Short term plan
LESSON: Fruit and vegetables School: № 3
Date: Teacher name: Marzhan Abdurakhmanova
CLASS: 5 «А» Number present: 12 absent: -
Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to 5.S5 pronounce and uncreasing range of short phrases and simple sentences intelligibly
5.C9 use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
understand, read and write the new words about fruit and vegetables
Most learners will be able to:
ask and answer questions, make up the dialogue using the new words and phrases
Some learners will be able to:
describe and speak the ideas about fruit and vegetables
Language objectives Learners can:
describe fruit and vegetables
Key words and phrases:
pineapple, avocado, cherries, red pepper, cauliflower, spinach, aubergine, do you like…, yes, I love it
Useful classroom language for dialogue/writing:
Discussion points:
Do you like pineapple?
Can you say/ why...?
Why do you like plums?
Writing prompts:
To prepare a worksheet of new words: avocado, cherries, red pepper, cauliflower, spinach, aubergine
Previous learning «My great- grandparents»
Learners know the names of relatives and can describe their family
Planned timings Planned activities Resources
I. Org.moment:
a) Greetings
b) Duties` report
II. Psychological training «I know, that you are the best», each learners gives good wishes to each other.
Dividing into groups: Teacher divides learners into 2 groups using mosaic, then who hasthe same picture will sit together.
The First group is «Fruit»
The Second group is «Vegetables
(Collective work) Brainstorming
What kind of fruits and vegetables do you know?
Do you like grapes? Why?
III. To interview new words and repeat chorally.
a cauliflower a spinach
a grapes a red pepper
an avocado a pineapple
an aubergine a cherries
An active board, slides
Ex.3 page 54 (Individual work)
Write about the fruit and vegetables
1.A cauliflower is white and has got green leaves
2.A plum is red and round
3.A spinach is green leaves
4. A red pepper is yellow and chill
Task 1.Differentiation
Match the pictures to the words.
a) cauliflower b) grapes c) avocado
e) spinach
f) red pepper
g) pineapple
h) cherries
Task 2.
Each group making up the dialogue using the new words and phrases about fruit and vegetables.
Necessary words and phrases:
cauliflower, grapes, avocado, aubergine, red pepper, spinach
- Do you like pineapple?
- Yes, I love it
- I quite like it
- No, I don`t like it at all
Task 3.
Didactic game“The fourth is excess”
There are 4 pictures of fruits and vegetables on the table of each group. One of them is excess. Learners should determine and describe it.
I. (Group work) Crossword.
Game “Who is the first?”Read and write.Find the missing word.
1.It`s green or black and the same shape as a pear.
2.They`re small, sweet and red. They grow on a bush.
3.They`re green, red or purple.
4.It`s yellow and brown with green leaves at the top.
5.They`re black or red and there are often two together.
An active board, slides
An active board,
II. Criteria-based assessment
Name of learners
Make up sentences with the pictures
Make up the dialogue
Game «The fourth is excess»
III.Feedback:The tree of knowledge.
1.What have I learnt…
2.What task I am interested in…
3.What task was difficult for me…
IV. Givinghomework: Write about your favourite fruit and vegetable.
Additional information
Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?
By asking questions, with the help of tasks and games Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning?
Criteria- based assessment Cross-curricular links
Health and safety check
ICT links Values links
Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic?
What did the learners learn today?
What was the learning atmosphere like?
Did my planned differentiation work well?
Did I stick to timings? What changes did I make from my plan and why? Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson.
I think my objectives were realistic for learners of 5th form, because I see the results. The learners learned some new words belong to the topic «Fruit and vegetables». The atmosphere of the lesson was enjoyable. Learner took active part in different tasks and activities, to collaborate working in small groups, shared ideas, tried to ask and answer the questions, made up dialogues using the new words and sentences, described pictures, gave us a lot of information about fruit and vegetables and do level tasks. I think I stick to timings.
Summary evaluation
What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?
1 Presentation new words with pictures
2 Check with the method “Brainstorming”.
What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?
1 The game “Who is the first?”
2 Describe the picture.
What have I learned from this lesson about the class or individuals that will inform my next lesson?
Giving more individual tasks according to the level of learners’ knowledge.
