Средняя общеобразовательная школа № 1 С. АКСАЙ
Проект на тему:
Уч-ся 9 класса
Гамзаева М.
Убайдуллаев Ш.
Учитель английского языка
Аджаматова Джамиля Ахмедовна
2015/ 2016 уч.год
Цели и задачи проекта:
Цель проекта:
- определить наличие проблемы интернет- зависимости среди подростков.
Задачи проекта:
1. более подробно изучить термин «интернет» и историю его образования;
2. исследовать проблемы современного общества, интернет- зависимости.
3.Провести социальный опрос среди учеников нашей школы.
4.рассмотреть варианты решения данной проблемы.
Введение ………………………………………………………………………. 4
1. Что такое интернет ……………………………………… 5
2. История возникновения интернета …………… 6
3. Что такое интернет- зависимость 7
4. Влияние интернет- зависимости на здоровье подростков 10
5. Результаты социального опроса ………………………………………. 11
6. Как побороть зависимость …………………………………………....... 14
7. Заключение ……………………………………………………………... 15
Скоро останутся лишь две группы людей:
те, кто контролирует компьютеры,
и те, кого контролируют компьютеры.
Постарайтесь попасть в первую.
Льюис Д. Эйген
(американский специалист по менеджменту)
it safe for PC health? Nowadays it is very difficult to imagine life without a
computer. Computers are used wherever possible: the enterprises in the service
sector and home. Is it safe for PC health?
Our generation worries a lot of questions. What makes the youth to go from an
active lifestyle and spend hours on the Internet? Why Internet addiction is
manifested in a kind of escape from reality? In my work I tried to identify the
problem of Internet addiction among the students of our school, based on
sociological studies.
About Internet addiction first appeared in the West in the mid-nineties of the
last century. Internet addiction understand the visceral attraction to being in
the world of the Internet, characterized by an obsessive desire to connect to,
and then not to leave her.
The first signs of Internet addiction are many hours of ”chatting” in chat
rooms, ICQ, forums, Odnoklassniki and Contacts, online gambling games and
endless ”studying” all possible ”informative” Internet sites.
According to experts, Internet addiction affect approximately 5-10% of Internet
users. Given that the age of the vast majority of users is between 10 and 35
years, the problem of Internet addiction is on a par with other social problems
of youth.
I chose this topic because this issue is now more relevant among adolescents.
Any kind of dependence in children appear very quickly, including dependence on
television, Internet and computer games.
All we have in our lives from something or from someone specific. Since I live
in the society of their own kind every day and support the vital functions of
all sorts of "external" products, the emotions, the senses. What is
the normal supply of all sorts of necessary and useful things — such as
relationships with people, food, drink, Internet, differs from the pathology of
In my work I try to find answers to questions.
What is the Internet?
- The Internet is a global system of
interconnected computer networks, based on IP Protocol and routing of data
- The Internet is the greatest discovery of the
20th century. This is a mechanism capable various
functions and operations
In 1957, after the Soviet Union launch the
first artificial Earth satellite, the U.S. defense Department decided that in
case of war America needs a reliable system of information transmission. Agency
for defense advanced research projects USA (DARPA) proposed to develop for this
computer network. The development of such a network was entrusted to the
University of California at Los Angeles, Stanford research center, University
of Utah t and universities of California in Santa Barbara. Computer network
was named ARPANET and in 1969 in the framework of the project the network has
United four specified scientific institutions. The first server ARPANET was
installed September 2, 1969 at the University of California (Los Angeles). PC
DP-516 had 24 KB of RAM.
In 1990, the
network ARPANET ceased to exist, completely losing the competition. In the same
year was recorded the first connection to the Internet via the telephone line .
In 1991 the world
wide web became publicly available on the Internet. The world wide web gained
popularity .
1997, on the Internet there were about 10 million computers and more than 1
million names. The Internet has become a very popular means to exchange
Currently to
connect to the Internet through communication satellites, radio channels, cable
TV, phone, cellular, special fiber-optic lines or electrical wires. World
network has become an integral part of life in developed and developing
Within five years
the Internet has reached an audience of over 50 million users. Other means of communication
require much more time to achieve such popularity.
What is Internet addiction?
The Internet in the
United States and Western Europe developed much more than in Russia, the
experience of these countries can be indicative. Currently intensively
discussed and studied the phenomenon of "Internet addiction", or
Internet addiction.
