Сценарий занятия элективного курса для 10 классов "Деловой английский"
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Сценарий занятия элективного курса для 10 классов "Деловой английский" по теме «Деньги – залог успеха или корень всех бед». Технология урока: шесть шляп мышления, ИНСЕРТ, перекрестная дискуссия, синквейн. Содержание учебного материала на уроке представлено таким образом, что учитель работает с учащимися в атмосфере педагогического содружества; направляет творческую деятельность учащихся, вовлекает ребят в дискуссию, просит высказать своё мнение и аргументировать его.
Элективный курс Деловой английский.docx
Элективный курс «Деловой английский»
Сценарий урока в 10 классе по теме: "The Root of all evil ?"
Учителя английского языка
Березкина Л.А., Орбелян А.И.
МБОУ СОШ №2 имени Адмирала Ушакова,
г. Геленджик
Технология урока: шесть шляп мышления, ИНСЕРТ, перекрестная дискуссия,
развитие монологической и диалогической речи учащихся;
формирование языковой и социокультурной компетенции учащихся;
развитие критического и креативного мышления учащихся;
развитие интеллектуальной и социальной адаптация учащихся в
развитие способности к переключению уровней мышления
Оборудование урока:
мультимедийный проектор, интерактивная доска, видео ролик из к/ф «Кабаре»,
аудиозапись песни “Money” (звучит в конце урока в исполнении группы “АББА”); шляпы
шести цветов; дидактический материал.
Money makes the world go round
Стадия вызова (
( Демонстрация видеоролика из к/ ф «Кабаре», песня “Money”)
Teacher 1: Good morning, students. I’m sure that you like this song. It provokes you to
discuss the eternal problem of money, or to be exact, the lack of money. If only we had enough
1 Teacher 2: Today we are going to discuss very important and controversial questions:
“Can money make us happier?” “ Is money the root of all evil?” People work for money, they
sometimes make friends for money; they love, live and die for money.
Teacher 1: Why does money rule the world? Why do people need money? these are the
questions everyone would like to answer. Before answering the questions we`ll try to teach you
some theory and practise it at the lesson.
Teacher 2: We are two at the lesson today. So we`ve decided to divide our roles:
Teacher 1 will be the theorist and Teacher 2 will be the practitioner.
(Учителя надевают бэджи с соответствующими надписями)
The theorist: Let`s start with theory.
“Six thinking hats “method by Edward de Bono will help us to discuss this problem from
different points of view.
The White Hat: calls for information, known or needed. "The facts, just the facts."
The Red Hat: signifies feelings, hunches and intuition the place where emotions are
placed without explanation
The Black Hat: signifies caution and critical thinking do not overuse! (disadvantages),
The Yellow Hat: symbolizes brightness and optimism. (advantages)
The Green Hat: focuses on creativity, possibilities, alternatives and new ideas.
The Blue Hat: is used to manage the thinking process. It ensures that the 'Six Thinking
Hats' guidelines are observed.
The practitioner: So, we put on the Red Hat. Look at the pictures and describe them.
Then answer my questions:
What do you think is important for these people?
Does a lot of money really make you happy? Why? Why not?
( Students give their own answers)
2 As you see it is very difficult to find the perfect answer.
(Realization of meaning)
The theorist: We have already learnt lots of facts from the history of the dollar and the
pound. Do you remember that according to the Oxford English Dictionary dollar goes back to
German thaler, while its sign is a simplified form of the Spanish peso (8>$).
In pound we see a reference to weighing. It corresponds to the Latin pondus (weight).
Sterling points to the highest quality and a pound sterling is a coin of 20 shillings represented by
a golden sovereign.
Today it’s time to learn something new. Let’s put on the White Hat. On your desks you
have sheets of paper with the text from which you may learn much interesting from the history of
Russians coins. First of all you should read the text and then find out:
New information
Thought differently
Don’t understand, have questions
Take notes while reading the text. (This technique is called INSERT : I interactive; N noting;
S system; E effective; R reading; T thinking) ( Приложение
The practitioner: Now let’s discuss in groups. Share your ideas with your partners.
What facts did you know before?
What new information have you found in the text?
Are there any facts in the text you don’t understand?
The theorist: O.K. It seems you know everything about money. The Longman Active
Study Dictionary of English tells us that money refers to cans or paper notes with their value
printed on them, given and taken in buying and selling.