Short term plan
LESSON: Fruit and vegetables School: № 3
Date: Teacher name: Marzhan Abdurakhmanova
CLASS: 5 «А» Number present: 12 absent: -
Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to 5.S5 pronounce and uncreasing range of short phrases and simple sentences intelligibly
5.C9 use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
understand, read and write the new words about fruit and vegetables
Most learners will be able to:
ask and answer questions, make up the dialogue using the new words and phrases
Some learners will be able to:
describe and speak the ideas about fruit and vegetables
Language objectives Learners can:
describe fruit and vegetables
Key words and phrases:
pineapple, avocado, cherries, red pepper, cauliflower, spinach, aubergine, do you like…, yes, I love it
Useful classroom language for dialogue/writing:
Discussion points:
Do you like pineapple?
Can you say/ why...?
Why do you like plums?
Writing prompts:
To prepare a worksheet of new words: avocado, cherries, red pepper, cauliflower, spinach, aubergine
Previous learning «My great- grandparents»
Learners know the names of relatives and can describe their family
Planned timings Planned activities Resources
I. Org.moment:
a) Greetings
b) Duties` report
II. Psychological training «I know, that you are the best», each learners gives good wishes to each other.
Dividing into groups: Teacher divides learners into 2 groups using mosaic, then who hasthe same picture will sit together.
The First group is «Fruit»
The Second group is «Vegetables
(Collective work) Brainstorming
What kind of fruits and vegetables do you know?
Do you like grapes? Why?
III. To interview new words and repeat chorally.
a cauliflower a spinach
a grapes a red pepper
an avocado a pineapple
an aubergine a cherries
An active board, slides
Ex.3 page 54 (Individual work)
Write about the fruit and vegetables
1.A cauliflower is white and has got green leaves
2.A plum is red and round
3.A spinach is green leaves
4. A red pepper is yellow and chill
Task 1.Differentiation
Match the pictures to the words.
a) cauliflower b) grapes c) avocado
e) spinach
f) red pepper
g) pineapple
h) cherries
Task 2.
Each group making up the dialogue using the new words and phrases about fruit and vegetables.
Necessary words and phrases:
cauliflower, grapes, avocado, aubergine, red pepper, spinach
- Do you like pineapple?
- Yes, I love it
- I quite like it
- No, I don`t like it at all
Task 3.
Didactic game“The fourth is excess”
There are 4 pictures of fruits and vegetables on the table of each group. One of them is excess. Learners should determine and describe it.
I. (Group work) Crossword.
Game “Who is the first?”Read and write.Find the missing word.
1.It`s green or black and the same shape as a pear.
2.They`re small, sweet and red. They grow on a bush.
3.They`re green, red or purple.
4.It`s yellow and brown with green leaves at the top.
5.They`re black or red and there are often two together.
An active board, slides
An active board,
II. Criteria-based assessment
Name of learners
Make up sentences with the pictures
Make up the dialogue
Game «The fourth is excess»
III.Feedback:The tree of knowledge.
1.What have I learnt…
2.What task I am interested in…
3.What task was difficult for me…
IV. Givinghomework: Write about your favourite fruit and vegetable.
Additional information
Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?
By asking questions, with the help of tasks and games Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning?
Criteria- based assessment Cross-curricular links
Health and safety check
ICT links Values links
Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic?
What did the learners learn today?
What was the learning atmosphere like?
Did my planned differentiation work well?
Did I stick to timings? What changes did I make from my plan and why? Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson.
I think my objectives were realistic for learners of 5th form, because I see the results. The learners learned some new words belong to the topic «Fruit and vegetables». The atmosphere of the lesson was enjoyable. Learner took active part in different tasks and activities, to collaborate working in small groups, shared ideas, tried to ask and answer the questions, made up dialogues using the new words and sentences, described pictures, gave us a lot of information about fruit and vegetables and do level tasks. I think I stick to timings.
Summary evaluation
What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?
1 Presentation new words with pictures
2 Check with the method “Brainstorming”.
What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?
1 The game “Who is the first?”
2 Describe the picture.
What have I learned from this lesson about the class or individuals that will inform my next lesson?
Giving more individual tasks according to the level of learners’ knowledge.
