствителен к боли.
6. В отличие от других структур зуба, пульпа – это рыхлая ткань.
7. Зуб удерживается в десне корнем и периодонтом.
8. Альвеолярный отросток покрыт мягкой тканью, называемой десна.
9. Периодонтальная мембрана действует как амортизатор.
EXERCISE 8. Задайте 10 вопросов к тексту « Structure of teeth».
EXERCISE9. Приготовьте пересказ текста « Structure of teeth».
Read and learn the following words:
1. pathology патология
2. change изменение
3. shallow неглубокий
4. breach нарушение
5. mucous слизистый
6. membrane мембрана, оболочка
7. ulcer язва
8. raw ссадина
9. bleeding кровоточащий
10. cyst киста
11. sac мешочек
12. localized локализованный
13. tumor опухоль
14. growth рост
15. destruction разрушение
16. adjacent прилегающий
17. spread распространяться
18. severe сильный, тяжелый (о болезни)
19. fatal фатальный
20. cancer рак
21. congenital врожденный
22. cleft palate волчья пасть
23. X – ray рентген
24. determine определять
25. confirmation подтверждение
26. removal удаление
27. minor малый
28. biopsy биопсия
29. specimen образец
30. swab мазок
31. smear мазок
Pathology is the study of disease. It covers the changes in normal anatomy and physiology brought about by disease and the body’s reaction to it.
Any shallow breach of the skin or mucous membrane is called an ulcer. The raw base of an ulcer often has a painful bleeding surface. A cyst is an abnormal sac of fluid. Cysts are usually small and localized and can occur in soft tissues or bone anywhere in the body.
A tumor is a swelling caused by an abnormal and uncontrolled growth of body cells. It serves no useful purpose and may cause displacement or destruction of adjacent structures. Some types of tumor can spread throughout the body causing severe, and often fatal, destructive effects. This condition is commonly known as cancer.
Congenital defects are defects, which are present at birth, such as heart and valvular defects, cleft palate or other deformities.
The cause or nature of an ulcer or tumor cannot always be determined by physical or X – ray examination. Confirmation of the diagnosis often necessitates surgical removal of some diseased tissue for examination under a microscope. This minor operation is called a biopsy. The biopsy specimen is sent to a hospital pathology department.
The diagnosis of infections often requires bacteriological examination of a swab or smear from an infected surface. Other types of disease are commonly diagnosed by blood and urine tests.
1. brought about – вызванные
2. It serves no useful purpose – Она (опухоль) не несет ничего хорошего.
3. commonly known – широко известно.
4. often necessitates – часто несет за собой.
EXERCISE 1. Найдите в тексте эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний:
1. Изучение заболевания
2. Реакция организма
3. Слизистая оболочка
4. Болезненная кровоточащая поверхность
5. Локализованный
6. Неконтролируемый рост клеток
7. Близлежащие структуры
8. Значительные и часто фатальные разрешающие воздействия
9. Врожденные отклонения
10. При рождении
11. Рентгенологическое исследование
12. Хирургическое удаление
13. Под микроскопом
14. Анализы крови и мочи.
EXERCISE 2. Процитируйте следующие предложения из текста:
1. Pathology
2. To cover the changes
3. Shallow breach of the skin
4. The raw base
5. An abdominal sac of fluid
6. To occur
7. A swelling
8. Displacement and destruction
9. Throughout the body
10. Cancer
11. Deformity
12. The cause of an ulcer
13. Diseased tissue
14. Minor operation
15. The biopsy specimen
16. To be diagnosed
EXERCISE 3. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:
1. What is pathology?
2. What does it cover?
3. Is any shallow breach of the skin of mucous membrane called an ulcer or a cyst?
4. What is a cyst?
5. When can cyst occur?
6. What is a tumor?
7. What may it cause?
8. What condition is called cancer?
9. When are congenital defects already present?
10. Can the cause of an ulcer or tumor be determined by only physical examination?
11. What is called a biopsy?
12. How are other types of disease commonly diagnosed?
EXERCISE 4. Закончите предложения:
1. Pathology covers … .
2. An ulcer is … .
3. Cysts can occur … .
4. A tumor is … .
5. A cancer is a condition when … .
6. Congenital defects can be … .
7. The diagnosis of infections often requires … .
EXERCISE 5 .Составьте предложения из разбросанных слов:
1. Base, the, an, of, raw, ulcer, surface, other, bleeding, a, has, painful.
2. Cause, may, tumor, structures, displacement, adjacent, or, of, destruction, a.
3. Pathology, the, specimen, department, biopsy, is to, a, sent, hospital.
4. Many, disease, types, are, of, commonly, by, diagnosed, blood, urine, and, tests.
EXERCISE 6. Переведите предложения на английский язык.
1. Патология рассматривает отклонения, проявляющиеся в нормальной физиологии и анатомии.
2. Язва часто имеет болезненную кровоточащую поверхность .
3. Кисты обычно небольшие по размеру.
4. Опухоль может вызвать смещение или разрушение прилегающих к ней структур.
5. Врожденные дефекты часто видны уже при рождении ребенка.
6. Для определения вида опухоли, как правило, используется биопсия.
7. При постановке диагноза чаще всего необходимы анализы крови и мочи
EXERCISE 7. Диалог. Составьте по 5 вопросительных предложений по тексту “Pathology”.
EXERCISE 8. Приготовьте пересказ текста “Pathology”.
Sometimes a normal immune response does not occur. Instead, a violent reaction called allergy is produced. This can cause sudden death but usually involves
consequences of varying degrees of seriousness, ranging from skin rashes or mouth ulcers to partial obstruction of the airway. Sensitivity to certain types of pollen, food, stings, latex products and drugs can produce an allergic reaction.
A much more serious type of allergy which could be happen in practice is that affecting patients sensitive to penicillin and its derivatives. If one these drugs were given to such patients, the above – mentioned reactions could occur – the worst effect of all being the rapid onset of a severe state of collapse which may be fatal. This is called anaphylactic shock. The patients most at risk of allergic responses are those with a history of asthma, eczema and hay fever.
Read and learn the following words:
1. drug лекарство, наркотик
2. exclusively исключительно
3. prescribe предписывать
4. volume объем
5. reference book справочник
6. available доступный
7. precaution осторожность, противопоказание
8. data sheet вкладыш – инструкция
9. administer назначать, применять, давать (лекарство)
10. externally наружно
11. anesthetic анестетик
12. abolish снимать, устранять
13. kill убивать
14. derive происходить от
15. derivatives производные
16. liable подверженный, склонный
17. beforehand заранее
18. order заказывать
The metric system is used exclusively when ordering and prescribing drugs. The metric unit of weight is the gram (g) and this is divided into thousandths called milligrams (mg).
The unit of volume is the liter (l) which is subdivided into thousandths called milliliters (ml). A liter is equivalent to just under two pints. The standard medicine teaspoon holds 5 ml.
Various reference books are available to help practitioners keep up to date with new drugs, the trade names of drugs, dosages and precautions with particular drugs. Manufacturers are also legally required to provide data sheets for all new drugs, giving full details of usage.
Drugs may be administered externally or internally.
Drugs are classified into groups which have a specific action, such as antibacterial drugs, which are used for the treatment of infections, or local anesthetics, which abolish pain. Some drugs belong to more than one group. For example, lignocaine, which is local and surface anesthetic. Let's take antibacterial drugs as an example.
They are administered internally to kill bacteria.
Antibiotics are drugs originally derived from microorganisms: for example, penicillin, tetracycline, and erythromycin. Many people are allergic to penicillin and its derivatives. If such people are given any of these drugs they are liable to develop a dangerous reaction. Patients must always be asked beforehand if they are allergic to penicillin or any other drugs.
There are strict legal requirements for the purchase, storage, use, identification, dispensing and prescription of drugs.
Many drugs are poisonous if taken accidentally or in excess; others caustic and may cause painful burns. Some common sense precautions in storing drugs are to keep them well away from food and drinks; keep poisons locked up in a special poisons cabinet; and to keep caustics on the lowest shelf where accidental spillage cannot affect the eyes or burn the face.
Stocks of drugs must be stored in accordance with manufacturers' instructions and not kept beyond their expiry date. Records of their purchase, supply and expiry date must be kept for at least 11 years. Any drugs which have passed their expiry date should be discarded, together with any solutions which have become discolored or cloudy.
Certain drugs, such as adrenaline, halothane and hydrogen peroxide must be stored in dark bottles to prevent premature deterioration, while poisons bottles are ribbed to indicate by touch that their contents are dangerous.
1. just under two pints – приблизительно двум пинтам
2. various reference books are available – существуют самые различные справочники
3. keep up to date with new drugs – осваивать новые препараты
4. trade names – торговые знаки (зарегистрированные фирменные названия, например, лекарств)
5. to provide data sheets – обеспечить вкладышем – инструкцией
6. which abolish pain – которые действуют обезболивающе
EXERCISE 1.Найдите в тексте следующие эквиваленты слов и словосочетания:
1. метрическая система
2. деленные на тысячные доли
3. стандартная чайная ложка содержит 5 мл
4. торговый знак
5. в соответствии с законом
6. представляя детальное предписание по употреблению
7. внутреннее или наружное применение
8. классифицироваться по группам
9. местное обезболивающее
10. получаемые из микроорганизмов
11. быть аллергенным
12. опросить заранее
EXERCISE 2. Процитируйте предложения со следующими словами и словосочетаниями:
1. exclusively
2. unit of weight
3. to be subdivided into
4. to hold
5. particular drugs
6. to be required
7. to be administered
8. a specific action
9. to belong to
10. derived from
11. a dangerous reaction
12. to be allergic to
EXERCISE 3. Ответьте на вопросы:
1. What system is used when ordering and prescribing drugs?
2. What is the metric unit of weight?
3. What units of volume do you know?
4. Why are reference books useful to practitioners?
5. Who are legally required to provide full details of new drugs usage?
6. How are drugs administered?
7. What groups are drugs classified into?
8. Do drugs belong only to one group?
9. What is the aim of administering antibacterial drugs?
10.What are antibiotics originally derived from?
11. What reaction can develop if the people are allergic to some drugs?
EXERCISE 4. Вставить артикль, где это необходимо:
When drugs are administered to some patients … severe adverse reaction, such as collapse, may occur. This may be caused by … allergy to … drug administered, e.g. penicillin, or interaction with another drug which … patient is already taking for medical reasons.
