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Оценка 4.7

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Оценка 4.7
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английский язык
10 кл
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Lesson plan 39 Date: 14.11.2018 The theme of the lesson: Geography and wildlife of KZ The aims and objectives of the lesson: a) educational to enrich pupil’s vocabulary, to enlarge their interest in learning foreign languages and to introduce the pupils with new words and give them more information’s about Kazakhstan and its wildlife to teach them to poly languages. b) developing to develop pupil’s habits in speaking, reading and translating, to develop communicative skills and abilities, to teach them to poly languages c) cultural to bring up pupil’s interests, respect and love to foreign and native languages, to educate them to respect their classmates, teachers, friends and to educate them to be a honesty . The type of the lesson: mixed lesson The kind of the lesson: mastering of new lesson The methods of the lesson: vocabulary method, method of explanation, comparing, completing, question-response, bring storming Visual aids of the lesson: pictures, notebook, grammar table Interdisciplinary relation: Geography The procedure of the lesson: Teacher’s activity Student’s activity І. Organization moment - greeting; - to check the attendance of pupils; -to pay pupils attention to the lesson; -to check the preparation of the lesson; - greeting; -acting on duty; -to prepare for the lesson; ІІ. Checking up the home task (teacher checks the homework on the pupil’s copybooks and some pupils and some pupils will write it on the blackboard) Pupils will write it on the blackboard III. Explaining new material a) work on new How many species of birds, reptiles, fish, do you know? What do you think about Wildlife? to write down b) tasks for the development of cognitive abilities Video about Kazakhstan What do you know about nature? How many population are there? What is the capital of Kazakhstan? How many nations are live there ? Vocabulary endanger – [in’deindʒә]- қауіп төну cause danger to smb-smth’ put in danger – қаіупке ұшырау endangered –[ in’deindʒәd]- leopard –[‘lepәd]- леопард ,барыс glacier – [‘glᴂsiә]—шың,мұздық,глетчер falcon – [‘fᴐ:lkәn]- қыран extinction- [iks;tiŋkᶘәn] – жойылу, өшу Reading Wildlife Species Reptile Amphibian Mammal A species of antelope: various animal species , sort, type Any of the class of cold- blooded egg lying animals including lizards, tortoises, snakes, crocodiles, etc. With relatively short legs or no legs at all An animal able to live both on land and in water. Frogs are amphibians Any of the class that give birth and feed their young on milk from the breast Text Wildlife Complete the chart Species Reptile Amphibian Fish Mammal Animals/birds 52 12 150 158 19/23 ex. 1. Read the definitions of the new words then practice the pronunciation. Answer the questions. Ex. 2 p. 93 Read the text and make a list of species. Ex. 3 p. 95 Practice the pronunciation of the words. Talk answering the questions. (Flashcards) Ex. 4 p. 95 Read some more information about animals in Kazakhstan. Ex. 5 p. 95 Read the statements and say whether you agree or disagree to them. A song “Impossible” Example: People say that animals are used for experiment. I don’t quite agree with them. We must protect them, but shouldn’t kill for that purpose. Ex. 6 p. 96 Discuss the questions. Read the new words and practice the pronunciation. Read the text and answer the question: What do you think of the British attitude to animals? Ex. 7 p. 97 Discuss the following questions. (Picture. Brainstorming) Ex. 9 p. 97 Read the new words and answer the questions. Ex. 10 p. 97 Read the text and make a list of words which are connected with these plants. 1)To learn the new words. 2) Ex. 12 p. 98 Exercise 3 on p 91 Listen a song and complete the sentences “What does the fox say? “ Dog goes "woof" Cat goes "meow" Bird goes "tweet" And mouse goes "squeek" Cow goes "moo" Frog goes "croak" And the elephant goes "toot" Ducks say "quack" And fish go "blub" And the seal goes "ow ow ow" IV. Consolidation of the new lesson To consolidate the lesson by asking questions or translating Pupils answer the question or translate
