Урок по теме "Компьютеры в жизни"
Тип урока: обобщение и систематизации знаний
Тема урока: Computers in our life
Цель урока: Выработка умения критически оценить, осмыслить, проанализировать и самостоятельно применить новую информацию.
Задачи урока:
Конспект урока
1. Стадия вызова (Evocation)
– Good morning, my dear pupils. How are you? I hope you are OK and ready for working. Today we are going to sum up our knowledge and skills on the topic “Computing”. There are some written aims on the blackboard. I’d like you to choose just one.
– Why are some people for and against using computers in our everyday life?
Talk about the role of computers.
Learn new words and word combinations on the topic of the lesson.
Discuss all the advantages and disadvantages of using computers.
Revise the material on the topic “Computers”.
Today we are going to talk about
computers and the problems caused by them. It will be the subject of today’s
discussion. We should revise the material on the topic and discuss all the
advantages and disadvantages of using computers.
By the way, do you like working on the computer? Do you enjoy surfing the
There is a scheme on the blackboard. As you see, it should be completed. Work
out your own associations, connected with computers. The
cards on the desks can help you.
(Учащимся предлагается выбрать одну из 4 целей изучения компьютера. Идет обзор имеющихся знаний о роли компьютеров, преимуществ и недостатков их использования. Работа с карточками по предложенной теме).
2. Стадия осмысления: “Реализация смысла” (Realization of meaning)
– Now I will give out texts for you.
Read it and then discuss in groups whether you are for or against using
computers. Listen to your friends, do not interrupt them. Let them express
their point of view. Be gentle and tactful while listening to each other.
(Раздаются тексты о компьютерах. Предлагается обсудить свое отношение к
компьютерам. Дается установка в виде таблицы образцов проявления толерантности
к высказываниям участников).
Текст. Computers.
Computers have become an important part
of our everyday life. We can do almost everything with the help of computers.
It has become easier to edit and print documents. The World Wide Web allows us
to access the latest news very quickly. Interaction with the world is a great
advantage of a computer. Besides, it is a great chance to practice your
English. Computers help us to our homework and to make reports. The negative
side lies in the fact that we can become addicted to it because we sometimes
don’t need to go to the library for information. Some pupils find virtual
reality more attractive than real one. Besides, there are hikers and computer
criminals. One of them, Vladimir Levin from St.Petersburg, was able to break
into Citibank’s computers in the USA. He moves more than 10 million dollars to
other banks all over the world.
To sum up, it’s impossible to predict now what the Internet will be like in
future or how it will change our lives. But we must admit that the World Wide
Web offers people great opportunities, and we must try to make the best use of
I believe that… |
In my opinion… |
Let me explain my point of view… |
The reason I think so is that… |
Excuse me… |
Can I say something? |
Sorry, but there is something important I’d like to add… |
What is your opinion on the subject? |
So, all things considered… |
All in all,… |
To sum it up,… |
In conclusion,… |
3. Рефлексия (фаза суммирования и систематизации новой информации)
Кластер (“гроздь”) – “Это особый прием
графической обработки полученных в результате рефлексии данных. При этом в
центре ставим тему исследования (урока), вокруг нее расположены отдельные
смысловые единицы.
Учитель интересуется результатом выполнения работы.
Have you done the task? Did all of you express your
opinion? Does anyone want to add the information computers?
По предложенным участниками ответам составляется кластер о роли
That’s the result of your work.
Now check up your work.
Sound advantages first, please. (Предлагается назвать преимущества использования компьютеров)
Computers make housework easy.
Computers in banks do financial operations without using money.
We can do the shopping on the Internet without going to shops and wasting our
There are cars driven by computer pilots, which avoid traffic jams and choose
shortest distances.
Computers help find criminals, stolen cars and property.
At school pupils can use Internet pages to get information about various
You can entertain by playing games or watching films on-line.
(Предлагается назвать негативную сторону использования компьтеров)
Disadvantages, please.
People sit at home.
There is no control over terrorists who can communicate over Internet.
Hackers steal information, break into secret computers.
Hackers plant and send viruses.
When buy clothes you have no possibility to try clothes on.
Sitting for long brings backache and spoils eyesight.
Could anyone add some more information?
Doing the conclusion, please answer the question: “Why are some people for and against using computers in our everyday life?
4. Домашнее задание
As a home task, I’d like you to write an
essay ‘Will computers be able to replace printed books in the future?”
Our lesson is over. I like your work at the lesson.You worked well and deserved
only good and excellent marks. I do hope you liked the lesson, too.
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