Урок проводился в 7б классе в рамках городского семинара учителей иностранных языков по теме «Современные информационно-образовательные технологии в преподавании иностранных языков». В группе 13 учащихся. У учащихся данной группы высокая мотивация на изучение иностранного языка с хорошими речевыми и языковыми способностями.При планировании урока были учтены возрастные и психологические особенности класса, их хороший учебный потенциал, активность, мотивированность и умение слаженно работать в коллективе. Данный урок ориентирован на формирование развития навыков и умений иноязычной речевой деятельности: чтения, аудирования, говорения, диалогической речи и овладение учащимися следующими аспектами языка: фонетикой, лексикой, грамматикой.
Разработка открытого городского урока по английскому языку
в 7 б классе по теме “A film review”
Цель урока – развивать коммуникативные способности учащихся, умение выбирать
адекватные языковые и речевые средства для успешного решения
коммуникативной задачи.
Задачи урока
1) образовательные:
формировать умение употреблять изученные и новые лексические единицы в речи;
формировать навыки работы с незнакомым текстом;
формировать навыки работы с грамматическим материалом по теме
2) развивающие:
умения и навыки лексикограмматического оформления
развивать навыки диалогической речи;
развивать навыки понимания основного содержания текста и умение выделять
значимую информацию;
развивать интерактивнокоммуникативные способности;
развивать навыки работы в парах и в группах;
развивать способность интеллектуальной лабильности, переключение внимания,
умение быстро переходить с решения одних задач на выполнение других
3) воспитательные:
прививать учащимся нравственные и эстетические качества при выборе и просмотре
кинофильмов; воспитывать у учащихся уважение к культуре своей страны и страны
изучаемого языка.
Тип урока:
Форма организации
деятельности учащихся: фронтальная, парная, групповая, дифференцированная
Методы обучения: объяснительноиллюстративный, репродуктивный,
частично поисковый, обучение в сотрудничестве.
Технологии обучения: коммуникативноориентированное обучение;
развитие познавательных интересов;
личностноориентированное обучение;
информационнокомпьютерные технологии.
Оборудование:интерактивная доска Memory Specialist PP Board V3.0,
компьютернаяпрезентация «Filmreview», презентацияотрывкаизкинофильма «Jungle 2
Jungle», обучающая компьютерная программа.
Teacher’s activity
Pupils’ activity
Организационный этап
Слайд 1
Слайд 2
5 минут
Слайд 1
Good morning, teacher.
Из всех искусств для нас самое важное это
Yes, Ido. Yes, Ilikewatchingfilms. I like when
the film is actionpacked. I like sad and
touching films. I like the films with exciting
story, about adventures, pirates, detectives. I
like the films with my favourite actors.
BradPitt, AngelinaJolly. I’ve been
disappointed at “”Because it was boring.
Good morning, pupils.I’m glad to see you. I’d like to
start our lesson with a famous quotation of a famous
As you know, the unit we are learning these days is
called “On screen”. At the previous lesson we read
and spoke about film favourites. So today we’ll
continue speaking about films. Besides today on our
lesson we’ll listen to your dialogues which you
prepared at home, learn the new words, learn the use
of Present Simple Passive, read the text and do the
tasks according to the text and do the listening
exercise. But firstly, let’s talk about your film
Do you like watching films? What do you like most
of in films: the story of the film, the acting or special
effects? Have you ever been disappointed at films?
Этап проверки домашнего задания и
Актуализации изученного материала
At the previous lesson we learned adjectives with the
endings: ing and ed. Nowremindmetheuseofthis kind
ofadjectives. This tablecard will help you. Look at
the exercise on the blackboard. The task is choose
the right adjective underline it, then read and
translate the sentences.While _______ is doing this
task I’d like you to act out the dialogues which
you’ve prepared up at home. Dialoguesabout films
you’ve seen recently. Who is ready to act out the
dialogue? We’ll listen today only two dialogues. We
are really pressed for time. The rest pupils listen to
your classmates very attentively and then name the
adjectives which they use in their dialogues. You
may write themdown or keep them in your minds.
