Rooms in the house

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School: Altynbike Bertaeva Date:26.12.2017 Teacher’s name: G. Sadibekova CLASS: 2ә Number present: absent: The theme: Rooms in the house. Revision Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to 2.L3 understand the main points of short, slow and carefully articulated talk on routine and familiar topics features such as colour and number 2.L5 identify missing phonemes in incomplete words 2.S3 use a limited range of basic words, phrases and short sentences to describe objects, activities and classroom routines 2.S4 respond to basic supported questions giving personal and factual information 2.UE5 use interrogative pronouns including which, what, where, whose to ask who people are and what they are doing 2.UE12 use basic adverbs of place here / there to say where things are Lesson objectives All learners will be able to • talk about their rooms in the house • answer for some questions • work with groups Most learners will be able to: • listen and repeat, follow simple abilities Some learners will be able to: • recognise and say the abilities Value links • Respect adults in their family • Listen to each other Assessment criteria They revise the topical vocabulary and pronounce them correctly. They can tell about their rooms in house Level of thinking skills • Comprehension • Application • Evaluation Previous learning Different places Plan Planned timings Planned activities Descriptor Resources Beginning 2 min 3 min 3 min 5 min 5 min 2 min WARM UP 1. Listen to Teacher short greeting phrase “Hello” 2. Sing the song “Make a circle” Teacher and learners stand in circle. Make a circle big, big 2 Small, small Make a circle round , round Make circle up, up. Down, down Now sit down Checking up the home task Let’s revise our previous words What we have learnt in our previous lesson Kitchen. Bedroom. Garden Now look at the blackboard and say where are they. Are you ready let’s begin. Where is Mummy ? Where is grandpa ? Where is grandma? Pair work I will give you cards you should make up dialogue using this pictures. I will give you 2 min Today we will complete our previous lesson. Today we’ll revise the rooms in the house. The aims of our today’s lesson are: • talk about their rooms in the house • answer for some questions • work with groups Today pupils we will travel in the house and our mummy will help for us do some tasks. If we do all tasks very well, at the end of these our mummy will be in the kitchen and make tasty cake for us . Mummy help for us to do all tasks successfully. Let’s watch the video. Pay attention. What words did you heard in this video? Today we will complete our previous lesson. Pay attention. What words did you heard in this video? Today we’ll revise the Let’s revise these words. Living room –қонақ бөлме- зал Bathroom – жуынатын бөлме –ванная комната Bath-ванна –ванна Task 1 Individual work Ex 7 p 49 Read and translate Warm up Let’s have a rest 2 Sing the Where ’ s Charlie? song! ( Ex. 2 p. 46 ) Where’s Charlie? He’s in the house! The house! He’s in the house! Where’s Mummy? She’s in the kitchen! The kitchen! She’s in the kitchen! Where’s Daddy? He’s in the bedroom! The bedroom! He’s in the bedroom! Learners follow teacher’s instructions Learners can revise the previous lesson Learners can make up the dialogue Learners can watch, understand the video Learners can repeat and read the new words Learners can read and translate the dialogue Learners follow teacher’s instructions Slide Video Middle 5 min 5 min 5 min 5 min End We did this tasks very well that’s better than ever ! Keep it up!! And our mummy can move the next room Task 2 Group work Make a group. Listen to the task twice, then stick the pets in each room in these posters. Listen and stick Dog is in the kitchen Cat is in the bedroom Parrot is in the bathroom Rabbit is in the living room Give assessment for each group with traffic lights We did this tasks very well that’s better than ever ! Keep it up!! And our mummy can move the next room. Task 3 Our next task is “Read match and write” Ex 9 p 50 1-A 2-D 3-F 4- B 5-C 6- E Task 4 Quiz time 4 O’k I think you did all tasks very well. Our mummy helped to move for each rooms. Please clapping your hands to our dog and for yourselves. I liked that! And I want to give smiles some students who were took part and were very active in our lesson. FEEDBACK Do you like our lesson? Was it difficult for you today? Have any questions for me? O’k if you like or don’t like our please stick the for each floor Learners can make a poster, listen and stick the pictures. Learners can read match and write PPT Video Poster PB Video Poster ICT Additional information Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners? Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning? Cross-curricular links Health and safety check ICT links Values links • more support can be given during elicitation, instruction and questioning phases of the lesson by nominating learners to answer items relating to more high frequency vocabulary to build confidence through participation. thumb up (thumb down) Traffic light • Art: singing Reflection Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic? What did the learners learn today? What was the learning atmosphere like? Did my planned differentiation work well? Did I stick to timings? What changes did I make from my plan and why? Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson. Summary evaluation What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)? 1: 2: What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)? 1: 2: What have I learned from this lesson about the class or individuals that will inform my next lesson?
