Это план урока для пятого класса на тему "Holidays". Здесь говарится о праздниках стран, как их отмечают, и какие меропрития проходят в эти дни. Также здесь говарится об англисском празднике "Bonfire night". Также здесь идет работа с новыми словами и их произношение.
open lesson 5B.doc
The theme : Holidays
The aims of lessons: Оқушыларға жаңа тақырыпты түсіндіре отыра,мейрамдар
жайлы әңгімелеу. Британияның мейрамдары жайлы мәлімет беру.
Оқушылардың сөйлеу дағдыларын қалыптастыру, сөздік қорларын молайту.
Өз ойларын ағылшын тілінде жеткізе білуге тәрбиелеу.
The method of lesson: work with the text and poster, work with the new words.
Work in a group
The visual aids: poster, marker, new words, slides, videos
Procedure of the lesson:
a) Organization moment
Good morning children!
Good morning teacher!
Who is on duty today?
I am on duty today.
Who is absent?
All are present.
b) let at first we will say to each other good words and we will wish successes
c) We wish success
d) I also wish success to you
T: children today we have an unusual lesson. Many guests are visiting our
lesson. Let’s begin our lesson. Today we wake up to work in a group. We
must divided 3 groups. Now, I’ll give you these gifts. Choose the gift that
you like.
T: who choose a yellow box it will be the first group. And those who choose
green is the third group. Pupils open your gifts. Who has a special gift that
will be your leader. Group leader should assign responsibilities of group
Now, ok. Let’s begin.
e) Checking the attendance
What was your home task for today?
Are you ready?
Who wants answer me?
Who is speaking about your family day
T: Today with I will ask you a homework by means of it magic hat
Please. What do you say about your family day? Ok. Very good.
The next work with the puzzle. Warm up.
T: Now, pupils look at the board, please. Here is a puzzle for you to do. Name
all the in the pictures, take only the first letter of each word and you will read the
topic of today’s lesson. For example, a hat letter ‘h’
T: what keyword have we got? (Holidays). Yes, right.
So what we today will talk about?
Ok, open your copy books write down today’s date.
What date is it to day?
What day is it to day?
What is the weather like to day?
Answer my questions
What kind of holidays do you know?
What is your favourite holiday?
What kind of holiday do you know?
The next phonetics drill. Let’s listen to me, repeat and read one small but
interesting poem.
The snow is falling
The wind is blowing
The ground is white
The beautiful night
Now, pupils answer my questions.
T: Well, let’s play a bit. Catch the toy and answer my questions.
Do you like holidays?
What holidays do you know?
What holidays in Kazakhstan do you know?
What is your favourite holiday?
Ok, the next look at the board. In the board we see today’s new words. At first I’m
reading than repeat after me. You understand. Ok. Listen to me.
(жаңасөз оқылып, оқушылар қайталап шығады)
Decorate безендіру
Guestқонақ εə
λ ə
Ok, pupils. Look at the board. Read this words and write.
[k v ]cover
[‘gæð ]gather
[w ]wear
(Оқушылар сөздерді жазып,кей сөздерді талдайды)
T; Now, with the help of this cube your leader will choose the job that you’ll
perform in a group and we must make your poster.
The first group you should tell about __________
The second group you should tell about_________
The third group you should tell about__________
For that what to prepare your poster I’ll give you 7 minutes, and for sewn up I’ll
give you 5 minutes.
(оқушылар өздеріне бөлінген мәтіндерді талдап, постер қоғап шығады)
Ok, let now we will give estimations on our works (әр топ бірбіріне баға береді)
Now, pupils let’s see the video. (бейне жазба қарау)
What about this video?
You understand this video?
Let through this task we will check that you understood from this video?
Ex 8 true or false
a) Bonfire Night is one the fifth of November t
b) It is not a very interesting night for English children f
c) Some days before Bonfire Night they make the guy t
d) They put an old hat on his head and a coat f
e) They put an old hat on his head and old gloves on the stick hands t
f) They put the guy on the bonfire and then light it t
Conclusion: the conclusion of our lesson “say the numbers”
in this box there are numbers , you must take one of numbers
and say what it is a holiday
1the first of January New Year holiday
2the 22nd of March Nauryz
31the 31st of October Halloween 5the5th of November Bonfire Night
‘Traffic light’ what do you understand and What do not understand to day?
(бағдаршам түстеріне оқушылар нені түсінгенін, түсінбегенін стикерлер
арқылы белгілейді.)
Now, listen to our leaders.
What estimations they have putted on today’s lesson. (критери бойынша
қойылған бағасын тыңдау)
Кейін мұғалім өз бағасын беріп шығады.
Home task: open your diary write down your home task ex 2 p188 and ex 9 p 190
and learn the new words.
T: the lesson is over
Have are rest
Good bye, children
Разработка урока на тему "Holidays"
Разработка урока на тему "Holidays"
Разработка урока на тему "Holidays"
Разработка урока на тему "Holidays"
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