Разработка открытого урока "The Power of advertising"
Оценка 4.9
Разработки уроков
английский язык
8 кл
Данный урок комбинированного типа является уроком повторения и закрепления пройденного материала, а также формирует навыки и умения работы с незнакомым текстом, грамматическим материалом и навыки употребления новых лексических единиц в речи.Цель урока и сопутствующие задачи соответствуют его месту в учебной теме, требованию программы обучения иностранному языку и учебного плана для данного класса.
Сила рекламы.docx
Открытый урок в рамках аттестации
Предмет: Английский язык
Класс: 8а
Тема: «Сила рекламы»
авторы: О.Б. Дворецкая, Н.Ю. Казырбаева, Н.И. Кузеванова
УМК: «New Millennium English»
развитие навыков языковой догадки, анализа, трансформации, мышления,
Цель: формирование иноязычной речевой компетенции у учащихся 8 класса в
рамках изучаемой темы о проблеме рекламы, повышение мотивации обучения
посредством представления материала с использованием ИКТ технологий на уроке
английского языка.
Задачи урока:
1) введение и отработка нового лексического материала по теме;
2) совершенствование навыков поискового чтения и устной речи;
3) формирование навыков выполнения задания С4, устной части ЕГЭ раздела
внимания, памяти, умения выделять главную информацию;
2) развитие самостоятельности и креативности, умений взаимодействия в группе.
1) воспитание чувства ответственности в работе с партнером, умения слушать
других, уважать их точку зрения;
2) формирование положительного отношения к учению, к познавательной
деятельности, желания приобретать новые знания, повышать мотивацию к
изучению иностранного языка.
Тип урока:
Форма организации
деятельности учащихся:
Технологии обучения:
информационно коммуникационная технология
Методы обучения:
объяснительноиллюстративный, частично
поисковый, личностно ориентированный,
методика интеллектуальной лабильности
проблемное обучение, проектные методы
фронтальная, парная, групповая,
Оснащение урока:
интерактивная SMART доска; компьютер;
текст (визуально), карточки, картинки, проектор; мультимедийная презентация
Планконспект урока
Организационный этап
Приветствие, беседа с дежурным учеником
Мотивация учебной деятельности учащихся
( учебный разговор по теме «Подарки»)
Проверка домашнего задания
Демонстрация презентаций «Самый незабываемый подарок»
Обсуждение презентаций
Сообщение темы, постановка цели и задач урока
Введение нового лексического материала
1. Установление соответствий новых слов и выражений на английском языке с
их эквивалентами на русском языке
Первичное усвоение новых знаний
Выполнение подстановочных упражнений с новой лексикой
Поиск новых слов и выражений в тексте
Закрепление новых знаний
Чтение текста с общим пониманием (разделение текстов на категории: за
рекламу/ против рекламы)
Поисковое чтение (поиск ответов на вопросы по тексту)
VIII. Обобщение нового материала
Составление вопросов к картинкам
Составление синквейнов
IX. Рефлексия (подведение итогов занятия)
Информация о домашнем задании, выставление оценок.
Этапы урока
Деятельность учителя
Деятельность учащихся
Ход урока Good morning, teacher. Glad to see you
I’m on duty today. All are present. Today
is the 13th of October.
It’s Tuesday today. Yes, I have. I’ve
bought __________. Yes, sure.
Yes, of course.
Good morning, pupils. Glad to see you again. We
have guests on our lesson today. Greet them, please.
Who is on duty today?
Who is absent today on the lesson? What is the date
today? What day of the week is it today?
Have you bought anything today in our school
canteen? What have you bought?
I believe that your parents give you pocket money
for school lunch.
When you go to the birthday party of your friend
you also take money from your parents. Am I right?
What kind of present do you usually buy for your
Have you ever got an unforgettable present? That
was the question which you had to answer while
preparing your homework for today. Also I asked
you to make the project on this theme. I know that
most of you are ready with your projects. But as we
have a little time I’ll ask only four pupils. They are
Katya, Anya, Aset and Natalie. And the rest pupils
listen to them attentively and then we will discuss
their presentations.
Now I want you to give your own opinion about
them and some expressions on your cards will help
you to make up sentences.
Whose presentation did you like most of all?
Whose presentation do you think is the best?
Who wants to tell some words about _____’s
Thank you, pupils for your presentations. We all
see that you worked hard and prepared your
homework quite perfectly. Your classmates gave a
better appreciation to your presentations. I share
their opinions.
I liked ________’s presentation because
I think, _____________’s presentation is
the best because ….
