Тема урока: «Подростки: проблемы и жизнь».
1. Совершенствование навыков устной речи. Монологическая и диалогическая речь.
2. Обсуждение актуальных проблем подростков в современном обществе.
3. Воспитание толерантного отношения к мнениям других людей и умения высказывать свою точку зрения.
1. Совершенствование лексических и грамматических навыков в устной речи.
2. Развитие умения понимать основную идею текста.
Тема урока: «Подростки: проблемы и жизнь».
1. Совершенствование навыков устной речи. Монологическая и диалогическая речь.
2. Обсуждение актуальных проблем подростков в современном обществе.
3. Воспитание толерантного отношения к мнениям других людей и умения
высказывать свою точку зрения.
1. Совершенствование лексических и грамматических навыков в устной речи.
2. Развитие умения понимать основную идею текста.
3. Воспитание у учащихся гражданской ответственности за свои поступки.
Оборудование: компьютер, проектор, доска, раздаточный материал.
Ход урока.
I.Оргмомент. Good morning friends! It’s nice to meet you! Sit down please! How are you
II. Watch videorolik about teens.
1. I’d like to start our lesson with a psychological problems of other people.
Judging by the peoples‘attitude to others psychologists divide them into three main groups:
The first group includes people who make friends wherever they go. They are: sociable,
sympathetic, friendly, easygoing, flexible, optimistic, active.
People from the second group are aggressive, impulsive, rude, violent, tactless.
You can characterize people from the third group as pessimistic, nonresistant, passive, they
have a negative attitude to people they don’t know. They hide in their own shallow “The day has
passed, nobody touched me”.
Which of these three groups has less problems in communicating and building up new
The disability to get on well with different people or to cope with difficult situations can cause
numerous issues in communication with the family, friends, colleagues. It’s closely related to
teenagers who have a lot of problems in their everyday life.We can say the same about teenagers who sometimes have difficulty in coping with stressful
III.Введение в тему урока.
So, today we are going to speak about teenage problems, discuss different situations and try to
find solutions how to solve them.
IV. Лексическая зарядка.
1.Read some words for our lesson (Слайд № 2)
2. Now, what problems of teenagers can you tell us?
3. Who can help young people in difficult situations or who can they turn to if they get into
V. Britains teens problems. (Слайд № 3)
1. Read this information and you name Russian teens problems.
2. We are going to listen about young people and tell us about problems in your family or class.
A. My parents don’t give me a lot of freedom.
B. I would like to spend more time with my parents.
C. My parents put a lot of pressure on me to work hard.
D. I have learned a lot from talking to my parents.
E. My parents don’t agree with my future plans.
F. My parents try to choose my friends for me.
VI. Диалогическая речь. Now we are going to work in pairs (in groups of 2 or 3).
You will have different situations to talk about. Make your dialogs.
VII. Conclusion (Заключение) :Adolescence is probably one of the best periods of life of every
person. You are young, full of energy and dreams, you’re healthy and free. You want to be
independent. But sometimes you face issues just because you are not experienced enough.
We do learn from our experience. And every failure make us stronger. Just don’t forget that you
can turn to your parents, friends if you need help or advice.
Sometimes you can be a helping hand for your heartbroken friend.It relates not only to your friends but also to your parents and siblings.
About three thousand years ago Confucious (an ancient Chinese thinker known for saying wise
things) said: “the person who helps others – helps himself”. (Слайд № 4)
X. Homework.Give a two minute talk on the following topic: some people believe that teenagers
today are generally rude, lazy and badly behaved. Other people, however, think thet teenagers
have a bad reputation for no reason.
XI. It’s high time to relax.The lesson is over. Thank you for your participation. Good bye!