Разработка модели эффективного внедрения фразеологических единиц с использованием различных способов семантизации фразеологических единиц
Москвина Светлана Евгеньевна,
педагог дополнительного образования
Краснодар, 2022
Семантизация является лишь одним из трёх этапов работы с фразеологическими единицами, а потому мы предприняли попытку разработки модели занятия, направленного на полное изучение 18 фразеологизмов.
Схема подобной модели выглядит следующим образом:
1) этап презентации фразеологических единиц (презентация Microsoft Power Point и инструментарий для инсценировки);
2) этап закрепления фразеологических единиц (для данного этапа нами был разработан комплекс языковых, условно-речевых и речевых упражнений, направленных на отработку актуализированных фразеологических оборотов);
3) этап контроля изученности фразеологических единиц (в качестве основы разработки контрольного материала нами был выбран способ тестирования).
Текст к презентации, посвящённой семантизации фразеологических единиц
Good afternoon! Today we are going to take a look at some new idioms. On the screen you may see the list of the units we will cover soon. OK, let’s begin.
First is above the salt – the origin of the phrase dates back to the medieval times. Then salt which was a valuable seasoning that was placed in the middle of a dining table and the lord and his family were seated “above” the salt and other guests or servants below. Now, can you guess the translation? (видное положение)
Let’s move on. Please, have a look at this picture. Do you know what a backseat driver means? (непрошенный советчик)
Now, please, I need two volunteers. Here we have a hare, that is sitting inside the bush. And here is a child, deeming himself a young hunter. The child wants to hit the hare, but is scared and hesitates. He just beats the edges but not the middle. Can you guess the meaning of the idiom “to beat about the bush”? (ходить вокруг да около)
OK, now bed of roses. Here are some antonyms for you: bed of nails, torture, nightmare, torment. What’s the meaning of this idiom? (беззаботная жизнь)
Now, here we have to bite the dust and the synonyms are to depart this life, to kick the bucket, to cease living, to meet one’s maker, to die. Now, can you try to guess the meaning? (умереть, сломаться)
OK, black and blue. Please read out the example sentences and try to translate the idiom: “He earned good money being beaten black and blue as a prize fighter”. “I spent that night in hospital and was released the next day with minor head and neck injuries. My face was black and blue” (сплошь в синяках)
Now, to understand the meaning of crab mentality, please, have a look at this gif (мышление краба)
Moving on, please, read the definition out loud and tell me the meaning: cup of joe – an informal name given to a cup of ordinary coffee (чашка кофе)
Then, the same procedure, please: cutting edge – the latest or most advanced stage in the development of something (передовой рубеж, авангард)
Now, please, listen to me. Dutch nightingale – слово “nightingale” соответствует русскому «соловей», прилагательное “Dutch” означает в несколько устаревшем варианте британского английского языка всё не очень хорошее, соответственно, сочетание этих слов образует «кого-то, кто плохо поёт» – (лягушка)
To go south – пойти наперекосяк, сорваться
Gravy train – and here are some antonyms – hardships, failure, poverty. What is the probable translation? (кормушка, непыльная работа, халява)
To have a bun in the oven – cостояние, в котором находится женщина в течение примерно 9 месяцев перед рождением ребёнка, so it means (быть в положении, быть беременной)
We are almost there! Please, read the example sentences out loud: kiss of death – “Rain is the kiss of death for a barbecue”. “The support of the outlawed group was the kiss of death to the candidate” (губительный фактор, пагубный шаг)
Red(-)handed (с поличным)
Now, please, listen to this: three dog night – back in pre-central heating days, on nights when a thick quilt wasn’t available, rural dwellers might take a dog into bed to provide additional warmth. Chilly weather called for one dog, even colder – for two, but when it was freezing, you’d make room for three dogs – очень холодная ночь
Here, please, have a look at the synonyms to the idiom “under the rose” – behind the scenes, in the dark, off the record, clandestinely, secretly. What’s the meaning here? (втихомолку, по секрету)
At last, please, look at this picture. Can you guess what white caps means? («барашки»)
Very well, thank you very much for your attention! Please, try to recollect everything we’ve learnt today during the test at the end of the class.
В качестве варианта проведения данного этапа на занятиях по иностранному языку, нами был создан комплекс языковых, условно-речевых и речевых упражнений, посвящённых изученным фразеологическим единицам. Ключи к предоставленным упражнениям можно найти в конце документа.
