Разработка учебного занятия по английскому языку "Танкоград" (1 курс СПО)

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  • 27.02.2019
Публикация в СМИ для учителей

Публикация в СМИ для учителей

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Мгновенные 10 документов в портфолио.

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Методическая разработка

  учебного занятия

по дисциплине "Иностранный язык"


Тема: «Glory of Tankograd»


          В соответствии с рабочей программой учебной дисциплины «Иностранный язык»  тема «Слава Танкограда» является заключительной в цикле занятий по развитию речи по теме «Мой город» на 1 курсе и  предназначена для контроля усвоения материала и развития навыков говорения.

  В процессе проведения занятия используются   метод проектов и технология малых групп. Технология малых групп по принципу thinkpairsharesquare с пошаговым перечислением действий предусматривает:

Step 1: think over the answer individually – шаг 1: продумай и ответь сам;

Step 2: share your opinion with your partner – шаг 2: поделись своим мнением с партнером;

Step 3: share your opinion in the group and draw a conclusion – шаг 3: поделись мнением с группой и сделай выводы;

Step 4: choose the pupil who’ll inform the class about your decision – шаг 4: выберите одного студента, который проинформирует группу о вашем решении.



Ход урока.

1.     Организационный момент, определение темы урока.

Hello, my dear students! Today we’ll talk about wars: what war is, why wars begin, whether it’s possible to prevent wars and how, whether the existence of wars is justified.

Our work is unusual. All the tasks are done in small groups of four or three. We both are going to teach you: one task is taught by T.A., another by E.A. It’s not easy but interesting. Your groups will compete for the name “The best in English”. Every group has some sheets of paper: with exercises, texts and progress checking. You have to put the notes for each stage of our class. At the top of the lesson we’ll know the names of the best students. I wish you good luck and triumph in our competition. 

2.     Речевая разминка.

First of all I’d like to ask you: how do you understand the word “war”?  And there some words that belong to the topic “Glory of Tankograd”. They can help you in your work at the texts. Let’s read and translate them.

Don’t forget to fill the table!

Victory –

Great Patriotic War –

tank –

tractor plant –

brigade –

 troop –

 evacuate –

pipe plant –

self-propelled machine –

diesel engine –

Katyusha rocket launcher –



Labor Merit-




producing house-



Multy-machines operators-


3.     Формирование навыка языковой догадки.

Now let’s pay attention to some expressions of famous people about the prevention of war. Some words are omitted. Express your opinion.

4.     Формирование навыков чтения.

Today, we are going to speak about the most awful, tragically event in the 20-century’s history, in the history of our country.  It’s the Second World War, of course.  As you know, the all the people took part in that war. We all remember heroism and bravery of people, who defended our Motherland. Every city and every person did the best he could to make the victory closer.

TASK: read the text, translate it, answer the questions and give its summary:


During Great Patriotic War it was decided to evacuate a large part of Soviet factory production to places out of the way of German armies in 1941. This brought new industries and thousands of workers to Chelyabinsk. Seven plants from many cities of Soviet Union were evacuated and formed a tank industrial complex called as Tankograd. Tankograd complex manufactured 13 types of the new tanks and self-propelled artillery sets (SAU) along with 6 types of the tank diesel engines. For the first time in the tank construction world history the heavy tanks were assembled in series production. The plant became one of the major front armories: 18 thousands tanks and self-propelled machines, 48.5 thousands tank diesel engines, 17.7 million military ammunition sets were produced in a record short time. The citizens of Tankograd were very patriotic and fearless. They had poor salary, but they handed in as much money as they had for the producing of tanks, so their families lived very poor, they didn’t have enough food, they froze. During the World War II the plant was renamed as Kirov Plant   in the city of Chelyabinsk. The plant became one of the major front armories: 18 thousands tanks and self-propelled machines, 48.5 thousands tank diesel engines, 17.7 million military ammunition sets were produced in a record short time. Facilities for the production of T-34 tanks and Katyusha rocket launchers existed in Chelyabinsk. Chelyabinsk produced 18,000 tanks, and 48,500 tank diesel engines as well as over 17 million units of ammunition. In the press of the time Chelyabinsk was informally called “Tankograd”. Mass production of tanks was founded in 33 days! It was a big conveyor! In 1943they began to produce tanks IS-2. Our city was awarded the title “The City of Labour, Merrit and Honour”. The memory and respect for the soldiers and workers of Tankograd is shown in monuments and memory places. There are a lot of monuments in our city. A lot of streets are named after the heroes of battles and labour. Ivan Goncharenko, Alexander Marchenko, Nikolay Khudyakov, Zhoseph Kotin – all these and many other names are memorized in streets names. We have the Tankers Street and the street of Tankograd Heroes. We are proud that our city had done a lot for the big Victory!