To prevent these undesirable effects … careful study of a case history must always be made before any drugs are used. If it is found that … drug allergy exists, or … patient is taking drugs prescribed by … doctor, or taking nonprescription drugs for self – medication this information must be recorded on … patient’s chart, regularly up – dated and … appropriate precautions taken.
EXERCISE 5. Вставьте предлоги там, где это необходимо:
Analgesics are drugs administered internally or externally … the relief of pain. Most pain is caused … inflammation and the most effective drugs … relief of pain are accordingly those that combine analgesic and anti – inflammatory effects. However, the anti – inflammatory drugs mentioned above are all corticosteroids, and these cannot be taken internally … the treatment. Nonsteroidal anti – inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are used instead and those that have analgesic properties may be taken internally … pain.
EXERCISE 6. Переведите предложения на английский язык:
1. Для взвешивания лекарственных средств применяется исключительно метрическая система мер.
2. Различные справочники помогают врачу ориентироваться в многочисленных новых препаратах, которые поступают на рынок лекарственных средств.
3. Производители препаратов должны обязательно указывать срок годности (expiry date) лекарства.
4. Существуют различные пути классификации лекарственных препаратов.
5. Ряд лекарств можно отнести к нескольким группам одновременно.
6. Многие люди аллергенны к антибиотикам.
7. Пациента обязательно нужно спросить об аллергической реакции на препарат данной группы.
EXERCISE 7. Работа в парах. Составьте 10 вопросов по тексту “Drugs”.
EXERCISE 8. Приготовьте пересказ текста “Drugs”.
Read and learn the following words:
1. pump насос
2. circulate циркулировать
3. tube труба
4. carry переносить
5. artery артерия
6. vein вена
7. adult взрослый
8. pulse пульс
9. skin кожа
10. occur происходить
11. wrist запястье
12. chest грудная клетка
13. breast грудь
14. chamber камера
15. valve клапан
16. atrium предсердие
17. ventricle желудочек
18. death смерть
19. apply применять
20. pressure давление
21. squeeze сжимать
22. spine позвоночник
23. relax расслабиться
The heart is simply a pump, which circulates blood throughout the body. Tubes called blood vessels carry it from the heart to all parts of the body and back again. This round trip is known as the circulation. Vessels carrying blood away from the heart are known as arteries and those returning blood to the heart are known are known as veins.
The heart pumps blood round the body about 70 times a minute in adults. The heartbeats can be felt as the pulse where certain arteries lie just beneath the skin, and the most well – known place where this occurs is at the wrist.
The heart lies in the chest immediately behind the breast bone. It consists of two chambers, left and right, separated from each other by a wall. Each chamber is further divided into upper and lower compartments, which communicate with each by valves. Each upper compartment is called an atrium and each lower a ventricle. Note that there is no communication at all between the left and right sides of the heart.
Heart failure, or cardiac arrest, means that the heart has stopped beating. This of course, means that no blood is being pumped round the body and death occurs in a few minutes. But as the heart is just a simple pump, it can be made to beat artificially by rhythmically applying pressure to the chest. This squeezes the heart between the breast bone and forces blood out the heart into the circulation. When pressure on the chest has been relaxed, blood returns to the heart again.
1. can be felt as the pulse – можно определить по пульсу.
2. immediately behind the breast bone – непосредственно за грудиной.
3. is further divided – далее подразделяется
4. communicate with each other – сообщаются друг с другом.
5. heart failure – паралич, остановка сердца; сердечная недостаточность.
6. as the heart is just a simple pump – поскольку сердце всего лишь простой насос.
EXERCISE 1. Найдите в тексте следующие эквиваленты слов и словосочетаний:
1. Просто насос
2. Кровеносные сосуды
3. Круговое движение
4. Известны как
5. У взрослых
6. Располагаться непосредственно под кожей
7. Где это происходит
8. Состоит из двух камер
9. Каждый верхний отдел
10. Вообще нет сообщения
11. Его можно заставить биться искусственно
12. Выталкивать кровь из сердца.
EXERCISE 2. Процитируйте предложения со следующими словами и словосочетаниями:
1. Throughout the body
2. Blood vessels
3. About 70 times a minute
4. Immediately behind the breast bone
5. Separated from each other
6. Upper and lower compartments
7. Communication
8. Cardiac arrest
9. Round the body
10. To beat artificially
11. Pressure on the chest
EXERCISE 3. Поставьте предложения в вопросительную форму.
1. The heart circulates blood throughout the body.
2. The heartbeats can be felt as the pulse.
3. Each chamber is divided into upper and lower compartments.
4. The heart has stopped beating.
5. Death occurs in a few minutes.
6. Vessels returning blood to the heart are known as veins.
EXERCISE 4. Ответьте на следующие вопросы по тексту:
1. What is heart?
2. What are tubes carrying blood called?
3. Where can the heartbeats be felt?
4. Where does the heart consist of?
5. What compartments is each chamber divided into?
6. What are the compartments called?
7. What does heart failure mean?
8. Can the heart be made to beat artificially?
9. When does blood return to the heart again?
EXERCISE 5. Переведите на английский следующие предложения:
1. Сердце похоже на простой насос.
2. У взрослого человека сердце сокращается с частотой примерно 70 раз в минуту за час оно перекачивает около 300 литров крови.
3. Работа сердца очень важна. Оно непрерывно движет кровь по кровеносным сосудам.
4. Если прижать стенку артерии к кости там, где она ближе к коже, то можно ощутить пульс.
5. Сердце состоит из двух камер, разделенных перегородкой.
6. Правый и левый отделы сердца не связаны между собой.
7. Паралич означает, что сердце остановилось.
8. Когда давление на грудную ослабевает, кровь вновь возвращается в сердце.
EXERCISE 6. Составьте 10 вопросов к тексту “Heart”.
EXERCISE 7. Перескажите текст “Heart”.
Read and learn the following words and word combinations:
1. cavity полость
2. esophagus пищевод
3. swallow глотать
4. coiled изогнутый
5. manufacture производить
6. pancreas поджелудочная железа
7. loop петля
8. duodenum двенадцатиперстная кишка
9. rectum прямая кишка
10. remnants остатки
11. orifice отверстие
12. anus анус
13.alimentary canal пищеварительный тракт
14. liver печень
15. storehouse склад
16. distribute распределять
17. bile желчь
18. gall – bladder желчный пузырь
The abdomen is a cavity containing the main organs of digestion. It is immediately below the chest but separated from it by the diaphragm.
The stomach lies just below the diaphragm and receives all the food which has passed down the oesophagus after being swallowed. Food stays in the stomach for a few hours while the
stomach enzymes begin the first stages of digestion.
After leaving the stomach, the partially digested food enters the small intestine. This is a long coiled tube about six metres long in which digestion is completed. It manufactures its own enzymes for this purpose but also receives some help from the pancreas. This gland lies in the loop of the duodenum, which is the first part of the small intestine after the stomach. The pancreas produces some enzymes which pass into the duodenum.
When the food has been completely digested in the small intestine, the indigestible residue passes into the large intestine. This is a wider tube, nearly two meters long, leading from the small intestine to the rectum. The large intestine absorbs water and minerals from waste food remnants. The rectum carries this waste to the external orifice or anus where it is eliminated from the body. The whole system of tubes through which the food passes on its way from mouth to anus is called the alimentary canal.
After digestion has been completed in the intestines, the digested food, which is now in a state the body can use, passes through the walls of the intestines into capillaries where the blood carries it to the liver.
The liver lies just below the diaphragm to the right of the stomach. It is a storehouse for digested food and distributes it to those parts of the body requiring it. It also produces a digestive juice known as bile. This is stored in the gall – bladder, which lies underneath the liver. Bile passes into the duodenum at the same point as the digestive juice from the pancreas.
The next stage of digestion occurs in the stomach, which produces a mixture of acid and enzymes called gastric juice. The acid kills germs and extracts any iron from the food – for hemoglobin formation. The enzymes initiate digestion of proteins and fat.
Food is churned up in the gastric juice for up to five hours before being released into the duodenum. That is why patients must not eat for at least four hours before receiving a general anesthetic. If such precautions were not taken, the stomach might still contain food which could be vomited during anesthesia and cause blockage of the airway. It must be remembered that the protective mechanism of swallowing, which prevents food entering the airway, may be paralyzed during general anesthesia.
1. immediately below – непосредственно под
2. for this purpose – для этого
3. in a state the body can use – в том виде, который приемлем для организма
4. to those parts of the body requiring it – между теми органами, которым она нужна
5. at the same point as – в том же месте, что и …
EXERCISE 1 Найдите в тексте эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний:
1. полость, содержащая основные органы пищеварения
2. отделено от грудной клетки
3. после проглатывания
4. первый этап пищеварения
5. попадает в тонкий кишечник
6. где завершается пищеварение
7. вырабатывает свои ферменты
8. первый отдел кишечника
9. не переваренные остатки пищи
10. ведущий от кишечника к прямой кишке
11. вся система труб
12. проникать через стенку
13. она скапливается в желчном пузыре
EXERCISE 2. Процитируйте предложения из текста со следующими словами и словосочетаниями:
1. the main organs
2. below the chest
3. to lie below
4. the stomach enzymes
5. the partially digested food
6. digestion is completed
7. to manufacture
8. to receive some help
9. in the loop of the duodenum
10. to pass into
11. nearly two metres long
12. waste food remnants
13. to be eliminated from the body
14. the digested food
15. known as
16. underneath the liver
EXERCISE 3. Ответьте на вопросы:
1. What is the abdomen?
2. Where is it situated?
3. Where does the stomach lie?
4. How long does food stay in the stomach?
5. What does the partially digested food enter?
6. Where is digestion completed?
7. What does the small intestine manufacture?
8. Where does pancreas lie?
9. What does it produce?
10. What is the large intestine?
11. How long is it?
12. What does the large intestine do?
13. Can you characterize the alimentary canal?
14. What carries the digested food to the liver?
15. Where does the liver lie and what does it do?
16. How is digestive juice called?
EXERCISE 4. Задайте вопросы к следующим утверждениям:
MODEL: I have already translated the test. (your friend)
Has your friend translated it too?