Have you heard any adjectives in this dialogue?
Then name them.
Are you ready? Read and translate the sentences.
Armanai and Alibek also used some adjectives in
their dialogue. What are they?
Thank you pupils, your dialogues are very
interesting and they are full of adjectives. And as a
rule, adjectives make sentences
Dialogue 1
– You see …., yesterday I saw a very
interesting film. Harry Potter and the Goblet
of Fire. I couldn’t take my eyes off the
screen. I don’t think there has been a film like
it before. It’s extremely exciting.
– Iabsolutelyagreewithyou. This film is based
on the book of Joanne Kathleen Rowling.
– Rightyouare. Any film of this brilliant
writer breaks records. You can’t be
disappointed at them.
– They got the most prestigious Academy
award called “the Oscar”.
– Yes, the films about harry Potter are really
1.We were really fascinating/fascinated with
the picture.
2.The film was interesting/interested to
3.Jane was frightening/frightened of
Andrew’s Halloween costume.
4.The end of the story was absolutelydisappointing/disappointed.
Dialogue 2
– …., what types of films do you like?
– Well, I like fantastic films about aliens,
another planet and UFO.
– Itsoundsinteresting. And what’s your
favourite film?
– My favourite film is … It’ s really thrilling.
The special effects are amazing. The
spaceships all seem real. I recommend you to
watch this film.
– To tell the truth I’m not excitedabout
fantastic. I prefer cartoons. They are so
– Oh, are you a little girl?
III. Этап усвоения новых знаний
If you want to know what the film is about, who
directs it or who plays in it, you should watch or
So the theme of our lesson today is A FILM
1. Ознакомление с новой лексикой
And firstly I want to acquaint you with the new
words. Open your books on page 64, Ex. 1a. Match
the pictures and the types of films. There is one
extra picture. (подключение электронной
There are some more types of films in Ex.1b.
Repeat these words after me. What words are
known for you?
Look at the board and read these words with their
Russian translations. And now find the Russian
equivalents to the English words. Let’s do the next
task. Drag the types of the films to the pictures.
Ex. 1a
1 an action film – picture B
2 a cartoon – picture A
3 a science fiction (scifi) film –
picture D
4 picture C is odd one.
5 минут
Unit 5
Lesson 2
5 минут
Слайд 5
5 минут
1 a western
2 a horror film
3 a love story
4 a historical film
5 a fantasy film
6 a thriller
7 a documentary
8 a comedy
2.Введение нового грамматического
Pupils, we have recently learned the use of Passive
Voice. Why do we use the passive voice? To say
what happens to the subject. For example: The film
was produced in Hollywood. It’s not important who
produced the film. А если мы хотим показать кто
совершил действие? В каком времени мы
Мы используем пассивный залог, чтобы
сказать что произошло с подлежащим. В
пассивном залоге подлежащее не само
выполняет действие, а на него
воздействуют. Если мы хотим показать
кто совершил действие, мы
употребляем предлог by. Формула Past
was/were + V3/Vedизучали употребление пассивного залога?
Назовите формулу Past Simple Passive. Today
we’ll take the Present Simple Passive. Принцип
тот же, только меняется глагол to be. Как я уже
говорила время определяется при помощи
глагола to be, а oосновной глагол мы используем
в 3 форме или с окончанием ed.
Lookatthisscheme. Вместо глаголов was/were ,
которые мы употребляли в PastSimple, в
PresentSimple мы будем использовать глаголы
One of you will do this task: open the brackets and
put the verbs in the correct form in Present Passive.
____ come to the blackboard and do this task.
When the work is done, go have your fun
3. Работа с текстом.
The other pupils look at the Ex.2 on page 65. It’s a
text “Jungle 2 Jungle”. Look through the text and
find out the sentences with the Passive Voice.
