Данный материал направлен на повторение и проверку лексики по теме, на формирование коммуникативной компетенции говорения, чтения, и понимания основного содержания. Данная разработка урока развивает умения обобщать и расширять изучаемый материал, высказывать свое личное мнение, логически излагать свои мысли и делать выводыРазработка урока по английскому языку на тему " Великий Шекспир " ( 9 класс)
конспект урока шекспир.docx
Today is our final lesson about W. Shakespeare. You know much about this famous English poet and
today you are going to see the video and listen to the interview about the Globe Theatre the place directly
connected with this great man. We’ll also practice reading about one of his famous plays
Warming up:
So, let’s start. Look at the first slide. (слайд 2). Here is the portrait of W. Shakespeare.
What was he? (Was he a poet, a playwright, a writer, a dramatist?)
When was he born? How old was he when he died? (слайд 1 годы жизни)
Where was Shakespeare born? (слайд 3).
What do you know about his childhood?
Yes, you absolutely right.
Now, children let’s remember the phrases expressing agreement and disagreement and say whether you
agree with the following statements or not. (слайд4).
Begin your sentence with one of these combinations; try not to repeat your classmates.
True, False.
Shakespeare’s farther was a farmer.(F)
Shakespeare went to the University.(F)
He was welleducated.(T)
He married when he was old.(F)
Shakespeare had a twin son and a twin daughter.(T)
He had only 2 children.(F)
Shakespeare started to write plays in Stratfordon Avon.(F)
He became a popular dramatist. (T)
Main part
(Watching a video)
What theatre in London is connected with W. Shakespeare?
Yes, right you are the Globe Theater.
Do you want to learn more facts about it? Then watch the video and be ready to tell me what new
facts you have learnt. (слайд 5).
How was it? Did you understand anything? I hope you did understand something. Let’s check it.
Try to answer my questions.
Is this a modern or an old theatre?
When was the original theater built?
When did it burn?
What play was acted on the stage then?
Now listen again and fill in the missing words you hear in the interview.
Comprehensive check
Filling in:
The Globe is a recreation of Shakespeare’s original theatre, which burnt down in _________. It
opened to public ________years ago. The theatre has a curved _____________and is unusual because it hasno_______. There are approximately _________performances every year to audiences of about
__________people. They do a variety of plays by Shakespeare and his ______________ and new plays too.
(Keys: 1613, 15, auditorium, roof, 300, 1500, contemporaries.)
Ok. It’s great. Let us sum up what you new facts you have learnt from this video
Group work
Now you are going to read the summary of “Romeo & Juliet”. But the paragraphs are jumbled up in it. You
must number them in the correct order, read the story and then tell us what this play is about. You will work
in groups of 4. Join each other and start, please.
Now let’s check and read. (слайд 811).
Do you understand what Shakespeare wrote about in this play? Whom is it about? What happened with
young people?
Summing up:
You have done a good job of it! Now you know a lot about this great man and at home you must prepare a
topic about W. Shakespeare and be ready to say about him as much as possible. (слайд 12). Now tell me,
did you like the lesson? Did you expect the lesson to be so interesting /exciting?
Did you expect to watch the video? To listen to the native speakers? Did you expect to understand the
English speech?
What was the most interesting for you/difficult?
Thank you for the lesson. Our lesson is over.
Sometimes we say goodbye
Because the bell has rung
It’s time to say goodbye
Goodbye, my children, bye
Home Assignment: prepare a topic about W. Shakespeare
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