Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия "Little Red Riding Hood "
Оценка 5

Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия "Little Red Riding Hood "

Оценка 5
Культурные мероприятия +1
английский язык
Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия "Little Red Riding Hood "


Основная цель постановки:

привить учащимся интерес к драматизации сказок на английском языке.


1. Развивать умения и навыки диалогической и устной речи, научить учащихся произносить:

   - фразы с правильным ритмом и интонацией;

   - проводить работу над  запоминанием текстового материала.

 2. Вовлечь учащихся в творческую деятельность через участие в инсценировке   сказки-мюзикла.

3. Развивать у учащихся артистические способности: умение перевоплощаться 

    в изображаемого героя сказки, используя правильную мимику и жесты.

4. Воспитывать интерес к английскому языку, повысить мотивацию к его изучению.



Granny: Good morning, my friends!

Children: Good morning.

Granny: I see there are a lot of little children here. I like little children. I have a lot of grandchildren. They often visit me. I treat them with cakes and they like listening to my fairy-tales…By the way, do you like fairy-tales?

Children: Yes, we do.

Granny: Then listen to my story about one little girl who wears a red cap. Do you know her?

Children: Yes, we do. Little Red Riding Hood!

Granny: You are right. So, listen to me.


Granny:                     Red Riding Hood

Just in a wood not very far

Lives Red Riding Hood’s Grandma.

To visit her girl often takes

Butter, eggs and home-made cakes.

Her mummy tells her every day:

“Don’t talk to strangers on the way.”

Two squirrels watch Red Riding Hood

While she’s walking through the wood.

They see a wolf and warn and shout.

„There is a big bad wolf about“.

But wolf pretends to show much charm.

She never thought  that he could harm.

She tells him all he wants to know

And to the house the wolf does go.

A kind woodcutter chopping sticks

Stops the bad wolf’s wicked tricks.

He hears the poor old grandma’s call

and kills the wolf

and saves them all.



Scene 1

Little Red Riding Hood : My name is Little Red Riding Hood .

                                       Good morning , children.

Children : Good morning , Little Red Hood .

 ( Красная шапочка выходит .)

Mother : Little Red Riding Hood , Little Red Riding Hood ! Where are

               you ?

Little Red Riding Hood : I am here , Mother . Whats the matter ?

        (Красная шапочка входит .)

 Mother : Little Red Riding Hood ! Today is your grandmother’s                         birthday. Take a cake, some apples and a jug of honey to her .

Little Red Riding Hood : All right, Mother .

Mother : Don’t speak to anybody on the way . Don’t stop in the wood .

  And don’t pick any flowers or mushrooms there .

Little Red Riding Hood : All right , dear Mother . Good – bye !

Mother : Good – bye, darling .

( Красная шапочка уходит)


Сцена 2.


(Красная шапочка в лесу)

Little Red Riding Hood : How nice it is in the wood. There are many trees, flowers and mushrooms. I'll pick some flowers for my grandmother.

(Появляется волк)

The wolf: I am big and grey. I live in the wood. I want to eat up Little Red Riding Hood.

Children: Go away, go away, you bad Wolf.

The Wolf: Hush, children! (он подходит к красной шапочке.) Good morning, Little Red Riding Hood.

Little Red Riding Hood : Good morning, Mr. Wolf.

The Wolf: Where are you going, Little Red Riding Hood ?

Little Red Riding Hood :  I am going to my grandmother. It's her birthday today. I take a cake, some apples and honey to her.

The Wolf: Where does she live, your grandmother?

Little Red Riding Hood : She lives in a little house in the wood near the river?

The Wolf: Is it far from here ?

Little Red Riding Hood : No, it is not.

The Wolf: Well, good-bye,  Little Red Riding Hood .

Little Red Riding Hood: Good-bye, Mr. Wolf.

Сцена 3.

( Волк подходит к дому бабушки и стучится в дверь)

Grandmother: Who is there?

The Wolf: It's me, Little Red Riding Hood.

Grandmother: Come in, darling.