Short term plan
LESSON: Fruit and vegetables School: № 3
Date: Teacher name: Marzhan Abdurakhmanova
CLASS: 5 «А» Number present: 12 absent: -
Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to 5.S5 pronounce and uncreasing range of short phrases and simple sentences intelligibly
5.C9 use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
understand, read and write the new words about fruit and vegetables
Most learners will be able to:
ask and answer questions, make up the dialogue using the new words and phrases
Some learners will be able to:
describe and speak the ideas about fruit and vegetables
Language objectives Learners can:
describe fruit and vegetables
Key words and phrases:
pineapple, avocado, cherries, red pepper, cauliflower, spinach, aubergine, do you like…, yes, I love it
Useful classroom language for dialogue/writing:
Discussion points:
Do you like pineapple?
Can you say/ why...?
Why do you like plums?
Writing prompts:
To prepare a worksheet of new words: avocado, cherries, red pepper, cauliflower, spinach, aubergine
Previous learning «My great- grandparents»
Learners know the names of relatives and can describe their family
Planned timings Planned activities Resources
I. Org.moment:
a) Greetings
b) Duties` report
II. Psychological training «I know, that you are the best», each learners gives good wishes to each other.
Dividing into groups: Teacher divides learners into 2 groups using mosaic, then who hasthe same picture will sit together.
The First group is «Fruit»
The Second group is «Vegetables
(Collective work) Brainstorming
What kind of fruits and vegetables do you know?
Do you like grapes? Why?
III. To interview new words and repeat chorally.
a cauliflower a spinach
a grapes a red pepper
an avocado a pineapple
an aubergine a cherries
An active board, slides
Ex.3 page 54 (Individual work)
Write about the fruit and vegetables
1.A cauliflower is white and has got green leaves
2.A plum is red and round
3.A spinach is green leaves
4. A red pepper is yellow and chill
Task 1.Differentiation
Match the pictures to the words.
a) cauliflower b) grapes c) avocado
e) spinach
f) red pepper
g) pineapple
h) cherries
Task 2.
Each group making up the dialogue using the new words and phrases about fruit and vegetables.
Necessary words and phrases:
cauliflower, grapes, avocado, aubergine, red pepper, spinach
- Do you like pineapple?
- Yes, I love it
- I quite like it
- No, I don`t like it at all
Task 3.
Didactic game“The fourth is excess”
There are 4 pictures of fruits and vegetables on the table of each group. One of them is excess. Learners should determine and describe it.
I. (Group work) Crossword.
Game “Who is the first?”Read and write.Find the missing word.
1.It`s green or black and the same shape as a pear.
2.They`re small, sweet and red. They grow on a bush.
3.They`re green, red or purple.
4.It`s yellow and brown with green leaves at the top.
5.They`re black or red and there are often two together.
An active board, slides
An active board,
II. Criteria-based assessment
Name of learners
Make up sentences with the pictures
Make up the dialogue
Game «The fourth is excess»
III.Feedback:The tree of knowledge.
1.What have I learnt…
2.What task I am interested in…
3.What task was difficult for me…
IV. Givinghomework: Write about your favourite fruit and vegetable.
Additional information
Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?
By asking questions, with the help of tasks and games Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning?
Criteria- based assessment Cross-curricular links
Health and safety check
ICT links Values links
Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic?
What did the learners learn today?
What was the learning atmosphere like?
Did my planned differentiation work well?
Did I stick to timings? What changes did I make from my plan and why? Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson.
I think my objectives were realistic for learners of 5th form, because I see the results. The learners learned some new words belong to the topic «Fruit and vegetables». The atmosphere of the lesson was enjoyable. Learner took active part in different tasks and activities, to collaborate working in small groups, shared ideas, tried to ask and answer the questions, made up dialogues using the new words and sentences, described pictures, gave us a lot of information about fruit and vegetables and do level tasks. I think I stick to timings.
Summary evaluation
What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?
1 Presentation new words with pictures
2 Check with the method “Brainstorming”.
What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?
1 The game “Who is the first?”
2 Describe the picture.
What have I learned from this lesson about the class or individuals that will inform my next lesson?
Giving more individual tasks according to the level of learners’ knowledge.