Before reading this text I offer you to watch a short
part of the film “Jungle 2 Jungle”. May be some of
you have already seen this film, but in Russian. I
recommend you to watch it in English.
Now I want you to divide into 3 groups. The first
group is the pupils of the first row, the second
group includes the pupils of the second row and the
pupils of the third row will be the third group. The
first group read the text from the beginning till the
red line. The second group read from the red line
till the end of this paragraph. And the third group
from the word “So” till the end of the text. Make a
Your task is read the text, choose the right title to
your paragraph. Let’sreadthetitles.
1. Anunexpecteddiscovery.
2. AbusinessmancomestoliveinJungle.
3. Theylearntoliveintheunknownworld.
4. The main hero gets into funny situations.
The next task for the text is in Ex. 2b. Read and
answer TRUE or FALSE. There are some tasks
left you will do them at home.
is bitten, is directed, are played
Отрывок из
«Jungle 2
Учащиеся читают текст по абзацам и
устанавливают соответствия с
заголовками абзацев.
I абзац: The main hero gets into
funny situations.
II абзац: An unexpected discovery.
IIIабзац: They learn to live in the
unknown world.
Exercise 2b
1. Jungle 2 Jungleisafunnyfilm. TRUE
2. The film is very unusual for this type of
film. FALSE
3. Abusinessmantriestofindhisson.
4. Allen’s character does not know how to
live in the jungle. TRUE
5. Thesoneasilyadaptstothecity.
6. The father and the son learn a lot from
eachother. TRUE
Этап освоения видов деятельности
1. Практика аудирования.
Thenextstageofour lesson is listening. Take the
cards with the task for listening. _______ Read the
Look at the screenmatch the pictures and the types
of films.
Listen and find the type of film each
person enjoys most. There is one extra
1. Emma a) historical films
2. Sally b) science fiction
3. Arnold c) thrillers
d) fantasy films2. Чтение тестов с общим пониманием
Now hand in your cards.
Now I’d like to offer you do the task for improving
your reading skills.
Unit 5
Lesson 2
Учащиеся читают короткие тексты о
кино предпочтениях детей и подбирают
им подходящие фильмы.
Этап закрепления изучаемого материала
So, to make a right film review you should know:
the name of the film;
the type of the film;
the story of the film;
the names of the actors;
the music playing in this film;
tell some words about special effects used in this
film and at the end give your own opinion about the
VI. Этап информации о домашнем задании.
1. Write down the new words
from the exercise 2 page 64,
2. Make up a review of a film you have seen recently
exercise 4b page 65Teacher’s activity
Pupils’ activity
I. Организационный этап
Good morning, pupils.I’m glad to see you. I’d like to
start our lesson with a famous quotation of a famous
Good morning, teacher.
Слайд 1
As you know, the unit we are learning these days is
called “On screen”. At the previous lesson we read and
spoke about film favourites. So today we’ll continue
speaking about films. Besides today on our lesson we’ll
listen to your dialogues which you prepared at home,
learn the new words, learn the use of Present Simple
Passive, read the text and do the tasks according to the
text and do the listening exercise.
Слайд 2
Из всех искусств для нас самое важное это кино.
Слайд 3But firstly, let’s talk about your film preferences.
Do you like watching films? What do you like most of
in films: the story of the film, the acting or special
effects? Have you ever been disappointed at films?
Yes, Ido. Yes, Ilikewatchingfilms. I like when the
film is actionpacked. I like sad and touching films. I
like the films with exciting story, about adventures,
pirates, detectives. I like the films with my favourite
actors. BradPitt, AngelinaJolly. I’ve been
disappointed at “”Because it was boring.
II. Этап проверки домашнего задания и
Актуализации изученного материалаАt the previous lesson we learned adjectives with
the endings: ing and ed. Nowremindmetheuseofthis
kind ofadjectives. This tablecard will help you.
