Урок предлагается провести как итоговый после прохождения темы Sport and Health в 11 классе на базе Казахстанского учебника " English-11"общественно-гуманитарного направления авт. Т.Аяпова.Для проведения урока необходимо меть интерактивную доску или экран; диапроектор для демонстрации материала.Урок построен в виде викторины для 2х команд.Задания включают в себя как знания лексики,так и контроль навыков аудирования и устной речи. Также проверяется общие знания уч-ся по теме.Одним из пунктов является защита проектов по теме " Известные спортсмены"разработка урока по теме Sport & Health 11 класс
Урок- викторина
The theme: Sport and Health
Grade 11
Student profile
Upper – intermediate
Skills to be emphasized
Vocabulary, reading, listening, speaking
Educational: To generalize knowledge of students on the Unit “Sport and Health”; to widen
their vocabulary; to enrich students’ knowledge about the methods of carrying health
Developing (Training): To develop student’s skills in oral speech; to develop reading and
speaking abilities trough giving several tasks; to improve their mental and critical
To realize the moral education in respect for people and healthy lifestyle
Materials: tasks, texts; cards; presentation
Source: SB; Internet
Organizational moment
-Good morning, students! Are you well?
-How do you feel?
-Who is absent from school today?
-What did we speak at the last lesson about?
-What was your home task?
We are going to discuss the role of sport for our health. You must do different exercises
during the lesson.
Warming up
Let’s talk about the health care.
-How do you understand the word “health”? (The condition of our body or mind)
-What proverb about health do you remember? (Health is the best wealth)
-What does the expression “the health care” mean? (to do sth to keep fit and healthy)
-When we are healthy, we have a good memory and fresh brain.
-What are the ways to keep fit and healthy? (Healthy food; daily plan; sport etc.)
-What is the role of sport for you?
-Did you prefer individual or team sport?
Now I suggest you to divide into two groups and name you teams. You make the tasks and
you get a point for each right answer.
Task1. Rearrange the letters and make up sentences with them.
1. wsraenesa 2. icgycln 3. mahpionc 4. ighetitngwlif 5. Seihatltc 6. gnobix
Keys: 1.
Task 2. Sport quiz ( the students take the cards in a chain and answer the questions)
- How long does a handball match last?
- How many holes are there on a golf course?
- How many players are there in a water polo team?
- How often are the Olympic Games held?
- How many referees are there in a basketball match?
- How long is a marathon?
awareness 2. cycling 3. champion 4. weightlifting 5. athletics 6.- Which one of the following sports and pastimes attracts the largest number of
participants in the United Kingdom?
- How many gold medals did the UK win in the 2000 Olympics?
-Handball match have been lasting for 30 min.
-There are 18 holes on a golf course
-There are 6 players and 1 goal keeper in a water polo team
-The Olympic games held every 4 years
-There are 2 referees in a basketball match
-A marathon is 42,195 km
Task 3. Match the idioms about health.
Gr1: as fit as a fiddle - in a good shape
to feel under the weather - to feel unwell
to look like death warmed up - to look extremely ill
Gr 2: on the mend-getting better
felt off colour - felt unwell
as right as rain - perfectly well
Task 4. Listening
What are the riskiest sports you can do? Well, if you thought of “dangerous sports”
like hang-gliding, parachuting, or scuba-diving, you’d be wrong, because they’re not, in
fact, that dangerous.
football is a clause second. Despite the popularity of these games, and although we teach
school children to play them, they injure more people per 1,000 than motor-racing, skiing,
or scuba-diving.
Of course, do get hurt in “adventure sports” and the most dangerous is climbing, which
kills eight people a year. But it’s not always obvious which activities are dangerous. For
instance, two people die every year in hand-gliding accidents, but the same number is
killed by badminton, whereas six people a year die in fishing accidents! So “exciting” isn’t
always the same as “dangerous”.
This even true when you consider the activities of everyday life. Many more people
die due to accidents at home than from sports of any kind. Did you know that 160 people
per year are killed by toothpaste and 3,600 are killed by curtains? The three biggest killers
in the UK are heart disease, cancer and car accidents.
Listen to the article about the riskiest sports and explain the numbers:160; 3600; 2; 6;
1.000; 3; 8
Task 5. Is sport exciting or dangerous? Match the definition and name the sport.
It is the sport of riding a small sort of boat with a sail.(windsurfing)
It’s the sport in which acrobats and gymnasts jump up and down to perform exercises on
a sheet of material tightly stretched to a metal frame. (tramp lining)
It’s jumping from an airplane with a parachute (parachuting)
It’s the sport of climbing mountains. (mountaineering)
According the recent statistics, the sport that causes most injuries is rugby and
Task 6. Students’ projects about famous sportsmen.( Checking the home task)
Task 7. Now, make your own sentences with the words connecting with health
and sport. 5 minFollow up activities
Students, we have done a lot of work today. You were very active and diver at the lesson.
I’m very pleased with your English.
What have you learned? What have you practised?
(Student’s ideas)
Let’s count the score.
What was difficult? Why? Why not?
What was interesting? Why? Why not?
(Student’s ideas)
Home assignment
To write the easy “Which are the benefits of sport?”