LESSON: Fruit and vegetables
School: № 3
Short term plan
CLASS: 5 «А»
Learning objectives(s) that
this lesson is contributing
Lesson objectives
Language objectives
Previous learning
Teacher name: Marzhan Abdurakhmanova
Number present: 12
5.S5 pronounce and uncreasing range of short phrases and simple sentences
5.C9 use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings
All learners will be able to:
understand, read and write the new words about fruit and vegetables
Most learners will be able to:
ask and answer questions, make up the dialogue using the new words and
Some learners will be able to:
describe and speak the ideas about fruit and vegetables
Learners can:
describe fruit and vegetables
Key words and phrases:
pineapple, avocado, cherries, red pepper, cauliflower, spinach, aubergine, do
you like…, yes, I love it
Useful classroom language for dialogue/writing:
Discussion points:
Do you like pineapple?
Can you say/ why...?
Why do you like plums?
Writing prompts:
To prepare a worksheet of new words: avocado, cherries, red pepper,
cauliflower, spinach, aubergine
«My great grandparents»
Learners know the names of relatives and can describe their family
Planned activities
I. Org.moment:
a) Greetings
b) Duties` report
II. Psychological training «I know, that you are the best», each learners
gives good wishes to each other.
Dividing into groups: Teacher divides learners into 2 groups using mosaic,
then who hasthe same picture will sit together.
The First group is «Fruit»
The Second group is «Vegetables
(Collective work) Brainstorming
What kind of fruits and vegetables do you know?
Do you like grapes? Why?
III. To interview new words and repeat chorally.
a cauliflower a spinach
a grapes a red pepper
an avocado a pineapple
An active
board, slidesan aubergine a cherries
Ex.3 page 54 (Individual work)
Write about the fruit and vegetables
1.A cauliflower is white and has got green leaves
2.A plum is red and round
3.A spinach is green leaves
4. A red pepper is yellow and chill
Task 1.Differentiation
Match the pictures to the words.
f) red
Task 2.
Each group making up the dialogue using the new words and phrases
about fruit and vegetables.
Necessary words and phrases:
cauliflower, grapes, avocado, aubergine, red pepper, spinach
Do you like pineapple?
Yes, I love it
I quite like it
No, I don`t like it at all
Task 3.
Didactic game“The fourth is excess”
There are 4 pictures of fruits and vegetables on the table of each
group. One of them is excess. Learners should determine and
describe it.
An active
board, slides
An active
I. (Group work) Crossword.
Game “Who is the first?”Read and write.Find the missing word.
1.It`s green or black and the same shape as a pear.
2.They`re small, sweet and red. They grow on a bush.
3.They`re green, red or purple.
4.It`s yellow and brown with green leaves at the top.
5.They`re black or red and there are often two together.
II. Criteriabased assessment
Name of
Speaking Make up
with the
Make up
fourth is
III.Feedback:The tree of knowledge.
1.What have I learnt…
2.What task I am interested in…
3.What task was difficult for me…
IV. Givinghomework: Write about your favourite fruit and
Additional information
Differentiation – how do
you plan to give more
support? How do you
plan to challenge the
more able learners?
Crosscurricular links
Health and safety check
ICT links Values links
Assessment – how are
you planning to check
learners’ learning?
Criteria based
Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant
questions from the box on the left about your lesson.
I think my objectives were realistic for learners of 5th form, because I see the
results. The learners learned some new words belong to the topic «Fruit and
vegetables». The atmosphere of the lesson was enjoyable. Learner took active part
in different tasks and activities, to collaborate working in small groups, shared
ideas, tried to ask and answer the questions, made up dialogues using the new
words and sentences, described pictures, gave us a lot of information about fruit
and vegetables and do level tasks. I think I stick to timings.
By asking questions, with
the help of tasks and
Were the lesson
objectives realistic?
What did the learners
learn today?
What was the
learning atmosphere
Did my planned
differentiation work
Did I stick to
timings? What
changes did I make
from my plan and
Summary evaluation
What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?
1 Presentation new words with pictures
2 Check with the method “Brainstorming”.
What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?
1 The game “Who is the first?”
2 Describe the picture.
What have I learned from this lesson about the class or individuals that will inform my next lesson?
Giving more individual tasks according to the level of learners’ knowledge.