The word
"addiction" means a compulsive need felt by a person and motivating
him to certain activities; non-chemical addiction is addiction, where addiction
becomes a behavioral pattern and not the substance; psychological dependence.
Internet addiction
— a mental disorder: obsessive desire to connect to the Internet and painful
inability to timely disconnect from it.
Gambling —
proposed form of psychological dependence, which is manifested in the obsessive
passion for computer games or gambling.
Internet addiction
is manifested in the fact that people are so prefer life on the Internet that actually
begin to abandon their "real" lives, spending up to 18 hours a day in
virtual reality. Another definition of Internet addiction is "a compulsive
desire to access the Internet while off-line, and the inability to get out of
the Internet, being an on-line".
Discussion of this
phenomenon began not so long ago: in 1994, a Leading specialist in the study to
entering addiction Kimberly Уoung developed and placed on the web site of a
special questionnaire and soon received nearly 500 responses, the authors of
which 400 were found, according to the chosen criterion, the Internet-dependent
people. In 1997-1999 were established research and consultative
psychotherapeutic web service on the issue of IAD. In 1998-1999, he published
the first monograph on this issue (K. Yang, D. Greenfield, K. Surratt).
Kimberly Young leads 4
symptoms of Internet addiction:
1. The compulsive
desire to check your e-mail.
2. The constant
waiting for the next Internet.
3. Complaints
surrounding the fact that people spend too much time on the Internet.
4. Complaints
around that the person spends too much money on the Internet.
The researchers
note that most Internet-dependent (91 %) uses the services of the Internet,
related to communication. Another part of the draw dependent information
services network.
to various studies, online addiction today are about 10% of users. But the
question is: what is the difference between communicating in person
communicating on the Internet? If the teenager is cut in toys with friends, and
then goes to play with them in basketball is quite healthy person. So the basis
of Internet addiction almost always lies loneliness, a lack of other options of
It is noted that
if the formation of traditional types of addiction takes years for Internet
addiction this term is sharply reduced: according to K. young, 25% of dependent
acquired dependence in the six months after the start of work on the Internet,
58% -during the second half of the year, and 17 per cent soon after one year.
Dependence, as a rule, relatives and friends notice changes in his behavior,
the order of the day.
According to
research psychologists, most often Internet-dependent spend time in chat rooms,
forums and blogs (37%), play online games (28%), participate in teleconferences
(15%), checking emails (13%). And a very small percentage of people use the
Network to obtain the necessary information and news.
The most part of
Internet addicts "sits" in the Network for communication. Internet
addiction is becoming possible due to the differences of real communication
from the virtual. The dominant factor, whereby the phenomenon is widespread, is
the anonymity of the Network.
The Internet is a
great way to overcome shyness and to feel more at ease, to say what they think,
and to get feedback, to drain the accumulated negative day and to obscure the
contradictions in life. With impunity. It's kind of a fantastic springboard for
any of the most daring romantic adventure, flights of imagination and virtual
love and friendship.
impact of Internet addiction on teens health
When working on a
computer people a long time to be without movement. This mode of computer use
causes irreparable harm to human health and the health of the child.
The spine and
bones of an adult has already developed a certain normal posture, while the
child's body is still quite flexible and is just beginning to develop the
So the computer
has a negative impact not only on the health of the musculoskeletal and
cardiovascular systems, but also on the visual system of a person, especially a
Computer games can
cause physical and psychological harm. Physical — sleep disturbance and eating
habits, blurred vision. Psychological detachment from real life. When the time
spent in isolation from real life, exceeds 10% of the time is dangerous.
In childhood
gambling addiction usually develops in relation to computer games. This is such
a useful and necessary thing, as a computer, is fraught with another danger —
the dependence on him.
Experts in the field of
Internet addiction emphasize the passion for communicating on-line with friends
over the network. It is dangerous because it can lead to a desire to replace
real life, family, friends virtual life that meets almost any criteria. Mental
symptoms: a feeling of delight at the contact with the computer or even when
waiting, "anticipation" contact; lack of control over the time of
interaction with the computer; a desire to increase the interaction time with
the computer ("dose"); the emergence of a sense of irritation, or of
oppression, of emptiness, of depression in the absence of contact with the
computer; use of computer to relieve internal stress, anxiety, depression;
emotional instability; obsessive desire to constantly check e-mail, low
self-esteem, etc
The results of the social survey.