Прежде чем приступать к отработке речевых навыков владения фразеологическими оборотами необходимо тщательно закрепить знания данных фразеологизмов, чему и способствует выполнение языковых упражнений. В нашем случае таких упражнений два вида: на соединение идиом с их дефинициями и переводное. Выглядят они следующим образом:
1. Match the provided idioms with their definitions:
1. cutting edge |
A. a way of thinking best described by the phrase “if I can’t have it, neither can you” |
2. above the salt |
B. covered in bruises |
3. white caps |
C. to die; to break/fail |
4. to go south |
D. the position of greatest advancement in some field |
5. three dog night |
E. be discovered in/just after the fact of doing sth wrong/illegal |
6. to beat about the bush |
F. to take turn for the worse |
7. crab mentality |
G. of high standing/honour |
8. Dutch nightingale |
H. sth that may seem good and favourable but that actually brings ruin to hopes/plans etc. |
9. to have a bun in the oven |
I. a frog |
10. bed of roses |
J. a gorging on luxuries, since sb else foots the bill |
11. cup of joe |
K. a pleasant/easy situation; an untroubled existence |
12. gravy train |
L. in secret |
13. under the rose |
M. sb offering unsolicited/unwelcome advice |
14. to bite the dust |
N. wave crests that break into white foam |
15. kiss of death |
O. to be expecting a baby/be pregnant |
16. red(-)handed |
P. a very cold night |
17. backseat driver |
Q. coffee |
18. black and blue |
R. to treat the topic (usu. difficult/unpleasant), without mentioning its main points (oft. unintentionally)
1- __ 2- __ 3- __ 4-__ 5-__ 6-__ 7-__ 8-__ 9-__ 10- __ 11-__ 12-__ 13-__ 14-__ 15-__ 16-__ 17-__ 18-__
2. Translate the following into Russian:
black and blue _______________________________ |
three dog night ________________________________ |
cup of joe _______________________________ |
red(-)handed _________________________________ |
kiss of death _______________________________ |
backseat driver _________________________________ |
to bite the dust _______________________________ |
above the salt _________________________________ |
crab mentality ____________________________ |
gravy train _________________________________ |
under the rose ____________________________ |
bed of roses _________________________________ |
to have a bun in the oven________________________ |
white caps _________________________________ |
to beat about the bush ____________________________ |
Dutch nightingale _________________________________ |
cutting edge ___________________________ |
to go south __________________________________ |
Далее рекомендуется использовать условно-речевые упражнения, направленные на отработку навыков употребления изученных фразеологических оборотов и, кроме того, работу с текстом, в котором студенты получат возможность ознакомиться с примерами их употребления. Нами было составлено два условно-речевых упражнения и одно упражнение на углублённое понимание предложенного текста:
3. Fill in the necessary idiom in the correct form:
1. He was all __________________________________________ the day after the accident.
2. Too many soldiers _________________________ in the World War II.
3. The company prides itself for staying at the __________________________ of technology.
4. She was caught ________________________________, stealing a ring.
5. I should have walked away from the casino when my luck _________________, but I stayed and ended up in the hole.
6. In medieval times lords used to sit _____________________.
7. Her marriage to that guy was _______________________ for Leila’s happiness.
8. Get them off _____________________________ and make them act. Until then; no salaries for them.
9. It’s a straightforward job, but it’s no _____________________________, with such long hours.
10. My brother is such _________________________! I hate travelling with him.
11. Her eating habits have changed drastically, maybe she __________________________________________?
12. Pike Place is Starbucks’ attempt to address complaints that its regular _____________________________ is bitter, overroasted and “burnt”.
13. Stop __________________________________________ and tell me what the problem is!
14. The tide was coming, and ___________________________________ were foaming and flickering in the sun.
15. All the information needs to stay __________________________.
16. Man, last night was really cold, definitely _______________________.
17. A beauteous night at the pond was intervened by the concert provided by some hideous _____________________________.
18. We all like to see our friends get ahead, but not too far ahead, in other words, we all possess some sort of ________________________________________.
4. Read the text and correct the mistakes. Then answer the following questions:
It was a three doge night of January. I was sitting by the windowpane with my mug of joe and just quit beating about the tree and told my sister under the tulips that I have a bread in the oven. She thought it was really awful that things are going east for me, but in reality all was just gravy steamer for me after my husband breaks the dust. The thing is that he was below the salt, so he will leave us lots of money. I just have to not be caught blue-handed while his body is still black and white and all is going to be just bed of nails. My sister was trying to discourage me from my plans naming it ‘a hug of death’ but I knew her – a nagging frontseat driver with such crawfish mentality that it makes all the Danish nightingales faint. I was looking out of the window on the white hats on the sea and thinking about the cutting brim of modern forensic technologies.
