Lesson 2.
The theme of our lesson is New Zealand. If you want to learn about this wonderful country, to sее its beautiful plants and animals , join us. Read and translate the text and do the tasks after it.
Look at the new words that you will meet in the text:
Burrow –зарываться
Bat-летучая мышь
Grassland-пастбище, луг
Biodiversity-видовое разнообразие
The climate of New Zealand. The flora and fauna of New Zealand.
Since the Maori people named New Zealand ‘'Land of the Long White Cloud'’, weather and climate has been of paramount importance to the people of New Zealand, many of whom make their living from the land.
New Zealand has mild temperatures, moderately rainfall, and many hours of sunshine throughout most of the country. New Zealand's climate is dominated geographical features: the mountains and the sea. And, as a long, narrow, mountainous country with the nearest large land mass (Australia) more than 2000 km away, New Zealand’s climate is influenced by:
• its location in a latitude zone with westerly winds;
• the surrounding ocean;
• the mountain chains
All these factors contribute to New Zealand having more variable weather compared to continental countries. Many parts of the country are affected by extremes of wind and rain, which, from time to time, cause damage. So, New Zealand has a largely temperate climate. While the far north has subtropical weather during summer, and inland alpine areas of the South Island can be as cold as -10 C in winter, most of the country lies close to the coast, which means mild temperatures, moderate rainfall, and abundant sunshine. Because New Zealand lies in the Southern Hemisphere, the average temperature decreases as you travel south. The north of New Zealand is subtropical and the south temperate. The warmest months are December, January and February, and the coldest June, July and August. In summer, the average maximum temperature ranges between 20-30ºC and in winter between 10-15ºC.
The biodiversity of New Zealand, a large
island nation located in the southwestern Pacific Ocean, is one of the most
varied and unique on earth due to its long isolation from other continental landmasses.
Most of plants have arrived from Australia. The history, climate and geology of New Zealand have created a great deal of diversity in New Zealand's vegetation types. The main two types of forest have been dominated by podocarps and southern beech. Podocarps (Podocarpaceae), an ancient family of trees, have changed little in the last 190 million years. Forests dominated by podocarps form a closed canopy. The forests of southern beeches are from the genus Nothofagus. In the north of New Zealand the podocarp forests were dominated by the ancient giant kauri. These trees are the largest in the world. The remaining vegetation types in New Zealand are grassland of grass and tussock.
New Zealand's beech forests are made up of five species of southern beech which are similar to those found in other southern hemisphere countries. Each of them prefer different soil and climate conditions.
Kauri forest. Kauri are among the world's mightiest trees, growing to
more than 50 metres tall, with trunk girths of up to 16 metres and living for
more than 2000 years.
Southern rata flowers.
Rata trees, along with the pohutukawa, are one of the best known native trees in New Zealand. Rata trees have glossy dark green leaves and trunks that are often gnarled and twisted. However they are best known for their brilliant red flowers that appear from November to January.
Most of animals have arrived from Australia,and have provided the majority of New Zealand's birds and bats as well as some plant species (carried on the wind or inside the guts of birds).
Bats are New Zealand's only native land mammals.In proverb,
the Maori refer to bats as pekapeka and associate them with the mythical,
night-flying bird, hokioi, which foretells death or disaster.
Black robin.
This little black bird is only found on the Chatham Islands. It still has such a small population so
it is classified as critically-endangered.
The kiwi is a curious bird which lives in the forest and does not fly. It burrows in the ground. It is
found nowhere else in the world. The kiwi is the national emblem of New
Ex. 1. Match the title and subject:
1. kiwi
2. Black robin
3. rata
4. Kauri
5. beech
6. podocarp
7. bat
a. tree
b. forest
c. mammal
d. bird
Ex.2. Express the same in English:
1. Климат Новой Зеландии обусловлен географическими особенностями.
2. Корявые и витые стволы деревьев.
3. Эти деревья самые большие в мире.
4. Живущие свыше 2000 лет...
5. Каждый из них предпочитает различную почву и климатические условия.
6. Она закапывается в землю.
Ex.3. Complete the sentences:
1. _____ is the national emblem of New Zealand.
2. ____ is an ancient family of trees.
3. New Zealand's climate is dominated _____ features.
4. The warmest months are ____, ____ and ____.
5. Because New Zealand lies in the Southern Hemisphere, the average temperature _____ as you travel south.
6. _____ is only found on the Chatham Islands.
We hope, you will join us again.
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