1. The small intestine has manufactured its own enzymes. (pancreas)
2. The abdomen has been described in this text. (the stomach)
3. Some enzymes have passed into the duodenum. (the digestive juice)
4. The first stage of digestion has taken place in the mouth. (the second stage)
5. The blood has carried the digested food to the liver. (pancreatic juice)
EXERCISE 5. Поставьте глаголы в правильную форму.(Present Simple, Past Simple, Present Progressive and Present Perfect)
1. I (to be) a medical student. I (to have) an English class now. We (to do) just
Exercise 6 and now we (to do) exercise 7.
2. “You (to buy) the necessary food already?” “Yes, I have,”
3. “He (to come) just to the office. It’s a quarter to nine.””And he (to come) to the office yesterday?” “He (to come) at five minutes to nine yesterday.”
4. I (to translate) the next an hour ago, but my friend (not to translate) it yet.
5. He (not to go) to college yesterday. He (to be) ill.
6. “You (to be) in the library today?” “No, I (to be) there yesterday.”
EXERCISE 6. Переведите на английский язык следующие предложения:
1. Брюшная полость расположена непосредственно под грудной клеткой.
2. Желудок лежит под диафрагмой и получает пищу, которая уже прошла через пищевод.
3. В желудке пища остается несколько часов.
4. Из желудка пища попадает в тонкий кишечник, происходит ее полное переваривание.
5. Толстый кишечник имеет длину около двух метров.
6. Здесь происходит всасывание воды и минеральных веществ из не переваренных остатков пищи.
7. Вся система, которую проходит пища от полости рта до ануса, называется пищеварительным трактом.
EXERCISE 7. Работа в парах. Задайте 10 вопросов к тексту “The abdomen”.
EXERCISE 8. Перескажите текст “The abdomen”
Read and learn the following words and word combinations:
1. breathing дыхание
2. provide обеспечивать
3. interchange обмен
4. protective защитный
5. cage клетка
6. rib ребро
7. muscle мышца
8. diaphragm диафрагма
9. abdomen живот
10. throat горло
11. larynx глотка
12. trachea трахея
13. bronchi бронхи
14. huge огромный
15. air sac легочная альвеола
16. network сеть
17. passage проход, проходить
18. airway воздушный путь
19. surround окружать
20. simultaneously одновременно
21. replenish пополнять; снова насыщать
22. eliminate устранять
Respiration means breathing. Its function is to provide the means whereby oxygen enters the blood and carbon dioxide leaves. This interchange of gases occurs in the lungs which are situated in the chest, one on each side of the heart.
The chest forms a protective cage for the heart and lungs. The bars of the cage are formed by the ribs – which are joined to the breast bone in front and spine behind. The spaces between the ribs are filled by the rib muscles. The floor of the cage is formed by the diaphragm, which is a sheet of muscle separating the chest from the abdomen.
In order to reach the lungs, the air we breathe enters the throat through the nose or mouth and passes into the larynx. Below the larynx the air passes along a tube called the trachea, which runs down the neck to the chest where it divides into two. These two branches are known as the right and left bronchi and they enter their respective lungs. Just as arteries divide up into smaller arteries and finally into thin – walled capillaries, so do the bronchi divide inside the lungs. Each bronchus divides into many smaller and smaller tubes until eventually ends up as a huge number of tiny air sacs, which comprise each lung. A network of capillaries originating from the pulmonary artery passes round each air sac.
Air breathed in through the nose passes via the throat, larynx, trachea and bronchi to the air sacs of the lungs. This passage from nose to lungs is known as the airway. In the lungs, oxygen from the air passes through the thin walls of each air sac and its surrounding capillary to reach the blood. In the same way carbon dioxide passes simultaneously out of the blood into the air sacs. This gaseous exchange for replenishing the blood with oxygen and eliminating the waste product, carbon dioxide, is the sole purpose of respiration.
Oxygen enters the blood by combining with hemoglobin in the red cells; where as carbon dioxide is carried by the plasma.
1. the floor of the cage – основание клетки
2. in order to - для того чтобы.
3. just as arteries … so do the bronchi – как артерии…, так и бронхи.
4. passes round each air sac – оплетает каждую альвеолу.
5. breathed in through the nose – вдыхаемый через нос.
EXERCISE 1. Процитируйте предложения со следующими словами и словосочетаниями из текста.
1. to provide the means
2. to be situated
3. the bars of the cage
4. to be joined to the breast bone
5. the space between the ribs
6. a sheet of muscle
7. to pass into larynx
8. to pass along
9. thin – walled capillaries
10. a huge number of tiny air sacs
11. pass round
12. to reach blood
13. the sole purpose
14. to be carried by
EXERCISE 2. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту:
1. What is respiration?
2. How can you characterize its function?
3. Where does the interchange of gases take place?
4. What does the chest form?
5. What are the spaces between ribs filled by?
6. What does the diaphragm separate?
7. Where does the air pass below the larynx?
8. How do the bronchi divide inside the lungs?
9. What passes round each air sac?
10. How can you describe the airway?
11. What is the sole purpose of respiration?
12. What takes place in the red cells during respiration?
EXERCISE 3. Задайте вопросы к выделенным курсивом словам или словосочетаниям:
1. The floor of the cage is formed by the diaphragm.
2. Below the larynx the air passes along the trachea.
3. The bronchi divide inside lungs.
4. Air enters the body through the nasal cavities.
5. There are three divisions of the pharynx.
6. The larynx contains the vocal cords.
EXERCISE 4. Переведите на английский язык следующие предложения:
1. Легкие расположены в грудной клетке.
2. Пространство между ребрами занято межреберными мышцами.
3. Диафрагма отделяет грудную клетку от брюшной полости.
4. Воздух, который мы вдыхаем через нос или рот, проходит по
5. дыхательному пути в легкие.
6. В альвеолах происходит обмен газов между организмом и средой.
7. Длина трахеи примерно 15 см.
8. Каждый бронх входит в легкое, где ветвится на мелкие бронхи и бронхиолы.
9. Всего имеется около 300 миллионов альвеол.
10. Альвеолы оплетены капиллярами.
11. Стенки альвеол очень тонкие.
12. Через тонкую стенку и происходит газообмен.
EXERCISE 5.. Работа в парах. Задайте 10 вопросов к тексту “Respiration”
EXERCISE 6. Перескажите текст “Respiration”.
Read and learn the following words and word combinations:
1. require требовать
2. utilize потреблять
3. process процесс
4. enzyme фермент
5. protein белок
6. carbohydrate углевод
7. fat жир
8. amino – acid аминокислота
9. repair восстановление
10. starchy содержащий крахмал
11. glucose глюкоза
12. perform осуществлять
13. diary молочный
14. layer слой
15. beneath под, ниже
16. source источник
17. insulation изоляция
18. juice сок
19. sweat пот
20. daily ежедневно
For life to continue, the body requires fuel in the form of oxygen and food.
Respiration provides the oxygen. Our food, however, cannot be utilized by the body in the form in which it is eaten. It must be specially processed by the body before it can be of any use. This special processing is known as digestion. It is brought about by the action on the food of certain substances called enzymes which are made by the body and mixed with the food during its passage through the body.
The food we eat consists of protein, carbohydrate and fat. It also contains small quantities of vitamins and minerals.
Proteins are found in meat, fish, eggs, milk and cheese. They are broken down into amino – acids during digestion. Protein is necessary for cell growth and repair.
Carbohydrates are found in sweet and starchy foods such as sugar, flour and potatoes.
They are broken down into glucose during digestion. Carbohydrates provide body cells with the energy required to perform their functions.
Fats are found in meat, fish, dairy products and vegetable oils. The digestive process breaks them down to fatty acids. Fats provide energy and body fat, which is stored in a layer beneath the skin. It acts as a reserve source of energy when needed, and also as insulation which helps maintain body temperature in cold weather.
The body required water for the production of blood, digestive juices, urine and sweat. Many foods contain a large quantity of water but it is still necessary to drink more than a liter of fluid daily.
1. for life to continue – для поддержания жизни
2. in the form in which it is eaten – в том виде, котором мы ее потребляем
3. before it can be of any use – перед тем как ее использовать
4. to be broken down – расщепляться
5. to be stored in a layer beneath the skin – накапливаться в подкожном слое
EXERCISE 1.Найдите в тексте эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний:
1. организму необходимо
2. быть специально переработанным
3. оно производится
4. по мере ее прохождения
5. небольшое количество
6. можно найти
7. для роста и восстановления клетки
8. обеспечивать энергией
9. для осуществления их функций
10. дополнительный источник энергии
11. желудочный сок
12. ежедневно
EXERCISE 2. Процитируйте предложения из текста со следующими словами и словосочетаниями:
1. to provide
2. utilized
3. to be of any use
4. to be known as
5. certain substances
6. vitamins and minerals
7. to be found
8. body cells
9. fatty acid
10. a layer
11. insulation
12. sweat
EXERCISE 3. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту
1. What does the body require for life?
2. Can food be utilized in the form in which it is eaten?
3. How is the processing of the food by the body called?
4. What are enzymes?
5. What does our food consist of?
6. Where are proteins found?
7. What are proteins necessary for?
8. What do carbohydrates provide body cells with?
9. Where is body fat stored?
10. How does body fat act?
11. How much water is it necessary to drink daily?
EXERCISE 4. Задайте вопросы к выделенным словам:
1. Saliva is always present in the mouth.
2. Hunger and the thought, smell, sight and taste of food all stimulate an increased flow of saliva from the glands.
3. Saliva glands only produce saliva.
4. They must not be confused with the glands, which produce hormones.
EXERCISE 5. Переведите на английский язык предложения:
1. Для его функционирования организму необходима энергия.
2. Пища должна быть специально переработана для потребления организмом.
3. Пищеварение осуществляется при помощи ферментов, вырабатываемых организмом.
4. Кроме белков, углеводов и жиров пища содержит витамины и минеральные вещества.
5. Белки необходимы для роста и восстановления клетки.
6. Углеводы превращаются в глюкозу в процессе пищеварения.
7. Жир является дополнительным источником энергии.
8. Многие продукты питания содержат в себе большое количество воды.
EXERCISE 6. Задайте по 10 вопросов по тексту”Digestion”.
EXERCISE 7. Перескажите текст ”Digestion”.
