Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to 5.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about
a limited range of general topics
5.R1 understand the main points in a limited range of short simple texts on general and curricular topics
5.R2 understand with little support specific information and detail in short, simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics
5.W3 write with support factual descriptions at text level which describe people, places and objects
Lesson objectives to label the pictures and name the countries, complete the parts of the text, pronounce the words, identify 1-3 true\false sentences, listen to the main information of the text, speak about likeness in the families.
Success criteria Label the pictures of the families;
Pronounce words by reading correctly
Complete the whole text from its parts;
Identify true\false sentences;
Write the main information using the graphic organizer
Speak about likeness in the both families;
Value links Values are instilled by/through discussion activities, answering the questions, respecting each other, sharing opinions.
Cross curricular links Self-knowledge
ICT skills Learners use online dictionaries if necessary, no ICT skills are focused on this lesson
Previous learning Present Simple, Family vocabulary, Countries
Short plan
Gymnasium № 41
Teacher’s name: Kazanzhidi O.F.
Longterm plan: Unit 3 “Value”
Grade: 5 “A”
Grade: 5 “B”
Grade: 5 “V”
Grade: 5 “G”
Grade: 5 “D”
Grade: 5 “M”
Theme of the lesson: Families around the world
Learning objectives(s)
that this lesson is
contributing to
Lesson objectives
Success criteria
5.S7 use appropriate subjectspecific vocabulary and syntax to talk about
a limited range of general topics
5.R1 understand the main points in a limited range of short simple texts on general
and curricular topics
5.R2 understand with little support specific information and detail in short, simple
texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics
5.W3 write with support factual descriptions at text level which describe people,
places and objects
to label the pictures and name the countries, complete the parts of the text,
pronounce the words, identify 13 true\false sentences, listen to the main
information of the text, speak about likeness in the families.
Label the pictures of the families;
Pronounce words by reading correctly
Complete the whole text from its parts;
Identify true\false sentences;
Write the main information using the graphic organizer
Speak about likeness in the both families;
Value links
Cross curricular links
ICT skills
Previous learning
Values are instilled by/through discussion activities, answering the questions,
respecting each other, sharing opinions.
Learners use online dictionaries if necessary, no ICT skills are focused on this lesson
Present Simple, Family vocabulary, Countries
Picture “Map of the world”,
pictures of the families from
different countries.
countries, labels the pictures
7 min
Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned
1. Warm up
(D, W, f) There are the map of the world on the board, 6 pictures
of the families from different countries. Teacher asks:
What do you think, where does this family live?\ Where this
family from?
Learner: My opinion, I think\If I’m not mistaken, this family is
from …. (Kazakhstan, the USA, Egypt, China, Germany, South
There are 2 question marks on the map. Why? Express your
Learner: Are we going to read about the families which live in
these countries?
Teacher: Yes, you’re right. There 2 texts about one of the families
in Russia and Japan.
Today we are going:
Pronounce words by reading correctly and complete the4 min
whole text from its parts;
Identify true\false sentences;
Write the main information from the text using the graphic
Speak about likeness in the both families
It’s your selfassessment sheet
2. Activity 1
(G, f) Learners take the parts of the texts, read them and complete
the whole text.
During learners’ reading teacher observes and listens to the
learners. After reading teacher writes the words in which learners
have done typical mistakes in pronunciation.
7 min
3. Work in the copy books.
(P, I ) Learners read true\false sentences, identify if he sentence is
true or false. In their copy books they write only true sentences.
5 min
10 min
2 min
Rico’s family
1. There are 7 members in Rico’s family.
2. They usually get up at 11a.m.
3. Rico’s dad always buys eggs in the shop.
4. Rico waters the flowers and plants.
5. Rico goes to school in the afternoon.
6. Rico’s grandma always cooks dinner.
7. All their food comes from their garden.
8. Rico and her brothers doesn’t sleep on the bed.
Ivan’s family
Ivan’s lessons finish at 3 p.m.
Ivan’s mum does usually breakfast for him.
Ivan and his dad grow vegetables and fruits.
1. There 5 members in Ivan’s family.
2. They live in the small town.
4. He has lessons in the afternoon.
6. He likes ride his bike.
8. Ivan always watches TV or read a book and goes to bed at 9
4. Activity 2
(G, f) Learners proofread the text again and complete the graphic
organizer: main idea, 3 details and summary. One student of each
group reads the main information of the text in front of class.
4. Activity 2
( W, I, f) Discussion about likeness in both families. What are
the most important values for these families?
Home task:
Sheets with True\False
sentences for each pair
Keys for each pair
Answer the questions.
1. With whom do you live?
2. Who does look after the house?
Graphic organizer for each
group3. Who does breakfast?
4. When do you go to school?
5. Who cooks dinner?
6. Do you help your parents\grandparents?
7. What do you do together?
Is your family happy? Why?
5 min
5. Reflection
Learners count the sum of the points, go to the board and tick the
appropriate step.