Оценка 4.7


Оценка 4.7



Абдуалиева Р.Е.

Педагогика ғылымдарының магистірі,  аға оқытушы(Ақпараттық жүйелер)

Қазақстан, Талдықорған қ., email: [email protected]

Кабдуалиев Д.К.

Педагогика ғылымдарының магистірі, оқытушы(Информатика)

Қазақстан, Талдықорған қ., email: [email protected]

Серіков Б.Б.

Жаратылыстану ғылымдарының магистірі, оқытушы(Ақпараттық жүйелер)

Қазақстан, Талдықорған қ., email: [email protected]


Аңдатпа: Талқылануда автоматтандырылған жүйесі электрондық сауалнама жүргізу, жоғары оқу орындарында.

Түйін сөздер: жүйесі сауалнама жүргізу, деректерді талдау, веб-технологиялар




Абдуалиева Р.Е.

Магистр педагогических наук

Қазақстан, Талдықорған қ., email: [email protected]

Кабдуалиев Д.К.

Магистр педагогических наук

Қазақстан, Талдықорған қ., email: [email protected]

Сериков Б.Б.

Магистр естественных наук

Қазақстан, Талдықорған қ., email: [email protected]


Аннотация: Обсуждается автоматизированная система электронного анкетирования в высших учебных заведениях.

Ключевые слова: система анкетирования, анализ данных, веб-технологии





Abdualiyeva R.Е.

Магистр педагогических наук

Қазақстан, Талдықорған қ., email: [email protected]

Kabdualiyev D.K.

Магистр педагогических наук

Қазақстан, Талдықорған қ., email: [email protected]

Serikov B.B

Магистр естественных наук

Қазақстан, Талдықорған қ., email: serikov.bagdat@mail.

Abstract. The automated system of electronic questionnaire for an institute of high education is discussed in the article.

Keywords: pooling system, data analyzing, web technologies


УДК ОӘК 373.1.02:519.71:002


Questioning is one of the main forms of taking into account the opinions of respondents in sociological, psychological, economic, pedagogical, and other studies. Regardless of the type of research, the questionnaire survey process can be conditionally divided into four stages: preparation of questionnaires, questionnaire survey (data collection), processing of collected data, formation of conclusions about questionnaire results and management decisions based on them.

         Possible system requirements

As you know, the use of modern information technologies can significantly increase the efficiency of the questionnaire process. Therefore, when creating a system for monitoring the quality of educational services provided by the university, the information resources of the electronic questionnaire system should be accessible from the Internet and provide the opportunity to conduct electronic questionnaires and view results online. The system should provide dynamic control of access to system resources, a variety of simultaneously implemented processes for editing questionnaires, electronic questionnaires, operational and data mining. The questionnaire system should provide for the expansion of its functional capabilities during operation.

The system must satisfy such requirements as recording the results of the polls in a database (DB), conducting operational analysis, collecting statistical data at the stage of passing the survey, building reports on the results of the survey. The programming language chosen is HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, which are distinguished by openness, the presence of a large number of freely distributed libraries and the possibility of cross-platform.

The choice between two and three-tier architectures for building the system was made on the basis of analysis of computer performance and the load on the data transfer network, as well as the estimated load on the system as a whole. As a result of the analysis, the technology of the “thin client” was selected, which allowed transferring the computational load to the server part of the system and minimizing the requirements for students' computers. In addition, the use of a three-tier architecture with dedicated application server and database server allowed us to vary the load on the functional parts of the system.

The questionnaire may consist of one or several pages (for example, divided thematically: Information about the university, information about the needs, etc.) For the page, you must specify a name and description (for example, the name “Information about the university”, description - “Tell us a little about yourself and your specialty ”).

An unlimited number of questions and answers in the questionnaire is possible, depending on the chosen method and purpose of the questionnaire.

Types of questions can be very different:

• single answer list

• list with multiple answers

• rating

• ranking

• text block for free reply

For fields we can set various properties:

Field name (question)

• required or not required field

• a hint to the question (Question Hint) explaining what should be included in the answer (for example, the Company name field, hint. Indicate the full official name of your organization)

• field width

• number of characters in the response (for example, at least 11 characters for a mobile phone number, etc.)
          In addition, when creating a questionnaire, you can specify the logic of questions based on the responses received (Question Logic). For example, if a student in the questionnaire answers “Yes” to the question “Do you plan to continue training”, a new question pops up for him, “In what specialty?” - with options to choose from. This question will not appear with the answer “No” to the previous question.

The developed system should provide: construction of questionnaires (it is possible to use predefined types of answers, the formation of new ones); creating user group accounts and assigning them certain rights to profiles; questionnaire administration; registration and storage of data on customer satisfaction with the quality of educational services; generation of statistics on the passage of questionnaires and the presentation of the results of the questionnaire in the form of histograms and in a table representation; generating reports based on the results of the survey.

The main advantages of a student satisfaction monitoring system based on Web technologies include:

·     elimination of the stages of printing questionnaires, subsequent manual input of information for analysis;

·     efficiency in summing up and publishing them;

·     expansion of the territorial coverage of consumers during remote survey;

·     the ability to control the process of passing the survey;

·     the ability to quickly edit questionnaire texts (for example, correcting spelling errors).


       The system should be designed to operate on networks that support the HTTP protocol. On the client side, you must have a web browser that supports JavaScript. This allows you to take a survey on any modern computer, regardless of the installed operating system. The server part of the system should be designed to work under the control of a Web server. As a database server, MS SQL Server 2000/2005/2008, MySQL and Firebird can be used. Requirements are made to the hardware of the system depending on the maximum possible planned load. Using the Resin version under Linux \ Unix or under Windows allows you to deploy the system to servers running these operating systems.


From all have been discussed above, it is clear that the development of a questionnaire information system that supports the creation and editing of questionnaires, the processes of simultaneously interviewing various groups of respondents in remote access mode, the collection, processing and storage of results is extremely important for improving the quality of education.


Список литературы

1.     Система анкетирования на основе Web-технологий / А. Ю. Афонин, П. П. Макарычев // Известия высших учебных заведений. Поволжский реги- он. Технические науки. – 2010. – № 3 (15). – С. 49–57.

2.     https://habr.com/ Анкетирование клиентов


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Abstract. The automated system of electronic questionnaire for an institute of high education is discussed in the article

Abstract. The automated system of electronic questionnaire for an institute of high education is discussed in the article

The questionnaire may consist of one or several pages (for example, divided thematically:

The questionnaire may consist of one or several pages (for example, divided thematically:

The main advantages of a student satisfaction monitoring system based on

The main advantages of a student satisfaction monitoring system based on
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