Урок по английскому языку в 5 классе на тему:
«A Tour of London»
Учитель: Ставицкая Татьяна Евгеньевна
Тип: урок повторения предметных знаний, умений, навыков.
Цель: расширение страноведческих знаний о достопримечательностях
Социокультурный аспект – знакомство и сообщение дополнительных
сведений о фактах культуры страны изучаемого языка (TheLondonEye, WilliamI,
theTowerofLondon, beefeaters, ravens, BuckinghamPalace, theThames).
Развивающий аспект – развитие способности к структурной
антиципации, к догадке (по аналогии с русским языком), к логическому
развитию воображения,
умения пользоваться справочной
литературой (лингвострановедческим), умения осуществлять информационный
поиск, в том числе с помощью компьютерных средств.
Воспитательный аспект – воспитание потребности в приобщении к
культуре Великобритании, осознание культуры родного края через контекст
культуры англоязычной страны, развитие умения представлять свою культуру.
Учебный аспект – совершенствование грамматических навыков
(сопутствующая задача: развитие речевого умения –монологическая форма
проектный метод;
учебная работа под руководством учителя; репродуктивный метод (активное восприятие и запоминание сообщаемой
наглядноиллюстративный метод (демонстрация слайдов, кейс)
словесный метод (рассказ, элементы беседы)
методы стимулирования учения (создание ситуации эмоционального
логические методы (сравнение, анализ).
Виды речевой деятельности:
Формы работы:
Средства обучения:
мультимедийная презентация со зрительной и речевой опорой; кейс. Вид
е и мотивация
знаний и
знаний при
Как учитель
Good morning, children!( Good morning, teacher!)
I am glad to see you .( We are glad to see you too.)
How are you? ( I am fine/ very well, thank you. And how are
I am fine too, thank you.
Today I invite you to make a trip to a beautiful city. Look at the
pictures on the board. What city is it? Can you guess?
Would you like to visit London? So, what is the topic of our
lesson? “A tour of London.”
What are we going to learn during the lesson?
sights of London
Marie and Mark are going to travel with us.
Our tour starts (слайд).We are going to travel by this bus. It’s a
By the way, what the best way to see London is? Listen
(слайд), what Clare says about it. (слушаем) So, what is the best
way to see London?
So, we start our tour with the London Eye (слайд).
From the top of the London Eye we can see many interesting
places. So, what can we see from the top of the London Eye?
Listen to the dialogue once again (слайд) and do ex. 1 in your AB
on the p.107.
Listen and tick the places you can see from the top of the London
What places can you see?
Our bus is moving. And the next stop is –theTower of London.
( слайд
What does the guide tell us about the Tower of London? ( слайд
Do Ex.2 on p. 135 in your SB. Read the text and fill in the correct
forms of the verb.
While reading consult the LCG if you need. Be ready in 3
Your time is up. Who is ready? So, what does the guide tell us
about the Tower of London.?
Listen and check if your classmate is right. What was William I? What are beefeaters?
What birds do live in the Tower of London?
You are right слайд, for many years ravens have guarded the
Tower of London.
And how long the ravens have lived in the Tower we can get to
know if we do ex.2 on p.108 in your AB? ( слайд)
Our double decker is moving. And the next stop is Buckingham
Palace. слайд . About 50 000 tourists visit Buckingham Palace
слайд. Let’s see why this place is so popular. Read the text in
your SB on p.136, ex.3 and say what BP is?
Complete the story. Put the verbs from the box in the correct form.
Your time is up. What have you learnt about Buckingham Palace?
Read in turn.
Now answer my question: What is Buckingham Palace?
I think you are a bit tired. Let’s have a rest. слайд
Look here! слайд While visiting BP Marc took these photos.
Look at them. What do you think?
Was the queen at home when he took the 1st photo?
Was the queen at home when he took the 2nd photo?
Look at the picture 1. What can you see on the top of the Palace?
Look at the picture 2. What can you see here?
So, if the queen is at home there is a flag on the top of BP.
Закрепление. Unfortunately, our short bus tour is finished. Have you enjoyed
the trip? Have you learnt new facts about sights of London?
Let’s share your impressions on the trip.
Take envelopes on your desk, open it. There are booklets about
sights of London. Look through the booklet and tell your
classmates what interesting facts you got to know today. The 1st
raw, tell about the London Eye. The 2nd raw, tell about the
Tower of London and the 3d raw, tell us about Buckingham
This scheme will help you. Be ready in 3 minutes Оформление
Let’s share your impressions.
Next lesson we’ll visit other sights: Trafalgar square, Hampton
Maze and the Museum of London
Are there any attractive cities in Russia? What do you think?
Can we invite Marc and Marie to visit Lipetsk? To make their trip
unforgettable let’s make a Guide Book of Lipetsk. It will be our
project. Look at the screen. слайд Firstly, choose a title for our
Guide book. Read aloud and choose the best title.
The city of teils and fountains
The center of Romanovskaya toy
The city of active recriation
Secondly, choose the captions for pages. For example, слайд the
first caption will be “Historical facts”. What other captions can we
make? нажать
Let’s fill the 1st page of our booklet together. слайд
And other pages of the booklet you will fill by yourself, in groups.
Group 1, find short information about history, monuments and
famous people of Lipetsk
Group 2, find short information about theatres and museums
Group 3, find short information about fountains and parks
Besides, find pictures and photos of sights of Lipetsk. слайд
Open your homework diaries and write down the home task.
When you find information we may offer our foreign friends
these booklets. Will it be useful for them?
Итоги урока,
Now, I want to know your opinion about the lesson.
If the lesson was interesting and useful show the green card.
If the lesson was normal and you haven’t understood everything
show the yellow card.
If the lesson wasn’t useful information for you show the red card.
Your marks are … .
Thank you for your work. The lesson is over.
Have a good day!
Разработка урока A Tour of London
Разработка урока A Tour of London
Разработка урока A Tour of London
Разработка урока A Tour of London
Разработка урока A Tour of London
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