1.     How many plants were evacuated in Chelyabinsk?

2.     What name was given to Chelyabinsk?

3.     What was produced in Tankograd?

4.     How did the citizens work?

5.     What title was awarded our city?

6.     Are there many monuments in our city?

5.    Формирование навыков аудирования

Now you know much about Tankograd. The memory and respect for the soldiers and workers of Tankograd is shown  in monuments and memory places. There are a lot of monuments in our city.

We name our next stage Nobody is forgotten, nothing is forgotten

Look at the screen, listen to me and then answer the quiz.

1-6           Chelyabinsk has become an industrial centre before the war. The plant ChTZ produced tractors and was famous in the whole country. With the beginning  of the war the plant produced the tanks T-34, then IS-2. In the huge workshops worked teens, old and women.

7.       For its heroically work the Kirov-plant was awarded 4 orders

8.       In the centre of the city, near the general post office it was built the memorial for those who constructed and built tanks and then went to the front. The memorial was built on the same place, where the troops went to the front.

9-10.           1965, the monument for the heroes of Tankograd was made. The authors put on the base the real tank IS-3. It is written: Urals, to you, whose golden hands forged here the Victory.

11.     Near the Kolyushchenko-plant is the next monument: Katyusha. It is for the workers of rear.

12-13.         This monument is near the school no. 1. Many pupils went to the front, came home only some pupils of this school.

14.    Many wounded and handicapped soldiers were brought to the hospitals of Chelyabinsk. Many died. They were buried on Lesnoye cemetery. So, near the cemetery was built the monument for Niobes, for the mothers who had lost their children but hadn’t lost their trust to the victory.

15. The first memorial in our city is built near the school 2. Chelyabinsk Komsomolets, the tank brigade had here the quarter, from here they went to the front.

16.     For the pilots that fell during the war the monument is constructed in our city.

17.    The monument “Nurse” is constructed on the Victory Avenue. It is devoted for young girls and women who helped the wounded soldiers, who fought heroically.

19.     And the most popular monument is the Eternal Light. The veterans come on the Victory Day to the Light, young wedding pairs come here to honour the people who won the war and gave them the opportunity to live without war.


Now, your task is to choose the right information according our text:

1.     Chelyabinsk produced in the war-days

a)     Tanks    b) Katyushas     c) pipes

2.     For its heroically work  the Kirov-plant was awarded

a)     5 orders    b)4 orders       c)10 orders

3.    In the centre of the city, near the general post office it was built the memorial for

a)     those who constructed and built Katyushas and then went to the front.

b)    those who constructed and built tanks

c)     those who constructed and built tanks and then went to the front.

4.     The monument for the heroes of Tankograd was made

a)     1965         b) 1985    c) 1945

5.     Near the Kolyushchenko-plant is the   monument

a)     Nurse     b) Katyusha          c)IS-3

6.Near the cemetery was built the monument

a)     for the mothers who had lost their children b)for the farthers who had lost their children c)for the mothers who had lost their husbands

7.For the pilots …..the monument is constructed in our city.

a)     that fell during the fight  b) that fell during the war c) that were wounded during the war

8.The monument “Nurse” is constructed.

a)    on the Victory Avenue b) on the Lenin Avenue   c) on the Victory Street

9.And the most popular monument is

a)the Eternal Light  b) the Eternal Lamp   c) the Electrical Light

10. This monument is near the school № 1.

a) Many pupils went to the front, came home only some pupils of this school.

b) Many pupils went to the front

c)  Only some pupils of this school came home.

6.Развитие навыков устной речи. Рассказ о городе во время войны

7.Подведение итогов занятия, домашнее задание. Рефлексия.

Well, I suppose we’re going to finish. In conclusion we can point that war is the most horrible thing created in the world. Most of people are against war, death and destructions. Don’t forget those millions which are not with us, but in our hearts.



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