Among pupils of 5-11 classes, I conducted a survey to
determine the dependence of the students of our school from the Internet on the
following issues:
How much time per day do You spend visiting
web sites?
a) up To 2H.
b) From 2 p.m. Till 4 a.m.
c) More than 4 hours.
2. What website do You visit most often?
a) Classmates
b) V kontakte
c) Mail
d) Online games
e) Your variant
3. For what purpose You are on the site?
a) Communication
b) Dating
c) Game
d) information Search
e) Your variant
4. How long can You not go to the site?
a) No more than 1 day
b) From 2 days to 7 days
c) More than 7 days
5. Do You consider yourself addicted to the
a) Yes
b) No
c) Difficult to answer
In the result of conducted research the
following results were obtained :
Results speak about, that our students very often to go the Internet , but they aren’t Internet – addiction.
How to overcome
Here are some simple recommendations:
You must first
admit that to yourself.
We need to limit
the amount of time spent at the computer without a break. It is recommended to
do a short break every 30 minutes. Ideal "detente" between computer
classes can be physically active, not requiring exertion of vision - a walk, a
game of ball in the air or trip to the store.
Some experts
suggest eye exercises to help avoid problems associated with computer use. It
can be simple exercises such as, for example, tracking of objects moving in the
visual field, or focus the view on distant objects. Alternating computer work
with other activities useful by the fact that the latter often include visual
motion, which are good exercises for the eyes.
It is also planned
to create a network of centers which will provide assistance to all who wish to
overcome addiction to computer games. Since official statistics on gambling in
Russia created units will conduct and statistical research
During the
study we came to this conclusion:
1.1 Internet
addiction leads to distorted perceptions of the self and the distorted
perception of objective reality;
1.2 if you
experience Internet addiction is worse, the child begins to recognize the real
human emotions;
1.3 under the influence
of the Internet is lowering of morality .
1.4 gambling
addiction can make a student more aggressive, leaving a mark on relationships
with family, classmates and friends.
Research in our work force to reflect, because of what we do in our free time, depends on our future position in society. The problem of Internet addiction among students is relevant in the present time. We, teenagers, in collaboration with the Internet are in great danger, as are a vulnerable audience as less than adult, able to filter the flood of information that hits us from the Internet. Education of computer culture, self-education of users - that is the antidote to Internet addiction.
The easiest and most affordable way to solve
addiction is the acquisition of another addiction.
The love of a healthy lifestyle,
communication with living nature,
creative crafts Hobbies, such as drawing,
usually take a person out of addiction.
Материал для дополнительного видео- ролика.
Internet addiction boy Sasha Fockin.
Modern kids from the cradle know what computer, but to the year already wielded the mouse and click on buttons on the keypad. Close "communication" of your child's computer causes an ambiguous attitude: on the one hand is indeed without a computer – anywhere. On the other hand, the constant sitting at a computer can cause serious consequences. The most dangerous of them is the formation of the child, depending on your computer, which is a real disease requiring treatment.
Among all types of computer addiction the most common addiction of playing video games. According to statistics about 5% of people around the world suffer from gambling addiction and need psychological help.
Alexander Fockin is a high school student living in Kiev with her mother, grandmother and younger brother. Sasha, like many children his age, likes to play computer games, and that addiction had reached the terminal stage, attempts to separate it from the computer to cause bouts of hysteria. A family friend participated in the project "Honey, we're killing the kids"
Thanks to TV presenter for a short time managed to achieve some improvement, but then because of disregard mother everything returned to normal.
Lets do a survey among our students:
1.What is the Internet?
Патя: The Internet is the greatest discovery of the 20th century. On the internet, we can find any information.
2.Do you consider yourself Internet- addicted?
Жанна:No, I don’t often use the internet, only sometimes in my spare time.
3.How much
time per day do You spend visiting web sites?
Аюб: More than 4 hours.
4. What website do You visit most often?
Камила: Odnoklassniki
Юлдуз: I don’t use the
5. For what purpose You are on the site?
I often play Game
Джамиля: To find the necessary information
4. How long can You not go to the site?
Нариман: No more than 1 day
(Шамиль, Адиль, Расул)
- don’t
fall under the influence of the computer.
The love of a healthy lifestyle.
- lets play football with friends on the field.
We love internet, but we are for a healthy lifestyle.
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