(Волк подбегает к бабушке и хочет поймать её, но она убегает. Волк надевает платье и шляпку бабушки и ложится в кровать. Вскоре Красная Шапочка появляется возле дома бабушки).

Little Red Riding Hood  (поёт):



I'm knocking at the door,

Tap, tap, tap.

The Wolf: Who is there?

Little Red Riding Hood : It's me, Little Red Riding Hood.

The Wolf: Come in, my dear.

Little Red Riding Hood : Good morning, Granny.

(Красная шапочка  ставит корзинку на стол и подходит к кровати бабушки).

Little Red Riding Hood : Many happy returns of the day!

The Wolf: Thank you, my dear.

Little Red Riding Hood : What big eyes you have, Granny!

The wolf: The better to see you, my dear.

Little Red Riding Hood : What big ears you have, granny!

The Wolf: The better to hear you, my dear.

Little Red Riding Hood : What sharp teeth you have, Granny?

The Wolf: The better to eat you up!

(Волк выпрыгивает из кровати и хочет поймать Красную шапочку,  которая кричит:”HELP, HELP”! Бабушка и охотники входят. Охотники стреляют, волк падает).

Grandmother: Oh, thank you very much!

The Hunter: Oh! It's really nothing.

Grandmother, the Hunter, Little Red Riding Hood: That's the end of the story. Did you like it, children?

Children: Yes, we did! Thank you!


Wolf 2: Hush! Hush! Go away! Your fairy-tale is old. Listen to my new story (the wolf is singing the song).



«Little Red Riding Hood» 


 Who's that I see walking in this wood.

 Why, it's Little Red Riding Hood.


 Hey, there, Little Red Riding Hood.

 You sure are looking good.

 You're everything a big bad wolf could want.

 Listen to me!


 Little Red Riding Hood!

 I don't think little big girls should

 Go walking in these spooky old woods alone.



 What big eyes you have!

 The kind of eyes that drive wolves mad.

 So just to see that you don't get chased

 I think I ought to walk with you for a ways.


 What full lips you have!

 They're sure to lure someone mad.

 So until you get to grandma's place

 I think you ought to walk with me and be safe.


 I'm gonna keep my sheep suit on

 Until I'm sure that you've been shown

 That I can be trusted walking with you alone.



 Little Red Riding Hood!

 I'd like to hold you if I could

 But you might think I'm a big bad wolf so I won't.



 What a big heart I have - the better to love you with!

 Little Red Riding Hood!

 Even bad wolves can be good.

 I'll try to be satisfied just to walk close by your side.

 Maybe you'll see things my way before we get to grandma's place.



 Hey, there, Little Red Riding Hood!

 You sure are looking good.

 You're everything that a big bad wolf could want.


 I mean baaaaaa!



 Little Red Riding Hood and Grey Wolf.

Part I.


Появляется девочка. Это – Красная Шапочка. Она собирает цветы и напевает:

Little Red Riding Hood: I’m little Riding Hood.

                                          I’m Red Riding Hood!

                                          I’m nice,

                                          I’m good.

 Narrator :    This is Red Riding Hood! Let’s look! She is nice! She is good!     

Появляется мама красной шапочки.

Mummy: Good morning, Little Red Riding Hood.

                Your Granny is sick!

                 Go there! Be quick!

L. R. R. H.: I’m ready!

                 And I’m quick!

Mummy: Don’t stop on your way!

                 Don’t talk on your way!

                Don’t play on your way!

                Go there and come back again!

Mummy: Bye-bye, Little Hood!

                 Don’t talk to a wolf!

Little Red Riding Hood: Good-bye, mummy!

Красная Шапочка прощается с мамой и направляется к бабушке, собирая цветы и грибы.

Part II.

Little Red Riding Hood: (is singing a song)

The sun is shining everywhere.

Birds are singing their songs there.

 Flowers are here,

 Flowers are there,

 Flowers are growing everywhere!

 Flowers are here,

 Flowers are there,

 Flowers are growing everywhere!

I will pick some lovely flowers…

Bla bla bla bla bla bla bla.


A-ha! I’m Little Red Riding Hood.