Read and learn the following words and word combinations:
1. harmless безвредный
2. dangerous опасный
3. subdivide подразделять
4. shape очертание, форма
5. decayed teeth гнилые (испорченные) зубы
6. chain цепь
7. cluster гроздь
8. strain штамм
9. gumboil флюс
10. acute острый
11. . gingivitis воспаление десен
12. exist существовать
13. survive выживать
14. resistant резистентный, устойчивый
The body provides a home for a great number of the smallest organisms – microorganisms. Most of them are harmless but some take part in dental diseases. There are three different groups of microorganisms: fungi, bacteria and viruses. They may be of different kinds, both harmless and more or less dangerous.
Bacteria are subdivided into groups according to their shape bacilli, cocci, spirochetes, spores.
Bacilli are rod – shaped bacteria. For example, lactobacillus is found in decayed teeth.
Cocci are round bacteria.
Streptococci are berry – shaped bacteria which grow in twisted chains. They are associated with different diseases. Hemolytic streptococci (called hemolytic because bacteria cause hemolysis) are responsible for such conditions as “strep” throat, tonsillitis.
Streptococci viridians (viridians means “green” and these bacteria produce a green color on the growth medium) are less virulent (poisonous) than the hemolytic form and cause infections in teeth.
Staphylococci are bacteria which grow in small clusters like grapes. One strain of staphylococcus may be found in gumboils.
There are also spiral bacteria (spirochetes) found in acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis.
Some bacteria can exist in the form of spores. Spores can survive extremes of temperature and live for years until conditions become more favorable again. They are highly resistant to destruction.
EXERCISE 1. Укажите русские эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний:
1. to provide a home;
2. both harmless and less or more dangerous;
3. to be associated with;
4. the growth medium;
5. to cause infection,
6. gumboils;
7. to survive extremes of temperature;
8. to be highly resistant to destruction.
EXERCISE 2. Найдите в тексте эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний:
1. безвредный
2. более или менее опасные
3. в соответствии с формой
4. ассоциироваться
5. менее вирулентный
6. острый
7. споры
8. перепады температуры
9. более благоприятные условия
10. разрушение
EXERCISE 3. Процитируйте предложения из текста со следующими словами и словосочетаниями:
1. to provide a home
2. to take part in
3. to be subdivided into
4. to be found
5. to grow in twisted chains
6. to initiate
7. to cause infection
8. to grow in small clusters
9. to survive
10. to be highly resistant.
EXERCISE 4. Ответьте на вопросы:
1. What does a mouth provide a home for?
2. Are all bacteria harmless?
3. What groups of bacteria do you know?
4. How are bacteria subdivided?
5. What are bacilli and where are they found?
6. How do streptococci grow?
7. What do they initiate?
8. What bacteria are called staphylococci?
9. What can be found in acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis?
10. Can spores survive extremes of temperature?
EXERCISE 5. Закончите следующие предложения:
1. Streptococci are less virulent than …
2. Viruses are sometimes more dangerous than …
3. One strain of staphylococcus is easier found in gumboils than …
4. Spores are more resistant to destruction than …
5. Bacteria are often more dangerous than …
6. Inflammation may be more protective than …
7. Infection may be often the initial cause of the disease than …
EXERCISE 6. Переведите на английский следующие предложения:
1. Большинство бактерий безвредны, но некоторые вызывают серьезные заболевания.
2. Споры гораздо более устойчивы к неблагоприятным условиям, чем другие бактерии.
3. Они более устойчивы к разрушению, чем другие виды бактерий.
4. Этот вид бактерий такой же опасный, как и тот, который мы изучили на прошлом занятии.
5. Иногда воспаление – скорее неблагоприятная реакция, чем защитная.
EXERCISE 7. Задайте 10 вопросов по тексту.
EXERCISE 8. Перескажите текст.
(after Jerome K. Jerome. «Three Men in a Boat»).
I remember going to the British Museum one day to read up the treatment for some slight disease. I got down the book and read all I had come to read. Then without realizing what I was doing I turned the leaves and began to study diseases generally. I do not remember which was the first disease I read about but before I looked through the list of the symptoms I felt that I had it. I kept on reading, feeling rather nervous, and realized that I was suffering from every disease imaginable. The only thing I had not got so far was housemaid’s knee. To say that I was worried and upset and that I felt miserable would be to say nothing. I lost all hope. I nearly fainted. In fact I felt more dead than alive. I tried to examine myself. I felt my pulse. I discovered that I had no pulse. I tried to feel my heart. I could not feel my heart. It had stopped beating. I tried to look at my tongue. I stuck it out as far as it would go. I shut one eye, and tried to examine it with the other. I could only see the tip but I no longer doubted that in addition to everything I had scarlet fever.
It became clear to me that I would never recover and would never get rid of the thousand diseases I had. I gave up all hope. Medicine could not help me. I had walked into the reading room a happy healthy man, I walked out an invalid.
Though I doubted if anyone would be able to cure me of my diseases, I decided to consult my physician. I always turn to him for advice and help. He is a good fellow and an old friend of mine. He has been treating me for many years. I never make an appointment with him, he is always ready to see me. He looks at my tongue, feels my pulse, talks about the weather, and all for nothing, when I imagine that I am ill. He never remains indifferent to what I say and always does his best to encourage me when I start complaining of my diseases. I thought that he would be grateful if I went to him. “What a doctor wants,” I said to myself, “is practice. He shall have me. He will get more practice out of me than out of seventeen hundred ordinary patients with only one or two common diseases each”.
“Well, what’s the matter with you? Got any complaints?’’ he asked.
I did not pretend to be calm. My whole life depended on what he would say.
“I will not take up your time, dear fellow, by telling you what is the matter with me,” I began. “Life is short and you may die before I’m through. But I’ll tell you right away what is not the matter with me. I haven’t got housemaid’s knee. Why I haven’t got it I cannot tell you. But the fact remains that I haven’t got it. Everything else I have got. My life is in danger.
I told him how I came to discover it all. I didn’t pretend I wasn’t frightened. He took my temperature, felt my pulse, and then hit me over the chest when I wasn’t expecting it. After that he sat down and wrote out a prescription. He folded it and giving it to me said that I had better go home.
I did not open the prescription. I went to the nearest pharmacy to have it filled. The chemist read the prescription and handed it back. He apologized for being unable to help me. He said he didn’t keep it and smiled. I was very much annoyed. I did not see the joke.
I said, “You are a chemist, aren’t you?” He did not deny it. “I am a chemist,” he said. “If I were a department store and a family hotel combined, I might be able to help you. But the matter is I am only a chemist. That’s why I can’t oblige you.”
I read the prescription. It said:
“1 lb beefsteak, with
1 pt beer every six hours.
1 ten-mile walk every morning
1 bed at 11 sharp every night.
And avoid stuffing up your head with things you don’t understand”.
I felt relieved. My life was out of danger. I didn’t tear up the prescription or throw it away. I followed the directions with the happy result that my life was saved and is still going on. My health improved, but I never mention the incident to anyone.
N O T E S :
1. скарлатина (fever- лихорадка, scarlet – ярко-красный, багровый)
2. фунт (от лат. Libra), читается pound
3. пинта (от pint)
treat vt 1. лечить кого-л./что-л. to treat a patient / a disease, to treat sb. for sth. лечить кого-л. от чего-л. 2. угощать Whose turn is it to treat next? Чья очередь угощать в следующий раз? They treated us to a delicious lunch. 3. обращаться с кем-то Is that how you treat him? Так вот как ты с ним обращаешься? Children should be treated with kindness. To be treated in some manner (badly, warmly, kindly, cautiously, etc) treatment n лечение, обращение (с кем-то)
suffer vi страдать to suffer from sth.; to suffer a loss потерпеть убыток, понести потерю; suffering n страдание; to cause suffering причинять страдание
lose vt (lost, lost) 1. терять, потерять (also fig) lose a book (ticket, friend, etc.); one’s voice (head); money (work, time, etc.) Phr lose one’s way (get lost) заблудиться, потеряться 2. проигрывать lose a game (a competition, war, etc.) loss – потеря, to suffer heavy losses – нести тяжёлые потери; loser – проигравший He is a good loser. Он умеет проигрывать.
feel vi (felt, felt) miserable (awkward, bad, nervous, etc) чувствовать себя несчастным (неловко, плохо, нервничать)
doubt vi сомневаться to doubt sth., to doubt whether/if сомневаться (в том), что… not to doubt that… не сомневаться (в том), что… Do you doubt that …? Вы сомневаетесь (в том) что…?
recover vi выздоравливать; to recover from a disease; recovery n – выздоровление ; I wish you a speedy recovery. Syn. get well
cure vt вылечить; to cure sb. of sth.; His doctor cured him of all his diseases; incurable - неизлечимый
make/have an appointment with sb. договариваться /договориться с кем-л. о встрече, to make/have an appointment with a doctor записаться на прием к врачу; to make an appointment for a certain time
do one’s best vi - делать все возможное, очень стараться; I did my best to persuade him not to go there.
complain vi жаловаться; complain of sth (жаловаться на самочувствие) What are you complaining of? complain about We complained about poor working conditions. complaint n жалоба
pretend vi (to do sth.) притворяться, делать вид; pretend to be ill, indifferent, etc. притворяться больным, равнодушным и т.д.; pretend not to see (to know, to understand, etc.)
by doing sth. путем, посредством чего-л., делая что-л. You can learn a foreign language only by speaking it.
depend vi зависеть; depend on sb./sth. We depend on air for respiration; depend on when/where, etc. It depends. Это зависит от обстоятельств.
dependent on sb/sth He has always been dependent on other people’s opinion. Он всегда зависел от мнения других людей. independent (of) adj независимый He is quite independent of his father. Он практически не зависит от своего отца dependable adj надёжный; (in)dependence n.(не)зависимость
deny vt 1. отрицать to deny the charge отвергать обвинение 2. to deny oneself every luxury отказывать себе во всякой роскоши; deny doing sth The boy denied breaking the window. Мальчик не признавался, что разбил окно.
avoid vt избегать; You avoid people your don’t respect, don’t you? avoid doing sth. Avoid reading books on medicine.
danger n опасность Phr in (out of) danger в (вне) опасности; dangerous a опасный, рискованный
a dangerous plan (game, road, river; dog, man; etc); dangerous work
save vt 1 спасать; He saved my life. 2 экономить He has been saving money for two years to buy a car. savings n сбережения safe (adj) безопасный
follow vt 1. следовать, идти (за) What season follows winter? – Spring does. He felt that somebody was following him. He followed his elder brother in everything. Phr follow sb’s example (advice) (по)следовать чьему-н примеру (совету) Phr as follows cледующее The letter read as follows. В письме было следующее. Phr follow the policy of peace (cooperation, etc.) следовать политике мира (сотрудничества) 2. следить за (=понимать) (ситуацией, чьими-то. мыслями, речью) He spoke very fast and it was difficult to follow him. Are you following me? following adj cледующий, последующий the following day (week, month, etc.); the following следующее He said the following.