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Date:  14.11.2018 The theme of the lesson: The aims and  objectives of  the lesson: a) educational b) developing c) cultural The type of the lesson: The kind of the lesson: The methods of the lesson: Visual aids of the lesson: Interdisciplinary relation: The procedure of the lesson: І. Organization moment ІІ. Checking up the home task Lesson plan  39   Geography and wildlife of KZ to   enrich   pupil’s   vocabulary,   to   enlarge   their   interest   in   learning   foreign languages and to introduce the pupils with new words and give them more information’s     about   Kazakhstan   and   its   wildlife     to   teach   them   to   poly languages. to develop pupil’s habits in speaking, reading and translating, to develop  communicative skills and abilities, to teach them to poly languages  to bring up pupil’s interests, respect and love to foreign and native languages,  to educate them to respect their classmates, teachers, friends and to educate  them to be a honesty . mixed lesson mastering of new lesson vocabulary method, method of explanation, comparing, completing, question­ response, bring storming pictures, notebook, grammar table  Geography Teacher’s activity ­ greeting; ­ to check the attendance of pupils; ­to pay pupils attention to the lesson; ­to check the preparation of the lesson;   (teacher checks the homework on the pupil’s  copybooks and some pupils and some pupils will write  it on the blackboard) Student’s activity ­ greeting; ­acting on duty; ­to prepare for the  lesson; Pupils will write it  on the blackboard a) work on new  How many species of birds, reptiles, fish, do you  III.  Explaining  new  material b) tasks for the  development of   cognitive  abilities know? What do you think about Wildlife? Video about Kazakhstan  What do you know about nature? How many population are there? What is the capital of Kazakhstan?  How many nations are  live there ? Vocabulary   endanger – [in’deindʒә]­ қауіп төну cause danger to smb­smth’ put in danger – қаіупке  ұшырау endangered –[ in’deindʒәd]­ leopard –[‘lepәd]­ леопард ,барыс glacier – [‘glᴂsiә]—шың,мұздық,глетчер falcon – [‘fᴐ:lkәn]­ қыран extinction­ [iks;tiŋkᶘәn] – жойылу, өшу  Reading to write down Exercise 3 on p 91  Listen a song and  complete the  sentences “What does the fox  say? “ Dog goes "woof"  Cat goes "meow"  Bird goes "tweet"  And mouse goes  "squeek"  Cow goes "moo"  Frog goes "croak"  And the elephant  goes "toot"  Ducks say "quack"  And fish go "blub"  And the seal goes "ow ow ow"  Wildlife  Species  Reptile  Amphibian   An animal able  to live both on  land and in  water. Frogs are amphibians  A species  of antelope: various  animal  species ,  sort, type  Any of the  class of  cold­  blooded  egg lying  animals  including  lizards,  tortoises,  snakes,  crocodiles,  etc. With  relatively  short legs  or no legs  at all  Mam mal  Any of the  class  that  give  birth  and  feed  their  young  on  milk  from  the  breast  Text Wildlife  Complete the chart  Spec ies  Rept ile  Amphi bian  52  12 Fish  Mammal  Anim als/bi rds  19/23 150 158 ex. 1. Read the definitions of the new words then  practice the pronunciation. Answer the questions.  Ex. 2 p. 93 Read the text and make a list of species. Ex. 3 p. 95 Practice the pronunciation of the words. Talk answering the questions. (Flashcards) Ex. 4 p. 95 Read some more information about animals  in Kazakhstan.  Ex. 5 p. 95 Read the statements and say whether you  agree or disagree to them. A song “Impossible” Example: People say that animals are used for  experiment. I don’t quite agree with them. We must  protect them, but shouldn’t kill for that purpose. Ex. 6 p. 96 Discuss the questions. Read the new words and practice the pronunciation. Read the text and answer the question: What do you think of the British attitude to animals? Ex. 7 p. 97 Discuss the following questions. (Picture.  Brainstorming) Ex. 9 p. 97 Read the new words and answer the  questions.  Ex. 10 p. 97 Read the text and make a list of words  which are connected with these plants. 1)To learn the new words. 2) Ex. 12 p. 98 IV. Consolidation of the new  lesson To consolidate the lesson by asking questions or  translating V. Homework  VІ. Evaluation VII. The end of the lesson Project work typical Kazakhstan animals  Pupils you are very activity today, your marks are 5, 4,  … ­  I hope the lesson was interesting and useful for you. What have you learnt today? The lesson is over ­Good­bye pupils Pupils answer the  question or  translate They’ll bring their  diaries to the  teacher to their  marks  ­Good­bye teacher. ­See you on next  lesson

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