The practitioner: Let`s put on the Red Hat. What can you do with money?
Group the words from the list into two categories: those that refer to getting money and
those that refer to giving it. Some words fit both groups: IN & OUT . ( Приложение
2 )
The theorist: Well, you know how to get and how to give money. Can you spend them
properly? It is time to play. The game is called “Chains of events.” Use the second conditional
and don’t forget that you should start your own sentence from the previous one. You should start
your chain of events with the words: “If I had 1,000,000$...” And we put on the Green Hat
The practitioner: E.g. “If I won 1 million dollars in a lottery …”
3 Example: If I won 1 million dollars in a lottery, I would buy an island. If I bought an
island, I would build a big house there. If I built a big house, I would invite all my friends. If I all
invited my friends, I would have parties every day. If I had parties every day, I would spend all
my money. If I spent all my money, I would buy a lottery ticket again.
The theorist: Many people think that money brings happiness. However, according to
latest researches of leading scientists, this is not true. In Britain , they are richer but unhappier
than fifty years ago. The USA is the richest country in the world but Americans are not the
happiest people in the world. Does money make us happy?
The practitioner: I have the Blue Hat on and want you to discuss the following
questions. Prove your opinions. Develop the ideas.
would it be?
Is it possible to have too much money?
If you could buy yourself a skill, talent or change in your appearance, what
Is agree that having a lot of money makes you free?
Do you there something you own that’s worth a fortune?
Do you agree that all the millionaires are miserable people?
What can’t money buy?
Do you agree with the proverb “Much will have more?”
Why do many rich people suffer from nervous breakdowns or drug and alcohol
The theorist: It is time to come to the conclusion. Let’s make a list of advantages and
disadvantages of money. Now we have the Yellow Hat for advantages and the Black Hat for
You can buy whatever you want
People are jealous of your wealth
You can travel all over the world
You are afraid to lose your money
You have a lot of free time
Everybody asks you to lend some money
You needn’t go to work
You can never be sure if people like you
or your money
People are interested in your opinion
It is difficult to find real friends
You don’t have to worry about your
education or finding a good job
You are in constant danger of the wrong
attention. You need a bodyguard
4 You can always help your relatives
and friends
It is difficult to know who to trust
You can spend all your spare time on
your hobby
Threatening letters and blackmail are not
unusual things in your life
The practitioner: We have already discussed advantages and disadvantages of money.
And now I have a very unusual question: ”Would you give away all your money to charities, if
you were a millionaire?”
It is unbelievable but there is a man who doesn’t want to be rich at all. Let’s listen to the
text about him and discuss this controversial issue. The Red Hat on (Students give their own
answers, expressing different points of view) ( Приложение
Стадия рефлексии (Reflection)
The theorist: We have discussed very important thing at the lesson today. I `d like you to
reflect our discussion in an unusual way. We`ll make up cinqwayns about money. If you forget
what it is, I’ll remind you. It is a kind of poem, which consists of 5 lines (this word has French
origin; cinq means five in French). The first line is a general word, the second line consists of
two adjectives which describe this word, the third line includes 3 verbs on the topic, the fourth
line is the main idea of your “ poem” (It must consist of 34 words) and the last line is a
synonym of the general word (money).
The practitioner: Make up as many cinqwayns as you can. All your cinqwayns will be
different. Read aloud your cinqwayns, when you are ready. Don`t forget to change the colour of
your hats. Now it`s Green.
Examples of pupils` cinqwayns.
paper, silver
to spend, to pay, to save
Money makes the word go round.
easy, dirty
to earn, to waste, to lose
Money has no smell.
blood, funny
to borrow, to afford, to lend
hush, pocket
to put into, to earn, to spend
5 4.
Time is money.
Money doesn’t grow on trees.
Подведение итогов урока (Summing up)
The theorist: The topic of our today’s conversation was very serious. We have spoken
much about money and we have discussed the problem of having or not having it from different
points of view .
The practitioner: So what can make us happy? You found the answer. You should have
one close relationship and some close friends.
The theorist: You should do a little sport and have a lot of contact with other people.
Other people make you happy, not money!
And finally enjoy the wonderful song of ABBA “Money, money”.
The practitioner: We wish you good luck and say “Good bye!”
(Звучит песня группы АББА “Money, money”.)
