Разработка урока Travelling
Оценка 4.8

Разработка урока Travelling

Оценка 4.8
Разработки уроков
английский язык
10 кл—11 кл
Разработка урока Travelling
Урок Travelling.doc
















































1.      Организационный момент (Приветствие. Переключение студентов на предмет «Английский язык»)

Good morning! Let’s start our English lesson.

Let’s check who is present today….. All right, let’s get down to work.

What day is it today? – Today is Tuesday.

What date is it today? – Today is the 5th of April.

What season is now? – It’s spring.

What’s the weather like today? – It’s (foggy, snowy, cloudy, rainy, sunny) today.

2.      Фонетическая зарядка (Warming up) Let’s learn a little poem.

When Are You Leaving?

When are you leaving?

I'm leaving in July. How are you going?

I'm planning to fly. Where is Bob going?

He's going to Spain. How is he going?

He's taking a plane. Are you leaving next summer?

I'm leaving next fall. Are you going with Bobby?

I'm going with Paul.

3.      Сообщение цели и задач урока (какое слово встречается чаще всего, о чем пойдет речь на уроке)

He that travels far knows much.

When in Rome do as Romans do.

If an ass goes travelling, he will not come home a horse.

So many countries so many customs

The best part of travelling is planning the trip.

Today we are going to talk about Travelling. You will do some lexical exercises to improve your speech. At the end you will choose different words to write a composition «My future travelling».

4.      Речевая разминка

First of all, I’d like to remind you of difference between the words: travelling, journey, trip and voyage.

Travel – is usually used as a verb. We had been travelling all day and need a rest.

It can also be used as a noun, but only with a general meaning of moving from place to place.

Foreign travel is very popular with students.

Journey – is a noun. It is used when you talk about going from one particular place to another. It may be long or short. The journey from New York to Los Angeles took several days.

Trip - is used if you talk about the whole visit. Trip is shorter than journey — the journey there and back, the place you stayed and so on.  Did you have a good trip?

Voyage – means a long journey by sea.

Студенты тренируются в употреблении данных слов в подстановочных упражнениях.

Choose the best word flight, journey, trip, travel to fit the gaps.

1.     I would love to _____ round the world in a balloon. (travel)

2.     The Titanic sank on its maiden __________. (voyage)

3.     How long does the ______from New York to Rio take? (journey)

4.     She says her hobbies are reading, golf and ________ (travel)

5.     When they were in Cairo they took a ______to see the Pyramids. (trip)

6.     Getting from London to the north of Scotland involves an overnight train _______. (journey)



5.      Формирование произносительных навыков (фонетическая отработка новой лексики)

5.1.  Let’s begin with the necessary vocabulary. Read new words and translate them into Russian:

business travel — деловая поездка, командировка. Thousands of people travel every day either on business or for pleas­ure.

advantages преимущества. Speed, comfort and safety are the main advan­tages of planes.

train поезд. Modern trains have more comfortable seats.

fast быстрый. Travelling by air is the fastest way.

slow медленный. Travelling by train is slower than travelling by plane.

convenient way удобный способ Travelling by air is the most convenient way.

sleeping car - спальный вагон dining car — вагон ресторан

Modern trains have sleeping cars and dining cars that make even the longest journey more pleasant.

expensive -  дорогой (о стоимости) Travelling by train is slower than travelling by plane, but it is less expensive.

mostly главным образом  Travelling by sea is popular mostly for pleasure trips.

to prefer предпочитать  As for me I prefer travelling by car.

pleasant приятный There are also sleeping cars and dining cars that make even the longest journey more pleasant.

5.2. Join words to make logical phrases:




than by plane



the fastest




the most



for pleasure




travelling by car






5.3. Now translate from Russian into English.

1.      деловая поездка, командировка

2.      основные преимущества

3.      современные поезда

4.      самый быстрый путь

5.      медленнее чем на самолете

6.      наиболее удобный

7.      спальный вагон

8.      менее дорогой

9.      главным образом для удовольствия

10.  предпочитать путешествовать на машине

11.  приятное путешествие


5.4. Make your own sentences with these phrases.


6. Развитие навыков чтения с полным пониманием. Отработка и закрепление

    лексики по теме.

6.1. Open your books on page … We have a little text which includes these phrases. Read the text aloud and be ready to answer my questions. Take two sentences for each.

Travelling became a part of our life. Thousands of people travel every day either on business or for pleas­ure. They travel by road, by train, by air or by sea.

Of course, travelling by air is the fastest and the most convenient way, but it is the most expensive, too. Travelling by train is slower than travelling by plane, but it is less expensive. You can see many interesting places of their country through the window. Modern trains have more comfortable seats. There are also sleeping cars and dining cars that make even the longest journey more pleasant. Speed, comfort and safety are the main advan­tages of trains and planes. That is why many people pre­fer them to all other kinds of travelling.

Travelling by sea is popular mostly for pleasure trips. Tourists can make voyages on large ships to foreign coun­tries. The trips on the Volga, the Don and the Black Sea are very popular today.

As for me I prefer travelling by car. I think it's more convenient because you don't buy tickets, you can stop any place and spend as much time as you like at any place.


6.2. Now find my phrases in the text read them aloud and translate into Russian.


6.3. Dwell on following:

  1. Travelling became……..
  2. They travel by road……
  3. Travelling by air is the fastest…….
  4. Modern trains have……..
  5. Speed, comfort and safety……..
  6. Travelling by sea………
  7. That is why many people pre­fer them………
  8. As for me I prefer……..
  9. It's more convenient because you don't buy tickets……

6.4. Questions:

1. Is travelling popular today?

2. Why do people travel?

3. What means of travelling do you know?

4. Which means, of travelling are the most popular with the passengers? Why?

5. Which is the fastest way of travelling?

6. What are the advantages of travelling by railway?

7. Is travelling by sea faster or slower than by train?

8.  What makes travelling by car enjoyable?


7. Активизация лексики по теме. Развитие письменных навыков.