I liked ________’s presentation because
To my mind, ________’s presentation is
the best because …. Мы посмотрели рекламы. Наш урок
будет о рекламах.
Все слова, кроме commercials
начинаются с ad.
Отличается их дальнейшее написание.
In newspapers and magazines
On radio
In the Internet
Сообщение темы,
постановка цели и
задач урока
Now, pupils, look at the screen. Tell me what you
have just watched. Right you are. You have just
watched a short collection of ads. Do you guess
why I have shown it you? Great discovery! Now
open your books. Page 31. Look at the words in
bold in the exercise 1a. I’ll read them and you
listen to me.
Adverts, advertising, ads, advertisements,
commercials. Repeat after me. All these words
mean in Russian: рекламы. Now tell me, pupils,
what do these words have in common. How do they
differ? Not only their writing is different. There is
one more difference between these words, but I’ll
tell it you a bit later. So, pupils, we live in the world
of technical progress, where everything is sold and
everything is bought. Sometimes adverts help us,
sometimes they disturb. A lot of ads are all around
us every minute. Let’s name the places where we
can find advertisements? We can also find a lot of
ads outdoor.
And now, as I have promised, I’ll tell you the
difference between the words adverts, advertising,
ads, advertisements, commercials. Adverts,
advertising, ads, advertisements we can find
everywhere, as you say. But commercials we can
see only on TV or listen on the radio.
____________, read the words on the top of the
page 31. What do they mean? So, the theme of our lesson today is “The power of advertising”. Why
the power? What kind of power do the adverts
have? Yes, we often buy something or even act
under the influence of ads.
So today we shall speak about the power of ads’
influence on people’s mind. Pupils, look through
the pages 31, 32 and 33 and try to predict what we
will do on our lesson today. You are on target!
Everything you’ve said are right. Today on our
we’ll learn new words and expressions;
we’ll read short texts and do some tasks according
to these texts;
we’ll discuss the advantages and disadvantages of
you’ll make up cinquains;
we’ll describe the pictures with ads.
So, let’s begin with the new words and firstly look
at the blackboard. Here are Russian equivalents of
new words and expressions in English which you
can see on the screen. Try to find the pairs of
English words and their Russian translations.
Repetitive. What part of speech is this word? Is it a
verb, a noun or an adjective? How do you know?
This word is formed from the verb “repeat”. On the
lessons I say to you, “Repeat after me”. What does
it mean? That’s right. So, the translation of the
word “repetitive” is. Come to the blackboard and
write down this word opposite its Russian
translation. Which word is also the adjective? It is
formed from the verb select with the help of the
suffix “ive”. Can you find its translation? There is
one more adjective among these words. What suffix
forms the adjective? Good for you. The word
“annoying” means… Excellent.
The other words and expressions we translate into
Russian as verbs. Can you match the translation of
the word combination “go down”? What about the
expression “stick in your head”? Can you guess its
meaning. You are on the right way. The word
“head” helps you to understand the meaning of this
word. Now two words are left. When we spoke
about your summer holidays, you used the word
combination “entertainment centre”. What does it
mean? So “get entertained” means… And the last
word’s translation is… Repeat these words after
me. Nice job, pupils. And now we’ll do the exercise
using these words. Fill in the gaps in the questions
with the words and expressions we have just taken.
The power of advertising.
Сила рекламы. Силу воздействия
I think, we will read the texts, answer the
We will take new words and do an
exercise with new words.
We will do a dialogue or may be we’ll
write an essay.
It’s an adjective. По суффиксу ive
Повторите за мной.
The suffices “ing” Раздражающий.
“держится у вас в голове”
“развлекательный центр” , развлекать
A. I like clever adverts that are fun and
stick in your head. This is the way
Введение нового
усвоение новых
знаний Remarkable job. I see you can work with new
words quite perfectly; they’ve stuck in your heads.
On page 31 there are 6 short texts in which British
teenagers give their opinions about the
advertisements. Look through these texts and find
the words and expressions which we’ve just learned
and read the sentences with them. In text A.
In text B.
In text C.
In text D.
In text E and F
Great, pupils, I knew you could do it.
Now I’d like to offer you to read these short texts
and decide which of them are for TV advertising
and which are against. Before reading I divide you
into two groups. The pupils of the first group read
and select those texts which are for TV advertising
and the second group choose the texts which are
against ads on TV. I’ll give you 3 minutes to do this
job. The first group names the texts which are for
ads. How can you prove that these texts are for ads?
Read the sentences.
Now the pupils of the second group name the letters
of the texts which are against ads. What made think
so? You are real super groups.