Exersise1. Answer the following questions.
1. How did it happen that Jerome K. Jerome discovered he had a thousand diseases? 2. How did Jerome K. Jerome feel when he discovered that he had no pulse? 3. When did Jerome K. Jerome realize that in addition to everything he had scarlet fever? 4. Why did Jerome K. Jerome always consult his doctor? 5. Why did the poor invalid think his doctor would be glad to have him for a patient? 6. What did he feel his life depended on? 7. What did Jerome K. Jerome tell his doctor? 8. What did the doctor do? 9. What did the prescription say? 10. Was Jerome K. Jerome’s life saved in the end? What about his health? 11Who did he tell about the incident?
Exersise 2. Find equivalents for the following phases in the text.
Лечение заболевания; не осознавая, что я делаю; просмотреть список; страдать от болезни; быть обеспокоенным и расстроенным; чувствовать себя несчастным; потерять сознание; я больше не сомневался; избавиться от болезни; стараться подбодрить; оставаться равнодушным; жаловаться на болезни; вся моя жизнь зависела от…; притвориться спокойным; факт остается фактом; измерить температуру; выписать рецепт; почувствовать облегчение; мое здоровье улучшилось.
Exersise 3. Is the statement true or false? If it is false, give a correct answer.
1. Jerome K. Jerome looked through the list of symptoms and realized that he didn’t have any disease.
2. It became clear to him that he would soon recover.
3. He felt happy and cheerful because he discovered that nothing was the matter with him.
4. He did not doubt that he could be easily cured of his diseases.
5. When he went to consult his physician, who was a very good specialist, he always made an appointment with him first.
6. It seemed to Jerome K. Jerome that he had only one common disease.
7. Jerome K. Jerome pretended that he wasn’t frightened.
8. Jerome K. Jerome went to the pharmacy and had the prescription filled.
Exersise 4. Finish the statements choosing a phrase from those in brackets.
1. Jerome K. Jerome went to the British Museum … (to take out a library card; to look up some figures; to read some fiction; to read up the treatment for some slight disease).
2. When Jerome K. Jerome discovered that he had all diseases imaginable, he… (was embarrassed; was surprised; calmed down; nearly fainted).
3. It became clear to Jerome K. Jerome that… (he was in pretty good health; he would never recover; his life was out of danger; his life was in danger).
4. Jerome K. Jerome’s friend… (was indifferent to what he said; always encouraged him; listened to his complaints very attentively; did his best to help him).
5. The physician advised Jerome K. Jerome… (to take up art; to read books on medicine; to avoid thinking about things he did not understand).
6. Jerome K. Jerome followed the doctor’s directions with the happy result that… (he died; his life was saved; he went mad; his health improved).
7. Jerome K. Jerome never mentioned the incident to anyone because he… (forgot it very soon; felt ashamed; had no sense of humor).
8. But for his doctor, Jerome K. Jerome … (would have died; wouldn’t have recovered; would have had complications; would have been thinking his disease was incurable; wouldn’t have been cured; wouldn’t have got rid of his diseases).
Exersise 5. Use Reported Speech in the following sentences.
1. “My life is in danger”, said Jerome K. Jerome.
2. “You’ll die before I finish telling you about my diseases”, said the patient.
3. “Are you a chemist?” asked Jerome K. Jerome.
4. “I’m only a chemist, that’s why I can’t oblige you”, answered the man.
5. “Avoid thinking about things you don’t understand”, said the doctor to the patient.
6. “I can’t go on treating you because you don’t obey my orders”, said the doctor to the patient.
7. “Why have you been so nervous and worried recently?” she asked me.
8. “You are cured”, said the doctor to the patient.
9. “A fortnight ago you sold me a plaster to get rid of my rheumatism”, said the customer, “Yes?” asked the chemist. “Now I want something to get rid of the plaster”.
Exersise 6. Put questions to the words in bold type.
1. Once Jerome K. Jerome went to the British Museum. 2. He came to the British Museum to read up the treatment for some slight disease. 3. When Jerome K. Jerome discovered that he had all diseases imaginable, he nearly fainted. 4. He discovered that he had no pulse. 5. His whole life depended on what the doctor would say. 6. The doctor took his temperature and felt his pulse. 7. The doctor wrote out a prescription. 8. Jerome K. Jerome went to the nearest pharmacy to have the prescription filled. 9. He was very much annoyed. 10. The chemist couldn’t oblige him because he was only a chemist. 11. Jerome K. Jerome followed the directions with the happy result. 12. He avoided stuffing up his head with things he didn’t understand.
Exersise 7. Give the four forms of the following verbs:
upset, get, suffer, feel, cure, make, depend, worry, begin, tell, write, treat, read, do, die, hit, turn, fall, smile, remain, pretend, tear, stick
Exersise 8. Insert prepositions wherever necessary.
1.Yesterday I read up the treatment … the flu and scarlet fever. 2. The poor boy has hurt his leg and now he is suffering … pain. 3. He was running so fast as if his life depended … it. 4. “I don’t want to take up your time … telling you the whole story”, he told me. 5. The girl looked …him and turned … . 6. I knew that now he would start complaining … his diseases. 7. We have been friends … many years. 8. She is financially independent … her family. 9. “I want to know what is the matter … you”, my mother told me. 10. Who said that his life was … danger? He is quite safe. 11. I gave her the article, she read it and handed it … . 12. My friend apologized … being unable to help me. 13. I made an appointment … the dentist … three o’clock. 14. If you want to get rid … all your diseases, find a very good doctor. 15. He didn’t remain indifferent … what I said. 16. After he was operated on, his life was … … danger. 17. She has always lied … me and in addition … everything refused to help me when I needed it badly. 18. Have you ever mentioned … the incident … anyone? 19. Dr. Smith cured him … pneumonia. 20. After the doctor examined me, he wrote … a prescription. 21. If you are ill why not consult … a doctor? 22. The country is heavily dependent … its oil exports.
Exersise 9. Fill in the blanks with “treat” or “cure”.
1. Ann was sure the doctor would … her. 2. Doctor Manson … him of the flu. 3. It isn’t easy to … a patient who doesn’t obey the doctor’s orders, is it? Why? 4. At first she was … by Doctor Smith, but it was Doctor Howard who … her. 5. How did Jerome K. Jerome’s doctor manage to … him of all his diseases? 6. I would like to be … by Professor Brown, I am sure he will … me . 7. Why do you think it was difficult for Doctor Caswell to … the old man? 8. Doctor Hastings … her disease.
Exersise 10. Translate into English.
1. Кто вылечил вас от этой болезни? 2. Доктор отказался лечить больного, так как больной его не слушался. 3. Он не хочет, чтобы его лечил такой молодой врач. 4. В этой клинике его вылечили от всех болезней. 5. Я не сомневаюсь, что профессор Браун вылечит меня, если я к нему обращусь. 6. Сначала моего брата лечил доктор Мэнсон, но вылечил его доктор Форд. 7. Если ты хочешь, чтобы тебя вылечили, обратись к опытному врачу. 8. Сейчас вылечивается гораздо больше заболеваний, чем раньше.
Exersise 11. a) Study the following model and the sentences:
Model: You (had better) go on a diet. → You should go on a diet.
1. You had better draw a plan first. 2. She’d better consult a doctor. 3. They’d better not pay so much attention to what your nephew says. 4. You’d better make an appointment with the dentist. 5. You’d better listen to your father’s advice.
b) Tell your partner what he (she) should do. Use the construction “had better (not) do smth.
Pay attention to it; read sth. by modern writers; throw it away; stay in bed; drop the subject; annoy him; consult a doctor; pretend to be interested; complain that you have no time; keep away from Charles’s cousin; avoid talking about your diseases in company; make an appointment with the doctor; keep silent; take a holiday; read the exercise aloud.
c) Translate into English.
1. Вы бы лучше держались подальше от этого человека. 2. Ты бы лучше не обращал внимания на его слова. 3. Лучше бы он не ходил туда сегодня. 4. Ей бы лучше помолчать. 5. Вам лучше не упоминать об этом никому. 6. Ему лучше не есть так много на ночь.
Exersise 13. Fill in the blanks with a suitable word. Use the correct form.
treat (2), treatment, upset v (2), upset (adj), suffer, feel (2), be worried, without (2), discover, doubt v (2), recover, make an appointment, have an appointment, complain, cure (2), depend, in danger, save, out of danger, pretend, independent
1. When I returned home from the country, I … I had a lot of things to do. 2. She always … of her diseases, she seems to be … from all diseases imaginable. 3. He has always disliked to … on other people’s decisions. 4. To tell you the truth, I got frightened when I learned that my life had been … . 5. Everyone prefers to … by an experienced doctor. 6. She wondered what was the name of the doctor who … her friend of her disease. 7. Only after we locked the door of our house we realized that our lives were … and we were … . 8. “Could you call on me tonight? I need your help badly.” “Sorry, not tonight. I … for 6 p.m.. I’ll be able to help you tomorrow”. 9. When my mother heard the sad news, she was terribly … . 10. He is a very good dentist. You have to … with him long beforehand. 11. I never … that he would soon … and be in good health again. 12. The boy’s parents worried if … prescribed to him by the young doctor was good enough. 13. If she turns to you for advice and help and you refuse her, it will … her. 14. Why does he always try to leave … saying good bye? 15. I wonder if she … better after the operation. We all … about how she is. 16. I … if he is able to do such kind of work himself. He has always been so careless and unreliable. 17. Professor Mason … me for three months now, but I doubt if he will … me. The idea … me greatly. 18. “I (not) … well today”. “You’d better consult a doctor immediately. 19. He tore up the letter … reading it. 20. Lucy … not to see me. 21. India became … of Britain in 1947.
Exersise 14. Translate the following sentences into English.
