Урок разработан в соответствие с учебной программой 7 класса издательство express publishing "Exel", при планирование урока было учтены возрастные особенности учащихся. В заключении урока имеется рефлексия, что позволит четко отследить как усваивается новый материал у учащихся.Также имеется презентация к уроку.разработка урока
Lesson plan
7.3 B Entertainment
and Media
Date: 26.01. 2018
Grade 7
Theme of the lesson:
School: 3, Tekeli
Teacher’s name: Ushenina T.S.
Focusing on TV programs and films
objectives(s) that
this lesson is
contributing to
7.C3 Respect differing points of view
7.S5 Keep interaction with peers to negotiate, agree and organize
priorities and plans for completing classroom tasks
7.UE7 Use a variety of simple perfect forms to express recent, indefinite
and unfinished past on a range of familiar general and curricular topics
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
Know 50 % of vocabulary related to “Entertainment and media
Use present perfect and present simple tenses with no more than
Use no more than 23phrases to express the opinion about the
two or three mistakes;
Most learners will be able to:
Know 60 % of vocabulary related to “Entertainment and media
Use present perfect and present simple tenses with no more than
Use no more than 34phrases to express the opinion about the
two mistakes;
Some learners will be able to:
Know 90 % of vocabulary related to “Entertainment and media
Use present perfect and present simple tenses with no mistakes;
Use 56 phrases to express the opinion about the film.
Use subject specific vocabulary, use appropriate Present Perfect and
Present Simple Tenses
Responsibility , Global Citizenship
In the previous unit, learners developed listening and speaking skills
working creatively and cooperatively in groups while discussing TV
programmes and films.
Blended learning tools as projector or Smart board for showing a
presentation, online video resources
Accept diversity of other cultures
Discussion of film genres popular in Kazakhstan
Student centered teaching: respect, support and scaffolding;
To create a friendly atmosphere for collaborative work.
Promote a sense of selfesteem and selfrespect and respect for others
among all the learners.
Everyday classroom precautions will ensure that safety measures are
provided to prevent the exposure of electrical power cords
Value links
Cross curricular
Previous learning
Use of ICT
Kazakh culture
Pastoral Care
Health and
2 min.
Planned activities
Group – division:
Put strips or stars of coloured paper into a box.
Then, learners should reach inside the box. After
that, learners holding the same colours will form
a group.
Strips or stars of coloured
paper according to the number
of learners in class
3 min.
Show learners the video “Introduction to film
genres”. After watching the video learners
should try to guess the topic of the lesson. Before
watching the video give learners the task to
answer the questions on the video. Learners can
work in groups discussing the answers to the
given questions.
1. What are the differences between films which
you have watched in the video? (Answer: The
differences between films are genres).
2. Describe in some words the film genres you
have watched in the video. (Work in groups)
Elicit the genres from learners and write down
them on the whiteboard. Learners should guess
the lesson objectives (scaffold learners if it is
Today you will:
Learn new words connected with the film
genres, new words “Entertainment and
media (films)”;
Describe the film genres using the new
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PPP slide 4
Unit 7.3 B Entertainment and
Media. Didactic material 1
Questions on the video
PPP, slide 1, 2, 3
The main part of the lesson
Vocabulary practice:
Give the vocabulary connected with the
topic of the lesson. Learners should 1)
think about the headings to the words; 2)
put them in the boxes under these
headings. Learners work in groups. Then,
they exchange their ideas in groups (peer
Unit 7.3 B Entertainment and
Media. Didactic material 2
Vocabulary practice (Level 1)
Unit 7.3 B Entertainment and
Media. Didactic material 3
Vocabulary practice (Level 2)
Give the task guess the name of the film
5 min.
10 min.by the description.
Give the vocabulary adjectives
Learners get the task mach the two
Learners play “A movie genre” quiz.
Learners can work in two groups. While
watching the video task they should try to
guess the genre they have studied before.
k online video “A movie
Stickers for writing reflection
on the lesson
Give the learners the stickers where they can give
the reflection according to the content of the
1) What did you learn during the lesson?
2) What skills did you try to develop during
the lesson?
Learners should write three best moments during
the lesson, and one moment which was not so
Home task:
Learn the film genres by heart. Prepare the
description of one film genre you like most of all.