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LESSON :The world around us      School: Altynbike Bertaeva Date:26.12.2017 CLASS: 2ә The theme: Learning  objectives(s) that  this lesson is  contributing to Lesson objectives Teacher’s  name:  G. Sadibekova  Number present: absent: Rooms in the  house. Revision  2.L3   understand   the   main   points   of   short,   slow   and   carefully articulated talk on routine and familiar topics features such as colour and number 2.L5 identify missing phonemes in incomplete words 2.S3 use a limited range of basic words, phrases and short sentences to describe objects, activities and classroom routines 2.S4   respond   to   basic   supported   questions   giving   personal   and factual information 2.UE5   use   interrogative   pronouns   including   which,   what,   where, whose to ask who people are and what they are doing 2.UE12  use basic adverbs of  place here / there to say where things  are All learners will be able to talk about their  rooms in the  house  answer  for some questions    work with groups Most learners will be able to:  listen and repeat, follow simple abilities  Some learners will be able to:  recognise and  say the abilities  Respect adults in their family  Listen to each other They revise the topical vocabulary and pronounce them correctly. They can tell about their rooms in house  Value links Assessment criteria Level of thinking   skills    Comprehension  Application  Evaluation Previous learning Different places  Plan Planned timings Planned activities  Descriptor  ResourcesBeginning 2 min  WARM UP  1 Listen to Teacher short greeting  phrase “Hello”      3  min  3 min  5 min  2 Sing the song “Make a circle” Teacher and learners stand in circle.  Make a circle big, big 2 Small, small Make a circle round , round  Make circle up,  up. Down, down Now sit down Checking up the home task  Let’s revise our previous words  What we have learnt in our  previous lesson  Kitchen. Bedroom. Garden  Now look at the blackboard  and say where are they. Are you ready let’s  begin.  Where is Mummy ? Where is grandpa ? Where is  grandma? Pair work   I will give you cards you should  make up dialogue using this  pictures.  I will give you 2 min  Today we will  complete our  previous lesson.  Today we’ll revise  the rooms in the house. The aims of  our today’s lesson are:     talk about their  rooms in the house  answer  for some questions   work with groups Today  pupils we will travel in the   house and our mummy will help for  us do some tasks. If we do all tasks  very well, at the end of these   our   mummy will be in the kitchen and  make tasty cake for us . Mummy   help for us to do all tasks  successfully. Learners  follow  teacher’s  instructions Slide  Learners can  revise the previous lesson  Learners can make up the dialogue  Learners  can  watch, understand  the video  Video  Learners can  repeat and read the new words5 min   2 min Middle 5 min  Let’s watch the video. Pay attention.  What words did you heard in this  video?  Today we will  complete our previous lesson. Pay attention. What words did you heard in this video?  Today we’ll revise the Let’s revise these  words.   Living room –қонақ  бөлме­ зал Bathroom – жуынатын бөлме – ванная комната  Bath­ванна –ванна    Task 1  Individual work   Ex  7 p 49  Read  and translate   Warm up   Let’s  have a rest  2 Sing the  Where ’ s Charlie? song!  ( Ex. 2 p. 46 ) Where’s Charlie? He’s in the house! The house! He’s in the house! Where’s Mummy? She’s in the kitchen! The kitchen! She’s in the kitchen! Where’s Daddy? He’s in the bedroom! The bedroom! He’s in the bedroom!    We did this tasks very well that’s   better than ever ! Keep it up!! And  our mummy  can move the next  room  Task 2  Group work  Make a group. Listen to the task  twice, then  stick the pets in each  room in these posters.   Listen and stick  Dog is in the kitchen Cat is in the  bedroom  Parrot is in the bathroom  Rabbit is in the living room Give assessment for each group  with traffic lights  We did this tasks very well that’s   better than ever ! Keep it up!! And  Learners can read  and translate the  dialogue                                  Learners  follow  teacher’s  instructions PPT Video Poster PB Learners can make a poster,  listen  and stick the  pictures.Video Poster Learners can read  match and write ICT 5 min               5  min  5  min          End   our  mummy  can move the next  room.  Task 3 Our next task is “Read  match and write” Ex 9  p 50  1­A 2­D 3­F 4­ B 5­C 6­ E  Task 4  Quiz time  4 O’k I think you did all tasks very  well. Our mummy helped to move for each rooms. Please clapping  your hands to our dog and for  yourselves. I liked that! And I  want to give smiles some students  who were took part and were very active  in our lesson.  FEEDBACK Do you like our lesson?  Was it difficult for you today? Have any questions for me? O’k if you like or don’t like our  please stick the  for each floor  Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning? thumb  up (thumb  down) Traffic light Cross­curricular links Health and safety check ICT links Values links  Art: singing Additional information Differentiation – how  do you plan to give  more support? How  do you plan to   more support  can be given  during  elicitation,  instruction and   questioning  phases of the  lesson bynominating  learners to   answer items  relating to more  high frequency  vocabulary to  build  confidence  through  participation. Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most  relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson.   Reflection Were the lesson  objectives/learnin g objectives  realistic?  What did the  learners learn  today?  What was the  learning  atmosphere like?  Did my planned  differentiation  work well?  Did I stick to  timings? What  changes did I  make from my  plan and why? Summary evaluation What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)? 1: 2: What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)? 1:  2: What have I learned from this lesson about the class or individuals that will inform my next  lesson?Checked up   26.12.2017