1. Если вы последуете совету этого врача, вы непременно выздоровеете. 2. Я не сомневаюсь, что он успеет на поезд. Он вышел из дома полчаса назад. 3. Больному сделали операцию (be operated on), и теперь его жизнь вне опасности. 4. Я хочу, чтобы вы договорились о встрече с Питером на 12 часов. 5. Ты слышал, как профессор Смит объяснял доктору Мейсону, как лечить это заболевание? 6. Ты бы лучше не отнимал у нас время, рассказывая нам все подробности (details). 7. Я сделаю все возможное, чтобы избежать разговора с ним. 8. Я не хочу, чтобы ты шел на эту встречу, не договорившись заранее. Он очень занятой человек. Ты будешь чувствовать себя неловко. 9. Некоторые формы рака (cancer) сейчас лечатся. 10. Я слышал, как он обещал никогда не говорить неправду, но я сомневаюсь в его словах. 11. Научиться говорить по-английски можно только говоря по-английски. 12. Майкл никогда не слышал, чтобы отец жаловался на сердце. 13. Сейчас все зависит от его решения. Если он откажется использовать этот шанс, то его жизнь может оказаться в опасности. 14. Легко давать советы, но иногда трудно им следовать. 15. Я сегодня иду на прием к зубному врачу. 16. По дороге домой Джеймс потерял зонтик. Он очень расстроился, так как погода была очень плохая, дождь мог пойти в любую минуту. 17. Путешествуя, мы узнаем много нового. 18. После того, как Дэвид вернулся в свой родной город, он избегал встречаться со своими старыми друзьями. 19. Как ты думаешь, он действительно болен или притворяется? 20. Научиться плавать можно только плавая. 21. Долгое время его лечил д-р Джонсон, но вылечил его д-р Грин. 22. Как только она поправится, мы сразу уедем на юг. 23. “Твой брат придет сегодня на занятия?” “Я сомневаюсь в этом”. 24. Никто не может заставить его зависеть от кого-либо. 25. Вряд ли можно добиться успехов без усердной работы. 26. Она никогда не зависела от чужого мнения.
Common problems.
What’s the matter? |
How do you know? (the symptoms) |
Cause of illness
I’ve got a cold. |
A sore throat, sneezing, a cough |
a virus |
I’ve got flu (more serious than a cold) |
symptoms for a cold + aching muscles and a temperature, e.g. 39.5 |
a virus |
I’ve got hay fever (allergy) |
sneezing, runny nose, sore eyes |
pollen, dust |
I’ve got diarrhoea. |
I keep going to the toilet. |
food, or a virus |
I feel sick. |
I want to vomit (= be sick, to throw up) |
food, alcohol |
I’ve got a hangover. |
headache, feeling sick |
too much alcohol |
Note: For these illnesses, you can either buy something from the chemist, or go to your doctor, who may give you a prescription.
Aches and pains.
Nouns: We only use ache with the following: I’ve got a headache, a stomach ache, a backache, an earache and a toothache. For other parts of the body we use pain. I woke up in the night with a terrible pain in the chest.
Verbs: You can use ache for some things, e.g. it aches, but hurt is more common to describe real pain, and it can be used with or without a direct object:
She hurt her foot when she jumped off the bus and fell over. (also injured here) or
She hurt herself when she jumped off the bus and fell over.
I hit my leg against the table and it really hurts.(=gives me a terrible pain)
Adjectives: The only common adjective is painful (≠painless)
I had an injection yesterday and it was painful.
A: Did it hurt when you had your filling? (=when the dentist fills a hole/cavity in the tooth)
B: No, it was painless.
Serious illnesses
Doctors believe smoking is the major cause of lung cancer.
He had a heart attack and died almost immediately.
Hepatitis is a liver disease.
Asthma (chest illness causing breathing problems) has become more common.
Note: illness and disease are often used in the same way, but disease is used for a serious condition caused by an infection e.g. a liver disease. Illness is a more general word.
Exersise. 15. Write down the main symptom or symptoms for these conditions.
1 a cold: ………………………………………………………………..
2 flu:……………………………………………………………………
3 hay fever:…………………………………………………………….
4 a hangover:…………………………………………………………..
5 diarrhoea:…………………………………………………………….
6 asthma:………………………………………………………………..
Exersise 16. Fill the gaps with a suitable word.
1 I hit my hand on the desk and it really ……………. .
2 They say she died of a heart …………….. .
3 She had some apples that weren’t ready to eat and now she’s got stomach………. .
4 I’ve got this terrible …………. in my neck from sleeping in the wrong position.
5 He died of ………. cancer even though he never smoked a cigarette in his life.
6 I went to the doctor, and she gave me a ………….. for some tablets.
7 Pollution makes her ………… worse and it’s difficult for her to breathe.
8 There are different forms of hepatitis; one is a more serious ………. than the other.
9 I hurt …………… when I fell off that chair.
10 My back ………… from sitting at that computer all day.
Exersise 17. Answer the questions
1. Have you had any illnesses recently?
2. Have you had any pains and aches recently?
3. Make a list of the ones you have had.
4. Are there any other illnesses you have had or still have? If so, find the name for it/them in English.
Common injuries.
An injury is damage to part of your body, usually caused by an accident in the home, on the roads, or during a game, e.g. football
What’s the problem? |
How did it happen? |
Result |
I cut (v, n,) my finger |
using a knife |
it’s bleeding a lot |
I cut my leg quite badly |
I fell over |
it’s bleeding quite a lot |
I twisted my ankle |
running for a bus |
I can’t walk on it |
I broke my arm |
I fell off my bike |
I can’t use it |
I’ve got concussion |
playing football |
I’m confused; don’t know where I am |
I burnt my hand |
taking something out of a hot oven |
it’s very painful |
I’ve got a bruise (n,v) on my arm |
I hit it on the side of my desk |
it’s swollen and blue/black in colour |
Hospital treatment
Look carefully at the key words in these texts.
John fell off a chair, hit his head on the floor, and knocked himself unconscious. His wife called an ambulance but John was still unconscious when it arrived. He was rushed to hospital (=taken very quickly) where they kept him for two days for blood tests.
I jumped for the ball and collided with another player(=we ran into/hit each other). We both had cuts on our heads, but I had to go to hospital for eight stitches.
Wounds and injuries
Wound (n, v) and injuries are both used to describe damage to the body, but a wound is generally caused by a weapon (e.g. gun or knife) and it is usually intentional.
He shot the man in the chest. (=a bullet wound in the chest from a gun)
He stabbed the boy in the back. (=a knife wound in the back)
He got into the fight and got beaten up. He had a black eye and two broken ribs.
Exersise 18. Complete the table with the correct verb forms.
Noun |
Verb |
Noun |
Verb |
cut |
blood |
wound |
bandage |
injury |
bruise |
shot |
treatment |
Exersise 19. Complete these conversations in a suitable way.
1. A: ……. bleeding quite a bit, so I had to put a plaster on it before I could finish.
B: How did you do it, anyway?
A: Oh, I was ……. .
2. A: ……. . The next day the eye was really swollen and he had bruises down
both his arms.
B: My goodness. What did he tell his parents?
A: More or less the truth. He said he fell over while jumping off the bus.
3. A: ……. tried to get up again but I couldn’t move. It was incredibly painful, but fortunately there were a few pedestrians around to help me.
B: That’s lucky. But what were you doing?
A: ……. .
4. A: …… my face was cut and he had a terrible bruise on his head.
B: Sounds very unpleasant. How did it happen exactly?
A: ……. a fight.
Exersise 20. Answer these questions about yourself. Ask your partner the same questions.
1 Have you ever broken your arm or leg?
2 Have you ever needed stitches?
3 Have you ever had concussion?
4 Have you ever been unconscious?
5 Have you ever had a blood test?
6 Have you ever been in an ambulance?
Doctor: Good morning, Mr. Baker. What’s the trouble? You certainly don’t look as if there is anything wrong with you.
James: I haven’t been feeling very well for some time. I’ve lost my appetite and I don’t sleep very well. I have rather a bad cough that I can’t get rid of, and a pain in my chest, sometimes, when I breathe.
Doctor: I see. Very well. You’d better have a thorough examination. Let me see your tongue… Yes, your stomach is a little out of order… Now your pulse… Yes, that’s all right. Now just unbutton your coat and shirt and I’ll listen to your heart and chest. Say “Ninety-nine”.
James: Ninety-nine.
Doctor: Again.
James: Ninety-nine, ninety-nine.
Doctor: Do you smoke a lot?
James: Well, rather a lot, I’m afraid; twenty or thirty cigarettes a day.
Doctor: H’m. You ought to cut that down for a time. Let me see your throat. Say “Ah!”
James: Ah! Ah!
Doctor: All right, that will do. You can put your coat on again now. Have you been losing weight?
James: No, I don’t lose or gain, at least never more than a pound or so one way or another.
Doctor: Well, there’s nothing serious the matter with you, but you are rather run down. You’ve been working too hard and you need a real rest. I’ll give you a bottle of medicine that will help. Take a tablespoonful in water three times a day after meals. Eat plenty of plain good food, have no cigarettes and drink plenty of milk, at least a pint a day, and not much coffee; get plenty of fresh air and plenty of sleep, but, above all, don’t try to do too much. A real change of air and surroundings would be very helpful if you could manage it.
James: As a matter of fact, I’ve been invited to go and stay with some friends in their cottage in Cornwall.
Doctor: That’s just the thing. But remember, take it easy. Not too much swimming or tennis, at least for a week or two, but a good walk by the sea or along the cliffs every day would do you a world of good. I’ll see you again when you come back, just to make sure you’re all right. Don’t worry about yourself. If that holiday in Cornwall doesn’t work wonders I’ll be very much surprised. Another month and you’ll be quite fit. Good luck.
Exersise 21. Answer the questions.
1. What did James complain of?
2. What were the results of the doctor’s examination?
3. Was James’s illness serious?
4. What were the doctor’s recommendations?
5. Was James going to follow them?
Exersise 22. Pair work. Speak on one of the topics.
1) A visit to the doctor’s.
2) Taking a child to the doctor’s.
Some people are so afraid of being told that they have cancer that they avoid going to the doctor for a diagnosis. My aunt Josie is such a person.
She had severe pains in her belly for three weeks. During that time she also lost all her energy. Then, one day, she fainted. When her husband found her unconscious, he rushed her to the hospital. When the doctor examined Aunt Josie, he had a surprising but happy diagnosis for her: instead of the cancer that she had been so afraid of, Aunt Josie had a simple stomach infection. He promised her that with the medicine he gave her, she would recover within one week, and she did.
After her recovery, the family made Aunt Josie promise that she would never again be crazy enough to delay consulting a doctor for so long.