Look at the exercise on the blackboard. The task is
choose the right adjective underline it, then read
and translate the sentences.While _______ is doing
this task I’d like you to act out the dialogues which
you’ve prepared up at home. Dialoguesabout films
you’ve seen recently. Who is ready to act out the
dialogue? We’ll listen today only two dialogues.
We are really pressed for time. The rest pupils
listen to your classmates very attentively and then
name the adjectives which they use in their
dialogues. You may write themdown or keep them
in your minds. Have you heard any adjectives in
this dialogue? Then name them.
Are you ready? Read and translate the sentences.
Armanai and Alibek also used some adjectives in
their dialogue. What are they?
Thank you pupils, your dialogues are very
interesting and they are full of adjectives. And as a
rule, adjectives make sentences
Слайд 4
Dialogue 1
– You see …., yesterday I saw a very interesting film.
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. I couldn’t take my
eyes off the screen. I don’t think there has been a film
like it before. It’s extremely exciting.
– I absolutely agree with you. This film is based on the
book of Joanne Kathleen Rowling.
– Right you are. Any film of this brilliant writer breaks
records. You can’t be disappointed at them.
– They got the most prestigious Academy award called
“the Oscar”.
– Yes, the films about harry Potter are really amazing.
1.We were really fascinating/fascinated with the
2.The film was interesting/interested to watch.
3.Jane was frightening/frightened of Andrew’s
Halloween costume.
4.The end of the story was absolutely
Dialogue 2
– …., what types of films do you like?
– Well, I like fantastic films about aliens,
another planet and UFO.
– Itsoundsinteresting. And what’s your favourite film?
– My favourite film is … It’ s really thrilling. The
special effects are amazing. The spaceships all seem
real. I recommend you to watch this film.
– To tell the truth I’m not excitedabout fantastic. I
prefer cartoons. They are so fascinating.
– Oh, are you a little girl?
III. Этап усвоения новых знанийIf you want to know what the film is about, who
directs it or who plays in it, you should watch or read
So the theme of our lesson today is A FILM
2. Введение новой лексики
Слайд 5
Слайд 6
And firstly I want to acquaint you with the new words.
Open your books on page 64, Ex. 1a. Match the
pictures and the types of films. There is one extra
picture. (подключение электронной программы)
There are some more types of films in Ex.1b. Repeat
these words after me. What words are known for you?
Look at the board and read these words with their
Russian translations. And now find the Russian
equivalents to the English words. Let’s do the next
task. Drag the types of the films to the pictures.
2.Введение нового грамматического материала
Слайд 7
Ex. 1a
1. an action film – picture B
2. a cartoon – picture A
3 a science fiction (scifi) film – picture D
4. picture C is odd one.
1. a western
2. a horror film
3. a love story
4. a historical film
5. a fantasy film
6. a thriller
7. a documentary
8. a comedy
Слайд 8Мы используем пассивный залог, чтобы сказать что
произошло с подлежащим. В пассивном залоге
подлежащее не само выполняет действие, а на него
воздействуют. Если мы хотим показать кто
совершил действие, мы употребляем предлог by.
Формула Past Simple.
was/were + V3/Ved
is bitten, is directed, are played
Pupils, we have recently learned the use of
Passive Voice. Why do we use the passive voice?
To say what happens to the subject. For example:
The film was produced in Hollywood. It’s not
important who produced the film. А если мы
хотим показать кто совершил действие? В каком
времени мы изучали употребление пассивного
залога? Назовите формулу Past Simple Passive.
Today we’ll take the Present Simple Passive.
Принцип тот же, только меняется глагол to be.
Как я уже говорила время определяется при
помощи глагола to be, а oосновной глагол мы
используем в 3 форме или с окончанием ed.
Lookatthisscheme. Вместо глаголов was/were ,
которые мы употребляли в PastSimple, в
PresentSimple мы будем использовать глаголы
One of you will do this task: open the brackets and
put the verbs in the correct form in Present Passive.