Assessment criteria:
no more than 56 sentences;
no more than 45 words specifically
related to the studied topic;
23 pictures illustrating the genre (e.g.
grammar accuracy;
accurate pronunciation;
fluent speech.Assessment – how are you
planning to check learners’
Critical thinking
Learners work in groups, apply
skills and knowledge to a
practical and cooperative task.
Learners work in groups in the
form of
the cumulative
Observe learners when
participating in discussion.
Did the group dynamics
work? Did each learner
contribute to the
discussion? If not, why
not? (e.g. didn’t understand
what to do; not so
confident speaking
English; not interested in
topic; other)
Discuss with the learners
what they learned from the
lesson. Could they express
what they had learned
about the topic of the
lesson? Could they express
which skills they had
Additional information
Differentiation – how do
you plan to give more
support? How do you
plan to challenge the
more able learners?
More support:
More support:
Provide less able
learners with the
vocabulary task on the
topic so they can make
up 5 sentences with the
new words.
Create mixed ability
groups for discussion.
Ensure they are not
always in the role of
More able learners:
Work with the
vocabulary task on the
topic so they can make
up 8 sentences with the
new words.
Encourage them to
justify their opinions.
Summary evaluation
What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?
1: Differentiation of the tasks on the vocabulary practice.
2: Dividing learners into groups for cumulative discussion. Playing the game on the film
genres using online resource.
What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?
1: Work in groups where the learners could be of different abilities (language and prior content
2: Paying attention to the psychological characteristics of the learners.
What have I learned from the lesson about this class or individuals that will inform my next
I will pay attention to the psychological characteristics of the learners in order to distribute the
work in class among learners (roles in groups).Appendix 1
Questions on the video
Task 1. Watch the video “Introduction to film genres”.
Task 2. Answer the questions on the video:
1. What are the differences between films which you have watched in the video?
2. Describe in some words the film genres you have watched in the video.Appendix 2
Vocabulary Practice:
Task on the topic “Entertainment and media”.
Think about the headings to the following words and put them in the boxes under these
Film, presenter, newscaster, broadcast, episode, switch, series, cartoon, newsflash,
viewer, commercial, scene, quiz, repeat, informative, sitcom, announcer, show, producer,
drama, comedy, interviewer, documentary, talk show.
Make up 5 sentences with the new words given above.Appendix 3
Vocabulary Practice:
Task on the topic “Entertainment and media”.
Think about the headings to the following words and put them in the boxes under these
Film, presenter, newscaster, broadcast, episode, switch, series, cartoon, newsflash,
viewer, commercial, scene, quiz, repeat, informative, sitcom, announcer, show, producer, drama,
comedy, interviewer, documentary, talk show.
Make up 8 sentences with the new words given above.Appendix 4
Formative Assessment
Use of English
Student’s name ____________________________________________________ Grade ______
Level 1
thinking skills
7.3B: Entertainment and Media
7.L1 Understand with little support the main points in extended talk on a
limited range of general and curricular topics
7.L4 Understand with little support some of the implied meaning in
extended talk on a limited range of general and curricular topics.
Identify the possible headings to the words;
Use at least 56 words of the Topical vocabulary;
Make up 5 sentences with the given words;
The sentences should be clear, topically related;
The sentences should be grammatically accurate (using Present
Perfect forms).Task:
Read the given words on the topic “Entertainment and Media”;
Think about the possible headings to the words;
Put the words under these headings;
Make up 5 sentences using the words given above.
Appendix 5
Formative Assessment
Student’s name ____________________________________________________ Grade ______
Use of English
Level 2
thinking skills
7.3B: Entertainment and Media
7.L1 Understand with little support the main points in extended talk on a
limited range of general and curricular topics
7.L4 Understand with little support some of the implied meaning in
extended talk on a limited range of general and curricular topics.
Identify the possible headings to the words;
Use at least 68 words of the Topical vocabulary;
Make up 5 sentences with the given words;
The sentences should be clear, topically related;
The sentences should be grammatically accurate (using Present
Perfect forms).Task:
Read the given words on the topic “Entertainment and Media”;
Think about the possible headings to the words;
Put the words under these headings;
Make up 8 sentences using the words given above.