Урок по теме "За покупками"
Класс: 5
Продолжительность: 45 мин
УМК: Spotlight 5 («Английский в фокусе»-5) (Ю. Е Ваулина, Дж. Дули, О. Е. Подоляко, В. Эванс)
Тема: За покупками
Тип урока: урок усвоения новых знаний
Цель урока: освоение во всех видах речевой деятельности новых лексических единиц по теме «За покупками».
Урок по теме "За покупками"
Класс: 5
Продолжительность: 45 мин
УМК: Spotlight 5 («Английский в фокусе»5) (Ю. Е Ваулина, Дж. Дули,
О. Е. Подоляко, В. Эванс)
Тема: За покупками
Тип урока: урок усвоения новых знаний
Цель урока: освоение во всех видах речевой деятельности новых
лексических единиц по теме «За покупками».
Задачи урока:
развитие языковой догадки;
развитие памяти, воображения.
расширение общего кругозора учащихся (знакомство с ведением
диалога в магазине);
расширение словарного запаса;
развитие умений вести диалог этикетного характера в магазине;
формирование интереса к дальнейшему изучению темы;
Материалы/оборудование: учебник, картинки по теме «Праздники»,
компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, презентация, аудиоприложение
Ход урока
Дидактический материал Примечания
3 мин
4 мин
Hello, boys and girls. I’m glad to see you today. How are
you? How is your mood? What date is it today, I wonder?
What day of the week is it? And do you remember what
season it is now? What’s the weather like today?
Учитель помогает учащимся сформулировать тему
урока и цель: Today we’ll have a really interesting lesson
“Going shopping”. We’ll listen, read and talk about shops
and products, learn to offer help and ask for information,
play some games in groups and alone.
тематические картинки6 мин
3 мин
Учитель проверяет выполнение д/з учениками.
учебник, рабочая тетрадь
Повторение лексики
2 мин
Работа с видео фрагментом 1 мин
Закрепление знаний и
Активизация лексики
7 мин
Организация восприятия
новой информации
3 мин
Повторение изученных слов по теме «Магазины,
I have some flashcards. The task is to read the words
Now look at the screen. You can see some products. So
the task is to say where people can buy them.
Учитель включает видеопрезентацию, иллюстрирующую
использование означенных глаголов в новых фразах.
Let us describe the picture on page 106.
What type of shop is Diana’s?
Where’s the shoe shop?
Ex. 1а, p. 106.
Children imagine that you are in the mall. Act out short
dialogues. Use the model in your textbooks.
Read the grammar reference, p. 106. Say when we use a/an
and the. Then do ex. 1b. The task is to fill in a, an or the.
Do it in writing.Организация
нового материала путем
выполнения заданий
5 мин
3 мин
на доске:
famous, attractions, nearly,
around, a basement, the
Royal family, different
Ex. 2 p. 107 (+аудио)
Ex. 2(a) p. 106.
Ex. 3 p. 107.
Close your books, please. We will listen to the text. But
firstly look at some new words. Let’s explain their
meaning: famous, attractions, nearly, around, a basement,
the Royal family, different
The title of the text is “The Land of Toys”. So be attentive,
please. Now you are ready for listening. After listening say
what it’s about. (It’s about a very famous big toy shop in
Now open your books and let’s read the text.
Let’s read it one by one. If there any words you don’t
know, please ask. And I’ll show you some pictures about
Now it’s time to answer the questions. Where is Hamleys?
How old is it? How many floors are there? What can you
buy there? Keep it up.
Let’s do Ex. 2(a) p. 106.
Now look at the floor guide. Which floors do you go to if
you want to: buy something for your brother, your sister,
your baby sister; eat something? Which floor(s) would you
like to go to?
And now I want to check your memory. I’ll give some of
you the cards with the numbers of floors and the others –
the cards with the toys. One of you name the floor, the
other – toys that people can buy there.
Do you want to play? Stand up, please. I’ll tell you some
words, if you hear the toys, you must sit down. OK, let’s
begin: a doll, a cake, remote control cars, jeans, books, a
teddy bear, Lego, a shop, a cheeseburger, action figures.
Good of you!Расширение темы
3 мин
1 мин
1 мин
1 мин
2 мин
Now we’ll learn to offer help and ask for information. Ex.
4 p. 107. Imagine you’re at Hamleys. Use the floor guide
and the box below to act out short dialogues. Work in pairs.
A: Can I help you at all?
B: Yes, please. I’m looking for a toy train.
A: They are on the fourth floor.
B: Thank you very much.
A: You’re welcome.
Учитель задает, а учащиеся записывают домашнее
задание в дневник. Учитель инструктирует учеников по
выполнению д/з. Now write down your homework: SB ex
4 p. 107 – learn the dialogue, WB p.65.
Our lesson is ending. Let’s make a conclusion. Which
shops can you see in a shopping centre? What have you
learnt about Hamleys? Would you like to visit it? What
sounds do the letters I and Y have?
Thanks a lot. I’m proud of you. A perfect job!
Well, children, your marks for today are ...