6 класс
What do we know and can
Цель урока: закрепление изученного лексикограмматического материала,
совершенствование навыков работы в паре и навыков самостоятельной работы.
Оборудование: учебник, карточки и тесты.
Ход урока:
I. Организационный момент:
Рапорт дежурного.
Answer my questions:
What date is it today?
What day of the week is it now?
What season is it now?
What is the weather like?
II. Фонетическая разминка:
Ex. 62, p. 25
Учащиеся читают самостоятельно, затем читают в слух хором вместе с учителем.
III. Речевая зарядка:
Now, please, answer my questions:
1. Have you got a family?
2. What members of the family do you know?
3. Tell me as many female members of the family as you can.
4. Is your family loving? Friendly? Hospitable?
IV. Целеполагание и постановка задач урока:
Look at the blackboard and read the title of our lesson.
What is the aim of our lesson?
What should we do to achieve it?
Let’s make a plan.Составить план с опорой на шаблоны на доске.
V. Обобщение материала, изученного в ходе изучения раздела 1:
Учитель раздает детям карточки с заданиями:
1. Работа в парах:
Take, please, the cards which I’ve given to you. Look through ex.1, now work in pairs, you
should guess what word or phrase is meant here.
Ex. 1
1. the brother of your mother or father (uncle)
2. a grandson and a granddaughter (grandchildren)
3. the child of your uncle and aunt (cousin)
4. members of this family like to meet guests (hospitable)
5. members of this family like sport (sporty)
Дать на выполнение 2 мин, затем проверить.
Now, please, look at the blackboard, here you can see 4 sentences, your task is to look
through the sentences and say what tense is used in each sentence and what adverbs of
manner helps you to guess.
Ex. 2
1. I have never seen Trafalgar Square.
2. She reads books about nature every day.
3. They are helping their mother about the house now.
4. We like to travel by plane. It is exiting.
На доске написать предложения, попросить просмотреть их, затем по одному входят к
доске, подчеркивают подлежащее и сказуемое и обстоятельство времени.
Если хватит времени!
Now, please, turn over your sheets of paper, here you can see another task, you should put
articles a/an or the where it is necessary.
1. I’ve got …..book about music in …..America.
2. …Canada I one of the biggest country in the world.
3. ….Emily bought ….salt and ….butter and ….pear.4. ….London is the capital of ….UK.
В тетрадях пишут только артикли.
VI. Выполнение самостоятельной работы:
Учитель раздает листочки с самостоятельной работой, объясняет задания и дает время
на выполнение.
При необходимости оказывает учащимся индивидуальную помощь.
VIII. Рефлексия и подведение итогов:
Have we done the plan of our work.
Was it helpful for you to do all these tasks?
Have you learnt something new?
What task was the most difficult for you?
What was the easiest one?
Thank you for the lesson. You may be free. Good bye!