"Sport in Kazakhstan"
Оценка 4.7

"Sport in Kazakhstan"

Оценка 4.7
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"Sport in Kazakhstan"
Развивать речь обучающихся, умение высказывать свое мнение, доказывать его, делать выводы после выступления, навыки аудирования, чтения. Систематизировать знания обучающихся по теме “Спорт”  Воспитывать чувство гордости за достижения спортсменов Казахстана. Расширить знания детей о значимости спорта в жизни человека. Развитие творческого потенциала учащихся, основанного на самостоятельной проработке материала;Презентация
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"Sport in Kazakhstan"

"Sport in Kazakhstan"
THE THEME: Sport in Kazakhstan

"Sport in Kazakhstan"

"Sport in Kazakhstan"
 Kazakhstan  performs  consistently  in  Olympic  competitions. It is especially successful in boxing. This has  brought  some  attention  to  the  Central  Asian  nation,  and  increased  world  awareness  of  its  athletes.  Kazakhstan's  city  of  Almaty  submitted  twice  bid  for  the  Winter  Olympics:  In  2014  and  again  for  the  2022  Winter  Olympics.  Astana  and  Almaty  hosted  the  2011  Asian  Winter Games.

"Sport in Kazakhstan"

"Sport in Kazakhstan"
Skier  Alexey  Poltoranin  has  won  the mass start race for 30 km and  won  another  gold  medal  for  Kazakhstan.  After  the  finish  he  told  about  uneasy  race  with  Yoshiko  Keisin:  ­  Our  aim  was  to  win  the  gold.  From  the  beginning  of the race we worked in pair with  Cherepanov  in  order  to  fulfill  the  plan.  The  Japanese  was  leading  almost  during  the  entire  race  and  only  in  3­4  km  till  the  finish  we  could outrun him and broke away.  And  when  the  Japanese  skier  was  behind  I  focused  on  the  race  with  my team mate and was a bit more  lucky.  INFO

"Sport in Kazakhstan"

"Sport in Kazakhstan"
 Kazakhstan skier Sergey Cherepanov lost half a second to his team mate Alexey Poltoranin in the 30 km mass start classic. However it did not make Cherepanov upset: “Alexey I were working together for one goal. When practicing we often exercised the elements of team race therefore we understand each other very well. The race was incredible. I am content with the silver because the gold will remain in Kazakhstan. We had no right for loss today as long as so many people came

"Sport in Kazakhstan"

"Sport in Kazakhstan"
Elena Kolomina, Skier Kazakhstan, has won silver in the mass start and is not upset about the second place: were - We feeling a little tired before the start. The week has not been easy.  I feel like being back home with my family. Despite that we fought for gold till the end. But luck was out. - Did the skis let you down this time? - Yesterday and today we haven't had any problems with them.  In think on whole the Kazakhstan team showed excellent performance in the Asian Games. Special thanks to spectators who cheered for us. I will never forget these Asian Games.

"Sport in Kazakhstan"

"Sport in Kazakhstan"
Asian Games, Kazakhstan bandy players Vladislav Novozhilov who delivered four pucks to the Mongolian gates in the final, thinks that the victory was not won easily. - Despite there were only three teams participating in the tournament it is not right to say that victory was won easily. We wanted to win and we applied all efforts for that. - You missed two goals in the match versus Mongolia. Was it a mistake or did you want to give you opponent an easy time? - Neither. We do not pity on the rival and the missed goals were not serious faults. Those were penalty goals scored by the opponent. Participation in the Asian Games was a great experience for the players. The victory in the Asian Games is a step to the next success in the international arena.

"Sport in Kazakhstan"

"Sport in Kazakhstan"
Kazakhstan biathlon team has won 4х7,5 km men’s relay. Alexandr Chervyakov, Nikolay Braichenko, Yan Savitsky and Dias Keneshev have overcame the distance in 1 hour minutes 3.5 seconds. The Japanese team was 2 minutes 18.5 seconds behind and won the second place. The third winner the Chinese team 5 minutes 8.6 seconds. is

"Sport in Kazakhstan"

"Sport in Kazakhstan"
The figure skator explained himself where his famous bilman is: – Now I do not have bilman in my program but I will show it in the figure skating show. The case is that I receive more points if I do not do bilman according to new rules. Ten also said that his music for programs became more adult: – It was my decision to choose I wanted to raise from 16 years old boy and become ice. adulter on serious music. Yesterday Kazakh figure

"Sport in Kazakhstan"

"Sport in Kazakhstan"
4x6 km relay in biathlon ended with the win of the Kazakh athletes. The participators of the winner team were Marina Lebedeva, Olga Poltoranina, Inna Mozhevitina and Yelena Khrustaleva. The host team was leadng from the first meters of the distance. Marina Lebedeva did not miss at the 1st firing line an used 3 aional bullets at the scond one. But according to speed the Kazakh athlete was the best one and left Wang Chunli who missed once 24.6 seconds behind.

"Sport in Kazakhstan"

"Sport in Kazakhstan"
Today a medal set has been contested during 1500 meters distance and Denis Kuzin, Kazakhstan, won the gold. Right after the competitions he answered journalists’ questions without hiding excitement: - I did not expect to win the gold medal. Emotions are overwhelming me now. I am very happy to be a gold winner of the Asian Games. I have been preparing for the competitions for the entire season.
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