7.1. Additional Vocabulary – I have some additional vocabulary for you. Listen repeat and translate.












7.2. Complete the following table:


type of transport

kinds of





car, bus, tram, van, lorry, bicycle, bike


don't buy tickets, you can stop any place and spend as much time as you like at any place.

tiring for driver

slow for long distances


train underground/tube


less expensive

slower than travelling by plane


boat, ship

fresh sea air



plane, helicopter

the fastest and the most convenient way

the most expensive


7.4. Translate from Russian into English:

1.       Многие люди путешествуют каждый день по делам или ездят в командировки.

2.       Путешествие на самолете – самый быстрый и самый удобный способ, но и самый дорогой.

3.       Путешествие на поезде менее дорого.

4.       Скорость, комфорт и безопасность – основные преимущества поездов и самолетов.

5.       Путешествие по морю – очень популярно сегодня.

6.       Путешествуя на машине, вы можете останавливаться, где вы захотите.


7.5. Now retell the text one by one. Take two sentences for each.


8. Формирование неподготовленной диалогической речи. Развитие письменных навыков.


8.1. Let’s divide into two groups. You all have a copy of questionnaire.  You should work with all students from your group.  You should put the words of the five questions on their worksheets into the correct order and write them down. All the students should write the questions down on their own worksheet.

The correct questions are:

1.       Do you often travel by plane?

2.       What do you usually do at the airport?

3.       Which do you prefer, a window seat or an

aisle seat? (Which seat do you prefer a window or an aisle seat?)

4.       Do you like airline food?

5.       Would you like to be a flight attendant?

1.         Do you like travelling by car?

2.         What's your favourite car?

3.         Are you a good passenger?

4.         Do you like motorway food?

5.         Do you usually listen to music in your car?


8.2. When you have done that, write answers to their own questions individually on their own worksheet in the column marked You. Teacher goes round and checks that the students have written the questions correctly and understand them.


8.3. Now work with a partner from the other group (i.e. a student from Group A should work with a student from Group B).

The students take it in turns to ask their partner the questions on their worksheet and to write down their partner's answers in the column marked Your partner. When they have finished, the students report back to the class about they have found out.


9. Аудирование с целью извлечения запрашиваемой информации (развитие навыков фонематического слуха и тренировка неподготовленной диалогической речи)


9.1. Now you will see a conversation «Travel arrangements» without subtitles between travel agent and Mr. Turner. But at first let’s translate following words and words combination:


an open return ticket – билет обратно с открытой датой

Is that convenient? – Это удобно?

I reckon… - Я подсчитываю…      

I'll pick it up myself this afternoon then. – Я заберу его тогда сам после полудня.

We'll have your ticket ready in an hour. – Ваш билет будет готов через час.



Agent:   Executive Travel. Good morning.

Turner:  Good morning. I'd like to book an open return ticket from Los Angeles to Berlin, please.

Agent:  What date do you wish to travel?

Turner:  Leaving Los Angeles on Wednesday 19th May.

Agent:   There's a flight at 18.30. Is that convenient?

Turner:  Yes, I reckon... and from which airport does it leave?

Agent:   The 18.30 flight leaves from San Antonio.

Turner:  How much will that be, please?

Agent:   Which class? First, Business or Economy?

Turner:  Business class.

Agent:   That'll be twelve hundred dollars. Are you going to pay by credit card?

Turner:  Yes, American Express. My name is Mr. Charles Turner.

Agent:  Thank you, Mr. Turner. We'll have your ticket ready in an hour.

Turner:  Are you sure?

Agent:  Yes, I'm sure.

Turner:  OK, I'll pick it up myself this afternoon then.

Agent:  Fine, goodbye.


9.2. Проверка понимания содержания диалога.

  1. Who is the main person of this conversation?
  2. What does he want to do?
  3. What date does he wish to travel?
  4. Which class does he want to travel?
  5. How will he pick up his ticket?


9.2. Now you are a travel agent. Complete the Conversation with Turner. (Студенты воспроизводят диалог в роли Тернера)


9.3. Now you are Turner. Complete the Conversation with a travel agent. (Студенты воспроизводят диалог в роли туристического агента)


9.4. Make dialogues on analogy. (Студенты составляют диалоги по аналогии, используя лексику урока)


10. Отработка и закрепление лексических и письменных навыков посредством применения компьютерных технологий.


10.1. Imagine you want to send an e-mail to book a room at the Hotel. How will you do this?

Fill in the form(Студенты заполняют электронное письмо)


10.2. At last one more task. Tell for group how do you prefer to travel and why? (Каждый студент рассказывает, как  бы он хотел путешествовать и  куда).


10.3. At the end of the lesson we have some time to play computer (студенты на компьютерах выполняют упражнения на закрепление лексики урока и правил правописания слов по теме)


11. Домашнее задание. Подведение итогов урока.

Воспроизведение цели занятия и ее соотношения с результатом. Оценка знаний студентов.




TRAVELLING » 1. Организационный момент (Приветствие

TRAVELLING » 1. Организационный момент (Приветствие

Формирование произносительных навыков (фонетическая отработка новой лексики) 5

Формирование произносительных навыков (фонетическая отработка новой лексики) 5

Modern trains have more comfortable seats

Modern trains have more comfortable seats

Translate from Russian into English: 1

Translate from Russian into English: 1

Agent: Executive Travel. Good morning

Agent: Executive Travel. Good morning
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