____ come to the blackboard and do this task.
When the work is done, go have your fun
3. Работа с текстом.Слайд 9
The other pupils look at the Ex.2 on page 65. It’s a text
“Jungle 2 Jungle”. Look through the text and find out
the sentences with the Passive Voice. Before reading
this text I offer you to watch a short part of the film
“Jungle 2 Jungle”. May be some of you have already
seen this film, but in Russian. I recommend you to
watch it in English.
Now I want you to divide into 3 groups. The first group
is the pupils of the first row, the second group includes
the pupils of the second row and the pupils of the third
row will be the third group. The first group read the text
from the beginning till the red line. The second group
read from the red line till the end of this paragraph. And
the third group from the word “So” till the end of the
text. Make a group.
Учащиеся смотрят отрывок из к/ф
«Jungle 2 Jungle»
Учащиеся читают текст по абзацам и
устанавливают соответствия с заголовками
I абзац:
The main hero gets into funny situations.
II абзац:
An unexpected discovery.
IIIабзац: They learn to live in the
unknown world.
Слайд 10Your task is read the text, choose the right title to
your paragraph. Let’sreadthetitles.
1. Anunexpecteddiscovery.
2. AbusinessmancomestoliveinJungle.
3. Theylearntoliveintheunknownworld.
4. The main hero gets into funny situations.
The next task for the text is in Ex. 2b. Read and
answer TRUE or FALSE. There are some tasks
left you will do them at home
Exercise 2b
1. Jungle 2 Jungle is a funny film. ТRUE
2. The film is very unusual for this type of film. FALSE
3. A businessman tries to find his son. FALSE
4. Allen’s character does not know how to live in the
jungle. TRUE
5. The son easily adapts to the city. FALSE
6. The father and the son learn a lot from each other.
VII. Этап освоения видов деятельности
1. Практика аудирования.
Thenextstageofour lesson is listening. Take the
cards with the task for listening. _______ Read the
Look at the screenmatch the pictures and the types
of films.
2. Чтение тестов с общим пониманием
Now hand in your cards.
Now I’d like to offer you do the task for improving
your reading skills.
Listen and find the type of film each person enjoys
most. There is one extra type.
1. Emma a) historical films
2. Sally b) science fiction
3. Arnold c) thrillers
d) fantasy films
Обучающая компьютерная программа
Unit 5
Lesson 2
Учащиеся читают короткие тексты о кино
предпочтениях детей и подбирают для них
подходящие фильмы.
VIII. Этап закрепления изучаемого материала
Слайд 11So, to make a right film review you should know:
the name of the film;
the type of the film;
the story of the film;
the names of the actors;
the music playing in this film;
tell some words about special effects used in this
film and at the end give your own opinion about
the film.
IX. Этап информации о домашнем задании.
Слайд 12
1. Write down the new words
from the exercise 2 page 64,
2. Make up a review of a film you have seen recently
exercise 4b page 65Планконспект урока
Организационный этап
1. Приветствие
Постановка цели и задач урока
Учебный разговор по теме «Do you like watching films?»
II. Этап проверки домашнего задания иактуализации изученного материала
Повторение правила образования и значений прилагательных с окончаниями:
–ing, – ed
Выполнение упражнения на закрепление прилагательных
Прослушивание диалогов «Filmpreferences»
III.Этап усвоения новых знаний
Ознакомление с новым лексическим материалом
Введение нового грамматического материала «PresentSimplePassive»:
а) объяснение учителя;
б) выполнение упражнения
3. Работа с текстом:
а) просмотр отрывка из к/ф «Jungle 2 Jungle»
б) чтение текста по абзацам, выполнение заданий по тексту.
IV. Физкультминутка
V. Этап освоения видов деятельности
Отработка нового лексического материала по обучающей компьютерной
компьютерной программе
Чтение текстов с общим пониманием содержания по обучающей
VI. Этап закрепления изучаемого материала
1. Заполнение диаграммы «How to make a film review»
VII. Этап информации о домашнем задании
Запись домашнего задания в дневники
Объяснение учителя
VIII. Итог урока