Exersise 23. Answer the following questions.
1. What diagnosis was Aunt Josie afraid of?
2. How did she know that she was sick? (Two reasons)
3. Why did Aunt Josie’s husband take her to hospital?
4. What was actually wrong with her?
5. How long did her recovery take?
6. What behaviour did her family think was crazy?
Exersise 25. Read the dialogue, look up all the words you don’t know in the dictionary.
Wayne fell off his bicycle. He’s in the casualty department at the local hospital. Dr. Singh is examining him.
Doctor: Hello, Wayne, isn’t it? You’ve had a bit of a fall. What were you doing? Going too fast?
Wayne: Yes, doctor. I fell off going round a corner.
Doctor: You’d better get undressed then, and we’ll take a look at you. Mm. That’s a nasty cut. I’ll have to put a couple of stitches on that.
Wayne: I’ve got a cut here too, doctor.
Doctor: It looks worse than it is. It’s only a graze. The nurse will clean it up for you. It’ll sting, but that’s all. Now, does it hurt anywhere else?
Wayne: I’ve got a pain in my arm. It’s very sore, and it feels stiff.
Doctor: Well, there’s nothing broken, but you’ve bruised your shoulder. It’ll be sore for a few days. Now, did you bang your head at all?
Wayne: Yes, I did. I fell onto the bike. But it doesn’t hurt now.
Doctor: Did you feel dizzy?
Wayne: No, not at all.
Doctor: Look up there, I’m just going to shine this light in your eye. No, that’s fine. I’ll just do the stitches, and the nurse will put a dressing on it. Then you can go home.
Exersise 26. Answer the questions.
1. Why did Wayne have to come to the doctor?
2. How did the doctor help him?
3. What do you think he told his mother when he returned home?
4. Has anything like that happened to you?
Exersise 27. Read the text
Bleeding can usually be stopped by applying pressure to the cut for 2 or 3 minutes. The cut can then be carefully inspected. If it has bled freely any germs will normally have been washed away by the blood.
Apply a plaster dressing firmly, bringing the edges of the cut together so that it knits quickly. Keep dry for 1 to 2 days.
If the cut is deep and the edges cannot be pulled together with a dressing consult the doctor or the practice nurse. A tetanus injection may be needed.
Dirt will often enter a graze caused by falling on a hard or rough surface. It must be cleaned out carefully with an antiseptic solution.
After cleaning, leave the graze uncovered. Exposure to the air will cause a scab to form. This will gradually dry and fall off.
It is not a good idea to apply a dressing. This may stick to the graze or make it soggy and infected.
Bruises are very common in children. They normally get better in 7 to 10 days. Parents sometimes worry that a bone may be broken. Children's bones are rubbery and rarely break, but if in doubt consult the doctor.
If a child gets up at once after a fall and moves about normally, it is unlikely that a bone has been broken. But the child may be stiff the next day because of the bruising which has occurred.
Severe bruising can be treated by:
Rest for 24 to 48 hours. In the case of a badly bruised leg, the limb should be raised. Lying in bed is the easiest way to do this.
A cold compress may ease a bad bruise if applied at once. This is made by soaking some material in water and applying it to the bruise.
Bruises on the head may cause anxiety. If the patient was not "knocked out" and can remember the accident it is unlikely that serious injury has resulted.
But if the patient was knocked unconscious and cannot remember what happened, he or she should be taken to a hospital casualty department.
Insect bites
These are common in the summer. They look like spots about ¼" across. They are very itchy and usually appear on exposed parts, e.g. arms and legs.
The itching can be relieved by calamine lotion.
Burns and scalds
Minor burns and scalds cause redness of the skin. Immediate treatment by pouring cold water over a burn is often helpful. If burns cause severe blistering or break the skin, the doctor should be consulted.
Sunburn should, if possible, be prevented by avoiding long exposure and covering exposed areas adequately. It may be treated by calamine lotion and soluble aspirin to relieve the pain.
(from a health education booklet)
Exersise 28. Mark the correct answer:
1. The purpose of the booklet is
a. to tell us what to do until a doctor arrives.
b. to explain what causes minor illnesses.
с. to show that it is unnecessary to call a doctor.
d. to help us to treat minor illnesses at home.
2. The one injury which we are told not to cover is
a. a bruise. с. a graze.
b. sunburn. d. an insect bite.
3. When treating a minor cut, we are first told to
a. clean out the wound. с. wash the blood away.
b. press down on the wound d. close up the wound.
Exersise. 29. Read the text.
One way to stay healthy is to eat healthy food, exercise, and watch your weight. But these days many people are overweight; they are too heavy. In fact, up to 70% of Americans are overweight. So a lot of people want to lose weight.
One way that people try to lose weight is by going on a diet. When you go on a diet, you eat fewer calories. You can eat less food or eat food that is low in calories. Another way to lose weight is to exercise more. Some people also try using weight-loss remedies. Weight-loss remedies are diet pills or drinks that people use to lose weight. Some people even go to a doctor who can do surgery to take fat off their bodies.
Exersise 30. Answer the questions.
1. What do you think is the best way to solve the problem of overweight (going on a diet, more exercise, using weight-loss remedies, having surgery) and why?
2. Consider the problem from different points of view:
health (is it healthy?),
convenience (is it easy?),
cost (is it inexpensive?),
effectiveness (does it work?),
speed (is it fast?).
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages?
4. Discuss it with other students.
Буква |
Звук |
В каких случаях |
Примеры |
Исключения |
A,a |
[eI] |
в открытом слоге |
place, take, make, same, state |
have [ x ] many [ e ] |
в сочетаниях ay, ai |
pay, way, play, day, main |
said [ e ] |
[x] |
в закрытом слоге |
that, lamp |
[R] |
перед r + согласная, s + согласная |
park, garden, fast, task |
mass [ x ] |
[Fq] |
перед r + гласная |
various, care |
are [ R ] |
[O] |
после w, qu в закрытом слоге |
was |
[L] |
после w, qu в закрытом слоге перед r |
war, quarter |
перед l + согласная |
call, wall, also, fall, ball |
в сочетаниях с u |
autumn |
пред w |
law, saw |
E,e |
[ J ] |
в открытом слоге |
be, Pete |
в сочетаниях ee, ea |
steel, street, see, sea, mean |
[ e ] |
в закрытом слоге |
belt, set |
English [ I ] |
в сочетаниях ea + d |
already, head, bread |
[W] |
В сочетаниях er, ear + согласная |
her, term, heard |
[Iq] |
В сочетаниях ee + r, ea + r |
pioneer, hear, appear |
[jH] |
Перед w |
knew, newspaper, few |
[H] |
Перед w с пред шествующим r
grew, drew |
I,i |
[aI] |
В открытом слоге |
five, pine |
give [ I ] live |
Перед nd, ld, gh |
kind, mild, light |
[ I ] |
В закрытом слоге
did |
[ J ] |
В сочетании ie с последующей согласной |
field |
friend [ e] |
[W] |
Перед r или r + согласная |
sir, first |
[aIq] |
Перед r + гласная |
fire, tired |
O, o |
[qV] |
В открытом слоге |
note, go |
done [A] come |
Перед сочетанием ld |
old, cold |
В сочетаниях oa и ow |
road, low |
[W] |
В сочетании or после w |
word, world |
[O ] |
В закрытом слоге |
stop, not |
[ L] |
Перед r |
port, short |
[H] |
В сочетании oo |
food, too |
book [ u ] look |
[au] |
В сочетаниях ou, ow |
compound, town, down |
[OI] |
В сочетаниях oi, oy |
oil, enjoy |
auq |
В сочетании ow перед er |
power |
[uq] |
В сочетании oo + r |
poor |
[L] floor |
U, u |
[jH] |
В открытом слоге |
tube, produce, music |
[A] |
В закрытом слоге |
cut, cup, bus |
put push [u] pull full |
[H] |
В открытом слоге после l, r, j |
lunar, rule, June
[W] |
Перед r + согласная |
burn, turn |
juq |
Перед r + гласная |
pure, cure |
Y, y |
[aI] |
В открытом слоге |
type, try |
[ I ] |
В закрытом слоге и в конце многосложных слов |
symbol, family |
[ j ] |
В начале слова и перед гласной |
yet, year, beyond |
C, c |
[ s ] |
Перед i, e, y |
capacity, practice, cell, bicycle
[ k ] |
Перед всеми остальными гласными и согласными |
come, exact, direction |
[ C ] |
В сочетаниях ch, tch |
charge, watch |
chemistry [k] technique [ k] machine [ S ] |
[ S ] |
Перед сочетаниями ial, ient |
special, efficient |
S, s |
[ s ] |
В начале слов, в середине слов перед глухими согласными, в конце слов после глухих согласных |
send, salt, say, system, facts, books |
[ z ] |
После гласных, между гласными, после звонких согласных |
as, position, days, supplies, beds |
[ S ] |
В сочетаниях sh, ssion, ssure |
shop, transmission pressure |
[ Z ] |
Перед ure |
measure, treasure |
T, t |
[ D ] |
В сочетании th: 1) в начале служебных слов, 2) между гласными |
the, then, mother |
[ T ] |
В сочетании th в начале и в конце знаменательных слов |
thin, thick, seventh |
P, p |
[ f ] |
В сочетании ph |
philosophy, photo |
G, g |
[G] |
Перед e, i, y |
age, engineer, gymnastics |
[ g ] |
Перед, согласными, перед гласными, кроме e, i, y, в конце слов |
great, go, big, dog |
[ N ] |
В сочетании ng
bring, wrong, strong |
«Немая» буква |
В каких буквосочетаниях |
Примеры |
B G H Gh K L
w |
Bt Gn Whe, whi Ign Kn Ould Alk Who wr |
Doubt Design, sing When, while Height, weight, fight Knowledge, knife Should, could, would Walk Whose, whole Write, wrong |
Наречия места и направления: here — здесь, тут there — там somewhere — где-то, где-нибудь anywhere — везде, повсюду, где-нибудь nowhere — нигде inside — внутри outside — снаружи . down — внизу back — сзади, назад away — вдали, вон, прочь downward — вниз upward — вверх
Наречия времени: now — сейчас, теперь before — до, перед, прежде ever — когда-либо never — никогда always — всегда often — часто usually — обычно seldom — редко still — все-еще already — уже just — только-что, только yet — еще, уже sometimes — иногда today — сегодня tomorrow — завтра yesterday — вчера recently — недавно lately — в последнее время commonly — обычно