Использованные источники:
сайты Интернет http://festival.1september.ru/, www.edwdebono.com, http://itn.ru;
М. Хэррис и др., student`s book « New Opportunities», preintermediate; Pearson
Education Limited, 2005.
O.Л. Гроза и др., student`s book «New Millennium English 11», «Титул»,
Обнинск , 2007
Дворецкая О.Б., Казырбаева Н.Ю., Новикова Н.В. «Бизнес английский для
общеобразовательных школ»; Обнинск, «Титул», 2006г.
6 Приложение 1.
In the past, scientists thought that for many centuries only leather and furs were used in ancient Russia as
money. But now it is known that silver money was also used.
In the XII—XIV centuries almost all the coins disappeared in Russia, It happened because Russia was at
war with the German Knights and the MongolTartars at the same time. After the war the Russians had to fight with
the MongolTartars. So normal trade and economic ties with both the West and the East were broken. People
began to hide money not to pay it to the MongolTartars, that’s why archaeologists to this day find a lot of coins
from that period.
In the XIV century some Russian principalities began to make their own silver coins. The coins weighed as much as
one rouble. In ancient Russia the word "rubles" meant a silver piece, which weighed 200 grammas. The coins were
called denga . Now we use this word as dengi and it means "money". It was difficult to use them in the country
as there were more than 25 cities, which made money and coins were different in different cities.
In 1534 a single monetary system was introduced in Russian state. It showed that the long process of
unification of the country was over. A new coin — a silver copeck — was made. In the 17th century Peter the
Great began to rule the country and made many changes in Russia, and one of them was a new monetary system. A
silver rouble became the main coin, there were 10 copecks and 5 copecks.
In 1769 the first Russian paper money appeared. When World War I began all gold and silver coins
disappeared and only paper money was used at that time.
Приложение 2.
to pay
to spend
to borrow
to earn
to lend
to save
to waste
to economise
Приложение 3
"Who wants to be a Millionaire? I don't", says Charles Gray
Sixteen years ago, Charles was a college professor with a huge sixbedroom house and a fortune of S2 million.
Today he lives in a small caravan where there is only secondhand furniture. There are certainly no signs that
Charles was a rich man! There is a small garden outside with a few fruit trees. Charles grows some vegetables and
a few flowers. He gets his clothes and a lot of other things from charity shops.
But this change is not a tragedy. Charles was happy to give up the lifestyle of a rich man. He was tired of being
a person who had everything in a world where many people have nothing. He made the choice to give all his
money away. And this, he says, has brought him happiness, “A few years ago,” says Charles, “I was a millionaire,
but I knew there were a lot of hungry people in the world.” So he gave away all his money to charities. When he
had two thousand dollars left, he gave away small bank notes in the streets of local poor areas. Did he feel like
Father Christmas? “It was a lot of fun,” says Charles.
Charles believes that many people want to earn a lot of money so that they will not have any worries.
However, most people never make much money. Charles Gray decided to drop out and has discovered that
having only a little money makes you free. Are there any things he misses? “No, I'm much happier now. I
wouldn't go back to being rich for anything — no way”.And what do you think? Do you agree with Charles
Gray that 'having only a little money makes you free'?
ə ə фургон
caravan ['kær v n]
secondhand [sek nd'hændl
choice [tƒois] выбор
to give away раздавать, отдавать
ə ə
area [e ri ] район
to earn [з:n] зарабатывать
7 подержанный, бывший в употреблении
charity ['tƒæriti] благотворительность;
lifestyle ['laifstail] образ жизни
When he had two thousand dollars
Когда у него осталось две
тысячи долларов
local ['l ukl] местный
to drop out здесь, поменять
образ жизни,
бросить прежнюю жизнь
to miss скучать, тосковать
no way ни в коем случае
Сценарий занятия элективного курса для 10 классов "Деловой английский"
Сценарий занятия элективного курса для 10 классов "Деловой английский"
Сценарий занятия элективного курса для 10 классов "Деловой английский"
Сценарий занятия элективного курса для 10 классов "Деловой английский"
Сценарий занятия элективного курса для 10 классов "Деловой английский"
Сценарий занятия элективного курса для 10 классов "Деловой английский"
Сценарий занятия элективного курса для 10 классов "Деловой английский"
Сценарий занятия элективного курса для 10 классов "Деловой английский"
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