1. What is name the narrator called her sister?
2. What was the secret the narrator shared with her sister?
3. What place did her husband take in society?
4. What kind of a January night was it?
5. What was the narrator looking at through the window?
6. What did the narrator have in her hands?
7. What did the narrator think would happen to her husband?
8. What did the sister think of the narrator’s plans?
5. Complete the second sentence using the word(s) in bold and newly learned idioms so that the meaning of the second sentence is similar to the first one. You can use four to eight words including the word(s) given. Do not change the word(s) given:
1. Please, don’t use euphemisms and tell straight what happened.
about Please, _________________ and tell straight what happened.
2. It’s not a recreation, you won’t get any special treatment.
bed It’s _____________________won’t get any special treatment.
3. Her dad is notorious for giving unwelcomed advices.
known as Her dad _________________________________.
4. You should get the thoughts of envy and ill-willing to others off your head.
take You should ______________________________ your head.
5. I want you beat him all over.
and You should _______________________.
6. The perp was caught in action, forging the docs.
while The perpetrator ___________________ the documents.
7. My laptop stopped working so I took it to the customer service.
dust My laptop ____________________ to the customer service.
8. Leah announced that she will have a baby soon.
in the Leah announced ________________________.
9. The situation turned out not as bright as he expected.
to be The situation ___________________________for him.
10. He deemed himself to be of higher rank than others.
above He thought ________________________.
11. I loathe frogs – their appearance is so obnoxious!
look I ______________________ so disgusting!
12. Everything was wrong for me that day.
went Everything ________________________ that day.
13. It is the lack of innovation that has put an end to their enterprise.
shut The lack of __________________ their enterprise.
14. She really enjoyed watching the upper parts of the waves at the sea.
adored She ________________________ at the sea.
15. The new governor threatens to upset the existing easy-money situation.
change The new governor _________________________ situation.
16. The new cypher should be transmitted secretly and immediately.
disseminate You should _________________________ and immediately.
17. No morning should start without a cup of coffee and a cookie.
morning I prefer to begin _______________________ and a cookie.
18. Some nights in Alaska can be extremely cold.
experience Sometimes ______________________________in Alaska.
Наконец, отработанные навыки владения фразеологическими единицами необходимо привести в конечную форму владения фразеологизмами – умения использовать их в речи, для чего нами были созданы речевое упражнение и коммуникативная игра:
6. Write the correct response to the presented situations:
- My day went south just right at the beginning.
- The culprits beat me all black and blue.
- Your daughter was caught red handed cheating on the exam.
- She said she’s having a bun in the oven.
- My phone just bit the dust.
- Would you like a cup of joe?
- The radio says we should expect a three dog night.
- Her new job offer turned out to be a real kiss of death.
- The new company claims to achieve a cutting edge of gaming industry.
- She is so haughty, always sees herself above the salt.
- You shouldn’t have told her this; it was supposed to be under the rose.
- Stop being such a nasty backseat driver!
7. Create a sentence containing any of the new-learned idioms. Present it out loud to be recorded. The next student should adapt his/her according to the previous sentence to make a coherent story. Each student has to present the created sentence at least once.
Представленный комплекс упражнений направлен на отработку изученных фразеологических единиц и представляется нам достаточно эффективным способом работы по актуализированию фразеологических оборотов.