Наречия образа действия: slowly — медленно quickly — быстро easily — легко calmly — спокойно brightly — ярко hardly — с трудом, едва
Наречия меры и степени: much — много, сильно little — немного, мало enough — достаточно too — слишком almost — уже, почти very — очень
Present |
Past |
Future |
Simple (простое время)
1) констатация факта 2) выражение обычного повторяющегося действия |
1) констатация фактов в прошлом 2) последовательность действий в прошлом |
1) выражение действия, которое совершиться или будет совершаться в будущем |
Every day, usually, often, always, seldom… |
yesterday, last time, last year, a week ago… |
Tomorrow, next time, next year, in a week, in a moment… |
Active |
Passive |
Active |
Passive |
Active |
Passive |
I ask you ask we ask they ask he asks she asks It asks |
I am asked you are asked we are asked they are asked he is asked she is asked It is asked |
I asked you asked we asked they asked he asked she asked It asked |
I was asked you were asked we were asked they were asked he was asked she was asked It was asked |
I shall ask we shall ask you will ask they will ask he will ask she will ask It will ask |
I shall be asked we shall be asked you will be asked they will be asked he will be asked she will be asked It will be asked |
V, V-s (3 лицо ед.ч.) |
to be + V-ed (V3) |
V-ed, V2 |
to be + V-ed (V3) |
shall/will + V |
shall/will + V-ed (V3) |
Continuous (длительное время) |
выражает длительное действие, совершающееся 1) в момент речи 2) в настоящий период времени |
1) выражение конкретного процесса, протекающего в определенный момент в прошлом 2) выражение процесса, протекавшего в момент, когда произошло какое-либо другое действие (выражается глаголом в Past Simple) |
1) выражает действие, которое совершается в определенный отрезок времени в будущем |
Now, at this moment, at this present moment… |
At the moment, at 6 o’clock, then, at the time yesterday, when he came… |
At 6 o’clock, at that time, then, tomorrow at this time, this time next Monday… |
Active |
Passive |
Active |
Passive |
Active |
Passive |
I am asking you are asking we are asking they are asking he is asking she is asking It is asking |
I am being asked you are being asked we are being asked they are being asked he is being asked she is being asked It is being asked |
I was asking you were asking we were asking they were asking he was asking she was asking It was asking
I was being asked you were being asked we were being asked they were being asked he was being asked she was being asked It was being asked
I shall be asking we shall be asking you will be asking they will be asking he will be asking she will be asking It will be asking |
to be + V-ing
to be + V-ed(V3) |
to be + V-ing |
to be being + V-ed(V3) |
shall/will be + V-ing |
Present |
Past |
Future |
Perfect (совершенное время)
1) выражение действия, законченного к настоящему моменту и связанного с этим моментом |
1) выражение действия, законченного к определенному моменту в прошлом |
1) выражение действия, которое будет закончено к определенному моменту в будущем 2) будущего действия, которое совершиться ранее другого будущего времени 3) |
Already, never, yet recently, since (then), just, seldom, often… |
By 4 o’clock, by the end of…,when (before) he came… |
As soon as he comes… ,by 4 o’clock, by the end of…,when (before) he came… |
Active |
Passive |
Active |
Passive |
Active |
Passive |
I have asked you have asked we have asked they have asked he has asked she has asked It has asked |
I have been asked you have been asked we have been asked they have been asked he has been asked she has been asked It has been asked |
I had asked you had asked we had asked they had asked he had asked she had asked It had asked
I had been asked you had been asked we had been asked they had been asked he had been asked she had been asked It had been asked |
I shall have asked we shall have asked you will have asked they will have asked he will have asked she will have asked It will have asked |
I shall have been asked we shall have been asked you will have been asked they will have been asked he will have been asked she will have been asked It will have been asked
have + V-ed (V3)
have been + V-ed (V3) |
had + V-ed (V3) |
have been + V-ed (V3) |
shall/will have + V-ed (V3) |
shall/will have been + V-ed (V3) |
Perfect Continuoous (завершено-продолженное время) |
1) выражение длительного действия, начавшегося в определенный момент в прошлом и продолжающегося в настоящее время |
1) выражение действия, начавшегося в определенный момент в прошлом, продолжающегося в течение определенного периода до начала другого действия, выраженного глаголом в Past Simple |
Истекает период какого-либо действия, длившегося долгое время |
Active |
Passive |
Active |
Passive |
Active |
Passive |
I have been asking you have been asking we have been asking they have been asking he has been asking she has been asking It has been asking |
используются формы Perfect
I had been asking you had been asking we had been asking they had been asking he had been asking she had been asking It had been asking |
используются формы Perfect
I shall have been asking we shall have been asking you will have been asking they will have been asking he will have been asking she will have been asking It will have been asking |
используются формы Perfect
to have been + V-ing |
to had been + V-ing |
to shall/will have been + V-ing |
Present |
Past |
Future |
1 форма |
2 форма |
3 форма |
4 форма |
Перевод |
to be |
was/were |
been |
being |
быть, находиться |
to bear |
bore |
born |
bearing |
нести |
to beat |
beat |
beaten |
beating |
бить |
to begin |
began |
begun |
beginning |
начинать(ся) |
to bend |
bent |
bent |
bending |
гнуть |
to bind |
bound |
bound |
binding |
переплетать |
to bite |
bit |
bitten/bit |
biting |
кусать |
to blow |
blew |
blown |
blowing |
Дуть |
to break |
broke |
broken |
breaking |
ломать |
to bring |
brought |
brought |
bringing |
приносить |
to build |
built |
built |
building |
строить |
to buy |
bought |
bought |
buying |
покупать |
to catch |
caught |
caught |
catching |
ловить |
to choose |
chosa. |
chosen |
choosing |
выбирать |
to cut |
cut |
cut |
cutting |
резать, рубить |
to dive |
dived/dove |
dived |
diving |
нырять |
to do |
did |
done |
doing |
делать |
to draw |
drew |
drawn |
drawing |
рисовать, тащить |
to drink |
drank |
drunk |
drinking |
пить |
to drive |
drove |
driven |
driving |
вести |
to eat |
ate |
eaten |
eating |
есть, кушать |
to fall |
fell |
fallen |
falling |
падать |
to feel |
felt |
felt |
feeling |
чувствовать |
to feed |
fed |
fed |
feeding |
кормить |
to fight |
fought |
fought |
fighting |
бороться, драться |
to fly |
flew |
flown |
flying |
летать |
to forbid |
forbade |
forbidden |
forbidding |
запрещать |
to forget |
forgot |
forgotten |
forgetting |
забывать |
to forgive |
forgave |
forgiven |
forgiving |
прощать |
to freeze |
froze |
frozen |
freezing |
замораживать |
to get |
got |
got |
getting |
получать, становиться |
to give |
gave |
given |
giving |
давать |
to go |
went |
gone |
going' |
идти, ехать |
to grow |
grew |
grown |
growing |
расти, выращивать |
to hang |
hung |
hung |
hanging |
висеть, вешать |
to have |
had |
had |
having |
иметь |
to hear |
heard |
heard |
hearing |
слышать |
to hit |
hit |
hit |
hitting |
ударять |
to hold |
held |
held |
holding |
держать |
to hurt |
hurt |
hurt |
hurting |
повредить |
to know |
knew |
known |
knowing |
знать |
to lay |
laid |
laid |
laying |
накрывать |
to lead |
lead |
lead |
leading |
вести |
to leap |
leapt/leaped |
leapt/leaped |
leaping |
прыгать, скакать |
to leave |
left |
left |
leaving |
покидать, оставлять |
to lend |
lent |
lent |
lending |
давать взаймы |
to let |
let |
let |
letting |
позволять |
to lie |
lay |
lain |
lying |
лежать |
to light |
lit |
lit |
lighting |
зажигать |
to lose |
lost |
lost |
losing |
терять |
to make |
made |
made |
making |
делать |
to meet |
met |
met |
meeting |
встречать (ся) |
to pay |
paid |
paid |
paying |
платить |
to put |
put |
put |
putting |
класть, ставить |
to read |
read |
read |
reading |
читать |
to ride |
rode |
ridden |
riding |
ехать (верхом) |
to ring |
rang |
rung |
ringing |
звонить, звенеть |
to rise |
rose |
risen |
rising |
поднимать |
to run |
ran |
run |
running |
бежать |
to say |
said |
said |
saying |
говорить, сказать |
to see |
saw |
seen |
seeing |
видеть |
to sell |
sold |
sold |
selling |
продавать |
to send |
sent |
sent |
sending |
посьиать, отправлять |
to shake |
shook |
shaken |
shaking |
трясти |
to shine |
shone |
shone |
shining |
светить, сиять |
to shoot |
shot |
shot |
shooting |
стрелять, снимать |
to show |
showed |
shown |
showing |
показывать |
to sing |
sang . |
sung |
singing |
петь |
to sink |
sank |
sunk |
sinking |
тонуть |
to sit |
sat |
sat |
sitting |
сидеть |
to sleep |
slept |
slept |
sleeping |
спать |
to speak |
spoke |
spoken |
speaking |
говорить, разговаривать |
to spend |
spent |
spent |
spending |
тратить, проводить время |
to stand |
stood |
stood |
standing |
стоять |
to steal ' |
stole |
stolen |
stealing |
воровать, украсть |
to stick |
stuck |
stuck |
sticking |
прилипать |
to strike |
struck |
struck |
striking |
бить, ударять |
to swear |
swore |
sworn |
swearing |
клясться |
to sweep |
swept |
swept |
sweeping |
мести, подметать |
to swim |
swam |
swum |
swimming |
плавать |
to take |
took |
taken |
taking |
взять, брать |
to teach |
taught |
taught |
teaching |
учить, обучать |
to tear |
tore |
torn |
tearing |
рвать |
to tell |
told |
told |
telling |
сказать, сообщать |
to think |
thought |
thought |
thinking |
думать |
to throw |
threw |
thrown |
throwing |
бросать, кидать |
to wake |
woke |
woken |
waking |
будить, просыпаться |
to wear |
wore |
wakened |
wearing |
носить |
to weep |
wept |
wept |
weeping |
плакать |
to win |
won |
won |
winning |
побеждать, выигрывать |
to write |
wrote |
written |
writing |
писать |
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