Сценарий урока по английскому языку «Mass Media: Different ways to know the world» в 8 классе
Чиаурели Мария Георгиевна,
Учитель английского языка МБОУ СОШ№2
им. Адмирала Ушакова
г-к Геленджик, Краснодарский край
Технологии: элементы технологии критического мышления, игровые, ИКТ, здоровьесберегающие.
Aims of the lesson:
To practice: using the vocabulary of Mass Media; using reading and listening strategies for specific information;
To develop: speaking skills; language guessing skills; comprehension of the getting information and matching it with the known one;
To improve: сommunication and decision-making in groups;
To realize: curriculum links with Literature and IT: broadening students` horizons; students` socialization
Equipment: Ms Power Point presentation, video, multimedia, dictionaries, activity sheets.
Ход урока
1. Evocation.
T: Good morning students. I`m very glad to see you today. Let`s start our talk about mass media. At the previous lesson we`ve already spoken about them a lot.
Mass media play an important role in our lives. They inform us of what is going on in this world and give us wonderful possibilities for education and entertainment.
So, how do you understand this word combination: MASS MEDIA
Can we define them as means of communication?
P: (Students` answers)
2. Comprehension.
T: O.K. I see that all of you know what we are going to speak about. The theme of our lesson today is: Mass media: Different ways to know the world. Help me to define our aims:
-we should try to observe one and the same information from different points of view. Let`s check up your home task. You should think of advantages and disadvantages of different means of communication: Newspapers, TV, radio and the Internet. Some of you should advertise different mass media. You are welcome.
P: (students present their adverts, the others give reasons against)
T: Thank you . Look at the screen. I have included in our word web one more thing: mobile phones. In my opinion, they are also one of the means of communication. Do you agree with me? Why? If not, why not?/ Maybe one of the students suggests the same idea. Discuss it with the class.
P; Students` answers
T: Which of these means are the most popular nowadays? Why?
P; Students` answers
T: I`d like you to comment the same information through the Internet and TV. Nastya and Azat have got the special task at home. They should think how to present some piece of information from different points of view. So, go to the blackboard. Which of mass media have you chosen? Here is a piece of information you are going to present in ten minutes. You may choose 2 or 3 assistants if you need some. Take your places.
The rest of the class will take the same text but you are going to do different tasks using different reading strategies .
1) The first group will look up the following words from the text and choose the proper title to it.
2) The second group will underline the correct words to complete the text.
3) The third group will find English equivalents in the text.
You have 7 minutes. (Appendix 1)
Companies (1) all/ every over the world are prepared to become bankrupt (2) at/ in the race (3) of/ to control the market for G3 mobile phones. These phones are expensive now (4) and/ but they (5) get/ are getting cheaper and cheaper . Why? Because (6) everyone/ someone thinks they need them and people everywhere want one. (7) Do/ Did you know what these phones can do? Well, firstly they can (8) make/ take photos and send them with text messages. You can even add music! However, that (9) is/ isn`t all. The beauty of this fringe technology is that there is practically (10) anything/ nothing that you can`t do! (11) For/ As example you can read and send your emails, get (12) on/ in the Internet and download web pages or music. And finally, these new phones allow you to (13) watch/ watching DVDs or films taken (14) from/ by the Net G3 has revolutionized our way of communicating. Want one?
1) Love Your G3
2) World Bankrupt
3) Pocket technology
b) Find Russian equivalents using dictionaries
1) a bankrupt - _____________ 2) a race - _____________
3) expensive - _____________ 4) to add - _____________
5) a message - _____________ 6) the web - ___________
7) a technology - ____________ 8) to allow - ____________
9) to revolutionise - _____________ 10) to download - _________
1. Стать банкротом - ________________
2. Становятся дешевле и дешевле - _____________________
3. Красота передовой технологии - _____________________
4. Фотографировать - ____________________________
5. Пересылать вместе с текстовым сообщением ___________________________
6. Читать и пересылать электронные письма - ____________________________
7. Загружать интернет – страницы - __________________________________
8. Смотреть DVD - ___________________________________
9. Способ коммуникации - ____________________________
10. Хотите такой? - _______________________________
T: It`s high time for our experts. You are welcome.
P; Students` answers
T: Thanks. While assessing these presentations you may use the adjectives from Appendix sheets on your desks. (Appendix 2)
P; Students` answers
T: I`ve got one more very short video. Now we`ll watch it and then you`ll give your comments on it. What do you like/ dislike? Speak of the positive/ negative sides. Express your opinion.
While watching Complete the sentences with the words below.
1. weather 2. heavy 3. finally 4. lotion 5. sun 6. windy 7. west 8. thunderstorms 9. out 10. terrific 11. winds 12. England
Hi, everyone! And a very good evening to you all! Welcome to Annie’s 1.weather … Report.
First the south, it’ll be fun in the 5. sun … ! Don’t forget you’ll need suntan 4. lotion … if you’re going 9. out … . And while you’re sitting in the garden, mmm, you’ll get a 10. terrific … tan.
But what about the 7. west … ? Wooah! It’ll be a very 6. windy … day! But while those 11. winds … are blowing your washing will get dry very quickly. So, remember, it’s a perfect day for washing clothes.
In the east there’ll be 8. thunderstorms … during the afternoon.
And 3. finally … , what about the north of 12. England … ? Well, in the north of England there’ll be 2. heavy … rain during the morning! And that’s the end of Annie’s weather report!
P; Students` answers
T: Unfortunately, we are very short of time. Let`s reflect. You may do it with the help of a sanqvain : telly/ school newspaper/ my mobile/ World Wide Web/ Autoradio
P; Students` answers
T: So, we tried to comment information from different points of view and discussed advantages and disadvantages of different means of communication. Mass media are various and all their kinds are important for people in different situation. They help us to know different ways of learning about the world.
Your home task:
R (ole) - student
A (udience) - teacher
F (orm) - essay
T( heme) – What is the best way of getting information about the world?
Thank you for cooperation. Your marks are good and excellent. Good bye and good luck!
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