A-ha! I’m walking in the wood.

A-ha! Bears, foxes, wolves and hares

A are jumping, playing in the air.

A-ha! I’m Riding Hood, I’m good.

A-ha! I’m Riding Hood, I’m good.


The sun is shining everywhere.

Birds are singing their songs there.

Bears are here,

Hares are there,

 Friends are around me everywhere!

I will visit dear granny

I will give her flowers many.

She’ll be happy, she’ll be merry





L. R. R. H.: My Granny is sick, I should be quick!

L. R. R. H.: My Granny is alone

                     She is sick at home.

                     I must hurry up!


The wolf is listening to the song and then he’s running to granny’s house.


Part III.

На стуле сидит бабушка. Она вяжет. Голодный волк стучится в дверь, подходит к бабушке, набрасывается на нее. Волк и бабушка прячутся под стол. Волк переодевается в одежду бабушки.


Narrator : As soon as Wolf  began to feel

                  That he would like a decent meal,

                  He went and knocked on Grandma's door.

                 When Grandma opened it, she saw

                  The sharp white teeth, the horrid grin,

                  And Wolfie said

 Wolf:  May I come in?'

 Narrator : Poor Grandmamma was terrified,

Granny: He's going to eat me up!

 Narrator : And she was absolutely right.

                  He ate her up in one big bite.

                  But Grandmamma was small and tough,

                  And Wolfie wailed

 Wolf: That's not enough!

           I haven't yet begun to feel

           That I have had a decent meal!'

  Narrator :  He ran around the kitchen yelping,

 Wolf: I've got to have another helping!'

 Narrator : Then added with a frightful leer,

 Wolf: I'm therefore going to wait right here

  Till Little Miss Red Riding Hood

  Comes home from walking in the wood.

 Narrator :  He quickly put on Grandma's clothes,

                  (Of course he hadn't eaten those.)

                   He dressed himself in coat and hat.

                   He put on shoes and after that

                   He even brushed and curled his hair,

                   Then sat himself in Grandma's chair.

                   In came the little girl in red.

                   She stopped. She stared. And then she said,

L. R. R. H.: What great big ears you have, Grandma.

         Wolf:  All the better to hear you with,

 L. R. R. H.: What great big eyes you have, Grandma,  

Wolf: All the better to see you with,

 Narrator :   Wolf sat there watching her and smiled.

                  He thought,

Wolf: I'm going to eat this child.

           Compared with her old Grandma

           She's going to taste like caviare.

L. R. R. H.: But Grandma, what a lovely

                    Great big furry coat you have on.

Wolf: That's wrong!

           Have you forgot

          To tell me what BIG TEETH I've got?

          Ah well, no matter what you say,

          I'm going to eat you anyway.

Narrator : The small girl smiles. One eyelid flickers.

                  She whips a pistol from her knickers.

                 She aims it at the creature's head

                 And bang, bang, bang, she shoots him dead.

                 A few weeks later, in the wood,

                 I came across Miss Riding Hood.

                 But what a change! No cloak of red,

                 No silly hood upon her head.

L. R. R. H.: Hello, and do please note

                    My lovely furry WOLF-SKIN COAT.'

Narrator : Did you like this story children?

Children: Yes, we did.


Основная цель постановки : привить учащимся интерес к драматизации сказок на английском языке

Основная цель постановки : привить учащимся интерес к драматизации сказок на английском языке

Children: Yes, we do. Granny:

Children: Yes, we do. Granny:

Mother : Little Red Riding Hood !

Mother : Little Red Riding Hood !

Волк подбегает к бабушке и хочет поймать её, но она убегает

Волк подбегает к бабушке и хочет поймать её, но она убегает

Little Red Riding Hood» Owoooooooo

Little Red Riding Hood» Owoooooooo

I'd like to hold you if I could

I'd like to hold you if I could

Don’t play on your way!

Don’t play on your way!

L. R. R. H.: My Granny is sick,

L. R. R. H.: My Granny is sick,

Narrator : He quickly put on

Narrator : He quickly put on
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