In exercise 1b there are 8 questions. The first group
read the questions from 1 to 4. The second group
read the questions from 5 to 8 and find the answers
to them in texts.
Pupils, you are growing up. I can say that you’ve
understood the texts quite well.
Pupils, you’ve worked hard. I think, it’s time to
relax. As far as I know, you are the fans of Beatles.
And now I offer you to sing this legendary group’s
«ObLadi, ObLada» and do some dancing
people get entertained.
B. They are always saying that the
prices go down. Boring and
C. They are annoying and stupid. You
should be selective about what you
D. Also I like funny ads that encourage
people to buy presents for each other.
E. F. There are no new words.
Isn’t it annoying when you keep your
TV on all day?
2. How do you prefer to get entertained?
get entertain
3. Are you selective when you choose
what to watch on TV? selective
4. Do you think prices are going down
or going up? going down
5. Can advertising encourage you?
6. Do advertisements stick in your head
7. Do you find repetitive ads boring?
A, D,F
1. Which of the texts compares TV
adverts with other programmes? (F)
2. Which of the texts gives the piece of
advice? (D)
3. Which of the texts mentions the
music? (A)
4. Which of the texts draws our
attention to humour? (D)
5. Which of the texts mentions people’s
intelligence? (C)
6. Which of the texts says that adverts
are useful? (F)
7. Which of the texts says that
advertisements sometimes tell lies?
8. Which of the texts says that ads
should not be allowed? (E)
ObLadi, ObLada
Desmond has a barrow in the market
Molly is the singer in a band
Desmond says to Molly girl I like your
face VI.
Outstanding performance. I see, now you are strong
and hearty. And you are ready to continue working.
Today we are speaking a lot about adverts. And we
know that adverts have both advantages and
disadvantages. Name the advantages of the ads.
What are their disadvantages? However sometimes
we have to address to advertisements in order to
find out some details. I prepared 3 pictures with
ads. Imagine that one of you is going to the night
museum, one of you is going to the library and one
of you wants to order a school uniform. You
should ask 4 direct questions to the particular
advertisement. Who wants to do this task?
новых знаний
And Molly says this as she takes him by
the hand
Obladi oblada life goes on bra
Lala how the life goes on
Obladi oblada life goes on bra
Lala how the life goes on
Desmond takes a trolley to the jewellers
Buys a twenty carat golden ring (Golden
Takes it back to Molly waiting at the
And as he gives it to her she begins to
sing (Sing)
Obladi oblada life goes on bra
Lala how the life goes on
Obladi oblada life goes on bra
Lala how the life goes on, yeah (No)
Boring, repetitive, annoying, tell lies,
make me mad, like chewing gum.
Attractive, funny, interesting, inform us,
make me laugh, useful. And the rest, pupils, imagine that you are poets.
You should make up a cinquain. You know how to
write a cinquain. We did this job many times. I
want to remember how to make it?
The first line – one word. What? Who?
The second line – two words. What kind?
The third line – three words. What does?
The fourth line – four words. The phrase according
to the theme.
The fifth line – one word. The conclusion. The
main idea.
The theme of cinquain is naturally
“Advertisements”. Look at my cinquain as an
I’ll give you some minutes to prepare a short poem
about advertisements.
нового материала
(подведение итогов
Информация о
Pupils, we have some minutes till the end of our
lesson and I want you to tell some words about
what you have learned on our lesson today. Do you
like our lesson today? What did you like most of
all? What else would you like to know about ads? домашнем задании,
инструктаж по его
In my turn I’d like to tell you pupils, all of you tried
hard but some of you were on the top today.
________ I put you the mark “5”. ______________
your mark is “4” And I am sure nothing can stop
you in learning English.
Now open your day books and write down your
homework. Write down the new words in your
vocabularies and learn them by heart. In your
workbooks do the exercises 9 and 10 page 15. Read
the text in ex. 9 and choose the right form of the
verbs. Be careful in your choosing, understand the
tense completely. As for the ex. 10 you should fill
in the gaps in the sentences with the words from the
Our lesson is over. Good bye
Разработка открытого урока "The Power of advertising"
Разработка открытого урока "The Power of advertising"
Разработка открытого урока "The Power of advertising"
Разработка открытого урока "The Power of advertising"
Разработка открытого урока "The Power of advertising"
Разработка открытого урока "The Power of advertising"
Разработка открытого урока "The Power of advertising"
Разработка открытого урока "The Power of advertising"
Разработка открытого урока "The Power of advertising"
Разработка открытого урока "The Power of advertising"
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