Последний этап работы с фразеологическими единицами – контроль знаний, навыков и умений их использования студентами, в нашем случае, тестирование:
Test on Idioms:
1. Find the necessary words in the grid to complete the following idioms:
to ______ the dust; above the ________; ___________ nightingale; kiss of __________; backseat __________; ____________ the rose; cutting __________; ______________ train; to have a bun in the ______________; black and _______
B |
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F |
2. Define each of the given idioms:
1) three dog night ___________________________________________________
2) cup of joe _______________________________________________________
3) under the rose ___________________________________________________
4) gravy train ______________________________________________________
5) white caps ______________________________________________________
6) cutting edge _____________________________________________________
7) to go south ______________________________________________________
8) Dutch nightingale ________________________________________________
9) above the salt ____________________________________________________
10) kiss of death ____________________________________________________
11) to have a bun in the oven __________________________________________
12) to bite the dust __________________________________________________
13) red(-)handed ___________________________________________________
14) black and blue __________________________________________________
15) crab mentality __________________________________________________
16) backseat driver __________________________________________________
17) bed of roses ____________________________________________________
18) to beat about the bush ____________________________________________
3. Choose only one correct option:
1) The police finally caught the perpetrator ______________:
a – black and blue
b – red(-)handed
c – above the salt
2) Your decision to drop the studies was a _____________ to your career:
a – kiss of death
b – gravy train
c – cup of joe
3) Her laptop just __________________, she probably should take it to the service:
a – went south
b – had a bun in the oven
c – bit the dust
4) She is so arrogant! In other words, she thinks she’s ___________________:
a – above the salt
b – red(-)handed
c – cutting edge
5) We went to the beach just to look at those _____________ on the waves:
a – three dog nights
b – Dutch nightingales
c – white caps
6) After the fight his face was all ___________________:
a – under the rose
b – black and blue
c – bed of roses
7) The day started so well, but eventually things ________________:
a – beat about the bush
b – went south
c – bit the dust
8) I don’t want others to know, so I should tell this to you __________________:
a – under the rose
b – above the salt
c – crab mentality
Ключи к комплексу упражнений, направленных на тренировку навыков употребления фразеологических единиц
1). 1-D 2-G 3-N 4-F 5-P 6-R 7-A 8-I 9-O 10-K 11-Q 12-J 13-L 14-C 15-H 16-E 17-M 18-B
(сплошь) в синяках |
очень холодная ночь |
чашка кофе |
с поличным |
губительный фактор, пагубный шаг |
диванный аналитик, непрошеный советчик |
скончаться, сломаться |
видное положение |
мышление краба |
непыльная работа, кормушка, халява |
втихомолку, по секрету |
беззаботная жизнь |
быть в положении, быть беременной |
«барашки» |
ходить вокруг да около |
лягушка |
передовой рубеж, авангард |
испортиться, пойти кувырком |
1 – black and blue |
10 – a backseat driver |
2 – bit the dust |
11 – is having a bun in the oven |
3 – cutting edge |
12 – cup of joe |
4 – red(-)handed |
13 – beating about the bush |
5 – went south |
14 – the white caps |
6 – above the salt |
15 – under the rose |
7 – the kiss of death |
16 – a three dog night |
8 – the gravy train |
17 – Dutch nightingale |
9 – bed of roses |
18 – crab mentality |
4). three dog night; beating about the bush; under the rose; have a bun in the oven; are going south; gravy train; bites the dust; above the salt; red-handed; black and blue; bed of roses; kiss of death; backseat driver; crab mentality; white caps; cutting edge.
1 – She called her a backseat driver with crab mentality;
2 – She had a bun in the oven;
3 – He was above the salt;
4 – It was a three dog night;
5 – She was looking at the white caps;
6 – She had a cup of joe;
7 – She thought he would bite the dust;
8 – She thought it was a kiss of death.
5). 1 – stop beating about the bush
2 – no bed of roses you/not a bed of roses you
3 – is notoriously known as a backseat driver
4 – take this/the crab mentality from
5 – beat him black and blue all over
6 – was caught red(-)handed while forging
7 – bit the dust so I took
8 – she has a bun in the oven
9 – turned out to be a kiss of death
10 – he was above the salt
11 – hate/loathe Dutch nightingales – they look
12 – went south for me
13 – a cutting edge has shut down
14 – adored watching the white caps
15 – threatens to change the existing gravy train
16 – disseminate the new cypher under the rose
17 – my morning with a cup of joe
18 – you/one can experience three dog nights.
6). 1 – Sorry to hear that!
2 – So unlucky!
3 – I’m so sorry for her misbehavior!
4 – Congratulations to her!
5 – Bad for you!
6 – Yes, please!
7 – That’s terrible!
8 – So sorry for her!
9 – We should check them out, then.
10 – So mean of her!
11 – I’m sorry for this!
12 – Sorry, I won’t bother you anymore.
Ключи к тестовым заданиям
1. to bite the dust; above the salt; Dutch nightingale; kiss of death; backseat driver; under the rose; cutting edge; gravy train; to have a bun in the oven; black and blue
B |
L |
U |
E |
I |
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G |
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2. 1) a very cold night
2) a cup of ordinary coffee
3) in secret
4) a gorging on luxuries since someone else pays the bills
5) the upper white parts of the waves
6) the foremost point of something
7) to turn for the worse
8) a dated name for a frog
9) of high standing
10) a ruining factor
11) to be expecting a baby
12) to die, to break down
13) while perpetrating wrongdoing
14) covered in bruises
15) the mentality of society that drowns an individual
16) someone offering an unwelcome advise
17) easy life
18) to talk about a topic without treating its main points
3. 1 – b; 2 – a; 3 – c; 4 – a; 5 – c; 6 – b; 7 – b; 8 – a
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С вами с 2009 года.